IVF/ICSI Support Group

Joanne - good question on Milo. I also have been drinking Milo.. hahaha.... think have to change to Horlicks. Milo does have caffiene.


I know the doctors says 1 cup of normal coffee a day is actually ok a but i just continue no/low caffiene anyway just to be kiasi. hahhaha.!
Ron: thanks! This process is quite different from my clinic. Just before thawing, hb and I said that we will like to go for blastocyst if the embbies are strong. As such, once the thawing starts 2 embbies did not make it. I left with 4 on d2. On d3 morning, clinic called only 2 started to grow and ask me to go down to do the Et within 1 hr. As such will not go to blastocyst stage. When I went down, one of the other 2 embbies which are not growing, started to grow (Thank God!) and I have trasferred 3 embbies.

I didnt know that NUH transfer embbies at d3 and did not wait for blastocyst to transfer at the same cycle; in fact, any blastocyst will be frozen...
ektin, stickybfp: I heard from the sisters here that eating durian is good during 2ww. So, since sat (except yesterday), I have been eating durian... later I will go and eat my Mao Shan Wang.... hahaha... having a fest at home!
Ron: sorry forgotten.... May I ask again.. which stage are you in now?

Miracle: Fri don't count because you are getting ready for the test. So I count today and tomorrow - it is less than 48 hours (sorry... my mind not working as the smell of Mao Shan Wang is so strong even when I am in the room! hahaha...)
Leor!!!!!!! WAH WAH WAH your level so high !!!

CONGrATs! MuST be multiples liao
Sunshines: Today CD3, going in to see Doc later for hopefully can start stims this Friday if all is well *fingers & toes crossed!*

Can I ask what support you get for your 2ww since you are with TMC-TFC? Just curious to see how different each clinic works (assuming everything is normal)..
Ron: for my 2ww, I am taking Progynova, Duphaston, Crinone insert, Cardiprin. I also have Proluton jab once a week.

Which clinic are you with?
hi sun,
me too... told my dh... durian all the way till beta... but hor... now the durian rather lousy... seems like low in stock too le... =)
Sunshine: we started IVF#1 process with Dr Cheng on BCP stage when the mix up issue came up, so I was transferred to another clinic. During 2ww, I had daily Crinone & Pregnyl x3, did 1 blood test for E2 coz worries OHSS. Noticed some sistsas have more 2ww support. Thanks for info
Stickybfp: Yes, the super D24 my dh bought from Geylang seem to be bigger than the Mao Shan Wang I bought from Tanjong Katong yesterday. I really cannot tell if that seller is cheating me or not. But dh said that the Mao Shan Wang is not as heaty as the Super D24. Let me go and try it half an hour later... still thawing from the coldness from the fridge.
Karen - did you buy the Royal Jelly in the end after getting conceiveWell & folic? hahaa. i kiasu and went to buy RJ yesterday. Just started immunocal - taste quite yummy actually.. hahahaha.. Hubby also drank 1 packet - he says taste like nestum.
Sun- think Ron answer the question regarding blastocyst.
Nuh also do d5 transfer but tink becoz of the progress of growing they transferred the best 2 out of 5 on day 3. The rest they will wait till day 5 & see how is the growth.
Ron: what is BCP? I was on Marvelon when the saga happened. At that time, I can choose to transfer out. However, hb and I decided to stick to Dr Cheng. Because we find that Dr Cheng is the best from the 5 gynaes I visited. Were you allowed to choose to stay too?

Are you with Mt E?
Thanks Ron.

Sun: I heard abt durian is good too. Had told my hub and he's gg to buy tat... but will it be too heaty?
BCP = birth control pill. got the Marvelon too.

Did BCP for 6 weeks coz waiting for MOH's greenlight. We wanted to stay actually, but in the end MOH still said cannot process the OK and TFC didn't want to risk taking new IVF cases (I can understand their position).

Sorry, I forgot to add I am now with TowYung Clinic, and do ER/ET @ MtE.
hi ekins,
we are suppose to be slightly heaty... not too heaty...
so our womb have good blood flow...
=) and durian is very nutritious too...
jus take a few seeds a day... should be ok...
ektin: I was very excited when my dh bought the durian back. Immediately, I ate about 7 seeds and started to have slight symptom of sore throat coming... then i drink a lot of water. After that, I just follow Janice and Day, just take 2 or 3 sees per day.
Stickybfp: you know why? Because I have been craving for durian for long long time... Dh does not really fancy durian. he said smell not nice... so after married, I have never eat durian.

however, after hearing that durian is good for embbies, he immediately go to geylang to buy for me. So touch! I love it so much and immediately swallowed 7 seeds! Dh also eat and enjoy with me. hahaha...
Ron: I was on OCP too but I am consider one of the patient and is allowed to continue with TFC leh...

Do you stil have any frozen embbies? Maybe you can check if you can do FET with TFC?

Are you with Dr Yeong from Mt E? He was the deputy of Dr Cheng. His procedure are the same as TFC.
me too le... i seldom eat durian... but ur dh nice le... cos last fet i told my dh i wanna eat durian everyday... he also never buy for me... chey...
where u stay ar... next round u ask ur dh buy more then i go ur house pay u and pick up can... cos my side very poor thing... no good durians...
Yes, actually otw to see Dr Yeong now.

We like him & the TowYung environment so we are going to continue IVF#2 with the clinic. Que Sera Sera. If meant to be, God will make it happen
If successful, I will probably stay with TowYung for pregnancy too..

But good to know TFC can take FET cases coz I did ask Dr Cheng if we can come back for FET if we wanted later. We only have 2 embbies frozen so we going for another fresh round.. Thanks again, Sunshines.

you ladies enjoy the afternoon... don't eat too much durianss!! and rest well.
Thanks Sun and Sticky,
I will follow the sisters advice... both my hub and myself are durian lover.... i will try to control myself... take 2-3 seeds will do
Hi ron
Ohhh...think hv to stop milo by tomorow..;( thks for the useful link..;)

Hi sister
May i know wht u gals drink every morning since we got so many limited choice?
Stickybfp: Just finish my 3 seeds of Mao Shan Wang. I am staying in Kallang area. Where are you staying?

Beside durian, I am also drinking Chicken essence.

Congrats! When are you scheduled for your first US to confirm how many babies you are expecting?


Don't think about clomid or SOIUI first, yeah? You and Shoes are so similar - start thinking plan B even before your bhcg.

But to answer your question when I was doing my SOIUI and considering between Clomid and Puregon, my gynae explained that taking 3 Clomids a day (the max. dosage for SOIUI I think) can have an anti-estrogen effect and cause your lining to be thinner. It isn't a problem per se, just that your gynae would need to monitor and prescribe estrogen pills in that event to thicken your lining. Puregon does not have that effect.


I really think you have the signs of bfp. Hungry and tired. These are common symptoms of 1st trimester pregnancy, right? Jiayou ok?
<font color="aa00aa">Dawn, you so cute...these are also signs of laziness muhahahaha...thanks, really TRYING HARD HARD to be POSITIVE!!</font>
Hi leor!!! Congratssss on your pregnancy!!!! Can I know what did u do and eat during 2ww
I just did my et at 12pm

Hi ektin. Did you do your et this morning? Me too.... So today is 2dpt ah?
Joanne: I have been drinking just water or milk or holick. no coffee, no tea, no sugar drink, no fruit juice. I am a coffee lover. This is really miserable for me but for the sake of ttc... got to bear with it lor.

Leor, Congrats!!! very likely is twins le...enjoy the pregnancy!

Ron, I know Dr Yeong, he is a christian and will always pray for his patient de. I BFP thr FET at KK but had a very bad bleeding episode during my early pregnancy. Very nice Dr and always very assuring de.
