IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nadia, I hv not started yet, have decided to delay for another month as Dr Loh will be away for a week next month and coincidently crash with my ET/ER timing

I will be using Aug AF and 1st jab will start in Sep.

Its good to take small meals if you got no appetite. Take care! Your hubby allows you to online already?

Sesame_oil: ic..well it's k to have the delay as long as u feel comfy with Dr Loh availability mah...dun worry...ur journey will smooth flowing..;-)

yup hubbie allow but on and off..cannot sit at comp for long..heheheh
Nadia, actually i am ok with other doctors but hubby says we go to KKH because of Dr Loh, so no choice have to delay lor. I hope he will not be away again in Oct....keeping my fingers crossed.

too much radiation from the comp also not v good, perhaps can read some books, mags and listen to music to kill time

When is your BT? so excited for u!
miracle, I will also start my immunocal when I start my jabs and no TCM to take. tsk tsk. Now I simply got too much things to take. Chix essence also take abt 3-4 bottles per mth already as the TCM from Dr Zou is heaty enough.
on ER day u go up to 12th floor woman's clinic and look for either Dora or Michelle (Dr loh's nurses). Hb needs to accompany u and produce sperm. there's a private room near the toilet where the nurses will open for him to use. while he goes to the room, the nurse will bring u down to 8th floor to get admitted. they'll show u to a 4 or 6 bedder room which will be yr resting room after ER.

a nurse will come and ask u some pre admittance qns and to sign form etc. Dr Loh's nurse will go to the operating theatre to prepare.
then u change to yr hospital gown and wait for them to get u. once hb is done he can join u in the room.

when it's time, the nurse will push u to the operating theatre waiting area. hb hv to wait outside. inside nurse will verify yr details etc and then u wait again. when the actual theatre is ready, Dr loh's nurse will come and get u and go into the actual theatre. the anesthetist will insert the iv and then u wait again for Dr loh to come. once dr loh arrives, the anesthetist will insert the sedative and u'll be knocked out.
when u wake u'll be in the operating theatre waiting room again. then they'll push u back to the ward on 8th floor to rest.
the nurse will give u some milo and sandwich and monitor u for any vomitting or side effects.
at this point i still feel quite ok cos i think painkiller still in effect.

after a few hrs, if no prob, they'll discharge u from 8th floor. u go back to 12th floor and the nurses will tell u how many eggs retrieved, wat medication to take etc. and then make appt for ET.

after that u can go home already. after my ER i still went for lunch, walked quite a bit then go home. but in the car on the way home i felt some pain and cramping on my lower abdomen, so i suggest u go straight home. when i reached home i took one panadol and knocked out.

the next day, the embroylogist will call u and tell u how many eggs retrieved, how many useable and how many fertilised.

the following day u go for yr ET. ET process is similar except no more admitting to the 8th floor ward. from 12th floor just go straight to the operating theatre. ET process is just like iui.
Thank you so much grumpus... Very detail...

For the ovidrel jab on the tummy is it painfulz?
My tummy full pf blue black le, I tot jab on backside but Dora said on the tummy.
ovidrel totally not pain at all. pregnyl is more pain.
u going to the raffles family medicine on level 1 for the jab?
Susan, actually jabs are not so scary, the pain probably last for a few seconds.

I am more afraid to go for blood test 'coz the nurses always say my vein very small, sometimes they poke poke poke then say no blood from here got to poke the other arm to try .... and I end up with plasters on both arms ... hehe
Ya lo.. I also scare draw blood, always said u skinny cannot find my vein, beat and beat until blue black already then can see the vein.. Grgh.. Everytime go I need to draw blood, I tell the nurse I not enough blood don't need to draw so much abit can liao. Haha...

Just nw scan only got 12 "eggs" are ready.. Hopefully these 2 days grow a few more..
Susan: trust them. Initally, me also worried. But I leave it to the god... Most importantly, is to take care of ourself and relax! ;)
my veins are also very small and deep set. i always tell them my veins very difficult to find one, they usually ask the senior nurses or the clinic supervisor (the ones in coats) to draw blood for me.
before ER dr loh told me abt 10 eggs only. but during ER managed to retrieve 15 eggs. all mature and useable. 12 fertilised and 11 made it to ET. i transfered back 3 and still have 8 to freeze.
oh! i just remembered i am seeing Dr loh this tues at 10.15am for my regular checkup. means we could possibly bump into each other
<font color="0077aa">nadia
so happy to see you back in the forum. Glad to hear you are feeling much better. You hubby must have been taking care of you very well!

so far, took dr zou's med for 3rd day. Dun find it heaty. But i kept on running to the toilet. And today, tummy veri pain, like cramps. I take chicken essence 4-5 times a week. Practically every week need to stock up chicken essences. Lolz.

Ladies can i check, those herbal black chicken soup selling at food courts and soup restaurant, okie for us to drink? Even till we 2ww? Esp the one selling in Soup Restaurant. Im refering to the ingredients. I knw food court do add msg, haiz...but i tink nutrients level still oso have right?</font>
better dun drink those outside herbal soup cos u dun know exactly what herbs they use. some herbs are not suitable for preggie woman and hence not suitable for 2ww.
<font color="0077aa">grumpus
im still thinking how to settle my 2ww when my turn comes. Cos i be alone at home. No intention to let mummy know as yet. What kind of soup i can cook using slow cooker? Then i might get hubby to cook in the morning so i can have for lunch and dinner. Actuali would it be recommend to take some herbal soup durinng 2ww?</font>
V sad today. Dr refused to gv me jab said inserts n oral enuf. My menses came n she say still go fo BT on 16th. But crying fr just now.
12BMami: oh dear..y like that...urs is under which dr? nothing can be done while u wait till 16th...that's very long...abt another 9 days...
just not i inserted too early .. suppose to insert at 6pm today but forgot &amp; inserted at 3pm .. hope won't affect..
cos today start late like 10am by the time i come home so i had to adjust the timing till 6pm.

Tomor then i follow the 8, 3, 11.30 timing schedule
Nadia - care to share yr embies grades ?

I'm trying to find Day 2 timeline till BT but can't seem to find
hi miracle - no discomfort so far, tummy bloatedness reduced liao ...

Though am coughing ... then scared will affect the twins (HA .. I'm calling them that now)

2ww ? Hmm ... no fixed schedule to follow, my 2ww life will circle around the 3 times a day inserts ... set timer to remind me

Thanks for sharing. I'll call the nurses some time next week to check. Do take good care of yourself. Must be tough on you esp for the past few days. It's all going to be worth it!
actually all kinds of soups can cook in the slow cooker. during 2ww just eat nutritious and healthy food can liao. i did drink black chicken with pao sheng and cordyceps soup during 2ww but only once a week. other times i just eat normally
mon is national day... some docs may not be around, do call up before heading down. I've sin today.... share one cup with teh-c with hubby after that guilty like mad!
Grumpus - I will be at the clinic at 8am... by the time you reach clinic I should be done... Hopefully can catch you at the clinic, rem to hear out for a patient call "Susan". Hugs....

reading you all mention what things to eat during the 2ww? Hmm... no one in the family know im doing IVF, got any place can tabao nutrition foods?
Susan - u might want to consider ordering tingkat.

I'm currently with mum's cooking &amp; i find their portions a good sized. They also have option of soup. Their soup quite good, it has all the ingredants inside not stingy like some places where their soup is thin &amp; taste like water.

Check out their website:
Hi ladies!

JJ> Congrats on the ET! 20 is such a fantastic number! Good luck!!

iloveshoes> I hope it all works out for you. =) *hugs*

miracle> I'm also in the teaching profession. Maybe this explains why we both have to do IVF! hahaha... I attribute it to the very stressful job we have which nobody can understand. Yup, we can be cycle buddies! I think you have the same intention as me - you want to have complete rest during the Nov and Dec period right??? Dr Loh also laughed when he recalled that I'm a teacher. =P

I have a question: I'm in my 3rd day of menses now. Should I go visit Dr Zou DURING or AFTER my menses to do accupuntures?
thanks JJ for the recommendation... but dont think opt for that... im staying with my in law... if i have the meal service think my in law will kill me.. haha... why dont eat her food...
