IVF/ICSI Support Group

Soul: thanks for the reply!

Twin: I guess most likely will be medicated one. Tomorrow you are going for a scan on the lining?

Sprinkling some bb dust to u!

Really ar? Ok I go get the meiji biscuits. Actually I find eating plain bread & rice a pleasure these days. Fill up stomach & no strong taste...

Yea I added manuka honey too. Thou the honey is grainy I mix all up together with the TCM powder, ok lei, will all dissolve one.
Ceraine - oops! I went to eat immediately after my Chinese med coz I was drinking so much to wash off bitter after taste of the Chinese med. Ok nvm, will take note next time.

Pinkm, will follow your method. I think I should add more water to dilute. Today tried to be hero and drank the med quite thick.
I continued most of my other supplements like Folic Acid/Conceive Well/Immunocal with Manuka honey/Chicken Ess/CoQ10 after ER and throughout the FET preparation stage. I completely stopped my Egg Whites 5 days after ER and now I got phobia of egg whites.

U can buy brazil nuts from Pat's Oven. I also mixed honey when I drank Dr Zou's herbs.

Dr Zou's AF meds has got sheep's placenta ???? I never bother to ask Dr Zou the exact contents of her herbs. Anyway, I been so used to drinking that yucky AF meds for so many months.
Haha yes the AF one which is reddish in color has sheep placenta. I asked before when I 1st started eating cos I nearly gagged due to the smell. So no choice gota ask if can drink with honey.

Are u working today already?
It could be implantation cramp. You may still experience it in the next 3-4 days. Some sistas advised to rest more during this implantation period. ;)
Or u can buy it fr d snacks counter, via weightage, in ntuc.. Most outlets have it.
Pop a sweet after u drink d Af med. Sometimes I would gurgle to wash off d smell

Yah, got sheep placenta. I nearly vomited when I first took it. On it since march. Hope after this week, I can continue taking the an tai med

Aiyoh... Had a stupid dream yesdae due to d stupid episode of d loanshak.

Morning my dear..
Hehe... U tested??
Btw, d Meiji biscuit is for curbing nauseousness?? Anything for vomiting coz I vomited again yesterday.

K... Hope I can catch some sleep
Implantation takes place 4-7 days post ET. Hv more rest, avoid squatting, Avoid carry heavy stuff. Enjoy ure 2ww yah...
Hi gals... On our first visit for bt n scan after starting lucrin, do we need to purchase lucrin or puregon? If need to, then will take leave cos office no fridge... At kkivf, we put our forms outside the scan room hor? No more at the reception hor? And we can reach @ 7.30am, right?
u have been doing well last week..must stay as zen okie!!
ger, we have all done our best with no regrets..the rest, we'll leave it in God's and Goddess hands..
lets jiayou together k..
our miss soul should be in piggyland still..
I know and trying to be zen..... Haha now i knw easy to ask pple to be positive but diff to psycho myself.... Jiayou ah
Soul shld be up le cos inserts at 8 am.
Morning ladies!

Jia you miracle, ceraine and soul!!! So excited for 3 of u...

Pink_M, read abt yr spotting...do bedrest and take the glutonious lotus porridge. Dun go to work and minimise walking. Take care!

Soul, thanks! I will check out the bra extensions at OG...recently feel so tired and sick that I do not even hv the mood to go shopping...

Day, I agree with u on going to the loo every 15 mins. Even till now, i also v stressed when going toilet...
Sesame - i'm dying to go shopping but just no energy to do so. Every weekend have to nap min 1 hr then by 10pm I must hit the sack. 2 more weeks to end of 1st tri hopefully by then I'll be better, this weekend I intend to start weaning my anti nausea pill since I dun feel nausea now
winnie, I m feeling v terrible over the last weekend. Feel hungry but no appetite at all, but still force myself to eat some. Till now I am clueless as what I like to eat.
I try not to take the anti nausea pill over the weekend. Looks like if my appetite still dun improve by these 2 days, I will need to take it again...

I dun feel like going out during weekends. Keep lying on bed. But its no good as it is causing me backaches. So I need to walk a bit to feel better.

My tongue start to hv funny taste recently...so envy u that u r crossing to tri 2 soon. I got another 4 weeks...counting down.
winnie, do u hv night pee problems? I wake up a few times per night to pee and hving disturbed sleeps. And morning time, I will wake up feeling so restless.
winnie, u r better than me, I am sleeping at 8pm - 9pm these days but still feel quite tired during the day...Same like u, also counting down to end of 1st tri, still got 3 more weeks to go. I am so sickening for the past wks cos no appetite for food at all but yet felt hungry very easily so gotta force myself to eat.
Hope 2nd tri will be much better for us
Thx thx..
I run another Hpt this morning n line gets darker.. Today as 1day post prengyl.
Anyway, probably will stop testing Le n wait for beta hcg on Friday, per dr Zou advise.
Thx thx... 4 mire wkd for u.. Jiayou!
I run another hpt today at a day post prengyl jab, d line gotten darker.
Like Wat d girls advises this might also b due to d prengyl effects... Might juz stop testing n wait for beta hcg..
Winnie & sesame,
Did any of u went for facial After bfp ? Am so tempted to go later.. And was told to avoid creams with retina-a ?!? ....
day, I never go for facials before. So will not be going in the near future too.

I reas before if u go for facials, must inform them tt u r preggie and avoid using some machines something like tt.

Hope the rest who went for facials can advise u better.
U knw the pregynl effect still in u, so notti of u. Bt that moment of dark line v shiok? Since u still hv so many online strips, then just play with it lor
Hi gals... Can anyone help me on my qns? Tks...

On our first visit for bt n scan after starting lucrin, do we need to purchase lucrin or puregon? If need to, then will take leave cos office no fridge... At kkivf, we put our forms outside the scan room hor? No more at the reception hor? And we can reach @ 7.30am, right?
yup, it's ok to go for facial but let the beautician know so that they can use suitable products for u. in general, no essential oils, no machine based treatments, no aha/bha/retina-a/peeling etc. They will tweak the massage for u as well.
btw my mum has been a beautician for 20+ yrs and this advise comes from her
Ure lunch comes with weekly menu?
So nice, I requested for it few days back n they realli did it :)

My nauseousness back again, with no appetite, n super cramp,tightness n bloatedness... Laosai also...

anyone can advise on the below
1) cost for kkivf & CARE?
2) the process of egg retrieval & embryo transfer. what will the doc do? is it painful?
Day & sesame:
Yes I'm at home today.
Felt really really nauseous. But had to eat something. I managed to finish hotcakes with sausage with no syrup no butter cos can't stand the smell. At first I thought just eat a slice to fill stomach then 越吃越开心 and I finished everything! I'm a happy woman. Realise after the stomach is filled, no more nausea.

I got the Meiji crackers aldy!
They attached the menu for nov the last time and this round dec.
Issit the effect of pregynl? Or maybe you are already a bfp?
You seems to be getting the symptoms. Unlike me. Nothing except dull nagging cramps. High chance leh buddy!
Pink M,
the key is not to let yr stomach get too empty or too full then won't feel so nauseous. so even though not hungry or dun feel like eating still hv to munch on something every 2-3 hrs.
pinkM - if ur MS is too serious, can get maxalon from Ning. after taking maxalon for 2 days my MS slowly "disappear" & I can eat more without puking
Nov have meh??
I juz vomited my lunch..which I trying so hard to force myself to eat...might take d nauseous pill Le..
I hope it's good news.. But during d last 2 jabs.. I oso lots reactions..exactly same like now. Keeping finger crossed.

Buddy, no symptom doesn't mean anything!! Dun give up.. Think of it this way, you'll hv a more enjoyable preg right. Stay positive k. I dun dare to think too much in case.... U get Wat I mean right. Will take it as prengyl effect right now
tea - to ans ur question #2.

the process of ER is very simple. u'll be given GA thru intravenous means then u'll be knocked out within the next few seconds, by the time u wake up everything is over.

the process of ET is also very simple, u'll need to go to clinic with a extremely full bladder, the procedure is like iui, no time to think of pain cos ur eyes will be fixed onto the screen seeing how they transfer ur precious embbies. everything will be over in less than 20 mins, then u'll rest for another 30 mins & u can go home to enjoy ur 2ww
hi Pink_M

FET stands for?
S$23K inclusive of medisave usage of S$6K?

for CARE, we have to select a gynae under the CARE list to do the ivf or Angela will do the process?
It's really miraculous. Thou don't feel like eating but once there's food the nausea just goes away. Ok I will eat often.

Yup I got the maxalon this morning but food helped with the nausea so didn't eat that.
tea - FET stands for Frozen Embryo Transfer. at CARE, ER & ET will be done by dr paul tseng. Angela & their team of nurses will assit dr paul during the procedure

pinkM - Ning say take the pill before nausea kick in, so I've been taking since 4 weeks
Thanks for you advises. What about going to hair salon for cut, wash (with head massage) ? That should be okies as long as we don't do shoulder/back/body massage ?

Chk with u ladies... The Maxolon (metoclopromide) states to b taken before food. Can take after lunch coz I hv slight gastric.
Took lunch again n Tcm med. Vomit d Tcm med..
Looks abit serious.. Better pop d pill le
