IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="0077aa">hi serene
eh...i never done IUI or SO-IUI, hope you don't mind my comments....
I agree with you that sperms and eggs are getting older each day. And after every cycle, be it IUI or IVF, it is very tiring to us physically and mentally. Not to mention it being aborted and failed.

I will be starting on IVF this sept/oct and this is my 1st one. Did not even consider trying IUI. When Dr Loh asked me which one i want, i told him ivf, cos chances higher, he respected my decision and let me proceed with it. I'm not sure if you really wanna try at least 3 IUI then embark IVF...but if it is me, i would be totally drained and not motivated by then....

Perhaps you want to seek a 2nd opinion and decide? Take care =)

take a break in puregon...cos too stressful no good for stimulation.. =)</font>

Hi Serene!

If i were u, i will opt in for IVF cos chances is higher... For me, I was asked to go IVF due the my hubby sperm's count plus I dont ovulate..
serene - I went thru 2 rounds of SO-IUI with injecting puregon of 100IU, first round of iui scan at day 9 was 7 eggs, day 11 scan was 5 eggs and reach 18mm. 2nd round of iui still inject puregon of 100iu + 50mg of clomid, day 8 scan was 8 eggs, day 11 left abt 6 or 7. Angela from CARE told me both cycles by right have to be aborted cos too many eggs! after 2nd round I decided ivf it shall be, I was so drained mentally and when Angela saw our reports our option was only ivf. I'll be embarking this Sept. If u dun feel comfortable with watever ur gynae is doing, seek 2nd opinion
hi ineedmiracle, seaview, winniepooh,

Thanks for the advise.
I afraid my fertility doc might get offended if I insisted on doing ivf instead of trying IUI 1st. I m thinking of SO-IUI since I dun respond veri well with clomid. If 2 rounds still unsuccessful then proceed with IVF. Like u gals suggest, mayb I shld seek 2nd opinion.
hi ineedmiracle,

May I know the reason why dr loh didnt recommend you to do SO-IUI 1st? Tot normally, fertility doc will start from IUI/SO-IUI then proceed to ivf.

I think my doc wanted us to try IUI 1st as my hub SA result is ok, my blood test result is ok too except tat i m not ovulating regularly. Mayb I shld let my doc know my concerns. I dun wan to miss the chance to do IUI just becos my follicles did not grow to the ideal size. Every cycle is very precious to us. I think if he is against me of doing SO-IUI, I will change another fertility doc.
<font color="0077aa">serene,
erm...i'm not sure why he didn't recommend SO-IUI. He asked me if I wan to start with IUI or straight to IVF. I told him IVF cos chances are higher. =)

I think if he wants me to go IUI, i will still insist on IVF. </font>
Hi all....

I have been following this thread for a long time but I never get to post here...

I learn alot from everyone experience here..

Serene - Please dont bee dishearten, I understand how you feels, I went through what you did. Keep looking forward... Jia you
I'm panicking. I'm bleeding, not heavy n hvg cramps. My p level yesterday borderline so starting on another medication today. My ET was last fri. What should I do?? Worried.
It's reddish pink. Called kkivf say to rest n observe two days or go 24hr clinic if don't stop or gets heavier..I'm just so worried. Dunno how to explain..
Elo Dearies...

JJ: tomolo ur ET rite..Best of luck...

Seaview: how r u dear...

iloveshoes: do share us ur result...waiting with my big bag...

u gals must be wondering ..am i back as per normal..trying to...still having the bloatedness...body feel much better...food intake is better too...but on bed rest still..hubbie is zzzzz...heheheh ..so come here for awhile...hope to be back on my feet by next week...

Went for progrestrone BT today..got my result at 163...so continue with inserts...no etc support required..very hepi...hepi..

i will try to get read up the forum more soon..alot to catch up...miss quite abit alreadi...

rest well gals...take care to all...;-)
Hi 12Bmami... Do take care and hope everything is fine for you...Pray for you...

Ladies... While i read through the thread,I saw 2ww, ET, ER.. etc? what is all these? Haha... I'm so sotong...
Nadia:- Glad to hear that u are recovering.... I think i had recovered from my bloatedness, gastric etc... But, I can still feel abit of pain on my lower abdominal...
A little update of myself, my P level is 57.3... also feel happy that no extra support req... :p
Hi Susan,

ET- Embryo Transfer

ER- Embryp Retrieve

2ww:- 14 days of HL.. Bed Rest at home.. HL will be given to u on the day of ER..

p.s. u are not the only sotong.. me too... Was not sure of the terms, when i started my IVF Journey in June..
Thanks everyone. Appreciate ur prayers.

Mine is 30.66 so today start on oral progesterone.

2 weeks wait, egg retrieval, embryo transfer.
oh oh.... Thanks seaview and 12Bmami...

Im doing IVF now also today is my day 26 since the start of IVF but no one to talk to so not sure of the term... Haha...
<font color="aa00aa">hi all, Update from my end. I am preggie, but at a very high risk for miscarriage. Beta level is quite low - all the docs I've seen don't view it very positive. I know that everything is in His hands and I committ it all to Him. Please continue to pray for me.

Going back to KK tmrw as all the docs are out this afternoon. Hugs all!</font>
<font color="0077aa">iloveshoes
you a strong, im sure your embbies will be strong to cling on! And please rest well...don't move too much. </font>
Shoes:- Congrats!!! Will pray for u... God Blessed u!! *hugs*

P.s Dont carry heavy things... If possbile, dont walk too much... Rest on bed and laze...
<font color="aa00aa">serene, I would just move onto IVF if I were you. IUI didn't work for us either and Clomid was not great for me.

miracle - thanks
hi shoes, u will be alrite, what is ur hcg value? i rem Gan hcg is 38.8 but nw she is in her tri weeks. Take care, dun worry so much.

Come to the forum often... U can talk to us...
Which hosp are u with?? In this forum, we shared our experiences... heehee! All the Best!!
<font color="aa00aa">seaview - thanks
too bad not much babydust hahahaaha like Dr Zou says, now can only depend on the baby to fight its way le</font>
<font color="aa00aa">hi adeline, thanks for the reasurance. Mine is only 60, they want to see 250 at this stage. I just pray that my apple, banana and cherry are just late implanters and will blossom!</font>
<font color="0077aa">iloveshoes
yah..duno move so much..no heavy things. and don't drive till you are stable. take taxi and relax when you go kk tmr...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">miracle - dun drive I more stressed ah! :p
Wonder if I can insist on pregnyl jab or not. Anyone has ideas?</font>
Hi shoes.. Though i dont know you... hope everything is fine for you... do rest well and dont think so much... everything will be fine..

Seaview - Im with raffles hospital... I tried 3 times of IUI, 2 times failed, 1 time aborted the process. Now im into IVF.
<font color="aa00aa">seaview - thanks ...huggies! yes, yay apple, banana and cherry!!! rotfl. just luffing as I am imagining a,b,c in my womb going...wah lau, this mommy so demanding!!

susan - thanks! Another lady, tokkie, is also from RH doing IVF there. She seems to have a very good doc and tcm doc too. can look out for her</font>
Susan:- I see.. All the best on your IVF Journey.. Its not an easy journey, always hangs on to it... Dont give up!!

Again, come to forum often, this forum is a bible of the IVF... cheers!!
<font color="aa00aa">winniepooh, if I were u, I would take advantage of working in my family biz to take the time needed off. Something that can't be easily done if u worked for others, for you should consider it as part of your priviledge in working for your family. </font>
oh tokkie is also from RH?
Hi Tokkie... Are you there??

Seaview - ya... a very stressful, emotional and physical torture... haha.. What about you??
<font color="aa00aa">12mami - read about your bleed. If not red blood, you should be fine.

Adeline - doc all out this pm, so tmrw then will give additional support. I'm also going to see my regular ob tmrw, he is also out today! only managed to see dr zou today and get some an tai medication, though she was shaking her head a lot and I was like..errr...really that bad ah :p

seaview - hee hee, yeah lor...!!!</font>
