IVF/ICSI Support Group

Week 10: Once again a late report. Sorry no still picture as I was taking video the whole time.

Winnie had a scan on Sat morning by Angela. Saw our little precious one. Can see the hands and legs, our little one was very active that morning. We were able to see our precious one moving his/her legs & hands as if saying hello to daddy and mummy.

We are glad, that our precious one is growing healthy. Week 10 now and he/she is 2.65cm.

day - yesterday when hubby was cutting his hair I'm tempted to trim mine, but think I'll trim nearly to cny & cut short before my confinement start
Good afternoon ladies
day, I just check with Dr Loh last week whether shoulder/neck/foot massage is allowed during first tri & I'm surprised he told me why not, even to foot massage! He said as long as dun massage the tummy is okay but I still dun really dare to go for the massage yet...
hair cut, wash (even with the head massage) is ok. like u said, just stay away from the shoulders, back and body massage type. do stay away from hair dye though and try to go to the salon when it's not so crowded so u dun hv to smell all the chemicals.

star night,
i think western dr will tell u everything also can. but if u try to look for a massage therapist to do for u and u tell them u're preggie in the 1st tri, they will also not want to do for u. cos chinese believe in those meridian/accupuncture points, cannot anyhow press when preggie.
StarNight, Gynae will everything say ok one...but I dun think foot massage is ok lei..cos they are touching our acupoints, so if those inexperienced ones, dunno will affect or not?

And I read one of the ladies post here that there are 2 points on our shoulder cannot be touched, will cause M/C...something for u to take note.
grumpus, sesame, ya I also read from many sites that massage are not encouraged during 1st trimester, esp foot massage. Quite surprised Dr Loh has different views. I also asked him about eating raw fish & he told me it's up to individuals but from what we've seen in Japan, those women also eat raw fish thru out their pregnancy & nothing's wrong during & after they gave birth except the men are all very short. So he said probably due to that...Hahaha

Diana, I am fine, just that no appetite for food but worse thing is felt hungry easily. Just hope the nausea will go away soon. Did u still have MS?

Oh just read that u r preparing for ur customary wedding. Congrats ya!
star night,
the only thing abt raw fish/food is the risk of food poisoning. so i guess if it's from a reputable place which u trust, it's an 'ok' risk to take?
my dr told me that the waterbag is very strong and most viruses and bacteria cannot cross over to affect the baby. of cos there are rare cases or very serious cases where they do.
so it's a matter of whether u willing to take the risk lor.
Hello everyone...I took my blood test today and decided to pop over to KKIVF to see if I can collect my lucrin shots.
I managed to hijack the same nurse that gave me financial counselling when she was walking past me. I did not even approach the counter. This nurse was very nice to me and helped me check even though I did not call in advance. She wanted to give me the jabs today but in the end didn't because she was worried that I will forget how to jab when 18 dec comes around (which is the date I should start).
I just thought I share this experience as I read before KKIVF nurses like very bochup.
Starnight and grumpus, I so tempted to eat cockles yesterday...dh forbid to let me eat 1 even though its cooked
So we hv to avoid cockles, shellfood for the next 9 mths?
ceraine, my dh starts to control my diet when I am in my 2ww now...v cham. I think I can forget abt eating crabs now le...dun tempt me...drooling...
1st pregnancy is always like tat one lah. everything control, seafood cannot, raw fish cannot, half boiled eggs cannot...
by the time 2nd pregnancy will be a bit more bo chap already :p
ceraine - I ate crab on sat, only ate one gong cos no cravings for crab

sesame - at least kkh never give the list of food to avoid during 2ww. my dh literally memorise the list! I never knew he had such good memory cos he's always very forgetful
grumpus, I still eat half boiled eggs lei...and I eat prawns and prawn mee too though I kw v toxic..bt this is the only thing I feel like eating most of the time...

winnie, but all is worthwhile, isn't it?
U must be grateful to yr dh...hehe..
sesame - certain things wan him to remember but he keep forgetting. things I dun wish him to remember he went to memorise the list! dunno to laugh or cry at his action
May i know if anyone here develop an allergy when eating Dr Zou's med?
For some reason, my right knee which I injured long ago and saw a TCM for, is starting to itch again. I have like little red bumps all over and it's sooo itchy.
This morning, my right eye was also slightly swollen
snuuggly, I do not hv any allergy from taking Dr Zou's med. Maybe u can check with her the herbs inside the medi which might possibly cause the itch and eye swollen.

Or it could be due to yr chg of diet recently? Like ate something u never tried before?
grumpus, great to hear that it's an 'ok' risk if wanna eat raw fish...Craving for salmon & sword fish etc but I know besides food poisoning, they also have high mercury content. I think I will still control my craving in my 1st tri, and if really dying to eat, then eat in moderation in 2nd tri...
sesame, I also avoided eating cockles (my favourite!) at the time being. Last time always asked the uncle to add cockles in laksa but this time asked him not to put any...
Grumpus/StarNight/Winnie & Sesame,
Thanks again
..At times, I am quite lost on the dos & donts during pregnancy..Will avoid facial until Trim 2. Just returned from the hair salon. Thats my overdue visit as my initial plan of getting my hair trimmed was washed out due to my 'emergency' ET. Now I feel much better!.
sesame - you are right. Now i am thinking whether was it the conceivewell which I started last night as well that is causing this.
I am usually very sensitive to things i take and often have allergic reactions.
I did not change diet much except all the additional stuffs I am taking to tiao my body.
Will check with Dr Zou when I see her tonight.
sesame - can eat salmon but in moderation, planning to see if I can take in fish in 2nd tri. for now only can take fish finger with lotsa chilli sauce
snuuggly, it could be due to conceive well also. U can try out by stopping either one and see which is the cause?

winnie/grumpus, then I will continue taking salmon, bt not raw ones la, I will puke...
Winnie, I am sure u can tk fish soon...yr MS seems better.
sesame - maybe I ask my mil to fry salmon for me to try. if still puke then I'll stop liao, cos now u talk abt salmon I got cravings for it!
winnie, I like grilled, baked, fried salmon now...
I can't take any codfish now...U tried pepperlunch? I like the salmon with rice also...shiok!
sesame - I walk pass pepperlunch a lot of times but no courage to walk in, cos now walk pass will run away cos too stink for me liao hahahaha
Faithbb, are you still proceeding with fet? My LMP is 28oct but tis am bbt still hover ard 36.65. So confirm will skip nov af liao.. Sian!

Snuuggly, I on my way to Dr Zou.. I wearing yellow blouse black skirt. What u wearing?
If my AF come early Dec n can meet to ET den I remained dr loh. If mid Dec then I shall switch him by calling KK see whether dey allowed o nt.
Btw, yr nov AF yet to come ar?
Is yr menses regular?
My Lmp was on nov/02
Mine is regular hope it'll come early Dec late few days is ok
sesame > i am in 9 weeks plus le... soon three more day be 10 weeks le...

Star night > have MS not much now...
i also dun have appetite but also hungry easily at night...
My cycle is 32days so if lmp fall end of the mth will skip tat mth. Today is 10dpo so af will come early dec but I tends to ovulate late & I doing natural fet so most likely et will be when Dr Loh on leave. So most likely skip Dec and do fet in Jan lor
Sesame, diana, winnie
Did you all start feeling nauseous towards end of 2ww??
Afternoon took a bread, felt nauseous and vomit out. Just vomit dinner out....
Hubby wondering if the bread is the cause ie. Bread spoilt?
After eating, food dun seem to digest, then feel nauseous and after vomiting out, felt so much better.....
U r exactly what I am now..
I took d Maxalon fir nauseousness, gas, vomit. Felt so much better。took mouthful rice , okie lei. But I need to constantly pop sourplum thou..

Seems to b first day u complain of vomit after d ET episode... Hmmm... Might b good news. Tmr can consider testing..
hi gals...
ceraine, u so naughty le... made me all so excited...
me starting my jab this wednesday le... happy liao... but i very worried also... cos the doc say my dh sperm bacteria is a very stubborn one... some guys take up to a yr antibiotics still cannot recover... and hor, with the presence of the bacteria, will cause the embryo to explode... sad... but she say cross fingers go ahead this cycle... cos not possible to wait for mths or yrs so long... can onli hope for the best...
Happy for u you can cycle Le...
Sorry, I beg to different from d Gynae view. Feel d bacteria issue should b contained before proceeding. Did she say Wat are d side effects / implications on d preg/ bb if successfully preggy yet d infection issue not contained??
1st 2 days after et, i was vomiting and breathless due to ohss. Even went kk24hr and vomit there too. Now back again. Was breathless 2 days ago.... Nw nauseous. Keeping fingers and toes crossed. Will test on thur cos dun wan waste the hpt. Too ex le. Lolz wait hubby nags

So u are better nw?
Snuuggly, I inside oreadi on 1st bed on left.. wat color u wearing? Dr zou say my body is not good, need tiao longer.. ask me dun rush do fet since Dr Loh not ard.
Still having nauseous feeling n burpy still. At least didn't vomit Le.feeling slight burning sensation in tummy.probably down with indigestion too mah..
Please not let it be fake symptoms...
Breadthless??due to ure asthma? Must take care lei..
Ure lunch thurs n Friday how?
You feeling burpy? Im feeling positive for u!
I continue lunch tingkat for dec since i will be at hme.
Wonder if soul got test hpt today anot....

Oh.. you were the one in red dress? I was wearing yellow top sitting inside.. Tat means I saw you juz now.. I went after the 'love' started not long.. Your DH doing accu also or accompany you?
