IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrats!! Buddybear...your success really motivates me!!
I ve also heard if you manage to succeed in 1 live birth, your success rate to be pregnant is higher as the uterus is more active.My friend can't conceive for 8 yrs. after fertility treatment, BFP but bedridden for 7th months in 1st pregnancy. now she has 2 other children from natual BFP...

Enjoy your beautiful 9 mths ahead!!

Dear Minnie

grade 4 is considered 2nd best in KKH. For me, my quantity may be less, just hope embbies is healthy enough...PLease REST well!!


hope you are feeling alright today...


Like I told you in our meeting last time, you have to think more positively. If your embries hear you no faith in them they will also be disappointed you know. Have faith in whatever u do ok.
Hi Leo,

they did my blood test on D2 after ER and say I'm okie to proceed with ER cos OHSS risk is low wor.

But I still get moderate OHSS and was admitted to hospital during the last week of my 2WW. I was on drip cos I'm dehydrated and needed to tap cos my stomach is full of fluid. Worst experience of my life.

You might have missed my blog earlier which I recorded my whole IVF journey. www.mybbjournal.wordpress.com

oh i see..so u managed to see him during your last scan? how many follicles did u scan?


still the same..getting more bloated. trying to drink lots of water to wash off all the hormones so that my ovaries can recover soon..u dont think so much about ur ER ok, very fast will be over..
Hi Meow
Hope u are feeling better...
I'm currently w Nuh...if I'm trying another fresh cycle, I'll go to SGH-Care..
There are 2 female ivf doc at SGH, one is Dr Yu (Head of IVF), another one is Dr Yong. Had seen Dr Yong, she is a very nice and soft-spoken doc, for my first consultation, she gave us almost 1 hr to answer all our doubts and questions....Heard that Dr Yu is as good, but, she is very busy and may not have the time w you...
Anyway, SGH is a govt hospital, u can still get the govt grant..For my case, I may need to have abt $5k cash for my next fresh cycle...
Currently I don't feel anything yet, but at the end of the work day, just feel I have moved a mountain, very tired. Hope it will get better.
I hope I don't get MS, if bad like Develyn, don't know how.

How many weeks are u actually ? I'm sure u will get over the MS soon when the pregnancy progresses.


Thanks. That's really wonderful to hear from your friend. I guess in this area, there is still alot of mysteries surrounding ttcing. Sometimes, there is just no answer. Reading the forums have motivated me, so I hope I can motivate others too ! Afterall this is what the forum is all about. Lending each other a ear to fuss on, especially ivf, normal people out there although they say they understand the process but they will not truely understand unless they go through it themselves.
Hi Liz

thanks, I go read my PM later

I PM u later when I'm home.
hi bubbybear,

I'm into my 10 weeks only leh. how about u? time flies like snail...... sometimes, I can't help it but keep yawning at work. :p

Am glad to hear from U & is back exploring the option. Give yourself a pat on the back. U have been a brave lady.

Hi, Bubbybear


Hi, Leo_Baby

So Dr Loh not in favor of D5 transfer hah? Aiyo, this keep me thinking agn whether I should switch clinic since all my previous attempt are D3 under him.

Hi, Ladies out there

Anybody out there under Dr Loh who has done D5 transfer? BTW, know NUH does allow for D5, I suppose under Prof wong. Any sisters to confirm the above? If so, do they also need to depend on nos & quality of embryo.

Read the link provided by Sunflower on D3 vs D5. DH also think that it make sense that if D3 cannot survive to blastocyst, whats the pt of transfering.
Hi Ladies.... finally juz got the call from KK and my BT is positive!! HCG level is ard 1044 if i hear correctly..
Thank you for all the advise n support!!!
Hey Maggie...
BIG CONGRATS to you....!!!! another positive success case here...so happy for you!! pls share your 2ww please.....
Sunny Jessie,

U have to present your case to him if you want D5 transfer. I will be doing D5 with him depending on the upcoming ER and ET.
Hi fandz....i follow the dos and dont's but only took brazil nuts faithfully during 1st wk of 2WW... i juz watch tv, cook own lunch/dinner.., reading, continue surfing the forum... but still always try not to worry abt the symtptoms loh...and of course to walk slowly n don't have big movements...
Hi, Leo_Baby

Called KKH previously & they say depends on no & quality of embryo. Read the link provided by Sunflower & I'm just kind of worry with the crowd at KKH now, they will probably not be very keen to do it as it takes up more resources at the lab. Somemore, my past history is only 10 fertilised eggs, so not that many eggs.

u were given jabs thruout ur 2WW right? How did they ascertain u need jabs ar? There is a BT after ET?
Hi everyone, I posted sometime back but had been a silent reader since then. Just completed my FET at KKH and gotten my BT results today. It's a BFP with HCG reading of 815.9. I've used up my last frozen embryo for this cycle and thought the chances are quite low since I only had one to transfer, it's frozen for more than 2 years and only of grade 3. Really thank God for this miracle and at the same time, I want to encourage those who are thinking of going for FET or have only few embies to transfer. Believe in miracles cos they really do happen when you least expect them.
Maggiemee, I wanted to post messages to you earlier cos we did ET on the same day and at the same place but thought I should keep a low profile first in case this cycle turns out to be a failure. I was anxiously waiting for KKH to call and they didn't call the whole day until 4plus just now..really made me so nervous. Anyway, congrats to you
hi maggiemee,
congrats, good news! do take care.

hi ickle,
congrats to you too. You are another special case of BFP for FET, amazing. Have a smooth 9 months ahead.
Meow.. yeah i had pregynl jabs during 2WW.. i think i saw in the past threads its dependent how many eggs extracted cuz more eggs den they will give inserts... less eggs will give jabs cuz the jabs make us more bloated... i have bloated stomach all the way during 2WW..

leo... yes i with kkh under dr marianne... hmm i only had lots bedrest during 1st week. 2nd week me was lying on sofa watching tv... but i did not go out often during these 2 weeks.. only 1 or 2 days and i din't walk more than an hr ...
Hi ickle...u were the 1st lady doing ET on that day? we have 3 person tat day.. so its u...

Congrats on your BFP too!! Yes... i guess when the time is right and our body is ready... everything will fall into place...

Ladies who fail.... dun give up...
Hi, Ickle


Wow! We are having lots of gd news just in a day. Really keep the rest of us going. Hope the bb dust will pass around.
Thanks ladies for your kind words. I agree with Maggiemee, when the time is right and our body is ready, it is possible to see miracles. I failed my earlier FET in April when I transferred 2 better grade embies. This time round, I'm defintely looking after my body more and not taking it for granted cos I know I'm left with this final chance to have another child.
Ickle, i remember the last time u posted was ur BFN but now u r pregnant... Time really files...

Buddybear, big big congrats to u... U make ur believe that even if ivf fails its not the end.... Have a smooth 9 mths

Meow, i understand ur situation. If u gtg a new cycle i also agreed with u to see another doc to put everything unhappy behind and have a new change in luck. Agreed with Liz that Prof Ng nurses attitude not good, perhaps u can tell Dr l c foong who is in the same clinic as prof ng. Dr foong nurse is better in terms of attitude. Dr foong is a nice dr...
Hi Lyn,

I went for accupunture at Dr Zou 2 days before my ET although I should have gone to her months in advance. I also made sure that I kept my womb warm throughout 2WW by drinking only warm water and putting those disposable heat pads on my tummy when I sleep in the aircon room at night. I did not get to rest and lie in bed as much as I wanted to cos I still have a 2 yr-old son who's very active now but I guess moving around a bit does help to promote blood circulation. Most importantly I think its also the state of mind. I tried not to think about the outsome and focused on other things to take my mind off so I think that helped too.
So many good news!!!

congrats Maggie and Ickle.. so happy and motivated to hear good news..

there are 2 types of pregnyl jabs in kkh..the one after ET is the progestrone support..content is different as the HCG pregnyl jab for egg maturing.
maggie mee,

so happy for u!!! congrats congrats!!! now let's walk the next 9 months together smoothly!!

Whn is your scn? What support medication are given to you?

Both of us are under Dr Marianne Hendricks n we BFP, maybe she is starting to hv BFP hands liao...hahaha
She is very careful with my ER & i have no spotting after ER, ET was painless and smooth too!

Ickle & buddybear, congrats to you! Wish u a smooth 9 months!

sorry ladies, hv not been logging in so often as i have been very sleepy everyday after the BFP, i think i sleep around 16-18hrs a day!! I get hungry easily & hv been eating a lot more than usual! I am afraid i will grow very fat (& i am already obese to start with)! Will try to come in more often to share my ivf experience as i feel that i have gained so much from this forum, so I should do the same for other ladies!
congrats to bubbybear, maggie & ickle! have a smooth and safe pregnancy! thanks for the baby dust!

ickle: where do you get your disposable heat pads?

actually our embiess grade is supposedly to remain the same after the thawing process. However, the freeze n thaw process will take its toll on the embies too. Just like when I ask my doc n embrylogist during my et, my doc gave me a very apt analogy: embies are like a piece of cake. When u freeze and thaw them - they will still look the same but they may some chipped off or some cracks. So similarly our embies survival rate for thawing is about 80%. And from a D3 thaw to culture to D5, the survival rate drops drastically to 20% cos the conditions at the Petri dish is harsher.
Hope this clarifies my earlier comments.

what stage r u at? First timer? Gambatte!!
