IVF/ICSI Support Group

I like ure last statement!!! Test at ure comfort level.
Hmmm... Then you'll eagerly wait for soul's news Tmr (^o^)
Oh... Y raining again :-@


I am back to this thread again.
I have delivered a baby boy in Jul 2009. Am currently trying for a #2. Had just did ET last tuesday and am in 2ww now.

Wish all sisters in the thread good luck.
My embbies were all D3 so not blastocysts yet. They were frozen on D2 & thawed day before FET so all D3. She did say if the embbies show early signs of not surviving thaw then will thaw more. But in the end all 3 survived the thaw & maintained at same grades so no need to thaw more embbies.
Hope for the best and prepared for the worst is as zen as can be liao lah. It's all in gods hands now and there's nothing much we can do but hope it all works out in the end. So good, your DH agree to bring you out. My HL technically ends today and he still say no. But tomoro I'm thinking of sneaking out for awhile! hahaha

My sides are still aching constantly. Sometimes throbbing, sometimes dull aches, sometimes a quick sharp pain. I also can't be bothered to assess the pains liao. As long as I don't see bleeding or have very bad cramps, I am very thankful. Poo poo everyday good leh. I laosai until sian... DH says some websites say people eat and vomit, some eat and laosai. I think I am the latter lor.

You can tahan until Thursday???? I think I want to try tomorrow. I have those cheapo HPT strips which I bought in bulk last time that's still un-used. Will use those. hahaha
Where u wana sneak to Tmr?so nice hor, u hv whole of dec to rest.
Feel like eating desserts now - mango crepe. Hubb zzz.. So I dream dream of it lah :(
Btw, remember to chk d expiry of ure online strip. Dun be like me used an expired kit 2 mths bk n gave me false alarm.. But d line was sooooo obvious even dr Zou also scratch head .
I m still looking at my hpt tested this Mrng.. Still seeing a very very very very faint line. Hope it gets darker by we'd n rather not due to residual prengyl ...
At least you have a very very very faint line! Got hope! Will you be taking Dr Zou's an-tai meds if you BFP?

Desserts ah... I have ice-cream in the fridge and so far I have resisted the temptation. But maybe will give myself a mini treat if I strike jackpot this Friday. heeheehee. Is your BT this Saturday?

I'll be going to Parkway lah. Nearby, not too far. I don't dare stay out too long also. Meeting my friend for lunch then going home. I scaredy cat. hahaha

I bought my bra extender from Metro. You can try OG also. They always place them at the cashier counter. It's very cheap; a few dollars only. My friend recommended. It's more affordable than buying new bras at this point cos usually it's only our width that expands, not the cup size.
It could be evaporation line,I duno.. D line doesn't appear.. It's like a water mark.. At one glance at strip, won't notice.. Hv to see it closer.. I Duno if u get what I mean.not even sure if such lines can be considered.but it helps to keep my faith going.
Anyway... Nothing's firm till we see d line darkening with confirmed BT..

Mine supposedly sat but kkivf schedule it on Friday.

So nice... Walk slowly Tmr hor... N go light on food.
Hi snuggly
Since u will be at kk tomorow, u can inform them on the spot that ur af is here and can collect Lucrin bo..

Hi ceraine
Congrat!! Great that u dare to test hpt now.. Jiayou.. Line will get darker as time goes by.. Will u be testing everyday fr now onwards?

Hi sister
I finally bought ensure.. I remember someone ever say put three scoops of ensure powder but i read that qingwei say put six scoops so how many scoop shd i put in? Thks for ur advise..
What time you going down? I shld be there around 8.30-9AM. Maybe will see you. heehee. Nurse said to take my breakfast first then go down. Line or faint line, must have faith!

miracle's turn to MIA now. hahaha

3 scoops is half cup, 6 scoops is 1 cup. You must trial and error yourself then you know what thickness you like. Level or heaped scoop also up to you and individual taste.
This morning... But I tested before it..
No.. Didn't use clearblue as ...

So worrying, we received a call fr loanshark that some1 use my hubb IC to borrow $.. Told my hubb to go police station if he wans to make a report..my hubb now at police station.
You all very confident leh. Im still worried my af will report cos mine is a long cycle. Tink oni after 30th then i feel secured.

Tml test le must update hor. All the best. Got a feel tat tml u will see +
Try to test at least 7 days after your last hcg jab. For initial tests, clearblue should be sensitive enough pickup quite low levels of hcg. I did beta on DPT10 and it was 8+ only and considering the doubling rate every 24-48hrs. I get a clear + on DPT12. Tested on the online pee stripes and the line test was obviously faint as compared to the clearblue hpt.

OMG, did ur hb misplaced his ic before ? Better go file police report!!!..
No lei, he never misplace... Waiting for him to b back..
Testing today as wana see effect of prengyl..hence dun wana waste hpt.
D next test.. I will use clearblue.
My turn to spot. So worrying!! Pinkish, watery, diluted kind that i saw on wipe after pee. None on liner. After that no more. That was 2+ this afternoon. Called Angela & was told to bedrest & pop 2 utro straightaway. And from now onwards to pop 2 utro 3x daily.
So scary....
Hubb back. Police ask us to wait for d loanshark call Tmr n see Wat he say. We find it very strange. He gave us a posh account which police can't trace. N how would a loanshark claim he is one and ask us make police report right... Tryingnot to scare myself..
Better do complete bedrest and minimise your movements as much as possible. Don't go and work tomorrow ya! Do chop-chop bathes too. Mine also the same case like yours. During my spotting episode, everytime I peed and wiped I see that horrible pinkish watery discharge. So far any dark brownished discharge ?
That self-claim loan-shark sounded like a scam. But do be alert and try not to add unnecessary stress during your final lap of 2ww.
Hi soul
Oh i see.. Lol.. Me didnt read clearly earlier.. Thks for ur advise..;) how r u? Hope to get ur tons of bb dust by coming Friday after u test ur bt..bfp bfp..

Hi ceraine
Yes, u will definitely get bfp.. Jiayou.. I want u and miracle bb dust too.. So nice right to hv cycling buddy together.. ;)
I almost forgotten to tell u. Dr Zou asked me to eat lotus-roots glutinous rice porridge during that horrendous spotting episode. Took for 3 consecutive days even after spot stops.
Mine happened only once after that pee. Subsequent pees were all clear. I'm still jittery. Will go get the lotus roots & glutinous rice for standby.
I hope everything is ok now?? My friend who moved in not long ago also had a paid visit by this Ah Long who spoke the most perfect English and she didn't know if she should be scared or amused. She also lodged a police report. Whatever the case may be, it's always best to lodge a report first so in case something happens in future, they already have it on file. *touch wood* nothing happens lah! choi choi choi! ;P

No prob. And thanks for the well-wishes!

Day/Pink M
It's scary to hear abt the spotting. I literally checked my toilet paper each time I wiped during this 2WW to see if I was ok.

Care to share the lotus root porridge recipe? TIA!
Start eating the lotus roots glut porridge. Think it helps clot the bleeding. Btw, are you on baby aspirin ? I was on that and was told to stop immediately as it thins the blood. Even my spot was pretty short. But till now, I am still v.jittery when I go for my pee sessions. Remembered my 1st outing after the spotting episode, I kept going to the loo to check every 10-15mins. How stressful...

Below is the recipe if case anyone needs it..

+ Take one section of the lotus root and diced it into small cubes.
+ Grab a handful of glutinous rice.
+ Mix rice glutinous rice and the diced lotus roots and cook for about an hour OR until the rice softens.
Thanks! It looks very simple. I always avoided glutinous rice cos I thought they caused indigestion. So I find it rather surprising it's in most pregnancy recipe books. (I bought one from Popular) =)
Yup I'm supposed to stop aspirin now. Shall stop tomorrow onwards.

My appetite has gone downhill. Food turns me off though I'm starving. Can't stomach nor smell fish. Go foodcourt also quite sick of the smell. Food in front of me yet don't feel like eating at all. But still have to eat a few mouthfuls to fill stomach. Yesterday morning after a few mouthfuls of breakfast a strong wave of nausea swept over & I nearly puked but it was over in few minutes & I couldn't eat anymore....
Your MS is kicking in. I don't feel nauseous or anything as yet. Sometimes I feel a little abnormal though. My D-Day is just 2 days away and sometimes I can't help feeling a little jittery again. When r u going back for your beta?
Really...I didn't know that preg. recipes books also recommended glut rice dishes. I had no problems with digestion after eating the lotus roots glut porridge ya.
Thx... Reading ure msg ease my mind. Hubb say the guy whom call sounds young, doesn't sound like those ruffians. D police say will set up security but hubb didn't ask abt frequency etc.
My neighbor two monsters were here n it took my mind off this issue...
As I hv clotting issue, dr Zou advise me to eat redbean soup or peanut soup which will help in clotting. Not sure if it has d same effect as d glutinous rice boh..
Your beta is definitely high - high chance of multiples. My last beta was last Tue @ 5k+ ..crossing my fingers that all goes fine. Am eating alot for sure but after food I feel so bloated again
..Just weigh myself and thank goodness i didn't put on any weight as yet. These few days..more strains at pelvic area and when I walked slightly longer, my backache will kick-in and I will feel so tired. Yep, Tues will be everything for me.
MS = Morning Sickness ya!.Nope, I stopped acupuncture as bfp ladies with Dr Zou will no longer need acu. Yes, I am taking Dr Zou's An-Tai meds now.
Thanks sunstillshines & soul.

You can try put a bit of honey. I used to do that to the AF med that dr Zou gave cos i cant stand the taste & smell. The one with sheep placenta. I asked before, it's ok to put a little honey to drink with.
Just read ur post. Please take care and have bedrest. Ur MS seems to be kicking in, although it can be quite uncomfortable,it is nevertheless a good sign that ur preggy is healthy.
Try to eat small meals. Grabbing ur bbdust!

R u doing FET also? Where and when r u doing? we can be cycle buudy! i am doing natural thaw FET this month and will be going for scanning tmr to see if follicles, lining are ideal n if I test positive on ovalution kit.
Day: is there a need for me to continue the folic acid now since the ER is over? Are you also still taking the immunocal?

I take so many things until I am blurred! I am still eating egg whites!! Shamseah said cut down slowly and hb really monitor me and make sure I cut down one egg every day only. Tomorrow I will have to eat 3 egg whites...
twins: yes, due to the OHSS risk, I will be doing FET but only in Jan. So you will be one month ahead of me for FET. It is such a long wait! I m with TMC-TFC. Currently I am on acupuncture and chinese medicine. I prefer to condition my body now so that I can maintain my body healthy until Jan. Where are you doing your FET?
All my previously pregnant friends all highly recommended eating the Meiji Plain crackers. They come in the white & blue box in individually wrapped packages of 7 biscuits. I am eating those in between meals now as well and they're quite alright. Try those? At least better than not eating anything at all. Take care!!!

Folic acid MUST be taken throughout entire pregnancy period - whether ET, ER, TTC or BFP. If you run out, just pop by the pharmacy to get them.
Pinkm tks for advice. I just bought manuka honey and I didn't dare mix coz the honey so lumpy. Ok I will try to dissolve the honey first then put the med. Hai yucky.
I am doing at KKH. Did Dr advise if u shld do medicated or natural. My cycle this mth may be aborted depending on my results tmr. if it is aborted, i may consider doing medicated next month.
