IVF/ICSI Support Group

J03, call the insurer claim department n they will tell u how to claim. There is no need for dr Loh to complete anything or pay any medical report. Just call n ask. I nv ask anyone either just call myself, check the benefit table, etc. Buy a policy n dunno wat r covered n wat are not then buy for wat? Your qns shld be best directed to your insurer. Every one had different protocol n claim procedure

Bingo! Wow, 15 follicles, nice!
u can relax over weekend then Monday et... So fast!
When u ask dr Loh for baby aspirin, he said ok right away? Wow nice! What's baby aspirin for?
Very soon u will be 2ww Liao then bfp!
Hi bingo

Rest well aft ur ER. Ur hubby is so sweet, can ask him to do whatever u wan hee... ( we hav met at dr zou's clinic on wed)
qingwei, hopefully day 3 transfer will give me hiqher chance of bfp lor...

kimmy, yup i ask Dr loh, immed he give, maybe he know i MC last year ba, and I also did tell him again while asking for baby asprin. this medicine is to increase blood circulation to your womb and placenta, i think those mc before Dr then will give? I also not very sure...

Hi Adeline!! Thanks! yes i remember you? how's your ET? enjoy your 2WW ...
Bingo- very boring at hm though this is only 2nd day post ET. But have nap most of the time, tink is bcos of my utro n crinone med.

Yest ET was very fast, but I nv drink enough water so hope everything will be fine. Aft tt I was allowed to rest for nearly 1hr before gg hm.
Ritzc, tks tks... But I think I will stop the tcm med n just do acupuncture. Hehe....

All sisters, may I know for immunocal, after use room temp to
Mix n shake, can add warm water n drink rite?
Hi Bingo
Yes, i feel he in gd mood today too when i did my dnc but me in bad mood... Hee... Thk u for ur console..

Hi hazel n qingwei
Me not claim fr my incomeshield since mine not so comprehensive n doesnt cover bt / consultancy charges 90 days before n after surgery so decide to claim fr company hospital n surgery plan which covers the 90 days coverage.. Thats the problem as my HR everything dun know.. Only say try submit n will be able to know whether can claim after that.. They just throw me a form asks me to ask SF loh to fill up the form n i got headache lor as he so busy, where got time to fill up the insured form for me.. Sigh...thats why if i can pay for the report then they wun need sf loh to fill up the form.. All this insurance thing really gets on my nervse... Asks my HR wht plan u buy, oso say dun know.. Only know is group hospital n surgery plan...sigh.. Thats why i having diffculties since i dun hv the insurer contact as it is company bought for us fr prudential...;(

Hi Sarah
Better to drink immouncal in room temp water else u will kill most gd nutrients if pour hot water in...
Qingwei, if I mix with milk powder also can just use warm water huh? Ok ok. Will try it tomoro as I just bot 2 box of immunocal. Is dh required to take also?
Hi sisters? Have been MIA as was away from business trip. Will be doing my ET on Tue...Can i check with sisters who did fet last time. What's the easiest way to insert the progesterone from rectum? Dr Zou said actually it's better to insert from virginal as can absorb better.... any advice??
If u open the immunocal box, there is a mixing instruction..
It says ".. Immunocal is heat-sensitive."
"do not mix in any liquid tt is above room temperature.."
So warm water oso cannot wor...
Queenie. I just checked with a friend who did fet and succeeded. She said she also inserted from virginal instead of rectum... That means this way is ok also....
Queenie, tks. I tot is only when v 1st mix so with room temp water then after shake can mix with warm water... Coz I normally won't drink room temp water, I will drink warm water most of time even I go out I also bring along the thermal flask as I tot is good to only drink warm water.... If ok to just drink room temp water then next time will be much easy for me Liao. Tks tks....
RitzC, Congratulations!!!!! Yeah! Yeah!! Yeah!!!! *hugs*
Rest well n take lots of care ya.

Bingo, well done!!! *sayang sayang* And rest well for your ET! Jia you!
congrats Silsilly n Ritzc!! wow, 2 gd news in a day...

gd luck Bingo & JT for ur ET!

J03, for most of the insurer, we need dr to fill in the report if the procedure is done at pte hosp. for restructured hosp, insurer will liaise directly with the dr, so u dun need to get the form filled. there should be instructions on the claim form.

if ur HR didn't issue the letter of guarantee from the insurer, u need to pay the bill first then submit the claim.

For submitting of claims, you need to submit the final bill (must be FINAL bill), pre & post-op bills & discharge summary (even day surgery will have discharge summary) together with the claim form (filled by u & ur HR). hope this clears ur doubt
Hi sisters!

Thank you for your well wishes! Anyway, when I went to kkivf yesterday, they told me that I do not need to repeat the BT cos it's high enough aredi to be a pregnancy.. They have considered me to be pregnant..

It's really a wonderful feeling achieving this when you put tremendous effort into it.. I have never been pregnant b4 and I've never seen a positive on a hpt b4.. This morning, when I took the hpt, I saw two distinct lines and my heart sank.. It just occurred to me how much we went through to be mothers..

I know I've been weak emotionally, where anxiety attacks pushed me to have a fever of 39 degrees yesterday..

But..... I am gonna say that I am strong because i did go through this challenging journeyto achieve what I've dreamt for all these years.. We have put up with the needles, the scans, the surgery and every emotional and physical steps along the way and it just goes to show how determined we are.. We are extremely strong beings and we had gone through numerous failures.. But the feeling of achievement at the end of the road is indescribable..

I know it's too early to tell whether I have a viable pregnancy or not.. But, just the feeling of being pregnant overwhelms everything else..

I hope we all succeed to see the little bundle of joys at the end of our journey.. There will definitely be alot of hurdles and obstacles along the way.. But, we will b able to get through it.. Nothing is confirmed until you have your baby in your hands.. So let's walk together to it..

You girls have been the most supportive and understanding people ever! I will never forget that I've ever had this bunch of supportive people in my journey..

Good luck to all.. *tears flowing by the side of my face*

P/s: I need help.. Any girls still going to dr zou or will call dr zou anytime soon? The thing is, I can't speak Chinese and I don't know how to tell her to put that tick on her calendar.. Erm, if u happen to talk to her, can u tell her that a little Malay girl she treated in the past few week had just strike BFP? Oh, and my reading is 245.9.. Tell her I said thanks..
Silsilly, glad u feeling okay now
I still hate the hpt stick didn't bother to double check. I had bad backache yesterday again, think it's going to be my unique symptom thru out my pregnancy, but I dun care la, better than being nauseas. Rather purge than vomit. Take good care of urself from now onwards, stay positive thinking k? Muz be emotionally strong for embbies
Hi, RitzC & Silsilly,
Once again, million congrats... & All the best for a smooth 9 months & carrying ur bundle of joys in ur arms... Do take very good care...

Silsilly >> ur post brot tears to my eyes.. I oso hv never been pregnant before.. Don't even need test hpt cos af always come on the dot..
So, I reali wish & pray tt I can repeat ur post, exactly 1 week fr now.. With BFP BFP in my hands...
Grabbing DOUBLE babydusts fr u 2... :-D

Btw, can anyone share hw the reading is like for BT? 250 is the passing mark for BFP? & KKH norm call aft noon?
Queen, kkh passing mark is 250. If less than that they will ask to do repeat bt. Kkivf normally will go around 12 noon if u go for Ur bt early unless it is busy day for them n they will call later. The 1st time I bfp they call me at 4pm+ so at that time I thot it is gone case as nurse not even 12 inform me.... Good luck to u. When is ur bt?
Silsilly, i've told dr zou of ur bfp...she's happy. She has 2 malay patients ivf at the same time so she's guessing which one..haa
Silsilly, a million congrats!!!! From now on must take extra care and don't worry too much. Just enjoy true journey! ;)

Queenie n the rest of the Queens, jia you! Jia you! Jia you! BFP! BFP!! BFP!!!
I'm a Malay too n went to dr zuo.
When you call it's the lady at the medical hall that normally pick up the call. She can understand n pass msg to her.

Take care
Congrats Silsilly!! Great to hear that. Thanks for the words of encouragement. We must always remember that at the end of every rainbow, there is always a pot of gold
Had another uncomfortable night last night. My stomach is ever so bloated now i have to wear loose fitting clothes to avoid people who may mistaken I am pregnant. But I am always very hungry. So even middle of the night I had to eat some biscuits. Anyone experiencing that?
Mabel, I have exactly the same problem. Can't sleep well at night for the last 2 nights. Always wake up in hunger.
Tummy so bloated n even my underwear feels tight.
I always feel hungry but I cant eat much cos full easily n then bloated keep burping. My hubby has to eat all that I ordered n couldn't finish.
For girls who want to know what I did in my cycle (just to share):

Didn't do anything much.. During lucrin stage i was exercising to flatten my tummy.. Alot of cardio exercises.. Then, when I read that many girls in this forum go to dr zou, i started to see her toward the end of lucrin stage..

I cannot down egg whites that much cos it just make me gag.. Took them alternate days but they must be cooked.. Drank lots of milk and yoghurt cos they contain proteins..

In 2ww, I continued to eat as per normal.. Just that I'm sleepy most of the time but will do housework lor.. I continued eating spicy food though many say not to do that.. I had sambal every alternate days and assam pedas.. I even ate laksa.. I told my mom I wanted spicy food so she cooked for me.. But don't eat spicy if you're not used to it..

I put on socks everyday cos bb_nn tell me to keep my feet warm.. I also ate brazil nuts 4 in a day and durians too.. But then fell sick.. Maybe too heaty from all the spicy food and durian..

I didn't do anything special.. Just that I had alot of panic attacks here and there.. But panic attacks are normal for me la..
Nell - Great to know someone else here has similar experiences. I can eat alot i.e. finish one whole plate of rice for breakfast and then rice again for lunch and dinner. But after that gag and gag. Night time, my tummy feels very very tight. Nell your BT is Monday too right!! Very nervous hor?

Silsilly - I am normally not a spicy food person, but have been loving sardine puffs, nasi pandang. Also read about not eating too much spicy food but why har? I can't help it leh. Other food don't tempt me as much as the moment.
Thanks for the info & the good luck.. My BT on fri.. Jitters starting..

Yeah.. Let's continue the luck & hope we all BFP BFP BFP tis coming week..

Su yana,
Juz to keep u posted.. The lady @ Dr Zou not working there anymore, cos Dr Zou's husband is working there now, since ard Chinese new year period. So, smtimes quite paiseh to communicate over phone, esp whn I wan to call & tell him I wan to collect the med for menses.. Haha..
Actually my doc in the past (i did IUI once) prescribe me Progynova and Utrogestan both to be taken orally.

I hear u sisters using it throuh insertion. seems like its better closer to the womb.. hmmm..

Congrats Silsilly - big hugs! Yeah!!!
Mabel. Ya, super kan cheong. Me also worry about weight gain... Need to go out buy more bottoms n underwear. Cant fit. Just bought 4 pair of slim cut jeans. Brand new n now can't fit in at all!!!! Jia lat if I BFN then need to start dieting. My hubby n I are planning our holiday for this June. If BFN then I get to go south america to go my photography n buy a new set of camera n lens for the trip. So if BFN got consolation price also. Heeheee... If BFN then I have to restart the whole ivf cycle since we don't have any frozen embryo. Sigh...
Ritz and silsilly, so will you all wait for dr loh appt or go private gyane to get early support?

So silsilly, u mentioned milk, is the normal milk? Not the milk for preg lady rite?
Hi ladies, have been a silent reader all the while. Congrats to those who hv bfped! Gd luck for those gng for bt on monday.

Bingo, ur Et monday what time? Mine's at 9.30am wif Dr Hendricks. Hopefully can bump into u.

Im doing my FET. Natural cycle. BFN in oct 2010. Hopefully this round will be blessed.
