IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi May and Maggie and Bubblybear and Ickle,

Congrats to your BFP!!!!

May and Maggie,

Hopefully will get some luck as my ET was done by Dr Marianne as Dr. Loh was away on e-leave.

Meow, sorry to hear about ur news. Jia You for the next round! You are a very positive gal. I'm sure you can make it soon!
Leo_baby, ivftwins and fandz,

All the best for your ER on fri!!!

I'll be there for progesterone BT on that day too.
hi lina,
ya, that's what my DH tells me, he said the priority now is to make sure the baby/babies grow well and develop healthily in my womb and not bother about weight gain...when will my ms come? I am so scared of the ms! Actually, i am more scared of the coming scan....whether can see heartbeats or not.....fingers crossed and pray hard lor! Do we still continue with the brazil nuts, chicken essence, ensure milk after BFP?

hi maggie mee,
mine is 15 sept, maybe yours will be on the same day as Dr Marianne is on duty in Clinic D on that day. Nurse explained that i will see Dr on 15 sept then will decide whether to continue seeing her or see a team of docs in Clinic C.

Hi ladies who have BFP, do all of you stick to your ivf gynea after your BFP? I don't know what are the options....need some advice on this, can anybody help?

can we start using our medisave for our doc visits and medication purchase after we have BFP? I ask those ladies at the kk pharmacy when i collect my support medication after the BT, they say cannot use, but i thought can....i am so confused now....
hi dec,
Thanks! I am sure you will get the luck too!
Are you on inserts only? I was only given inserts and folic initially but was given oral medication after my Progesterone BT as they say my Progesterone level a bit low. So far, how you feel?
Hi May... maybe... will see how tmlo... but going back to work tmlo... abit sian... no mood lah to work... after 2 weeks plus of leave...
Thanks December, i think that day Dr Loh going to be extra bz with our ER. ivftwins at 730, Frandz at 8 and mine is at 930. I suppose 2 more ppl in between and all 3 of us under Dr Loh.

Sunflower, Best wish to ET tmr.

I heading for my pregnyl in 30 mins.
Bubbly bear

Congrats..so happy to see miracles happening...really booast my confidence for my next FET cycle. Do take great care.

Maggi mee

Congrats and have a smooth 9 months
maggie mee,

i can imagine your 'sianness' of going back to work, after such a long rest......be careful k, don't walk too fast hor, don't carry heavy stuff.....take care k....
congrats to bubbybear, maggie & ickle! have a smooth and safe pregnancy! Ickle, I am especially happy to hear of a positive from FET. Starting to feel very pessimistic about my upcoming FET.

Just to share positive stories of inspiration, I have a colleague who went through 3 unsuccessful cycles of IVF, and eventually went on to conceive 2 kids naturally after she gave up on IVF.

Likewise for me, when I started my TTC journey a couple of years back, the doctor looked at my hubby's results and told us we are almost certain to need to go through IVF. But he will just attempt 1-2 rounds of IUI first since it is cheaper. Surprisingly, I got pregnant on my 1st round of IUI. My doctor then calls it a miracle :> So ladies, do not give up hope.

I just saw Dr Loh today for a review on when to do FET - he did not discuss whether to go for D2 or D5 blast with me. Although during ER, he did mutter that he will probably attempt some D5 since I have many embryos. So should I contact him to ask or will he review with me again on D2?

My FET is scheduled for end Sept/early Oct depending on when my menses report...

Do you mind sending me info on LC Cheng and Prof Ng also including the cost too?

I'm also looking for options for my next fresh cycle if need...

Thanks so much

Will review? Mine no review at all on D2 wor. keke.

All the best yah!

On my ER day, there were 10 of us doing ER. very crowded.
Hi ickle,

BIG BIG congrats!!! So happy for you!!
Your effort is finally paid off! So you transfered just 1 embryo this time??
I also used those disposable heat pad during my 2WW.
Aiyo... so happy for u leh!! kekeke!

Did not know that Dr Sadhana will suggest blast for 2nd fresh cycle. Just to check did you success on this 2nd cycle with blast?

If thats the case i mind consider switching to Dr Sadhana as really cannot afford private rates.

Before my 2nd fresh cycle, I have spoken to Dr Loh but he's not open to either AH or D5 transfer even though i have quite a number of follicles. Actually nothing was suggested to me...i asked and was rejected

Dun worry the protein powder dun taste like cough mixture. Its more like mild mixed berries taste not very strong strawberry taste. Should be rather acceptable for most ppl.

I just met fandz to pass her a bottle maybe she can give some feedback after she try it.

We meet up next week if you really hate the taste ...and dun mind having 1/2 berries and 1/2 normal type i can do exchange for you.


Nice meeting you today ... a little rush else we could have shared more stuff. All the best for your ER..dun think too much you will have good embies this time round. Do feedback to humbug once you have tried the protein powder.

Its possible to switch Dr when you have frozen eggs, i remember one lady did before but you have to pay extra $$ for admistration and also the embryos freezing etc...
WOW WOW WOW...this month is a lucky september month...May, buddybear,ickle and maggie!!! BIG CONGRATS!!it really boast up the moral here..

Dear Fond..
Thank you for your effort to bring the powder for me...hope its not too late to drink the proteikn powder to ikmprove my follicles.

Ive tried the berry protein powder...it taste nice!!! it really taste fruity...and i mix in with ensure milk...vanilla with berry powder...it become strawberry milk..taste good to me.

all the best to your ET tmr...rest well.. update us only when you are not tired...

DEcember & minnie
pls be our next successor with good news!!
ttc no2,
sori you on FET so better chk with him what day your transfer. For me was fresh cycle so D2 will review with me.

That msg was for ttc no2. If you have agreed to do D5 ET for you then D2 there will be a review to see how your embries are doing and whether D5 ET is ok or not. Nurse did tell me that it can be D2, D3, D4 or D5 depending on how the Embries are doing.
Thanks for the advice. Will check closer to date.

FYI for ladies in KK
You can actually request to speak with the embryologist to ask more about the quality of your eggs etc. I did not know that until this was shared earlier in the forum. So just ask the nurse if you want to know more.
Thanks Fond and Fandz for the feedback.. i love fruity drink so should be ok hehe... See you when you have it next week ok.. thanks a lot for your help.

Haha...i thought you talking about different hospitals. If same hospital, just check with the nurses can already... are you at KKH? If at KKIVF, we are paying private rates so change doctor should be no issue.

NO problem lah...actually i got for you already thought you bz this week thats why meet next week to pass to you.... I sms you again


Glad that you like the berries protein powder, hope it can help you like it helped me
Keep up your good spirits and have a good ER and ET. Hope the next time i meet you will be preggie already then can pass baby dust to me..haha

Was talking to fandz today and i thought about you. You are preparing to try naturally right? Have you tested if your body is alkaline? Its better to maintain body alkaline..better chances of conceiving naturally...
fond..what is body alkaline??? hehe Yes, I will try natural first so have to build up my health. The Dr at KKH did not tell me what went wrong.. they never mention if it is cause of the sperm or the egg..I thought the embroyist should tell the patients if the cycle fail.. sigh.....I will meet you next week. This week crazy schedules at work...

Wow I watch this test tube baby show on ch 70.. the lady tried 12 times, before she is successful after the age of 40. I am so impressed. Maybe IVF in States is not that expensive....The funny thing is that they inject themselves on the thigh.. the ladies in the show are all above 40. And the mother gave birth in a huge Bath tub!!! I am so inspired by her peservance not the giving birth in the bathtub hor..
more successful stories....congrats maggie and ickle...

tomorrow will be fandz, leobaby and my ER....
pray that we go through this and ET on monday smoothly.

OHSS happens after ER or ET? so i should start to up my egg white and water intake after ER? these are the only 2 main criteria to prevent OHSS?

for ohss, while u r at puregon, esp towards the end, some may already have symptoms such as bloatedness n nausea. With the last Jab before er, it may be worsened. During my last cycle when I was assessed to be prone to ohss, I was advised to take up to 4 egg whites per day during stage 2. Was also given med to prevent ohss. But end up still kena. ;p could only say that my intake of protein was still not enough.

So that's why from stage u, u shd load up on protein intake to prevent ohss. The water intake is to ensure good passing of excess medication from your body.

Hope it's clear to u. ;)
Updated as at 3nd Sept 2009 at 9am

**Resting/Planning to Start Fresh Cycle**
Joyluck76 (KKH)
Bunny (KKH)
Hebemummy (KKH)
Wensi (NUH)
Vivi (KKH)
Sunny Jessie
Gan LY

Sunflower Seed (KKH)

**Waiting to start FET**
ttc_no2 (KKH)

**Waiting to start Lucrin**
Baby Galore (NUH) Oct
Monica (??) Sept

**Lucrin Stage**

**Puregon/Gonal F Stage**

**Going ER/ET**
Ivftwins (KKH)
Leo Baby (KKH)
Fandz (KKH)

Sunflower (KKH)
Poppy poo
Minnie (KKH)
December (KKH)
CherieC (KKH)

**BFP - delivery stage**
May (KKH)
BabyJ (KKH)
GreenMuffin (KKH)
Eskimobaby (KKH)
May Chua
Fancy (KKH)
fresh (KK)
Lingling 22

**Unknown Stage**
Mrs Lew

Lina Ang
Pau le
ttc_no2, I'm also with Dr Loh. I did not get to see him before my ET so did not have a chance to do a review and decide if it's going to be a D3 or D5 thaw. Mine was a D3. Like you I was skeptical about the chances of success from a thaw cycle but the results have proven otherwise so I guess anything is possible. I wish you all the best!

Serene, thanks for coming back and dropping your kind words. How are you doing? You must be in your 2nd trimester already right?

fandz, leobaby and ivftwins, good luck to your ER tomorrow.

Maggie, were you at KKH this morning to collect the medication? I saw another lady who also tested positive and wonder if it was you. I was wearing a black floral dress.
Hi May,

Thanks! I hope so too.
Catching lots of babydusts from you and maggie!

I'm on inserts at the moment. Tomorrow is progesterone BT. Did they tell you to come back the next day for new meds or you know on the spot ah?

The inserts very messy leh. Keep on having discharge. Arrghh...

Hi Fandz, Thanks. We will try our best. haha....

Good Luck for your ER tomorrow!

Next in line i believe is also Miracle Baby and Greenie.... Hope they BFP too.
Dec, just realised that you are now in 2WW, must be feeling very anxious. Stay positive and I'm sure you will make it too
ickle.. yeah i was there went straight to counter to ask for medication.. n didnt also look around... haha... so nv notice anyone also... i went take med n outside to make appt for scan... den went to hv breakfast liao.. nv went back to kkivf..

My scan on 17 sept..now im back at office behind my computer...
Were you the one wearing black top and jeans? Saw another lady also waiting at Clinic D to make appointment. Mine appointment with Dr Loh is on 16 Sep.

So fast 10 weeks already ! 3 more weeks and u are out of 1st tri. I'm about 6plus weeks only. Will go for 1st scan next week to see how things go and I'm nervous.

Congrats on the BFP ! Take good care for the next few months, yah.

Congrats to you too ! No matter the number, the grade or how long eggs are frozen it doesn't really matter, what matters is, it has the right genetic material and envt neccessary to survive ! The same thing with fresh cycles.

think positive ! Believe in miracles.

U are very right ! Just keep chasing the dream, try all avenues and it will happen !
Only when u fail, u truely know what success really means !

Don't sleep so much, try to do some light walking and only eat quality food. Otherwise, how to be yummy mummy ?
In AU, ivf Dr only do ivf. Once heartbeat detected, that's the end of our patient/Dr relationship.

Actually, its no that uncommon. In AU, patients handle everything too except the scans, ER/ET.
Maybe the nurses here lazy. Also Spore has the luxury to employ alot of cheap foreign talent nurses to do all these. I wish we can have that luxury too. Just go clinic to inject, don't have to worry about screwing up the meds.
Hi Gals,

Only just can manage to read through the postings after I went for ER which was about a week ago liaoz.... Paiseh for the late replies cos was not feeling that well since ER.... so no energy to come in and read and reply.

Hi Liz, Lina, Eskimobaby,

Noted about the rabbit thingy. No worries cos my MIL is helping me take care of them.

Hi Jude,

Mine are cross breeds which I adopted from someone else. I believe they are cross between dwarf and holland lop. One Girl One Boy. Girl Girl very naughty one. keke...

Hi Leo_baby,

He he... ready for 2WW but din get to do anything at all till lately then managed to start reading my book. he he...

and hor can't eat much at all for the past 1 week. till ytd then appetite then started getting better abit.
ickle.. yes guess its me! Today went back work and so many things to do but no mood do loh... even lunch also no appeitite liao... haha...

btw... ladies who BFP... is it normal to hv white discharge? i seem to be hving it these days..
Nurse called me the next day at 730am to inform of my low progesterone level and to collect the oral medication.

ok, will sleep lesser. oic, don't know whether Singapore is the same too, nevermind la, see what the doc says on 15 sept. Now, just pray hard for heartbeats.
maggie mee, so it was you! I was only a few seats away from you at Clinic D

re. discharge, I'm also having it though not very much.

May, I stucked to Dr Loh throughout my first pregnancy but I know of a couple of ladies who changed to the regular gynae after tested positive after IVF. I was told that actually once you are pregnant, your pregnancy should be no different from the normal pregnancy unless you are expecting multiples.
