IVF/ICSI Support Group


Actually, I also wonder how come they didnt convert IVF to SOIUI, in your wife's case.

Have she done any SOIUI/IVF before?

Do give her your encouragement and support. I know she needs these badly now. Let her rest her body first before embarking on the next one....

Hi Ineedmiracle,

is it ?
we were refer by polyclinic to KKH ,not walk in patient...those tests we did are under subsidize.
Hi Faith,

Its our 1st cycle IVF/ICSI.
We didnt have any SOIUI before, we were just advised by a doctor which is not our ivf gynae after the 2nd scan that we have to abandon this IVF cycle due to only 1 ripe egg.
She's ok now and under my TLC ...
i can add you on FB!! you pm me your email. But hor, no one knows i'm going on ivf. so in FB wall cannot mention hor. =)
Actually no matter how busy in school, I won't bring marking home. cos I believe resting and spending time with DH. And I will still check out the forum, but not daily le...=(

Think kkh BT won't be ex. kkh mah, anything also cheaper than other hospital bah.

I also have a referal from polyclinic. I think mayb those charges related to ivf is no longer subsidised as we are converted to private when doing ivf. So now, I'm still subsidised rate doing all the fetility test, till all done le, then will choose gynae and convert to ivf/private patient le.
If i'm not wrong, only a gynae followed you throughout for ivf right? You with the famous Dr SF Loh? If I'm not wrong, as long you are under your gynae, then considered private le. Perhaps can call kkh to check. Or any ladies here with kkh can clarify...
you mean the gynae that does the scan for you is not your ivf gynae/ chosen gynae?

Can any ladies clarify? Is it even we choose specifically a gynae in kkh, become a private patient, we still don't get the gynae to see us through? There will be a possibility where other gynaes on duty will see us?
ineedmiracle, for IVF, even though u are with the gynae u chose at kkh, but scanning during suppression or simulation, it would be by the sonographer. BT taken by the nurse. after scan, there will be a doc on duty who will go through the results with u, not Dr Loh. unless the doc on duty is not sure of anything, they will consult dr loh. Dr Loh or your chosen gynae will perform the ER and ET for you.
good morning nm... such nice weather to sleep in today... i got to crawl out of bed coz part time help is here..and hb went out to get his hair cut...
pinkD: tell r hubby u cannot be frightened at this stage lah...
hehe maybe he is trying to cheer u on

hi panda: my helper came yesterday afternoon...hehe i agree its good weather...but cant sleep anymore...
no worries... just laugh with the tricks but tactfully tell him that mayb he can avoid such tricks now coz you feel it's not good to be jumpy now coz embbies are trying the implant... he'll be careful next time. i would guess he's trying to make u less up-tight - u may be showing that u r stressed up, or worrying, so that's his good intentions.

just continue to stay positive, ok.
thanks babe.
I feel very restrained that i cant do hsehold chores and he lacks initiative. Makes the hse so messy and still make me jump.
Angry with him now :x
nm, i was struggling to stay awake after taking utro just now..hehe..then the vacuum cleaner sound woke me up again.....

pink D, cannot be upset.... must smile and laugh more ok... then can hv happy babies.....
hi Caryn,

how many did u transferred? u with Mt E, right? which gynea hah?

yes, i did sleep and nap alot on the first few days. but i also did abit of walk, like getting a drink in the kitchen, getting up for meals, toilets and sat up watched tv. all things in moderation and most impt is go with your feeling. i nap when i feel tired even though i know it's too much nap! baby dusts to you, Caryn!
nm: not as bloated as after ER...the days between ER and ET I was so bloated I cant eat/sleep...now I jus feel normal...
just now i saw orangey-red stain on pantiliner...tog with the crinone discharge
pink d,
must learn to delegate housework and stuff to hb. after u bfp and when baby/babies are born u'll be doing much less of these things. men are all like that lah no initiative one, no use complaining, just direct.
i've given up trying to complain abt hb not doing anything cos i realise it's cos he doesn't know wat to do! it's obvious to us right, but not to them. so now i just go, can u do the laundry today, hse needs to be mopped today, can u buy this from ntuc etc etc...

the orangey-red stain is on the crinone discharge? i remember i had this salmon pinky stain on my crinone discharge b4. it's not spotting, is actually the crinone oxidised changed colour.
hi Caryn,
i remember u now, and i told u abt a fren who transferred 1 and delivered a princess.
so stay positive, ok.
i transferred 2. will be going for wk 6 scan next tuesday.
for you now, u just try to relax and stay positive. no doubt as the days passed, your thoughts may wonder, so u have to standby something else to distract or get you back on positive route. all's for u to decide... jia you, ok.

i'll not be on forum much, but sisters here are all helpful and they'll keep u company here.

but my meassage is open, u can send me anytime.
pink d,
i agree with nm, i was very bloated during the 1st wk but cos i had hcg jab every 3 days. and i know the bloating is cos of the jab cos on the day of the next jab i'll be ok, no bloating, then once i take the jab i get super bloated.
2nd wk no more hcg jab, no more bloating.
pink D: do something that will cheer u up..
go see the print out of yr embbies...maybe tat will cheer u up?

ya second week bloating was not obvious..just tight lower abs
i wanna cry but i told myself i cant.
im very upset with him - insensitive and tactless.
somemore now i have no bloating no nothing...
i tell myself maybe its just not meant to be...
caryn: i dont think gynae will scan before bt cos too early to detect heart beat and sac. we cant tell if implantation happens or not...some of us have no symptoms at all...some describe lower ab cramps/feeling of AF coming....

dont worry too much
PinkD, remember I also said after ET I felt nothing at all last week? I mentioned to Angela & she immediately asked me back for HCG jab even though I'm OHSS potential & numbers on bt after ET where ok. U want to contact Ning if it makes u feel more at ease? In the end they jab me with 2500iu of HCG only just to get me bloated for a few days. So I was really bloated this week.

It's d9 after ET for me today. Starting to hve sore boobies & heavy lower abdomen. Sometimes even cramp-like that lasts for few secs/mins. Is it normal? I asked Ning about sore boobies she says not to worry it's actually all the hormones we are taking for support now.
PinkD, haha... Yes I felt too good & comfy after ET so Angela didn't like that. I could even hear Ning & Angie on the phone behind her say no need no need HCG anymore. But Angela insisted so I guai guai went back.

And hor no worries about the messy/dirty house. I'm almost zen-like to it now. I tell myself lucky I'm wearing bedroom slippers so can't feel the dirty floor! And most men are really like that. My husband thinks the house looks perfectly clean & neat to him even though I can hardly see through the glass shower screen now (if u know what I mean!)

Preg bt is on 5 Jul. Still long leh..

pink martini: cant see shower screen...wahha you made me laugh. For me i have "hairy floor" lor...
my BT is 8/7...ours is close!
im too comfy now...angela is not ard... no one to order Hcg jab...
