IVF/ICSI Support Group


Thank you for answering to my D5 question. I still need to find those who did D5 transfer as I would be going for D5 transfer and need dome advises.

Leo Baby,

I always do D5 transfer. The least I have was 5 embies in one cycle.

It depends on the quality of your embies and your clinic practice. They also base on stats,maybe your clinic success rate for D3 and D5 is the same, that's why they tell you D3 and D5 no difference. But if your Dr advice u to go for D5, then go for D5.

I have done so many D5, I see big difference in the quality all the time. Most of my embies survive to D3 but to D5 not many. So at D3 they are not able to identify the best of the lot, so let them blast. That's ok for me as I always only opt for 1 embie transfer.
Leo Baby,

I forgot to mention, u need to weigh the risk, as my Dr also adviced me, u might end up with no embies to transfer or freeze as all may arrest on D5.

Hope it helps in your decision.

You have answered your own question. While ivf can select the best embie for transfer at the time of ET. There is still no answer why ivf fails. If ivf fails, implantation may be a cause. Embie wasn't healthy or possess the genetic material to follow through.

If your egg shell is hard, AH might help to improve implantation rate.

Whether your embies implant or not also has to do with your body condition at that time. Unfortunately, ivf can't help in that area. This also explains why some pregnancies always end in MC. No Drs will be able to tell u exactly why the cycle fails.

So the best u can do is to ensure u eat a healthy balanced diet and live healthily before ivf. Or try accu or TCM. Why TCM and accu is reported to help as evidence by some of the ladies here is still not clear. But whatever method to help in achiving BFP is definitely worth a try.
what does arrest mean?

a little confuse. so you are saying that the quality of the embies were no good after thaw?

i was told to eat normal panadol only leh for the first IVF.

Don't worry. it will be ok. You will be asleep before you know it. It was quite painless for me.

Thanks for your reply. May I know which clinic you at and with which doctor. Do you have to negotiate with dr how many embries to blast if you have a lot.
hi meow, how are you doing? do you intend to take on ivf route? I dont have any good recommendations. just wanted to say hi..
hi leo, was it your decision or the doc's for you to take on D5 transfer. As the ladies mention here, there will be a risk to take as we do not know how many embryos will survive to D5, that is why most Drs transfer on D2 & D3.
hi bubbybear, thanks for replying. Ya, I was hoping that the Dr can scan/test/check and pin point where it had gone wrong, so we can use TCM to strengthen our bodies accordingly.IVF is so mysterious..hahaha

It was my decision to do D5 transfer as I do have a lot of embries and can opt for this route. You know hor most dr will say when ivf fail that your embries not so good quality that's why fail. So instead of hearing that, why not let our embries go to D5 and then transfer.
hi leo, imho, if I do have many embryos to start with, I will proceed to D5 transfer, although there is no strong evidence that D5 is better than D3-D2 transfer, I do believe that the chances of BFP will be slightly higher for D5 transfer, that is if the embryos can survive to D5 becos I believe only the healthier embryos will make it thru.

I'm ok. Just that I dun wish to continue under prof if I decide on my next cycle. That's why asking for other doc's names to consider. I find I failed my 1st cycle without knowing y. I cannot accept y they can't share my test results to me openly. Now i'm left in the dark on wat more could have been done for my case.
Personally I do not agree w his way of doing things. He doesn't satisfy my emotional needs. When there is piece of bad news, it will be nice if ur gynae is there to add some 'cushion' to the fall. I dun get this from him. Not forgetting to memtion he is always so busy!
thanks for the suggestion.

I guess lady gynaes r still more sensitive for this area. Yday was discussing w hubby that I nvr felt good after every visit to nuh. Cos we went there thinking we r ok, but w every BT, HSG, more BT... I was told bad news again n again without being given some cushion to the fall. The feeling is not good at all. If given an analogy, I feel as if I'm on a conveyor belt. And I'm only given less than 5 min per appt w him n it's so hard to get an appt w him.

I'm not saying he is not good. Just that I need someone who has a more emotional side. Someone I feel he/she feels for the patient.
Hi Meow... i know wat you mean.... i guess its the same in KKH... they just follow protocol...i guess we can't blame the nurses with so many patients to handle... and normally we dun get to see the docs at all...

To be honest, most dr in Singapore are like that. I have many Doctor friends and they told me that they prefer to be direct and straight forward. I can also understand, unless they have more test result otherwise they cannot give you any conclusive answer too.
Hi Leo... yeah went early n came back.... nurse says will call me in the afternoon... nothing much i can do now except to hope for the best..

Is this you first ivf? Its the usually practise for KKH afternoon to do all the admin that why they only call you in afternoon. Actually they are considered very systematic.
Dear ladies

I would like to share a miracle that happened to me, yesterday, 1 Sep'09. My HPT was 'POSITIVE' and bHCG was 28,000.

U see, I was diagnosed with blocked tubes few years ago, although I never really thoroughly investigated it. I was suppose to be due for another pelvic exam and a new ivf cycle last month after my hols, but AF just did not come. I refused HPT as I know the result would be negative and believing AF went haywire due to stress. Anyway, I decided to end the wait yesterday, testing with HPT, so that I could move on. I was expecting a negative due to my condition, but to my pleasant surprise, the test came out POSITIVE !

This BFP really means alot to me and I am tearing as I compose this. I cannot believe my eyes and my ears as I made it all natural, no meds, no drugs etc. Falling pregnant naturally has always been in my prayers all the time, at the same time, going through ivf. A true miracle has happened to me ! I was in awe and wondering the whole day yesterday, searching for answers as to 'How can block tubes be unblocked ?' Afterall, I went through so many failed cycles of ivf before this natural BFP. Now I just hope and pray that I will have a smooth and healthy 9 mths ahead.

So when I post this, I hope all u ladies out there chasing the baby dream, to hang on to your HOPE, DREAM and BELIEVE and not forgetting to KEEP TRYING when failure knock on your door. If a miracle happens to me, it will happen to U !
leo... rite... yes its my 1st ivf n hopefully the last! ..KKIVF is rather quiet in the afternoon as all the hussles are in the AM!!!

So ur how manys at puregon? So far ok? I rem my tummy was getting harder each day n the jabs were getting more painful...

Can't imagine i hve overcome it for past 2 mths and now am at the last day of the whole process!! Mine... time passes and we can really do it...

KKH you will not get to see the Dr as often like in NUH. During the begin to end of ivf cycle, you only see Dr at ER and ET. Before ivf start is where u see dr for consultation and once he decide what you do nxt, you don't see them any more until ER & ET, then followed by wk 6 scan
bubbybear.... CONGRATS!!!! I guess sometimes its really fated.... we just have to give thanks with what we are given!!

A great encouragement to all ladies here! Ganbatte!!!

I am really happy for you!!! I can feel your joy and tears. I am sure many ladies here will feel that too. I believe in miracle and it will definately happen to all that have faith and continue to work on their miracle. Pls take care and continue to enjoy your pregnancy. Have a smooth 9 mths.
Hi bubbybear
wow! Miracles really do happen. Congrats. I will remember ur example n will not give up.

Can u share w us wat u done to BFP naturally?
Did u go to acupuncture? Take tcm?
have to see your own comfort level on this. Hope you are feeling better.

here are my 2 cents worth on the 2 gynaes i have seen in terms of handling emotional needs

Prof Ng
- Nice gynae. Will take time to answer your queries and find a reasonable explaination on why certain things didn't work and propose next approach to take. quite responsive to calls and emails
- nurses at the clinic sucks!!!

LC Cheng
- doc is very nice. will take time to answer your concerns but i find that sometimes his explanation lack basis. Although I am sure a lot of ladies do succeed under him
- Nurses at the clinic are superb!!! Very supportive, knowledgeble and care a lot abt the patients. Instructions given are very clear and concise.
- embryologist - very low EQ. If you are got BFN, you wouldn't want to talk to her. Will make you cry even more.. hahahaha... that's what happen to me and another fren of mine.
Leo Baby,

I'm based in Australia now. I blast all of my embies everytime. I see no point in deciding how many to blast, what I want is to get the best of the lot and I only opt for 1 anyway. So it was easy for me to decide. Out of 3 tries, 2 was successful. I had 1 MC and 1 live birth.


Thank You. Yes, u are right. Its all fated !
I'm thankful to have found this forum to share, as some stories here are also truely amazing.

where r the 2 doc's located?

I prefer someone who takes time to answer my qns. Why prof ng's nurses suck? As in very rude or no EQ that kind?

Surprisingly I find nuh's nurses very good, but prof is not my comfort level. Haha

oh. I can request to take back my medical records der hor? For a fee right? Any body can advise?

So your clinic is in Australia? What's MC? sori... So you are already a mum of 1 and now naturally concieve? Not all clinic in Singapore are encouraging D5 guess maybe the lab are not as gd.
Hi Leo baby,

I've done D5 ET at KKivf under Dr Sadhana. Dr Sadhana suggested that we will try for blasto transfer when we have decided to move on to my 2nd fresh cycle. She did qualify that that will depend on the quality and quantity of the fertilized embbies.

I was asked to return to KKivf on D2 after ER and Dr Sadhana would review the quality of the fertilized embbies with me. I had 21 retrieved but only 7 fertilized. 1 grade 5, 4 grade 4 and 2 grade 3.

She suggested all 7 to blast and I transfered 2. However, I have non to freeze.

Oh, she said normally for fresh cycle, she will use 5 to blast and for FET, she will use 7.

Hope the above clarifies your doubt.

LC Cheng is at thomson medical

Prof ng is at GlenE
Prof ng's nurse a bit low EQ lah..

The cost for both docs are the same.

anyway, sent you PM

So you don't need to bargain with her how many to be blast? The nurse at KKH says I have to prepare to bargain for a no. to be use to blast as they will not allow all. they usually want to keep half.
hi leo baby,

Well, just ask your doc how many is the idea quantity to blast based on the quality of your embbies. They should be experience enough to tell u that.

As what Dr Sadhana said, fresh cycle normally 5 and FET normally 7. Take this as a guide.

I dun think I can bargain much as I only have 7 fertilized. So I just listen to my gynea suggestion.

If you have a lot of Grade 4 embbies; say 12. You can opt to blast 6 and store the other 6. I guess better ask your gynea to suggest and then u make decision.
Thank You all ladies for the congrats !


I also don't know what I do to get this BFP. In fact, when I was back in spore last month, I ate all the unhealthy hawker food u can think of. I drank a little wine or DOM every night. While in an ivf cycle, these are all taboo and I would not have touched any of those. Now I just hope that its not affecting the foetus. Other than that I only take multi-vit and fish oil. I didn't do accu or TCM as I have never tried before so didn't dare to.

Leo Baby,

MC = miscarriage. Yes, my clinic is in AU. Already have a little girl and now this is natural.Each lab has its own protocol to follow and some are more successful than others. If u have lots of embies to play with then give it a try. Anyway, Dr will review if the quality is not good, u can opt to do D2 or D3.


Just wondering how u doing ? Was reading back, really happy for you ! You have made it too after so long ! I can relate how happy u must be for the wonderful BFP. What's more its twins ! U take care too.

I insisted with Dr Loh. I am not sugeesting you gals to do it as Dr Loh actually not in favor of this D5. He told me its a waste of Embries and etc and I said I know and if I still like to go ahead would he allow it. I think he read thur my cash notes and then OK it. I spoke with another dr the one that review us after the scan, she said usually they don't suggest it but since it was my 2nd fresh cycle and have many embries, they ok it.
Hi shiny and bubbybear,

thanks for your well wishes. I was indeed very grateful for what had been given to me.


I'm currently in my morning sickness stage. It can happen anytime of the day. Hopefully I will feel better as time passes. How about you?
