IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ladies,

I was here few months back getting some advises. Now I am back again as I have decided to get medical assistance to conceive. Will be seeing a fertility doctor 2molo.

Congrats to those who have BFP
Good luck to those in 2ww

Hi AP,

Oh, you decided not to take DHEA. I was depressed for a while and didn’t bother to research. Now, seeing Dr Loh soon. Thought I better buck up
Do you mind sharing what are the side effects of DHEA? Did Dr Loh give you a printout of the trial on DHEA in US?

I did my first cycle in Mar 10. Dr Loh has scheduled me for Jul 10 for the next cycle but I will probably postpone it till later. Work schedule wise and mentally not prepared yet.

I have started to see tcm to tiao my body. Diet wise, still trying to “digest” what I have read in the forum and see what I can implement. As it is, I am already taking tcm every morning and night, as well as the vitamins Dr Loh prescribed. Don’t think have much “free” timeslots for other food stuff
Hi babytigers,

Where did you do your ivf? 2nd cycle will be at same hospital? May I know who is your dr?

When is your 2nd cycle?

Ok to disclose the dosage of DHEA? How often do you have to take it a day? Are you also taking tcm?

Wow, my hair is already very thin. Drop somemore, definitely botak
Any other side effects?
Hi Just Faith,

Thanks for the warm welcome. I hope to be as fortunate as you. You take good care of yourself and bb.
Hi A Ray of Hope,

I was on Puregon, 400 units. Dr Loh said it was already high and still so few eggs, probably low ovarian reserve. No test was done though.
Hi En En,

Why did you decide against taking DHEA? What was your current dr’s advice? Convenient to disclose your current dr's name?
Cupcake: Try to stay calm and relax...Pray to HIM...hopefully he will answer your prayers...Stay strong dear...God Bless...Hugzz..Hugz...dear
A ray of hope
i was on short protocol. injecting both lucrin (morning) and gonal F-450(night) daily for 10 days. After the failed ivf, i did a blood test before embarking on dhea. i took 3 capsule of 25mg per day for 3 months.
Hi TTC_ingBB,

Any reason why you transfered D3 embryos instead of D5 blasts? Is it due to number of embryos available? Did you managed to freeze any? HOpe you don't mind me asking.

My cramps have also subsided, and not as bad as two days back (touch wood!). Am still feeling some twinges and pulls once in a while but try to ignore.

I also get the whitish/clear discharge on my panties throughout the day (sometimes even the shorts/pants will be wet). I noticed it usually happens after I insert the Crinone... maybe its due to that. Nurse did say we might have some discharge from the Crinone.

Yeah, I also talk to my embies, ask them to be strong and tough and hang on tight, don't let go!
My hubby also look at me like one kind... he finds it silly to talk to them and doesn't really do that. But before we sleep, he will kiss my tummy (and I make him kiss 3 times cuz there are 3 embies there!)

i did my ivf at SGH, will be doing there again for the 2nd ivf. my doc is Yu Su Ling. May do in June. I took dhea 3 times per day for 3 mths, really scared of the side effects like deepening of the voice, having more facial hair etc, really hesitant whether to take or not. but since the doc has mentioned my eggs r so call ageing, n both of us r not tat young either, so i take the medicine for the sake of having a baby. after taking the med, so far my voice has not deepen or become a man's voice or any excess hair on my face haha..n my hair is still up there !!

R u taking dhea also? Currently i seeing tcm, taking the med and acupunture. hope it will helps in my lining.
Hi All,

July2007 thanks. If short protocol (stimulation drugs only) 10 days based on babytigers, anyone can highlight me how many days will be long protocol? Is it 10 days too?

Babytiger, I will be at SGH too

Cupcake, my prayers for you. Take care.

Hugzzz...yes, go and pray for safety for baby. Our body can be quite intelligent in that many times the blood clot can be absorbed by the body. Or it can eventually flow out on its own.

For the heartbeat, different babies have different timeline of growth, so the heartbeat can catch up in its own time.

Don't despair,hang in there k.

Can I check what is Saizen - the growth hormones?
Why do you need it?
Why must jab it 3 mths before?
Were u on the growth hormones during the stimulation?

When u in 2ww and currently BFP, r u still on COQ10?
hi pandawife:

not sure if we bumped into each other at CARE..were u in green? did we bump into each other at the toilet?

anyway, i cant start on stimulation stage cos angela say there is a polyp that developed...previously from other US..no such stuff...so tomorrow morning will have a day surgery to remove it...

if its very small, can continue with stimulation...if too big then must abandon...

was very upset yesterday so din come into forum...sigh....dont know why this body is so unpredictable

cupcake: dont give up ....hang in there..
Dana & Babytiger

Thanks for sharing.

I think short cycle is better, not so long.

But Babytiger, during the 10 days on Lucrin & GF, do you need to go down to SGH to scan?
Pls advise on your exact schedule.
For instance:
CD1 - mens came call clinis and go down to collect medication

I'd like to know what to expect so that I can be prepared for my next short protocol.
Heart goes out to you cupcake, I know not an easy road to come so far ...
Please hang in there & take care of yrself during this crucial period.

I see. Thank goodness, you are spared of the side effects. I have not decided whether to start taking DHEA.

You are also seeing tcm. Which tcm? Is your tcm aware that you are taking DHEA?
nm, yes, i was wearing a green dress and walking like an old ah mah..hahahah... ning asked u to go clear ur bladder before the scan right?

dont worry, the same thing happened to me. i developed a cyst during suppression period...and at the scan before stimulation, got to call a halt.. go for cyst aspiration before i could continue the stimulation jabs. caused 2-3 days of delay.. bt everything turn out fine.
same as u, i went for the surgery on Sat...
i was also quite upset then, very worried cannot continue the cycle.. and the worse part is i started jabbing 2 months before leh.. if cannot proceed, really very heartache..

Angela is very experienced, i m sure u can continue the cycle as planned... take care and all the best tomorrow.
jia you!!
Hi TTcingbb,

I also have clear discharge. Can't remember which day was that. Think I posted in this thread before. The discharge is abt 2 days.

Anyway I bfp.. Hope these are good signs for you.
A Ray of Hope,

Do you know why you were prescribed gonal-f? I thought Dr Loh usually prescribed puregon, esp for first cycle.

Did he prescribe DHEA for you too?
pandawife: so that was u? u were with yr mum? or MIL? sorry ..i wasnt sure if it were u or not..so dare not be too friendly...
luckily did smile at u in the toilet ..heheh pai seh paiseh

thanks for the reassurance....cos when i was with my previous gynae, he never once mention i have polyp so i hope its just a new growth and not a long long time thing...sigh

i can understand the feeling....i jab fraxiparine until the tummy is riddled with blue blacks ...if cannot proceed...really sad...

yesterday was so upset i went shopping..but still no mood to buy anything..sigh....

angela and ning did say to continue with suprefact jab...

i am keeping my fingers crossed that is just a few days delay....
Ray of hope, u hv so many qns..ok..let me try and answer all of them

saizen is the name of a growth hormone. my clinic ran a test and found out tht i hv growth hormone deficiency. ideal level to conceive is 20, mine was only 0.1.

partially becoz of this deficiency, my last cycle ended up with very low fertilisation rate. 18 eggs and only 2 fertilised.

hv to jab 2 months before ivf..plus the ivf period..total 3 mths of saizen.. i tink its becoz it takes at least 2 months to make a difference to the eggs...

i used saizen thru out the suppression and stimulation period..and during stimulation, the dosage was increased by quite a bit...

COQ10 i m still taking now...also continue to take immunocal.
yeah lor, thats me, i was with my mum. i oso not sure if its u..so dun dare to talk to u.. hee.. next time we know...no pai seh lah.. coz its kind of sensitive there also.. in case recognize the wrong person..some pple might not like it..

ivf is a very long journey... which doesnt end at BFP... after BFP is the begining of another journey...the worries continue... smthing tht i learn, take it one step at a time, and trust the doctor... they will do what is best for us. otherwise will be very unhappy.

i went thru cyst aspiration.. then during 2ww also had an episode of hormones level suddenly dropping.. i nearly gave up hope and was tinking of FET.... at the end of all these, also can BFP.. i must really say alot of the credit goes to Angela. her knowledge and experience helped to cope with these situations....

so morale of the story, relax and leave it to her to help u... stress is no good for u.
I will do fresh cycle with same doc. Which tcm and accupunturist do you go to now? my doc knows mei hua and the sensei at yu yuan sheng at paragon.

Dana, I'm with prof wong at nuh. Ladies, anyone seeing him too. He feels tt Dhea is not well researched yet.

Babytiger, is your tcm and accupunturist gd? Can pm me?

Phoenix , already pm you?
En En,
I did not seek go to tcm during this cycle. only took the supplements given by CARE. found it too stressful to be running between CARE and TCM.

It was only after I BFP, then Angela ask me to go back to the Jurong East TCM, Tan Lee Kee. I saw her during my first fresh cycle, bt stop her med at suppression stage coz gynae doesnt want the tcm med to interfere w the jabs.
Im here hee.... Nothing much to update so just read silently..
I just ordered pasta mania for my dnr... Waiting for the delivery..
Duno what else to eat... My hubby went overseas.. Im home alone.. So need to settle my own meals...
baby, hehe..i thot u very tired slept the whole day...

this morning i told u tummy less by 1 inch right? after lunch it grew back! diao....

bloated tummy very uncomfortable....

wht did u order from pasta mania? as usual, i m waiting for mil cooked food... thinking if i shld go out over the wkend...feel like going to nearby mall buy some toiletries...bt i feel abit scared of crowd..
Not really tired today.. Just feel abit restless..
U will feel more bloated after meal is nomal.. Cos with the food and wind.. Tummy gets bigger...
Btw did u sneeze after u bfp.. Just now i had a big sneeze.. Then feels tummy pain.. Only for awhile.. Then normal.. I wonder did it affect anything..
My tummy no longer feels bloated leh.. Only very slight bloatedness.. Other than sore boobs.. Nothing really...
of coz got sneeze! yes..when sneezing wil hv a sudden tummy pain... i always hold on to my tummy when i sneeze... its ok one.. i ask nurse about this b4....

i m still having ovaries cramps... last BT on thur..my ER and prog level quite high.. so the ovaries are working very hard ....

i tink ur body is reacting to the pregnancy better leh.. some pple feel very normal during pregnancy .. so envy...

so ur next appt will be the first scan next friday?
Ordered one baked rice and a pasta..
I think its ok to go out for awhile.. Some walking is good for us..
We cant possibly stay at home everyday till 2nd tri.. Can go crazy leh...
Thanks pandawife for the boost of confidence . I trust Angela n ning on their judgement . I jus keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow . Was yrs a day surgery ?
u make me feel like having pasta mania oso leh! maybe over wkened will order tht...ask my mum to take a break..no need cook for me. :p
i oso hav craving for KFC chicken....bt i tink best not to take now..in case fall sick coz i hv been eating very light for weeks..suddenly take fried oily food, body might not be able to handle.

actually i abit scared tht if i go out, will walk to much.. also dunno how much is too much.... of coz i walk around the house.. i try to use the different toilets so tht i walk around..hehehe....and quite often since i need to pee all the time..
nm, yup, it was a very very short procedure. my hb says the doc went in and came out in less than 15 mins! haha.. bt i was knock out abit longer than tht ...

is urs done at CARE? by Dr Paul?
ray of hope

i did tat almost a year ago, let me recollect..

day 2 : did a scan & bt before purchase of med. start of 2 injections daily
day 7 : scan
day 9 : scan
day 11 : final jab of HCG and wait for ER.

dont noe short or long protocol is better, i guess depends on indiv body, but i c here most of the ladies r going thru long one, maybe my eggs r getting old n 'bo lart' so got to be on short protocol..

dana /en en

i didnt see any TCM when i was on dhea. i only start in April last month at Blk 505 AMK ave 8 #01-2670 Dr Zou Yumin. Tel 64560833 call to book appt first if u r interested.
Mine will be at TMC by doc Paul too . U were under ga ? I hope mine is a short procedure too , was it jus a fine needle to poke it ?
Hi Dana

My last cycle was in mar too! Yes, side effects for DHEA are falling hair, mood swing etc. I m already balding so really hv no courage to take DHEA. Heard fr e sistas here tat accupunture is to improve e lining but doc told me mine is ok so hv not decided to see TCM or not. However I m sure TCM will help in some ways.
I think slow walk for abt less than hr should be fine.. Cannot everyday cope at home.. Unless yr ms is bad then better stay at home.. Go out have fresh air maybe will help u leh..

I just finished my pasta mania... I ordered the baked rice.. Not v nice le.. Didnt finish it.. The aglio olio is v nice.. Just abit oily.. I finsh it up... Home cooked better la.. But cos im home alone so can only eat these food.. But i did cook simple lunch for myself.. Just stir fry one vege and an egg...
Maybe during wkends will drive over to my parents pl for dnr.. See how.

U think i react better to the pregnancy ah? The grass is always greener on the other side heehee... I wish i have some signs leh.. Everyday wake up feels normal... Can eat well.. Can sleep well...

mine was a endometric cyst in the ovary. so Paul did a similar to egg collection procedure. poke a very fine needle into the ovary, and "suck" out the blood in the cyst.

was under GA.

yeah..i tink tmr afternoon will go out for a stroll.. everyday at home also getting bored...bt i cannot eat outside..coz dunno smell wht, the MS will come suddenly..

wah..u really eat very well...i cannot even finish 1 pasta myself... just had my dinner..one small piece of sesame oil ginger chicken, few stalks of long beans, and some potato soup..

eat and sleep well is very good.. please enjoy it while u can..... i read tht alot of pple get MS from 6 weeks onwards... come to tink of it..we are 5 weeks already leh...
Ya i also duno whether will ms hit me when pregnancy progress...

Yr appetite quite poor... Can only eat so little.. Hmm.. Im like a pig compared to u.. Haha... Ate baked rice and a pasta. Somemore the best part is after finishing.. I dont really feel v full.. But dont feel hungry la...

Ya today we are 5 weeks liao.. Another one week to go... Quite anxious abt it.. I think u will have the scan earlier then me.. U mention angela may do scan for u next thur.. My scan is on fri..
Another milestone for us...
En_En – Dr Loh said DHEA is very new, hence he is not pushing, so he left the decision to me. He gave me a printout of a trial done in USA. The trial population was only 25+ patients, so I am hesitant.

Babytigers – So, you only took DHEA 3 months? You are not taking anymore? Why? Or is it only need to take 3 months?

AP – Yeah, me too. My hair is already thin and fine. Don’t want to go botak.
baby, if no MS thru out is the best lah..hehe.. alot of ladies no MS also hv a smooth pregnancy..

yeah..my appetite quite bad.. eat abit feel nausea and bloated..

i oso dunno if on thurs angela will scan for me..haha.. nurse like never make appt for scan leh.. just say wait for angela to grab me into the scan room next week..hehe.. and my fixed appts are mon and thurs....

yeah lor.. next week is another milestone... hopefully we can both see bb's heartbeat

just now i sat beside my hb ... watching tv..then he kept staring at my tummy..hahahahaha.. then he went " u r really pregnant" hahahahaha ..so funny.....
Hi ladez, does anyone know is it ok to store lucrin in room temp for about half a day? Came bk fr work & saw my mini fridge door not closed properly but ice not fully melted yet.
u check if the solution in the bottle is still clear? if it is, its ok. when overexposed to heat, the lucrin will turn milky.
