IVF/ICSI Support Group

I hv poor digestion.. Burpy is common..but thx in advance for ure positiveness....I hope to stay 乐观too.
She is totally quiet today. Wonder how is she today..

Yo buddies!

I wasn't in piggyland this morning lor. I didn't get enough sleep again last night! I told my hubby it's like I have a water bomb on my tummy - turn here also cannot, turn there also cannot. Fed-up. Have you tried the Meiji crackers?

Feeling better?? I still have lao sai lor. But it's more controlled now.

BTW, I itchy backside, used the cheapo pee stick to test last night. I saw a very faint line also. Today not testing, think I'll do it tomorrow morning.

Today I went to Parkway for lunch. After eating the baked salmon, I've been farting non-stop!!!!! So angry!!! The place was so bloody crowded and I left without buying the stuff I needed to buy. Sigh. Think I now prefer to stay home and nuah.
Faint positive! Good good! Will get darker tml. Argh if oni i hv cheapo hpt too.... Now very itchy to test but promise hubby i will test on thur le. Tml test n update us soon hor.... Today i waited till neck long long leh lolz

Now lying dwn lor. But this nauseous is so much better than the one i had after ET. ;)
Faint line... Hehehe....
At least u r on inserts.. It won't give fake reading right, not like jab.. Looks like gd news on d way...
hi ceraine,
she says basically the cell wont survive de... so she will be adding antibiotics directly ard the sperm during in vitro lorz...
Hahaha yeh la, silly me. So I waited more than 1 hour go in less than 5 mins. I go out n stayed behind to wait for my gf who was inside.
Hi Sistas!

I was reading the comments abt adding honey to dr zou's AF medi. I tried putting honey still taste bitter leh. Yuck yuck. 2 pkts each time somemore...
Calzz, are you taking the red color powder ones? I heard sheep placenta is added. I was prescribe them today but my previous ones not completed yet le.. Still got 1 more day then start. Tmr going to buy honey to standby.. Anyone koe where to buy?
That bad huh?
Or u add more water so its less diluted & standby sweets to pop?

Can buy honey from anywhere like supermarket, health shops, medicine hall etc. I get manuka honey from Nature's Farm.
Mina, ya it's reddish in colour. You better stand by your honey. Heh.

Faithbb, I went for the bloodtest for immune system tdy. Draw 5 tubes of blood. Scary. Results out in 2 wks.
Hi PinkMartini, read the post that says you have spotting... Hope you are ok now.
Last friday i went to dr zou do acupuncture and tiao. Acupuncture is ok for me. Yesterday i went to do my 2nd time acup i fall a sleep =) But the AF med 'sheep placenta'is really yucky... Very strong smell in 'XIN WEI'yucky... The 1st 2days i mix the med with red dates drink. Just now i mix with honey is much better easy to drink. I made it in a small cup n drank it fast fast...
Actually can mix with red dates drink?
Minako I do not remember anyone in yellow ley. Had to go toilet urgently then come out dun dare to stare at the ladies sitting there. Hubby only accompany me lor. He was singing the hokkien song for the love show so loud that the ladies inside looked out. I was so paiseh liao, dun dare look at anyone ;p
I got my FET schedule, ET in Jan 2011.
Dont know if theres enough time to tiao my body with dr zou.
Today started Gynera for 21 days.
Buserelin Jab on 14 dec, for 25days.
Progynova on 23 dec.
Angela ask me to take Immuvital, CQ10, FA each daily in the morning after bf.
Then dr zou medi need take after 2 hrs later?
Normally when you girls drink Chicken Essence in a day?
Whole day busying to all the supplement.... Haiz
Hi sister
I started lurin on 3 nov. I was told the dosage is for 28 times usages. Today is already day 27. It seems the doage left is for for than one usage. Am very worried. Am I in trouble. Oh no;(
The bottle comes with some excess so u can draw out the last dose. If the amt is exact u will be getting a lot of air bubbles in yr syringe at the end.
Dun worry
hi winnie

tks for the info.

i still haven't decide to go kkivf or CARE.
anyone can advise on the ivf cost in kk?
hi chel,
think u like ceraine... one of the dose u injected air... haha... ceraine u are normal... lolx...
no worries, jus let ur nurse or doc noe can liao.
Good morning everyone, I confirmed I am reacting badly to dr zou's med. I started having blotches of red rashes on my legs. One knee already inflamed and red. The whole night I couldn't sleep coz legs so itchy!!
have to stop, now walk also painful liao coz knee is so so swollen. Hai.
I called dr zou but did not manage to speak to her. Another lady who picked up phone say all herbs, not likely I will have allergy. I told her last time I put Tcm bandage also will have allergic reactions one. So she say call me back when dr zou comes in. Sigh now hubby say I try too hard, eat so many things, now body screwed up.
D one I inject air, is puregon, not lucrin :)

Dont worry,nurse say can last 28 days but I still left Sm excess too... As long u does jab everyday , it's okie. Moreover all ure scan results okie..
grumpus, sesame, I also tot salmon is ok until that day Dr Loh said salmon got high mercury content...felt that his info diff from us haha

Diana, so good, at least ur MS subsided. I still dun feel v good yet.
I still hv a sealed pack of brazil nut. Can continue taking?

Wru? Ure buddy needs some encouragement today...
Faithbb, dunno why started spotting after accu yesterday then felt cramps.. Didn't expect it to come cos bbt still high le.. Weird!

Calzz, thanks for advise.. I juz reconfirm with Dr Zou asst juz now.. Need on hold previous prescription and eat af meds. I must go get manuka honey tonight liao.
Last night was torturing for me. From 7-11pm, i hv a nagging ache and suan on my left pelvis, though bearable but very pek chek. When sleeping i slept on left and duno y, the pain gone and i realised the whole night, lying left is the best position for me to fall asleep.

Is it alright to hv aching and suaness constantly on 1 side? Right aching once awhile but not as frequent as left side.
Hi Sister

Many thanks to your replies. Almost gone crazy this morning cos when I looked at the remaining Lurin seems still have 'a lot". I was told by the nurse that we can't miss Lurin if not the follicles will "explode" sound so scary. Called KKIVF no nurse is around to answer my questions. I will be having an appointment with KKIVF on 2 Dec, Thursday. I really hope that my scan will be ok, follicles will be big enough for ER and ET.
Hey peeps!! Good morning...it's been a while since I last chatted here....

I need some advice from all of u here...

I like to know what exactly is the IVF process...as in what the DR will do ... example from step 1 to step 10 of IVF procedure...

also, like to know if there's any risks involved... basically, i like to know more about this IVF procedure and process...

thanks for the help... cos right now... time is not on my side... cos of my age and also hubby's age... thanks thanks!!
miracle, I felt nauseous on the day of my spotting - D12pt, then on D13pt that morning, after went for early BT, I come home vomitting water only. But I think I might be sick ard that time.

Hw many days are u in now? Maybe can test hpt le?
Buddies! Good morning. =)

Didn't sleep again ah?? Think you shld talk to the nurses on Fri and ask them abt this problem. Yesterday on tv there was this guy talking abt natural herbal remedies to help sleep better but I dunno if we're supposed to take those herbs/flowers. =(

My sides stopped aching as much liao. But my lower back aching alot. My diarrhoea still lingers...

This morning I tested on the cheapo strip and another pee stick which hubby bought. I told him to buy Clear Blue, he bought wrongly. Argh. Anyway, today the faint line is slightly clearer than Monday. Both HPT have lines. I'm happy with the results but still, I will wait for Friday's BT! =D =D =D

BFP BFP BFP BFP BFP BFP BFP BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aiyoh... Yah.. I guess normal to hv aching on one side bah, it will not b same on both. It's good to hv aching feeling.. Mine diminish Le.

Nope, vomit better controlled with Maxolon Le, thou nauseous on off still.
Couldn't sleep yesdae n seems to be less positive Le.
Ha, managed to dig out more online hpt strips n tested this morning. Compare to last 2 days, this morning hv been tougher, butterflies in tummy n was soooo scared the faint line will disappear.
Glad there is still a faint line but it doesn't seem to get darker compared to yesdae.
Stupid right, giving myself stress.. But I thought better to be mentally prepared earlier .
also dreamt I went back to work, n slipped in the toilet. D first worry was that has it affected d embryo implantation?will I just lose it fr d slip...
Oh.. That's good news... Line darker yah.. U can be more or less assured Le.
Not like me... Status unknown now... Even if I see I faint line, I don't dare to be assured least false hope. Yet can't help wanting to test to monitor d lines. Really torture.

Have a feeling u Bfp Le :)
I hope I am also....
If.... If with all my nauseous, vomiting episode n I didn't turn out to be...
Arrgghhh...hv to wait for 3 more days for accurate answers.
Don't give up hope!!!!!!! I believe the aches and pains and discomfort we all feel is just a constant reminder that our precious babies are in out tummies. Since they can't move or kick or talk now, they communicate via body aches and pains? So take it positively!

you're nearly there liao. Don't think of bad thoughts! At least the faint line is there! Better than no line. Last time I threw away SOOO many HPTs until I got so depressed cos I never once saw ANY line, not even a faint one. Was clearly outright negative. But now we have hope it will happen for us finally ok??? *HUGS*

Go test leh! Today is already 12dp3pt! Hubby won't scold you for wasting the HPT if you show him the 2 pink lines on it when he comes home from work tonight! =D =D =D

Is it?? What kind of support will I get after BT this Fri? Oral pills and multi-vitamins only right? Do you know when we will go for our 1st ultra-sound scan if BFP?

soul, if touchwood no spotting or whatsoever, oral support will be given - duphaston and FA. No multi vit at this early stage. Dr Loh will prescribe to us when we go visit him.

After bfp, 2 weeks later, we will hv our first scan for hearbeats
