IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hazel, 1Kg only is ok... hehe... Me put on abt 5Kg since my fresh cycle. Worse.... Now very fat. Btw, for insert, the progesterone BT passing mark is 30 only. 60 is for jab support.
Sarah, oh got different threshold! I hv not lost the weight I put up last preg.. Nvmind, as long as we carry our bundle of joy in our arms all is worth it
Wayng, dont be scared... i was also scared when i'm ging for this jab... the nurse asked me if thigh ok, i opted for butt... when i was back facing her, i was grabbing the armchair so tight... but its really not painful on the butt
i was also relieved when she said 'done'.... bearable slight pain like lucrin and gonal f

Good luck to your ER on Thurs
Thank you, Dain...
Shall do the same as you, get her to do the butt... :p

then ET on this sat, also very scared.... dunno if i got good eggs to transfer or not also... As you know I only have 1 ovary, I only have 3 big enough follies to extract the eggs also.... oh dear, this is so stressful hor....
Coolcool, are you with Nuh?
I think you are suppose to see the dr not the nurses.
Dr will just check n ensure no severe bloated n other problem.
It will be then in less than 5minutes unless you've got lots of question to ask.
Wayng, I do have 2 ovaries but my left one is not working well with the stimulation... though i've got 11 eggs then, but Dr Loh only retrieved the ones in my right ovary... ended up I retrieved 6 eggs and only 4 fertilized... so no worries, its the quality and not the quantity...
if u are looking for singleton, u just need one good one to stick to u
relax and rest well cos after ET thats the start of your 2ww ...
Dain, I also only can retrieve eggs from my right ovary... but with only 3 follies enlarged, wats the number of eggs can extract out?

i thought only 1 folly 1 egg? 6 eggs is a good lucky number, hokkien in 6 is for luck...

but i think have to just relax and go with the flow now since I have gone this far...
Wayng, dont stress k, now u have to relax yourself for everything, I know its easier said than done hehehe, but try best ok?

whats the sizes of the follicles enlarged? the rest?
Sisters, since AF reported and I'm no longer on medication I should be ok taking multi-vites and other supplement right?
Koirc, nope I rested almost a year. Last year my fresh in Aug.

bingo, because I failed my fresh cycle they allowed me to transfer 3. Yes Im with KKH
Hazel, before ivf my weight is around 47kg n now.... omg. last time no matter how much i eat also wont put on lot weight. Now jialat.... hahahhaha. But nvm, I still continue with those ensure n immunocal. I tell myself no matter how much weight i gain is ok as long as I can success. Btw, yesterday my boss wanted to promote me but I rejected as I dun want to take the stress. I believe I make the right decision.
Sarah, we will do anything to get our little one(s). I hv been telling myself to endure, dunno y I feel beathless n bloated. Lie down uncomfortable sit up also. Nvmind ENDURE! One more jab to go!
flowers, thanks.

Today my nausea very bad. Dunno y. I puke all d food that I take during lunch and now I still feel like puking. Flowers did u experience dis during ur fet?
Shanie, my FET no nausea. I went back to work after 1 day MC. You want to eat abit of suan mei? If continue puking then I suggest you go see doctor, 'cos vomitting will put stress on your abs which will affect the womb too.
Shainie, I see! When will your BT be?

Sarah, thanks! I need all the nutrition I can get for my body…
Hazel, my AF just reported n my scan is tmr. Should I continue with the E2 BT tmr? Or will KK ask me to do another BT before they start my stim?
Flowers, heavy flow now? If so, u can Ask the nurse if need to redo BT again after menses stop. I guess maybe not. If so, u can do ur BT & scan n the nurse will tell u when to start stimulation. V fast. Soon your term in 2ww!
Hazel, thanks. Its flowing not spotting, will ask the nurse tomorrow. Actually I am not very confident to BFP after so many rounds of ET but i do look forward to 2ww so that I can have a good rest.
Flowers, thanks dear, yes, am drowning myself with water today

Wayng, I remembered myself having smaller follicles that couldnt catch up with the rest too... they were around your smaller follies' sizes too... the 3 bigger ones are the ones they r aiming for...
don't worry.. if the follies sizes are growing there must be something inside
Shainie, u will get better.. take some sour prunes... I finished 2 big packets throughout my 2ww :p drink in small sips... this should helps.. take care!
hi babymaking

thanks for ur reply!
progesterone support is after the transfer?

yah, i was surprised about pineapples too, coz chinese usually say pineapples are liang... yah would avoid it! but can't get brazil nuts here thou....
