IVF/ICSI Support Group

Rose, Dr Loh has a clinic in The Private Suite on Wed and Fri.
Sat is seeing him at Clinic D. TPS is $10 more for the consultation if i remembered correctly. ur 6 weeks scan, after the scan at AMC, u will bring ur report to see him at either Clinic D or TPS, depending which clinic u made appt with him.

not private clinic as practising outside kkh.

pink addict, heee u still remember me...sweet of you!
Ya we hope to hand-in-hand and BFP tog!
haha, i also will not be drinking herbal soup if not for my mum insist on boiling for me. cos my last pregnancy i didn't eat well and my daughter was born very small. so this time round a bit more kiasu with the bu stuff.

yup, usually we drink dang gui after menses is to cleanse the womb and make sure the lining is all 'washed out'. same purpose for during confinement. so no no during pregnancy.
longan, red dates, wolfberries are ok. i took huai shan also but again not everyday lah like 1 time here and there.

exactly 6 wks may be a bit early to see heartbeat, some will be able to see but some won't. for my daughter i scanned at exactly 6wks no hb, gynae asked me to come back one wk later to scan again and there was perfect hb, so unnecessary stress for me for that one wk. this time round my ivf gynae told me 6.5-7 wks is safer for hb scan, sure will hv one.
skies, dun worry, maybe your other twin is more quiet in nature whereas the other twin more active. My detailed scan is on 21 Aug....like must wait very long to know whether boy or girl coz i felt like spending money to buy the bb clothes. =P
Gan, other than cost, any diff in seeing him in private suite and clinic D? Like waiting time... My first scan with him is at clinic D. U noe where is the private suite located? Also inside KKIVF centre? Wow...many thanks, didnt know that Dr Loh got private suite.
lubna: like you I have a lot of clear watery discharge too. Today is D9 of stimulation and I wet 1/2 of my pantiliner (apologies, TMI) and I was concerned so I called CARE.
Ning told me its normal.
Since last night I felt "off"...like those under the weather and sickly feeling..headache and warm body...
hope u get better soon
she dun hv sat lei.she only at kkh every morning mon-fri, then tue pm at kkivf..coz i also duno which gynae to chose..but i prefer to see female gynae..haiz..
if u did not take any hcg then it is not false positive. there's only false negative, won't have false positive.
Rose, the private suit is on first floor, near the prima deli. waiting area definitely more comfie, can have milo and drink. ahahaha
well my 6 weeks appt, i didn't wait very long, abt 1/2hr. but sometimes if alot of pple, guess can be 1 hr or more but definitely shorter than Clinic D waiting time.
popy: congrats to u too...

pink: thanks...but would still wanna confirm it with BT on sat..hehehe

of course very happy....now wondering how many implanted?
NM, congrats!!!!

Tzac, you ET on 8 June? Then counting ET as day 2, today you should be day 11 leh. Can test tomorrow liao, so exciting!
balroggal i read that Dr Marianne is a nice gynae, she is like the right hand woman of Dr Loh, coz Dr Loh will bring her along for some delivery. Maybe u can check if she has sat clinic if u prefer female gynae
skies, will tahan till i know the sex, coz if really princess i want to buy the more girly stuff like dresses, skirts coz they are really cute.
nm: I am bot very fine...like mentioned in my prev post...lotsa clear discharge, and I just feel tired and a bit "off"...
just came bk from Vivocity...cant even shop...coz i feel very heavy in the womb...
nm: BT sure will be +ve...U are gg down on Sat? I think I am gg down on Sat too...depending if ER is on Sun or Mon...
I am happy and envious of U! Lucky you!

True leh.. But I have been telling myself don't buy too many pinks. Right now, I did not get any clothes for my bbs. Only 4 pcs when I went M'sia's FOS. My hb have been stopping me fr buying things for them. He keep telling me bb haven cm out dont nd to buy so many things for them, bbs choose their own diapers not us, etc. Totally spoil my shopping mood.
yr ER should be sun i guess...u are almost ready i think...pregnyl jab should be taken 36hrs before ER.


dont be envious ..am waiting for yr good news in a couple of weeks time too!
Nm, tday is my d13 aft my et. I had it on the same day as urs bt my bt is on the 21st. Last shot is on Sun but had mense cramp starting tat nite.

Grumpus, ya I read fr an article it shd be 7 days aft the last jab too bt if embryo fail to implant, may expect mense to come 4 days aft off the jab. Aiyo, Im so scared now...keeping my whole body crossed liao.

Popy, another bfp-ed! Congrats to u...
dun worry, stay positive!!
actually hor my last jab was a monday and i tested on fri, very faint +ve, i was so scared is false positive. tested on sunday again (which is supposed to be my BT day) the line was darker.
so yr last jab on sun, if u test on saturday, it should be accurate.
are u on any prog support? if yes, menses shouldn't come leh....
nm: Yes but let them faint happily that is...
I dun really feel very gd during the stimulation...esp towards tail-end...the bloatedness is ok...just that I keep having those "wanna-fall-ill" feeling..
I hope I am ready too...
if all's well, i'd be triggered tmr nite...latest Sat nite...
nm: Like that considered reacting well ah? Faints...i feel sick most of the time lor...haha...u gals seem to have a better time on gonal-f than me leh...hope I am not the odd one out with BFN!!
wow..i took an one hr nap..wake up so many postings!

popy. congrats!

pink..drink more water n hv plenty rest. best to avoid going crowded places..there is a flu bug going around now.
Akachan, yeah, will test over the weekend as will b at least 10 days after ET liao. Normally count ET as D? huh?

popy, when is your ET? so early can use hpt? make me eager to test too haha
my last hcg was monday, i tested on fri so abt 5 days later. my bt was supposed to be sun, exactly 7 days after last hcg.

positive tots! yr beanie is still there
bad news...
i left my suprefact and Gonal F on my bed and left this morning at 8am. I just saw them on my bed.
called Ning and she said they cant be used anymore...sigh...i still jv 2 more days left lor...tmr mus buy alr

ya lor i told myself to chill...
Ning said angela has spare...tmr i gotta pay $378 for gonal-f jab...
wasted leh...this morning rushing for interview...
thank God its not brand new... *smack forehead*
