IVF/ICSI Support Group

Claire: welcome to this thread

nm: ok la i hope that is gd news. U know somehow I feel insecure without angela (the mommy) haha...

pink D, u r really natural worrier..heheh..
aiyoh.. tht time was worried cannot to ET..now done ET liao must learn to let go.... like tht really no good for ur embbies. u hv to find something to do tht will make u happy this 2 weeks...
panda: ya lor natural worrier...u know when i was very young, i would have diarrhoea before exams? heeee....
now i wanna relac la...everyday move marathon...but occasionally the anxiety creeps bk lor...
dear all, would like to check whether low level of progesterone level (Day 6 after ET) is an indication of failure for ivf?
juz went for scan, total follic is 22 but onli 8 are mature abt 18.5mm, so sad. Mon will be my ER hopefully wont be so painful

BBluck- dun worry. Yr ET was on monday, now yr little one still growing, implanting.


Found this online-
The hcg is actually supposed to tell your corpus luteum that a pregnancy is ongoing and it shd continue to produce progesterone to support that pregnancy If not hcg is present in your body, by the end of the luteal phase, the corpus luteum will degenerate and stop producing progesterone, thus causing a sudden drop in progesterone level which will induce AF.
eL, sorry for the late reply. My BT is next month which is to test if I'm pregnant. How about yours? Which doc are you with?

Just_Faith, huh .. cannot use medicated oil ah? Last night I was having severe gastric pain which I've never experienced before. Didn't sleep well last night and also applied the oil on my tummy to soothe the pain but it didn't go away. I called the nurse this morning, she told me its gastric since the anti-biotic that was prescribed to me after my ER can cause gastric.

Su-yana, when u did the follow up with Prof, any BT done?
pink d,
Yes to horrible clumpy discharge from crinone. i had to wear liners the whole of 2ww cos it was so gross. i had one lump fall out one wk after i stopped using crinone!
actually my dr said not to lie down after inserting crinone but to actually walk around so that the gel gets rubbed around and absorbed better.
hello grumpus!
indeed indeed...very gross leh...makes me feel like abnormal discharge...
ok then i will not lie down...
today is only d2pt...feel slight sensation in the lower abdomen...no more bloating even!
Pink, the follow up with prof a week after
transfer, no blood test will be done. He will just press your tummy that's all. It's very short :)
Hi all,

need some advise from sis here...
my wife and me are undergoing IVF/ICSI at KKH...
we were informed by doctor on 12june that this cycle wasnt successful as my wife was scanned with only 3 eggs..only 1 is ripe and the rest 2 were abit smaller... too little eggs. no retrieve of eggs.
Doctor advise that we can still try natural conceiving... so we did
till today wife period has not come , 7 days late till now, usually her period is very puntual...
today she did a pregnancy test strip and it didnt shows any line, test is invalid .not positive nor negative.

Just curious whether is it normal that failed IVF cycle usually will lead to late period ...just like what what my wife is experiencing now ?
Any chance that she can get pregnant ?

some sisters after a failed IVF experienced late menses, and some have to get pills to induce mense from gynae.

however, there's still chance that your wofe could be preggy, so stay positive... let nature takes it's course bah. else, mayb u can request a Blood Test for HCG level.

Good Luck to you!
Hi Gloria,

thanks for your information and well wishes.

regarding the blood test for HCG level ,should we just wait for our next appoint at KKH , 10days later? or just go to any clinic for test?
did you ask gynae why only 3 eggs? Which means your wife went thru lucrin and puregon jabs, then to realise only 3? Can share which gynae did you and wife go to? Cos I'm with kkh, yet to select gynae and embark on it. but would like to hear more feedbacks. hope you dun mind.

issit common that even through jabs, the number of embbies in us can be very little? at what stage will they be able to see the number of eggs?
Ineedmiracle, what I think is during stimulation stage, you will be monitored. After like 4 or 5 days of gonalf or puregon, if the follicles are too small n too little, dr will increase dosage.
does it mean, if follicles are too little or growing too small, the dosage will increase? gonalf or puregon are used to stimulate the quantity and quality, the whats the lucrin for?
Gloria: I don't have Facebook ac, if I created will add u then. How do u feel daily? I try to have nap daily if possible so energy level is normal even at night. I am waiting for my next scan which is at 9wk. So sometime anxious how is the bb doing daily eagerly to see her/him again.

RTG: if u want to know the answer now, u can go to GP to request for HCG blood test and likely u will know the answer in the following day. It let u plan yr next step earlier too.
Ineedmiracle, I think lucrin is to stop all hormone. I use suprefact in Nuh.
Yes, dr will make changes accordingly for puregon or gonalf. But I think it also have to tally withE2 hormone. In Nuh, everytime I go fo scanning of folicles, I need to go for blood test. After getting the result then nurse will tell me to continue with same dosage or change.
hi RTG,

i know some gynea will suggest switching to IUI if response in IVF is not ideal. but i'm not sure what is the basis (i.e. is there a minimal no. of follicles to switch to IUI?)

i remembered 1 sister who shared with me that BT at pte clinic will cost abt $40. not sure of the price. it will depend on you, RTG and your wife. are u prepared for the result? or would u rather wait for another 10 days? whatever your choice, you may like to continue with folic acid since it does not harm.

good thing for BT now is that u can activate support for pregnancy early.

it's very personal and u need to discuss with wifey.

also, u may like to check gynea on the course and his evaluation of your cycle. how would he do things differently for u in the next cycle, if u ever need one.

whatever the result, do be positive. Jia You o!

so u r into your 9weeks wor? my week 6 scan is next tuesday.

will feel tired at work abt 4pm plus... and start yawning at 5pm plus... but no MS yet...

are u working? u managed to nap during lunch time? good good.

u dun have FB. why not send me an email, so i have your email address easier to contact.

i seldome login coz office no internet access for me and night time will be to tired catching up on the day's post in forum... too stressful lar. can contact via email, better for me. ;-)

u have my address still?
gynae said that its probably due to my wife's poor response to those medication

yes , after we went thru those lucrin and puregon jabs.
during 1st basline scan, only 3 got follicles/eggs , then Gynae advises puregon dosage increase and we did a scan after 2 days.
And gynae inform us that we have to abandon this cycle as the only 1 egg looks ripe , the other 2 have only slight growing...
thru scans in Stage 2 (stimulation phase - puregon or GnF), you can only see the number of follicles and sizes. based on this together with the BT result (in NUH), the gynea will decide is there is a need to increase the dosage. However, we will not know how many eggs there are sonce not all follicles contain eggs.

when the scan shows at least 3 nos. of 18mm follicles (a guide only), you'll be scheduled to ER.

you will know how many follicles were retrieved, how many with eggs, and then they will try to fertilse eggs with sperms. finally, all the numbers before this does not matter. what matters is how many fertilised embbies u finally have. next the gynea will look at is the grade of embbies, judging by the cell dividing by the days, and whether there are fragmentation etc.

and ET will depend on your case, usu D2 transfer for KKH and D3 transfer for NUH, and blastocyst transfer (D5) if you have many fertilised embies.

i do not actually know too much details but the brief picture is something like that lar... hope it helps in your mental prep.

and other sisters, anything to add on, or to correct me if i'm wrong?

Ineedmiracle, most impt thing is try to be positive and stress-free durning your cycle. jia you!
KKH can provide in half a day, i.e. if u go for BT in the morning, u can expect result before 2pm. i went at 10.30am and got my result in 1plus.

for GP, guess it depends on the operation of GP itself... u may like to ask them since it depends on how frequent they send the BT to the lab?

disclaimer ah : not sure of the cost hor! anyone can advise cost of BHCG in GP?
if your wife's response to those jabs and medication is poor, then perhaps rest the body, and in the meanwhile try conceive naturally. Maybe at the same time 'tiao' her body since tcm can also prepare her body for conceive naturally or through ivf.

thanks. more or less get the idea le. Other than going for tcm, is there other ways to prepare the body so that there will me more follicles and more eggs?
Hi Gloria,

thanks, guess we will have to make a call to KKH on coming monday and ask for their advise if we can should go ove r to do a BT..
Subsidize rate for BT at KKH...:p
from what I understand, if we choose ivf, then we will be private patients, no longer enjoying subsidised rate. How did you manage to get subsidised rate for BT?

yeah, you are right. "Crave" special needs for certain food. Hahaha.. scary right? My cravings are very extreme one. I have been eating alot for the last 3 months. Especially sour and spicy. At the same time, also puke alot.. After puke, I will continue to crave. Now, Hubby is used to taking my order for lunch/dinner. Or plan wat to eat for nx meal. MY tummy looks especially big and obvious at night. Sometimes, I feel like I am 4 or 5 months preggy. I need food every 2 to 3 hrs. My MS somewhat disappear this week. No more puking... just eating.... and I also dun feel so tired. Think Baby faith is developing his/her own hormones.

I cant wait to see baby faith on 7/7....


I think the BT charges at KKH is relatively cheap and reasonable. Something like $17.50 without medicines?? Maybe thats why RTG means.

I know you will be busy when school reopens. Let me know if you want to keep in touch via FB.
