IVF/ICSI Support Group

BB NN, me too excited for d weekend..
Silsilly, congrats! If you are over 100, chances are quite high already. Today is your day what?Mine on D15 only 140. Yours are already quite confirmed. Don't worry it will be more than double on Monday.
Hi Silsilly, stay positive and am sure ur reading will up de. Do plenty of rest during weekend.

bb_nn, can I ask do u squart down a lot during ur 2ww? tks.
Hi Silsilly >> be positive, but i think BFP.

Hi Summer >> No i did not do squart down at all wor.

Hi Shainie >> Yeah i am excited every weekend, hehehe, no need to work, and every day passes means month end coming, hehehe PAY Day :D :D
bb_nn > how are u sista? can tell that whenever coming to weekend you're so happy! who isn't! ahha good, one weekend and another passes so quickly.
Hi Summer >> Why are you squarting so much, one thing my DR told me, as long as no violent movement, the embbies are safe in the womb, the embbies will have to work hard to get STUCK. If you squart slowly, errr, should be ok right :D But better stop squarting from now till BT.
Hi Kimmy >> faster weekend comes, means faster month end comes, hehehe, i am happiest when i see $$$ :p (i know -- money face)
summer, don't worry. Because I have a dog at home, from 2WW until now, everyday I have to squat down slowly to pick her waste and clean up for her. I believe your embbies are safe in your womb because initially I am worried about that too. But of course if there are somebody helping you, you can minimise squarting down. Cheers good luck!
bb_nn, you are very cute & funny la. miss u. hahah Im also happiest when its month end = pay day. now no more such instances a bit the sad. gave up 2 job offers recently, but all for the sake of family!
can u believe it, 3 weeks ago we had chicken rice! lol :D
Hi Kimmy >> yeah time flies. have not seen PinkC ard, dont know can sms her to see how is she, i worried later she see her phone bill, fainted. I think of her, wah, i think of free BAO :D
bb_nn & melodi, sometimes no choice hv to squart down do things. From now on, will try to minimize. Tks girls. Happy weekend!!!
Goh / Kimmy,
Thanks.. Luckliy for me, my boss let me go on long leave.. & I thank my blessings..
Else, I'll b jobless..

It's sooooooo coincidental.. I hv been watching 公主嫁到 since my 2ww.. Didnt manage to watch it earlier cos my work.. Now got to watch such comedies.. Else mind wanders off to wat ll happen 1 week fr now.. :p
Queenie >> what a coincidence! yar, its quite comical! its really good at taking yr mind off. I can watch a few episodes at a go, until DH will ask me go sleep because too tired liaos. hehe
Hi, ladies, thanks for all ur well wishes yesterday, I BFP
But reading not high, 300 + only. So won't feel secure til see bb heartbeat at the next scan 2 weeks later. Still, v happy coz this is my first bfp since married! Hope all of u BFP soon too
Queenie, kimmy, but that show got some touching scene. Will cry de. Heehee.

Me watching latest hk show. Each day only 1 ep. Got to wait... I try to get the title. I rem 1 is 花花世界,花家姐。

Got another one about sushi de. Quite relax show but aft watching will have craving for sushi de.
RitzC >> Congrats!!!!!! *gives big hug* So happy for u

Qingwei >> oh is it on vv drama? ehhe okay I will go look for the 花花世界,花家姐 one to watch. hehe thanks!
Big congrats.. Catching ur babydust for my BT next week...

Chin up.. There is stil hope.. Come Monday, ur number ll go UP UP UP....

Okie lah.. @ least the show quite relaxing.. Can laugh the day off easier...
Sushi..... Haven't hv tt for sometime le...
Hazel, yup. That is the one. Some part damn funny. Coz got cartoon on the fish, sushi etc...

I got tons to watch like korea, hk n tw/CN drama... My mum say u keep so many n just watch them all in 2weeks... But like never finish de leh.

I still got dong yi which is 60 ep n now showing at channel u.
I feel tiring to watch Korea drama w subtitles.
Koric, from I what I know, it don't cover ivf BB de. But still depend on how doc write report for claim.
But if insurer want to find out they can find out that if our BB are ivf BB.
Hi ritz and silsilly.. Congrats!!! Spread bb dust please!! Share your tips ok...
ritz, I saw u again just now.. But was rushing to prepare for my ER, so didn't say hi to u...

Ladies, thank you for your well wishes, me finally completed my ER, just woke up from nap and lying on the sofa now.. Hmm.. Cramping feeling and I have to walk super slow! Quite
painful to walk... Hope the cramp feeling can be over soon..
Pick up 15 follicles and on my operating bed, I ask dr loh for baby asprains and he agreed to give me and said "rem to
take baby asprains ah, if not cannot go home ah" I thought is
quite sweet and funny... Shortly after I zzzzzzzz Liao..
Actually I think the most iriating jab is not the pregnal jab but
is the needle that poke into the veins on the back of our palm
before ER.. So uncomfortable and quite painful lor! Anyway I
am glad is over and I am also offically queen now! Dh said
no housework until I bfp (hopefully!) Woo hoo!! Haha!
Kimmy, 花家姐, now showing in hk. Nell shld noe... Haha she at hk now. Tonight hk showing ep5.
Shld be able to find online.

Sushi one the name very long. Start w 鱼. One of the actor is laughing gor.
Bingo well done....
I agree w u. That thing really very uncomfortable.
U got to rest well. Yes, now u will feel cramp. Rem drink lots of water.
So u doing a day3 transfer? ET on mon?
Bingo, I dun hav tips la, just eat lots of leafy greens everyday. This morning I got pink spotting, thought gone case liao, but nurse says it should be just discharge. U v lucky to have a super caring hubby leh. Didn't spot u in the crowd coz I was talking to another lady who did ER with me
U got time to tok so much with Dr Loh, arh? Mine was oni a "hello" & I was KO.. Perhaps cos he was waiting outside, so they rush me alot.. Todae he muz b in super good mood, mayb cos is Friday.. Haha...
Reali muz rest well.. Cos the cramp quite irritating.. Juz zzz it off.
Can I eat pasta mania pasta?
I check all tomato base have herb.
So wondering shall I else I order pizza. I don't like pizza hut pizza.
Sarah, mine is long protocol. I'm allergic to quite a few medication, so stick to getting nutrients mainly from diet - brown rice, chicken, leafy greens, beef, pork and Anmum milk. Medication only folic acid. Didn't go for acupuncture nor brew special drinks, coz I get sore throat easily. But ha, maybe coz I didn't 'tiao' my body so reading not high. Nurse says average only but pass la.
Ritz, 300+ is good Liao. It will double every 2/3 days. I started dr zou med but really can't stand the taste. Mayb will give it a miss this time round if not everytime think of the smell feel yucky... Did u take immunocal during 2ww or prior? U got exercise etc?
Hi qingwei n Hazel
Thk u so much for ur advise.. There is a form for doc Loh to fill but he didnt fill n they asks me go get the report at level 1 oso can but it cost $80 plus.. Shd i pay for the report?

Hi bingo
Agreed... I hate the needle poke on our hand too.. Just get poke again today.. Sigh...

Congrat silsilly n ritcz...
Qingwei, yup mine is day 3 transfer.. Monday ET..

queenie, haha actually before dr loh came in, I already feel
abit sleepy and giddy becos I think they insert some liquid, theN I told myself cannot sleep! Must ask dr for baby asprin! Haha so when he step in and give me a broad smile, I immed ask him lor..

ya I think Friday he good mood.. Then Monday I ET.. Hopefully he's in good mood too ! Haha
J03, I think no need to do it now. Submit ur claim there shld be a form that u to sign that form indicate that u give insurer the permission to check w doc/hospital if there is a need.

If aft u claim insurer ask u buy the report then u buy.
Sarah, I didn't take immunocal, eat hard boiled egg whites instead, 5 per day during microgynon, 8 during lucrin and puregon, then cut down to 6 after ER coz by then sick of egg whites liao. Chinese medicines definitely have their benefits, my colleague used to tiao her cold womb thru that, just that I'm too lazy to brew since already cooking most of my meals myself. I only do DVD aerobics up to injection stage but
hubby jogs regularly. Other ladies in this forum way into their pregnancy stage will be able to give u much better advice
J03, u claiming from which insurer? Ur incomeshield? D&c day surgery cost, u fill up standard form at admission. U shld hv gotten a letter of guarantee from income prior to day surgery today using the admission form dr Loh signs.

For all other costs u incurred, eg scans, BTs, also no need dr Loh to sign or complete anything la. Just download the claim form from income website n attached ur discharge summary for d&c plus all the receipts U call income claim department they nv tell u? I called n they told me wat to do
