IVF/ICSI Support Group

Wah 1 nap 2 pages already... N with good news!!!!

Leor! Congrates!!!!!! Yr lvl is really really high. Mine is now 1012

Shoes, dawn is so RIGHT!!! U know hor me everyday imagine while waiting for urine test in Angela's rm, she took out all the necessary med to jab for n tell me u jab to jab more!!! Lol

Ladies, more
for u
Shaine, yes I took conceive well till end of my 2ww too

Joanne, sun is right. Milo cintain cocoa n cocoa has caffine
i cant pm u my email le... =)
my email is
t e o 1 _ c 2 l a 3 i r e @ hot mai l.c om
take away the spaces and numbers hor...
<font color="aa00aa">Janice, wow, great HCG levels
So next day or so depend on you all to keep me sane liao lor...</font>
Peko, this is only 1st bt leh. But as long as double I am happy le..

Didn't know I sleep so long... Eating lunch now
<font color="aa00aa">Janice - sing me songs? hahahaha so what's for lunch?

My thigh cannot walk now...boo hoo...regret let N jab me thigh</font>
Shoes, haha my singing u'll runaway. Dh cook fish n pork porridge so eating now
haha u see? Cannot walk already, imagine u got to jab for a long time how to walk?

I hope we are both soooo RIGHT about Shoes and Miracle bfp!


Lazy is me! Doing something very tedious in the office.
Barely 10 mins on the task and I decided to "take a break" (haha...10 mins also need break) by coming on the forum. Also feeling very sleepy now after a sumptuous lunch - treat from a friend who just got promoted.

I want to add you on Facebook too! Any other sisters don't mind being friends on Facebook? (I know we are generally quite shy.
Shoes, cos I jab once b4 I know hehe... Better come back to our butt pain club, dun runaway!

Dawn, we sure RIGHT de ;-)

Hehe... Who's lazy? I dun even want to go back to off hehe
<font color="aa00aa">Flowers - I also...faith going down..but facade must try to pysche myself up!!!

Janice - I also did thigh before at KKIVF, but dun remember so pain..maybe now old already</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Flowers - the other thing we can do is to create another account? then we all add each other?</font>

If we PM each other instead of posting on each other's wall, how would they see our conversation? I'm sure all of us won't write on the wall, right cause we don't wish everyone to know about IVF too.
Shoes, pls la the jab at KK was only a few mths back, dun tell me u suddenly aged overnight? ..... more likely u hv forgotten the pain then. Not old not old, u not old la
<font color="aa00aa">Actually I've not even posted much on FB last few weeks..cos have frens from work there too</font>
Shoes, haha I dare not say that else this fri's jab I'll suffer hahaha but yesterday indeed it's painful :p

Though I post but I never post anything about ivf. Can post other things mah
<font color="aa00aa">Janice , me low profile la...cos I know a lot of my co-workers wondering why I am on such long leave. </font>
ur add me hor... i waiting to be added... haha
cannot mention anything abt ttc in fb chat... unless ur join my group of closed group... then posting in closed group ur frens cant see de...
<font color="aa00aa">Dawn..haha...true..then somemore must work hor...so what are your working hours now that you've scaled back?</font>
Hello everyone

Shoes: what you told them regards to your long leave? I also having headache now don't know what to tell my boss regards to my whole week MC starting next week
<font color="aa00aa">Piggy, never tell anything, just briefed my direct reports on who should take over , how weekly meetings are to be runned etc. Only my reporting manager knows.

If you don't say, people also don't really dare to ask. I just keep things work focused when I talked to them as I was handing projects over...

Most people just said, "Are you alright? I say yup yup, don't worry"</font>
I din gv up when i failed my fresh... But i do now this fet.... I think becos all the jabs are making me freak out! Now sleeping and sitting is so painful. Tml is the last jab.... I cant wait for it to be over....
hi piggy,
me ok ok lorz... =( nothing much
i got sore breast on the day i O till now...
everytime i have sore breast is bfn...

hi dawn...
are u TT in fb?
Shoes, me too have many colleagues in my fb. Though some of them know but thank god nvr mention in fb else I faint! Lol
Sticky, this must go security settings to setup wan is it? ... Think I need to explore that first.

Dawn, agree la but sometimes hor will forget n post on wall wan mah.... Getting old n forgetful u know
Haha! Shoes, I didn't dare post on Facebook too while I was on leave during my 2ww.


I tried finding you on Facebook using your email address but couldn't find you.
<font color="aa00aa">Miracle - ya, I know what you mean. I am already thinking what to do next in terms of work...cos I'm not sure how to cut back my hours....even if I cut back in the daytime, my nights I have to attend conference call meetings...so a bit of mao dun now...

Argh...so should not think</font>
I m on the train now. Going out to do work. No work, no money.

I tried not to go FB becos almost everyone showcase their son or daughter but I have none.
