IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Ladies,

Good morning, didn't know you all like to chat late. Wow so many ppl come on and chat last nite. Today ivftwins,fandz and my ER. I am the last amoung them that why can still be typing here. Guess the both of them are already in the theatre. Chat with all of u later.

It good you notice that they are short handed too. A lot of times ppl felt they were slow and lack EQ but the fact is that they are doing their best and actually very fast and efficient liao. Its always good to bring on a smile to their face by showing these nurses our smile first. So ladies and your DH pls work with them closely and do the best you can to make their day. Cheers
Haha.. i wish it was my first time. failed twice liaoz..

will send you the info later. sorry.. wasn't online yesterday
Dear May
You kept asking for my condition.. Touched..
Thanks for your concern! Sorry don't know why I didnt have mood to type here though I want to. hehee. No symptoms so far but I suffer breathless,insomnia and "cramps". Feel like I lost my battle. oh God,forgive me for saying that but please bless me with BFP soooner. I envy you for not working, sleeping long well and resting alot at home. I go back to work next week.Too soon already for me. sigh.. but hope my 2ww will be worth it if my BT results turn a BIG positive, so then I can be happy working. hehee.

Dear Meow
Sure you will get BFP the second time round since you have already have BFP on your first try. For now, allow your body to rest first, then start again when you are fully ready. Since you are cheerful, I believe you will get good things at end. Cheer up whatever you do!

Dear Maggie,
Wow another M got BFP success! Congrats!! Dump babydusts to me!Catch,catch and Catch as much as I can. All 3 "M"s got BFPs and last one more "M", hope to have BFP too.

Dear Dec,
You have a good memory. yes my next turn. So scary loh. How are you now as you in 2ww? When is your BT?

Finger crossed for BFP,BFP,BFPPPP
hi fond, i did not ask who resign but we sure need all those that are remaining and hanging on. cheerios
bubbly me,
I had Dr Sadhana as my doc and gynae for my past laparoscopy, so-iui, ivf and pregnancy. She is soft spoken and gentle. I feel comfortable to have her as my gynae.
Her stitching skills is good(for my laparoscopy and c section delivery) and having her doing cervix check for me was not painful, just a bit sore feeling(heard from some ladies that cervix check by Dr Loh was very painful).
All the best to you!
Leo, Fandz, Ivftwins

All the best for ur ER TODAY AND REST WELL after ur ops!!!


We should jia you together!! =)
When's ur FET? (pardon me, just saw from the list that u doing ur FET)
thanks! All the best this cycle. I'm not sure when I can start my FET also.. probably tiao my body first and I just got transfer to new job. will have to see how things goes first.
I would love to start soon though but just failed my fresh cycle in Aug 09.
Hi blisstan,

Thanks for your inputs! I was seeing Dr Benjamin Tham for laparoscopy and salpingectomy and he referred me to Dr Sadhana for SO-IUI.

So I was a little nervous seeing Dr Sadhana esp Dr Tham was such a wonderful doc but now I think I will be in safe hands with Dr Sadhana!

May I ask have you popped? If yes, congrats and it's very encouraging to read good news in this forum!
Hi bubbly_me,
no worry, I am sure you will be in good hands with Dr Sadhana.

Yes, I have delivered to a bb boy this May(delivery done by Dr Sadhana), he is 3 and half months old now. Has been in this thread since last year Aug.
Just want to check, anyone got a BFP without any blasto embbies frozen.

From what someone post on the link, seems that if you do have a blasto embies, most likely you will get a BFP.

I did not have a blasto embbies but got a BFP but miscarried at 7 weeks. Wondering if there is any link to it.

C_dah, are you with NUH? Prof Wong?
Hi su_yana,

its angela who detected my prob tat time. really grateful to her. went to Prof wong at NUH, he juz stated tat everything is fine with me (after so many of miscarriages), luckily i din proceed to IUI with him if not money sure wasted.
Hi May,

My BT is on 15 Sept. So we will both be at KK and for impt events. Wishing you see your embies and hear heartbeat soon!

Hi Miracle,

BT is on 15 Sept. You?

Wishing you BFP BFP BFP!!!

I also very scared and try not to think too much about it. I think i will be very nervous on BT day. Especially when the phone rings. keke... All the best yah! Wishing to catch your babydusts too!!!
Hi Leo_baby,

Nice to see you just now at KKIVF. Hope everything was smooth for your ER today!!!

Take care!!!
Hi Sunnie Jessie,

Erm, this progesterone BT is done on D8 after ER to check if we have enough support for the lining i think. This is what the nurse told me today. There is still a BT for pregnancy later on as per what you mentioned. Hhmm... Hope this answers your qn.
hi ladies,
congrats to those who have succeeded... i'm waiting for my day 1 to call the clinic to start lucrin...
but i have the impression that we dont start on the 1st day of the period. on which day did you ladies start??
Su Yana
In a normal pregnancy, miscarriage is also very common. D5 embies are suppose to be tougher, from the looks of it, but that does not mean it will not miscarry. Contrary, many D2/D3 embies make it to term. There are also those babies who are born very sick, although their mother BFP. Don't analyse too much. Rest well now and try again, u will succeed.
Hi Su_ Yana,
oh ok..so the 2nd cycle will also be under Prof Pc wong. What was the grade of the embryo during the 1st cycle
Bubbybear, yeah agree with you. I just leave to God to decide the fate
. At the mean time, i just relax and do hope before my next cycle i can get pg naturally

Cdah, yeap, 2nd cycle with him. I am not too sure the grade. but out of 4 fertilised, that 2 was the best the put in me. Only one managed to get me to BFP at that time.
Cdah, which stage r u in rite now?
Su_yana , i had my ER on wed and they managed to 7 follicle .Out of 7 only 2 were fertilized and 1 is grade 2 only

Thanks for yr email... Dr Loh has replied to me finally but only after a few days.. guess he was busy.

Sorie for the late reply as i do not login daily. All the best for yr 2ww.. jia you!!!

For those who with Prof PC Wong, can share the experience?
I'm just starting 3day of suprefact. 50units.
Hi Jas, what protocol are you referring to?
Hi Vi4n, I am with Prof Wong. You are with suprefact now? I guess its your D21 suprefact. Your next menses should come soon rite. I guess you will have to see him then. Then u will start on Gonal F. When u inject with Gonal F, you will continue with suprefact too. The amount of suprefact will be lesser. Gonal F injection will be around 2 weeks. Might even be lesser if u respond well.
Cdah, take care tomorrow yeah. So i bet you are not having your hospital leave rite. Is this ur frist cycle?
Hi Su,

Thanks for the info. how about the ER or replacement procedure itself?
my ER will be done by another dr as Prof is going holiday till 1 Sept. but he will be the one doing the replacement.
The catheter that was mentioned in this thread before, is it inserted through the vagina, or the urine hole?
hi ladies... i been feeling down lately, partly after hearing sad news from some ladies here whom i feel so much for. plus that, i had chest pains on mon & tue, and developed flu on wed. just recovering today. i been thinking why is it so difficult for some women to get pregnant, while to others, it dun take them much effort at all. why when those who are blessed don't appreciate the gift, yet for some who yearned for a child, are not given the chance?

to meow, suyana, aris and the others who BFN... your positive attitude, strength and determination deserves respect.

frankly, after failing on Clomid and IUI, and being told that my husband has poor count/motility/morphology, i was not expecting BFP during our first try. my husband and i smokes. i only quit just before i started suprefact. i did smoke a couple of puffs during the suprefact stage but stopped totally by gonalf stage.

at the post-ET appt, i was told my husband only produced 3 million sperms and classified as very sluggish. but when i BFP and had 2 blasts, i was so thankful to God. only HE can make it happen. ladies, have faith in God. never give up the fight. doctors are just humans. ultimately, God decides.
Yes agree with Sofia, God decides everything. Doctors are just another human being that is just more knowledgeable than us.
When i was down with the sad news of my miscarriage, a friend of mine actually shared her experience. She suffered worse than me. She had found out her baby had died just a week before she was due. To make things worse, after the review, her gynae had told her that she would suffer the same thing again if she would get pg. Of course, that news was a big blow to her. Her hubby told her not to listen to such thing and just hope the best would happen for them. True enuf, God had granted them 2 sons whom are physically fine.

And if u have read, yesterday a baby whose luckily is still alive is found somewhere in SG. Why must the mother does that I wonder. Cant she just give away and get someone to adopt the baby...

I just hope all the ladies here will have a smooth journey to motherhood...
Sofia, take care ok

Jas, I dont think u can go straight to Gonal F withouth supression. From what i understand, suprefact is to stop our body hormone from functioning...so i guess its not possible.

Vi4n, the catheter will be inserted thru the vagina.
Hi Elle,

same same, this monday i going down to KK, i am not sure about stage 2 but what they just told me that i need to do BT and ultrascan. is that go stage 2?

do u have msn?
hi babyhopepath

just had a scan, sadly my period did not flush out the polyp. its now 7mm. my doc sugg removing it to avoid chances of it afecting the ivf.
have u done your procedure yet? how much did the operation cost you? the nurses told me to budget $6K - $7k.
just wonder what is the average cost.

any ladies here have experience removing polyps? really wondering what else we can do to help it flush out...sigghhhhh
hi happyhippo, will you consider TCM? I am not sure if it will helped, but a sister here mentions that her blocked fallopian tube was "healed" after a couple of sessions of accup.

Hi Cdah,

dont worry. glad to have 2 egg to tranfer and good news on the way. think positive and try to relax on your ET. drink more water and sleep more okie..cheer up..all sisters will be here to listen..
