IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hairy floor also got la just that I wear bedroom slippers so can see cannot feel. My husband commented that he sees hairy socks on the floor now & he still thinks the house is fine. (he dumps his dirty socks at a corner in the bedroom & laundry person usually picks them up on laundry days)
i dun think any gynae does scans before bt cos there's nothing to see. blood is the first to show signs of pregnancy so bt is the most accurate.

some clinics like CARE will monitor E2 and prog levels during 2ww which supposedly gives an indication whether the cycle might be successful or whether more support is needed. but still implantation cannot be confirmed until the pregnancy bt shows +ve hcg levels.
pink M: our hubby will be happy living tog leh...
i also trabsferred you... O i rber...you also transferred 3 grade one embies!
But unlike you, my only Hcg jab was the trigger before ER...
pink m,
3/4 jul shd be safe to test. but u could get a very faint line only if yr hcg levels are still low so dun panic.
haha this thread flows too much for me...
oh ya hor...now i can only listen to gd music, eat and pig out lor.
Ask you ah, did u do simple chores like foldin clothes?
pinkD/Pink M: hairy floor...gosh i cannot stand it....u may want to engage part time helper? once a week to clean up? i used to threaten my hubby..u dont pick or sweep the floor ..i will do it...then i will tell angela...hehehe
grumpus: thansk. wow u are very helpful in my 2ww.
Did you bend to keep clothes. Now i feel better...singing along to my fav songs...
Pink D: when u call ning tomorrow ...if she say can give jab....then u might as well go tomorrow instead of waiting till tues? just a suggestion to ease yr mind
grumpus: when lifting the wok and cooking utensils , do u exert alot of strength?

i sweep the floor too...cos too dusty just to wait for the helper to come on sat...
pinkD: yr not paranoid lah....just that when we dont know what is happening inside us can be nerve wrecking at times....

for me i just zen out...hahaha
pinkD: i am actually very easily agitated (used to) but hubby does meditation and taught me quite a fair bit of stuff....and plus yoga helps alot....

when i work, i will forget to eat or rest...thats y i needed to learn to be zen....music helps alot...i always believe that...
thanks panda....will be that in mind...yesterday i watched a doc called "triple the triplets" ....wah the mummy's tummy was HUGE.....
nm, i watched tht show twice ..and love it! heheheheh.. then i make my parents watched it oso yesterday....:p

the 1st set of triplets sooooooo adorable....
Nm, I'm fine. In 2ww now and my bt is next Wednesday.
I don't think i'll be testing at home. I will most prob wait till wed.
nm: isit? cant tell you get agitated...you look so composed.
U know..the funny thing is im always known to be composed and zai at wk...but im like a diff person during this IVF...very kiasi...
u are right abt music therapy...im listening to jazz/new age...its gd!
heh we mus age with grace.
Im basically quick-tempered...flare up easily but cool fast too :p
I hope to feel bloated soon la...but at least now i can feast...once bloated i cant eat again!
*weird me*
Pinkd, yes sch starts tomorrow but I'm still on HL so no sch for me :).
You can't wait to test? When is the earliest you can do so?
I hope I can resist not testing.. Hehe
pinkD: we are basically quite the same in temper...cos both of us taurus leh...heheh

i feel panda is the most optimistic and calm person i have known
nm..she is like a little princess! esp when put beside her two brothers....

after watching the show, i kept telling my hb i cant wait to meet our babies.hehehe.. he looked at me and say...still got many mths to go leh....hahaha...
pink d,
i do everything except heavy lifting lor. but maybe i'm not a good example lah cos i transferred 3 embbies but only 1 implanted.
if u follow strictly bed rest, then get triplets lor

i dun exert a lot lifting the wok and utensils lah. i only cook simple, all in one pot meals like fried rice or noodle soup. everything throw in and cook type.
nm: indeed...but panda is taurus too leh!
She is cool queen...you are getting there...me ah...still nowhere near! haha...im also very fierce leh hahah
pink d,
not supposed to hv junk food!! (according to do's and don'ts)
but me, anything also can lah...when i was preggie with my daughter i ate so much mcdelivery cos lazy to cook or go out and da bao. prob explains y my daughter born out so small :p
nm...actually hor.. i m oso very short fused one... like u.. tamed by hubby! my hb oso taurus.. bt he is the steady cool character.. over the 7 yrs...everyday he rub off some of his steadiness to me....

last time when i was younger, i used to fight with my bro one leh... we will throw things at each other in the house and even smash the phone!

the other day i was fussing over the food tht hb bought..and he told me.. cannot lose my cool..coz he dont want 3 grouchy babies ... hehehe.. i told me "u married a gan chiong woman and expect her to hv cool kids??" hahahaha
Hi Pink_M & Pink_D,

Our BT are close. Mine is on 5th July too. Pink_M where u doing ur IVF? Do you all have any symptoms?

Think during the 2ww it is very emo for us, my hubby is not very understanding. We support each other
nm/pink d..i tink time and life experience will mild us down... over time we learn to view things differently and don't get so worked up...
grumpus, i am having macdelivery for lunch now and read ur post. ha ha ha

i m tired from packing up the stuff.....think will nap soon.
Gan, i just had BK lunch... managed half a tender grill burger and a pack of onion rings myself..hahahaha... hb says "well done!" haha..

last night was a nightmare for me... i puked all my dinner at 7pm and after tht whole night cannot eat...felt very terrible....
