IVF/ICSI Support Group

nm..good morning.....slept well last night?
i dreamt of taking many long baths...tink i m deprived..

my bt change to once a week when hcg start dropping....tht happened bwt 9-10weeks i tink.....

this week no bt at care coz the oscar test oso test for hcg...ning says will do it next week...

feel like going out today...but sat everywhere is crowded....
nm..i apply on whole tummy..upper tighs..butt ..and bust area...

the lady told me can use it on any part of the body though....
Panda: slept ok .. Had porridge last night .. Seems like that dish is one of the few I can finish. Can we get that olive oil in shopping centers?
Is it oily ? Cos I don't sleep in air con room
pandawife morning, slept ok woke up twice to pee....wondering whether in 2nd trimester can sleep through the night. I bot Clarins stretch mark cream at taka on thurs coz hubby really busy with renovation and work to go amk to buy the olive oil for me. one lady customer who just gave birth at the clarins counter was telling me she find clarins effective and she has no stretch marks. i applied on tummy now and left over on my bust.
I have no cravings leh...

Leapgal how come u need a referral from polyclinic?
These few days didnt really slp well le... Abit hard to get to sleep.. I kept waking often in the middle of the nite.. Duno is it afternoon nap too much.. I notice if i got go out in the day.. Nite time will slp more cos more tired..

Hungry often is good ah... Now im controlling my diet abit.. I try not to eat too much and avoid fattening food.. Scare i put on too much weight.. Hvt reach 3 mths already increase 3kgs..
nm..my gf told me the toiletries shop at pples park oso sell the olive oil....at cheaper price too...

i oso dun sleep in aircon room. it gets absorb into the skin v fast....no worries..
once i started to have cough, it will lead to asthma a
nd will last for few weeks. This current cough been ongoing for 3 weeks le. Super irritating. Looks like it will get worse becos next week start sch, the continuous teaching will mean no rest for my throat n lungs.
Yeah Annum has nice packaging. In fact i think due to high in protein, these drinks really can be meal replacement. I tried similac mum. Sweet and filling. And they usually contain folic acid so i assume i wont need to take extra dose of folic acid? But scared fattening, and im already fat, suspected of pcos, gynae tell me must lose weight. So i drink on alternate days, n try cut down on carbo. But realli diff, cos i love rice....
gan...i oso heard alot gd reviews about clarins.... shld b gd product too......

baby...my gf put on 5kg during 1st tri...then 2nd tri only 2kg..she ended up w bb boy off over 3kg...

u still need to eat when hungry..go for smaller portions...

i still dun sleep well too...need to pee many times on top of hunger attacks...
Gan, according to the nurse patient who bfp r considered new case so im thinking of getting a referral fr poly to get e subsidise rate.
once i started to have cough, it will lead to asthma a
nd will last for few weeks. This current cough been ongoing for 3 weeks le. Super irritating. Looks like it will get worse becos next week start sch, the continuous teaching will mean no rest for my throat n lungs.
Yeah Annum has nice packaging. In fact i think due to high in protein, these drinks really can be meal replacement. I tried similac mum. Sweet and filling. And they usually contain folic acid so i assume i wont need to take extra dose of folic acid? But scared fattening, and im already fat, suspected of pcos, gynae tell me must lose weight. So i drink on alternate days, n try cut down on carbo. But realli diff, cos i love rice....
Morning gals,

Anyone of you have very bloated issue during the 2ww? I am so bloated, i cant really eat much. After eating I will have to struggled not to puke them out. I do feel hungry sometimes I can feel i am like having gastric. Anyone can help?
panda: i weighed myself yesterday...gain 1.9kg..ning say that increase is hormones related ...

they have the olive oil at people's park? the one u bought is in someone's house?
leapgal, ic. yes after the 8/9 weeks scan when dr loh confirms the pregnancy, u will change to a new case and u pay $90 i think for first consultation with dr loh at clinic d.
But if u get referral, can u choose the gynae u want to see?
cheyenne: take egg whites or immunocal to reduce or rather control yr bloating. bloating during 2ww is good but should not overtake yr appetite.
nm..yup..the one i bought is from a home distributor..pples park sells the same pdt cheaper....hb din go there coz out of the way to make the trip.
nm: Ya, that is what i tot so. I dun have immunocal, i do take egg whites and chicken essence. I wonder if i should go down to KKIVF if this persist.

Now in the night i cant sleep well too. tummy feeling too uncomfortable.
np...i i started using for 3-4weeks? i estimate will need 2 bottles thru out pregnancy.

mel shared w me she oso use 2 tubes of the clarins cream....shld b abt the same for this?

ur tummy skin is dry?
no the other parts of the body....hair getting dry too...since not going for hair steaming yet ..can use olive oil to moisturise hair too

so i should buy soon and start liao heheh
u never use body moisteriser n hair treatment at hm? i kiasu..even shower gel is extra moisturising..hehe..to complement the olive oil..
i use jurlique shower gel...i do use body lotion from AESOP but not whole body..and its finishing...

for hair usually i go phyto once in two weeks...at home i use shampoo and conditioner...
Just came bk from CARE! Why is my "bloat-till-cant-sleep days gone?
Ning din give me HcG jab leh...she said coz i was on albumin drip on ET day...the bloating shd come bk in few days.
Girls, im supposed to be very bloated right?
pinkD: but u got the protein drip ..we din....u touch yr lower ab..does it feel tight...?

panda: is ahava the shop in parco millenia?

they have an online website too in spore ..can order online...no need to travel to buy
gan, read your msg about accupuncture. Which clinic did you go for the accupuncture during Dec to April?
nowadays, i am wearing socks when I sleep. hb also do the same. tcm physician also said that he felt numb on his leg because the 'wind' from fan gone into his legs. he said that by wearing sock, his legs are not numb now. Maybe this is also good for pregnant ladies.
sunstillshines, i go to Dr Zou at Ang Mo Kio, a few sisters here also go to her. she understands the ivf procedure. her address as below

Zou Yumin TAM Phsician & Acupuncturist
Blk 505 #01-2670 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 S560505
Opp Nanyang Polytechnic
Tel: 64560833
Closed on WEDS

Yup 1st week of my 2ww of FET i wear socks to sleep as i sleeps in air con room. but second week i started feeling hot, so don't wear coz the feet felt sweaty
nm..nt sure abt parco..i stock up many bottles during the last robinsons warehouse sale....hee..

pink d...dun worry...must trust ning..its probably the drip..u will b crying for help when bloating hits. when v bloated..u will oso hv alot of cramps like discomfort..its a nightmare..
2ww - 2 weeks wait, the period of time between your embryo transfer and blood tests to see if u r preggy.

my second week of my 2ww during my frozen embryo transfer (FET) i started feeling warmer than usual.

each accu session is $25. she will accu front and back for the session.
nm: it feel relatively tight. and when i wear sthg more fitting i can see a bigger belly... sianz...but...where is the bloating
Not that im a sadist...its gd to be bloated right?
Ning said if she jabbed me with Hcg, tmw i will go crawling bk to CARE leh...
when yr lower ab is tight...its bloated liao....if u feel discomfort with bloat..like what ning say u will crawl bk to CARE hahahah
sorry sunstillshines: I miss you post last night.

The doc extracted all 33 eggs bt only 23 were matured and 16 successfully fertilized with ICSI...so on ET day, we had 3 best embies transferred...the other 13 precious are in storage taking their rest
i rber the next day after my ER (1st albumin drip) I bloat like H*ll...cant sleep cant sit leh...like gonna explode leh heee...
then hor after ET everything was like "deflated" man...and on my schedule im supposed to have HcG but dun have. Nin touched my tummy jus now...so i gotta trust her. I need Angela!!
pink d...usually if E2 is v high..will nt b given jab..my first bt oao no jab....only after 2nd bt..E2 drop from 5 digit to only 700 then i was given......
chill ok.... u so anxious..no gd for the 3 littles ones.....
sunstillshines, actually i didn't felt much diff from accu, and accu didn't help my lining grow but i guess my health is better.

FET if naturally will be done when u o. but if medicated, doesn't matter when is o coz only lining is monitored. mine is medicated FET as my menses cycle is not regular.

pink d....i trust ning...she is oso quite experience..n later bt result is out..she will inform angela... ning oso touch my tummy to check if bloated...u jus relax.....ur follicles r still working hard now to produce the hormones...n w so many..u probably dun need extra support.
