IVF/ICSI Support Group


nell - thanks for sharing the link. It is quite informative. haha I was reading from week 1 to 4 and feeling excited if it really happens.

all the best to BT results for Nell & Mabel

Silsilly - hooray! congrats.

Bingo - all the best for your ET on monday.

Queenie - less than a week to go...excited? :D
nell - I'm into photography too! South america sounds lovely! maybe I shld discuss with DH if bfn how ah..then I won't feel so sad. Although he will prolly say save the $$ and go into next cycle? LOL.
I am having ET on Monday morning 8am at kk.
Pray that the embbies grow healthy healthy to make me preggy preggy. Thank you.
Bingo, me and silsilly r both under dr sadhana. After bfp, the ivf centre will call u to go down to collect support med and make appointment for next scan.

Mabel, i get backaches and gastric pain at night from mid 2ww but fine in the morning. Not sure whether backache is normal, but i dun care la as long as not accompanied by bleeding. Nurse says night gastric pain may be due to hormones changes. I subsequently loses bloatedness and feel v normal at bhcg day, except 1 dot of pink discharge that same morning.
Nell n Mabel, last time when I bfp I also feel hungry middle of the night n feel bloat after meal. N it gone immediately after mc.... So feel hungry is a good sign of bfp. Since urs bt is on coming monday Mayb dun read too much into the symptoms n just enjoy the two days... Sleep n sleep otherwise need to go back work n u will miss ur 2ww. Good luck!
Blue, BFP got no pressie leh. He says if BFP then got to see whether can travel probably only city sightseeing depending on my condition.
2 weeks block leave quite sayang if just go paris/london. then he says scare I can't manage too heavy camera so have to rethink where I shd change camera.

Car also can't change cos he think not safe to drive when preggy
I still trying to find my BFP pressie other then bundle of joy! Actuall no pressie no issue also. Happy and contented already.

Kimmy, I love to take photo but don't know much about it. Trying to pick it up.
I always wanted to go south America n south africa but always end up going else where less advantureous.
Yes, normal milk.. But I very concern about fats one.. So, told hubby to buy whatever milk on the shelves that has highest proteins but lessest fats one.. I drank HL and some other milk that I forgot what brand..

Coming into the 2nd week of 2ww, I developed flu symptoms with sneezing, coughing and super duper sore throat and attacked by asthma! But it lasted for 2 days only.. Didn't take any flu meds because I just hate meds.. My sore boobs from after ET stopped being so sore into the 2ww.. That's when I get very anxious.. I was so scared I 'sneezed' out my embbies from the flu.. I got MORE anxious when I tested negative hpt at 10dpt! Started to develop period like cramping here and there and felt very wet down there only to see white CM which is a sign of menses coming for me.. Then, I got depressed and cry most of the time.. I didn't want to drink water cos I didn't want to pee to see if I have any blood stains.. I was so depressed la! OMG! I still have the period like cramping right now but nothing severe.. I guess that's just it..

Everybody is different I guess.. But it's interesting to know the different symptoms that pple have..
Nell, it's good to have an incentive for self during ivf, my Adelaide trip still stands until i see bb heartbeat at the next scan. I think most important is to not give self too much stress. Good luck and lots of bb dusts for u and the rest of the sistas doing BT next week
My tears r rolling while typing tis post...
I juz went to the loo, & I saw light brown discharge..
I always hv spotting bef af comes..
I keep telling my embbies to hold on tight to me..
My qn is wld af come whn we r on v insert support?
Queenie, 1 of the ladies who did ER with me have brown discharge a day before our BT and went immediately to kkivf to check. They did an early BT for her and confirm it is not menses. That lady bfp with me and silsilly. Maybe u can go down tomorrow coz I dun know whether she gets any medical support. Hope this info helps
Queenie, I also have staining on my bhcg morning and the nurse says unless it is red bleeding it is not menses. During my mid 2ww, I also have light brown staining once but I feel it should be implantation stuff. Try not to worry too much k
Queenie, if D12 & below post ET. Not likely to be menses. If it comes again take Hpt. Preg go Down to ask for additional support. Dun need to bother wat the dr on duty says, just asked for support. Tell them dr Loh said so! Dun worry ok
Queenie - If your BT is next friday, I believe it could be implantation bleeding (implantation between 6dp retrieval to 10dp retrieval). Do you have a hotline to contact the nurses at this hour? If so, do call them and see what they suggest. During my first IVF, when I encountered bleeding and I called after office hour (NUH), they advice me to put one more insert. But do try and contact them first before you do anything. Don't worry.
My ET was last thurs.. So counted as 9 days post ET? Too late for implantation bleeding?
I tried to search the internet for whn implantation bleeding ll occur.. I can't seem to find answers...

My BT is on fri.. Don't tink the nurse ll let me test so early.. So whn u had the light brown staining during ur 2Ww, did u do anythg? Or juz monitor if it continues?
Hello everyone,

I am new here but have been a silent reader for the past 2 mths. I am wif Dr SF Loh n is getting ready for my 2nd fresh cycle tentatively in July.

Sisters in this forum are helpful & informative. I can feel the strong support for each other even though I am just a silent reader.

Congratulations to those who have BFP. Lots of good luck to those who are waiting for BT.
Queenie, d9 post ET? No worry then. Cannot be menses. Implantation is around this time. Rest n dun walk too much. Good news waiting for u
Queenie, mine was like watermark with brown outline stains. I didn't do anything coz it's mid 2ww and still on pregynel jabs. Feel that the jabs should delay any possible AF. Just monitor, I had gastric pains etc then so the staining is at the bottom of my concerns. But if u worried, maybe u can call the kkivf staff and see how they can help.
Juz to share, I tried calling the hotline once about the antibiotics that we have to eat after the ET. The staff doesn't seem to know exact details about the medicine and tried to transfer my line to a nurse manager but no one pick up the line either. Think anything related to ivf, kkivf staff will be the best people to approach instead of the general hotline
Qingwei / RitzC

Thanks for yr info.. I ll monitor & if it continues, ll call KKH 24hrs hotline early tmr morning..

Thanks alot ur advices.. I reali reali reali hope nothg goes wrong.. I m sooo worried cos I always hv spotting as long as 4 to 5 days before af..
Tis journey is reali stressful.. Despite I having strong faith in my embbies, I m soo fearful deep inside..
Queenie, if hpt shows u r preg n u are r spotting, go down n ask for early BT n additional support. Kick up a fuss if they dun give. U r paying anyway, y shld they reject. Tell them u asked dr Loh over emal n he asked u to come down.

Just insist n insist. They asked me to do E2 BT when my menses r not here. Ssid is protocol. I asked so after menses come can dun redo, was told cannot. So I asked, "do for wat now when menses r not here yet? R u paying for me?" they Bo bian me n said dun test dun test
Queenie, then dun worry too much. Think days up to our BT all of us will naturally be staring at our undies up to day of our BT. Ha, even after bfp we did still be doing that until we see bb heartbeats during scan. I have the watermarks stuff on and off but since AF never come, after awhile I'm not really bothered. Only bhcg day I wear light colored undies and freak myself out when I see pink stain.
Initially I hv no intention to test hpt, cos dont wish to hv false negative or false positive.. But with tis episode & ur advices, I tink I beta go get a couple of them.. Thanks...

Yes.. The emo is getting over me soon, as the days go by.. Esp. with no symptoms.. Now, I hv to remind myself more times in a single day.. tt thse sisters with no symptoms oso BFP.. So I muz not b disheartened... I m trying hard to stop all the negative tots.. Gets harder by the day..
I ll start staring @ my undies each time I go toilet nw.. Yes, I totali agree with u.. The road ahead, even aft BFP, wld stil b a tough journey ahead.. But we shall all reach our destination one day soon, carrying our bundles of joy in our arms..
Hi, Geminy,
As u juz saw, the sisters here r reali very nice.. They juz given me good advices & strong support in tis nerve-wrecking ivf journey.. & I m thankful for tt..
& thanks for ur good luck.. :)
Queenie, my hubby says I too negative but being a bit negative is women's realist way to protect ourselves. Just dun go overboard with negativities coz I think lesser stress is better for our physical health. So cheer up
I'm sure whn I tell my dh later whn he is back, abt tis episode, he ll scold me for crying.. & oso ll crack his male brain cells wondering, y did I hv to worry?
Whn I told him I m getting jitters as my BT approaches, he ask me y?? I was like.. nevermind..
Queenie, cool cool.
Breathe in breathe out. Don't think abt any thing.
Trust me today u think no symptom u worry, when u got symptom like cramps, sore boobs also worry de.
So don't think abt any thing.

Aiya, I say is easy. But if is me I also panic.
But if u feeling emo, post it here. We help to distract ur attention... Heehee...
