IVF/ICSI Support Group

shoes - the problem I have here is I cannot take time off, nobody can cover my duties, I start to wonder how to work from home during my 2ww

susan - I think tokkie is in taiwan now, u'll see her online next week
try not to move to much & hope everything is fine for you. Dun worry too much may be tomolo ur hcg will shoot up. Now u in D17?

May be can ask doc to jap pregnyl to stable the pregnancy? think u shld le
Can't tell colour now. Now lying down n not mvg much. Hope bleedg will stop.

No need. Clinic said above 30 ok so they just increase more support. Mine borderline.

P Is for progesterone the hormone tt supports uterine lining development
I'm with kkivf under dr Kelly loi
shoes, take extra care of yourself but still a big congrates to you. So you have gone back to work?

i having menstrual cramp now, quite worried.
<font color="aa00aa">mel - yeah, I will beg tmrw for pregnyl though I am already on PIO and inserts. Dr Zou thinks they may not give me more, cos a bit over liao . we'll see! I'm D16 from retrival, D14 from transfer

12Bmami - cool, stay horizontal! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">thanks winniepooh, babytigers - to be honest, dun feel preggie yet. haha, like could disclaimer to the news like thqt.

My HL till 9th August but I may ask for extension given all that's going on. See how. My boss sure freak. already 20 days HL hahahaha.

Try to relax the stomach and just let the cramp pass, if u know what I mean. </font>
Shoes... Dun worry so much now... Only thing tat u can do is to sit down n relax... Our little ones will stick and stay wif us thru the 9mths!!!Try go to private gynea and ask for support jab. Remember to bring along the bloodtest results fr KKIVF centre so that they will nt waste time to go thru the BT again...
rest well and take care!
<font color="aa00aa">thanks Faith. Yeah, got the BT with me already, though all it says is my name and HCG level hahahaha

Ok, enough about me, how are u all doing?</font>
hi shoe,

Thanks for the advise. I will pray for u too..

Did u tell dr zou abt ur beta low? Or she also managed to diagnose by reading ur pulse?
<font color="aa00aa">serene, I told her my beta level and she say yeah hor, very low leh, only have 1 patient so far with her that had beta so low and successfully carried to full term.

sometimes knowing too much is not good lol.</font>
shoes, ya better ask for extension to stabilize your little ones first. you have come a long way dun waste it.

bt is only next week but i m experiencing the cramps already, my god.
iloveshoes, D14 still early, hcg will go up these days. I still remember my last pregnancy hcg test on d14 only 100+, 3 more days already shoot up to 500+. At the meanwhile, try not to move too much &amp; rest well ya!

btw, big congrats to you!!!! jia you oh!
<font color="aa00aa">mel - yeah, can only pray my apple, banana and cherry are just shy kids and late bloomers hahahahahaaha.

Babytigers, yeah, will do that. though staying in bed is really driving me nuts, even this past 1 hour!</font>
Susan: I am not sure whether it is E2 blood test..But they called in Progrestrone BT...maybe other sistas can advise whether the same...

Seaview: hehehe...we r doing well ya..i am trying to get rid of my gastric...still not successful...bear with it i guess...

12BMami: I hope it's nothing serious maybe implantation like other sistas say...rest in bed..all will be well...

iloveshoes: Congrats...u too rest in bed more.hope ur level will double by tomolo..to wat i know it doubles everyday rite...ur little sweetheartz...will grow and continue to be strong....;-)

woke up to eat for while..now off to bed..before hubbie wakes up and ban me from using the comp for next wk...
Nadia:- Hmmm?? Lets me think how i get rid of my gastric... Its lasts me for 5days... hmmm... ya!! I drank milo mixed with cereals.. perhaps u would like to try it...
12BMami (12bmami),
If u see my msg, please quickly go to any gynae clinic and request for a progesterone jab. I rem Dr Zou told me b4 that if gt bleed, must faster go for the jab le. Even if KKH ask u to wait and see if it worsen. Dun delay even if its a day. Just go and jab. No harm jabbing extra progesterone to stablise the bleed. I'm not trying to scare u but faster go for a jab k.. Any gynae clinic will do.. But rem to tell them its an IVF pregnancy.

That time when I was in Macau, I also bleed very badly and was given HCG and prolutron jab immediately. The bleed kinda stablised and stopped after that.. So quickly go get a jab k...

Do take good care. Bed rest hor..
<font color="aa00aa">silly question but dr zou's medication, its empty the powder and mix with warm water to drink rite? not put the bag and soak in water like tea yeah?

i sound like i am mad already</font>
<font color="aa00aa">thanks tickles, just needed to be sure. sometimes no good to be too imaginative hahahahaha</font>
Ha! No worries...
But what makes u think its to soak de? The packaging is not those kind that can soak de right? Haha!
Hi all!

Shoes : congrats! Do take care ya! I'm sure ur bbs are strong.

Winniepooh : I'm still here. Flying off tml.

Susan : yes. Me with dr thong pao wen, rcm with ms jin
12BMami (12bmami)
At that time, my bleed was quite bad. Pad also cannot hold de. I stain my entire white skirt. The doc even tell me that must be prepared to lose the baby. I was 11 weeks then. She tried her best to help me atblise my condition with jabs and I rested in bed in her clinic from 11am till ard 6pm..

After which I was wheel chair back to the hotel for further bed rest... The next day I was sent to the ferry terminal to go back to HK to see my HK gynae (recommended by my sin gynae). He too, immediately gave me another dose of progesterone when I saw him.. At that time, my bleed wasnt that bad already but still need to put pad as still got blood coming out. I was given jabs daily till I'm certify fit to travel back. But must bed rest lor. No walking etc..

Think dun be scared first. Just go to a gynae clinic and say u want a progesterone jab done. Extra progesterone wont harm de. Just go for it and ask for more support too. After that lie down in bed and just rest.
12BMami (12bmami),
oh, my bleed at that time was light red color, then it became lesser after the jab and slower became dark brown.. Stay positive k.. Most impt just go get the extra support k...
Shoes - i was at Dr Zou just now ... i heard u talking to dr zou !!
Were u still outside when i came out ??
there was a family of 3 outside waiting area, lady wearing green ..
Don't think its u right ?
Dear all sistas,

this morning wife just got the blood test result after 2WW from KKH IVF.
Nurse say she is pregnant but still ask us to come back for another blood test next tuesday as the HCG level is at 166. Nurse say that they are expecting > 200 at end of 2ww .

and we are told to book appointment to see DR , within 3rd to 4th week of Aug.
Nurse say currently we are subsidized and if we wish to be continue as subsidize rate , when go back to clinic D to see DR ,may not see the same DR for future appointment. ???
How come like that ? if want to stick to same DR. We must select/book them and consultation will become Private rate !
Not sure we allow to go to other pte clinic or must stay with KKH ??
Congrats!! I think u can go to any dr or hosp once rue out of kkivf. May wish to just follow up till pregnancy stabilize with kk while scouting for own gynae. I'm with kkivf n to keep seeing same dr must go pte. Works for all hospitals or with gynae clinics...
RTG - This is weird. As long as u opt for kkivf to do yr ivf u are considered private rates already.

Why got subsidy ?
Thanks 12Bmami...

thanks for your info.
Just feel not right...maybe its only me..
well still have to depend on next blood test on next week. hopefully my wife HCG level start to multiply...
I also was on referral to kkh via polyclinic &amp; was seeing doc at clinic D. Once I decided to go with dr loh at kkivf i was informed by the cashier that no subsidies will be given as I am considered a private patient already.
yes, cos we choose the DR... If we didnt choose the doc, we will still be enjoying the subsidy rate.. inclusive of BT...

Ah ... so RTG didn't choose a doc ?

RTG - so which doc did yr wife's ER &amp; ET ?

I think if u want to choose doc, best to go private cos i was even with Clinic D &amp; its horrid .. long waiting time then everytime need to repeat my situation / story to the new doc.
