IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Maggie
Are you on pregnyl jab every 4 days? When are you starting the jab? Did you have any support right after ET? Hope you can explain to me as i most probably will be on injection due to low eggs retrieved. Thanks.
Thanks, Maggie Mee!


Wow! The lady had 101 follicles retrieved? OMG, that's really really really a lot man...

I hope she BFPed.

Hi oxidised,

don't be too nervous. if u happen to inject a blood vessel, just press down firm on the spot with the alcohol swab for about a minute or so. don't rub the spot as it will leave a big bruise. Just press down on the spot for about a minute or so. And if no more blood, then it's ok liao.

I also strucked a blood vessel once and din know and went to rub the spot but kanna a big ugly bruise instead. So, Dr. Zou tell me don't rub. just press down firmly on it to stop the bleeding and at most just a small small bruise which will go away very fast one. So, after that I'm quite ok with it liao.

Just take it easy. I'm sure yo uwill get through it smoothly!
Hi Dec
Thanks. I encountered the same problem with Lucrin jab few days before ER. The needles were hard to push in. Think your jab is ok as this is to prevent overgrown of the eggs after tonight shot.
Hi Babygalore
Feel so encouraged seeing your comment on sharing of resources.. I am praying hard.
Greenie... yes! im on pregynl jab every 3 days.. but its ok .. cuz its on tummy fats!! Not so painful juz like lucrin..

Straight after ET, i came out and had to go for my 1st pregynl jab on the spot.. den go back kk every 3 days to jab.. tml will be my last jab liao... total 4 jabs. And nurse did told me after pregynl jab stomach will feel bloated... so as you can guess... my stomach bloated since ET till now loh....

So i know now is cuz we got less eggs retrieve so we get jab instead of inserts... no wonder.. me only 9 follicles retrieved mah..

Now my 2WW is at the last week.... i can't help but keep hoping i will BFP... sometimes i also think n prepare myself if i BFN... haha... jus imagine both scenarios to mentally prepare myself...
Don't think so much..praying hard for your BFP too.

Out of 9 follicles, how many fertilised?
Can share of your symthoms?
Phew..the jab is at tummy? I thought will be on thigh again..think of the long needle a bit scared although no pain at the end.
Greenie.... me got 3 fertilised only... put in 2. 1 frozen.

Haha... the thigh one only b4 ER..very painful...

U mean symptoms during 2WW? Me not much.. juz bloated n occasionally cramps/pull at right side ..
I just called KKH leh. I dunno why my HCG increased from 16 to 44.5 with the blood test yday. The nurse said cos they checking with Dr Loh that is why no call yday. They will call me back again today. I am confused now. Dunno what went wrong. My AF is over... but the test is weird. So scary leh. I have stopped the insert since Friday morning.
hi leo babym ya, i am also a leo baby
, just had my birthday lasr sat but stayed ay home due to 2ww. Leo is also my surname that's y it appears in my nick too. my hubby wants me to use his surname but i like mine so much, so i didnt use his but i told him i will use when i m pregnant, so, hv to see whether god wants me to use his surname or not :p......hahahaha.....a lot of excuses from me.....he has no choice lor but to keep quiet.....hehehehe....
Hi fatbabe,
Why don't you email SFLOH. he is ur Doc rite? explain everything and also wait for the call. How was ur flow ?? normal AF?? Don't worry. i truly understand. hugz dear.

Hi Linaang, Thanks

Hibabygalore , Thanks . did u start in lucrin or not??

Hi May ,
Me also Leo . my birthday was last friday. Belated happybday. All the best. when is ur BT??
take rest and don't stress. BFP. Baby dust to you.
hi fancy, our birthdates are just 1 day apart! Happy belated birthday too!!!

thanks thanks
, i don't have much symptoms, no bloatedness, don't really feel sleepy, appetite not really increased, no craving.....only the initial vaginal pull & slight cramp, so, really need your baby dust!!!!
Maggie Mee,
I know ET is much simpler, but I don't like the feeling of a full bladder, I just hope I can tahan till the end before bursting out..lol XD

Hi December/Greenie,
Thanks! I hope they will grow big big too!
hi ladies in lucrin & puregon stages, when i was in the lucrin stage, i also find that it gets tougher to jab the needle into the fats, so i asked the KKH nurses when i was there to learn the puregon jab, the nurses told me that as we jab more, the area where we jab will hardened slightly, so the nurses advised us to choose a spot that is different for each jab, ie, spread out the jabs as much....i did that n it's easier to jab liao...
Hey May,
Thanks..Don't worry . even i didn't have any symptomns .. other than crampness and i had sore boobs only at the end of 2ww. The most importanat thing is NOT TO STRESS. Take good rest.. lots of baby dust to u.... When is ur BT?
Since nurse checking with him liao. then wait for her to call me back lor. No point emailing him. Most prob need another blood test.

i had the same problem with u this morning... i think its bcos of the bloated stomach..i took 4 times to inject cos no matter which position i try, the needle just cant go in, and so painful on the skin surface..


dont worry , i heard some ladies will retrieved more eggs even if the scan shows a few promising ones..
hi Minnie, i timed my water drinking before the ET, cos i m also afraid that my bladder will be too full and i need to relieve myself after the Et (which is something that i don't want to do immediately after ET).

My ET was 1130am, so i drank 2 cups of water every half hour during the 1 hour before ET. This is in addition to the instruction given to u to prepare for the ET. By ET time, my bladder is full enough for the scan & ET but still enough time for me to tahan till home to relieve myself.

when i reached home, i relieved myself & rest myself on the bed with bolster underneath my bum so as to elevate my pelvic. I was in that position for 1 hour but i lied on the bed the whole day (except toilet & meal beaks). I m not sure whether this work but just do whatever i can that i think may help.

im suffering from terrible gastric/stomach pain since yesterday.. and pinkish spotting...today is D6 puregon..super bloated also..and i took laxative and panadol to ease the pain..anyone had same symptoms ? can advise?
Minnie you are rite.... can't tahan the full bladder.. but nurse told me dun nid full bladder... juz follow instructions as what kk give u on the paper.. it worked for me... n also before ET starts.. Dr scan for me to see if bladder full enuf to proceed .... b4 she start the ET process..
Hi Fancy... you BFP ald rite? So how many weeks liao?

Me now 2nd week of my 2WW.... juz feeling cramp at lower right area...not sure if my AF symptoms or wat... hehe... duno wat to
... but will seek everyone's advise to stay relax n enjoy my stay at home!!!
hi fancy, my ET was on 14 Aug n my BT is on 31 Aug, hopefully our birthday month will bring us best of luck!!! Thanks for the baby dust!!! Grabbing n will keep tight tight in my womb!!!
. Will leave some for Meow to keep in her womb too!!! She is having the same BT date as me. Maggie mee is on 2nd Sept, we will give her our baby dust too after we BFP!!!.......talk as though meow & myself will sure BFP!!!...hahahahaha.....

hi fatbabe, your blood test shows an increase in HCG, i think may still have a chance....talk to your babies, ask them to fight on & be a strong survivor, tell them daddy & mummy wants to see them, wants to play with them. Keep talking to them....even if you r not sure of the chance, still give it a go, do whatever u can to help them. Give it your best until the doc gets back to u!

maybe, u could continue with the nuts, milk, water, chicken essence, no harm i think...just in case...
Hi Minnie
dun have to be too stressed abt the keeping bladder full. Cos for my ET, prof was ahead in his schedule, so I didn't have enuff time to drink the stipulated amount of water also then I was asked to go to the day surgery Liao.
Hi may

u r so cute! Save baby dust for the other 3Ms too. Thanks gal! *grab grab*

yes, let's BFP then we dump bb dust on maggiemee.
Hi Fancy,
My only fear is etopic.

If really BFP, then it would be a miracle.

Yeah, can only wait and hear wat the doc conveys to nurse. Think most prob is redo BT till it is confirm BFN.
Ya I understand.. just keep praying … wait for the call. will pray for you. Don’t worry.
Was ur flow normal AF???

Yes hopefully our bday mth bring lots of luck..

May , Meow , Maggie mee –
Hmm u guys r 3M’s .. ha ha I understand.
Baby dust to all. Don’t worry .. stay relaxed.. engage mentally in whatever u like.

Maggie mee,
Oho don’t worry. I had cramping on and off. I had severe cramping on my BT date. I was in bed holding my abdomen.. thought my AF will come. When call came .. I thought BFN .. but they said iam pregnant. So don’t get scared by crampness.
Iam in Week 6 , need to go for scan on Friday. Hoping to hear heart beat. Scared..
Yeah, it was 101, the highest she's heard. I did not ask her if her patient BFP as was I stunned at that instance by how powerful stimulation drug is must be very very painful..

Not yet....starting with next month menses..

Fat babe,
You got experience pain at one side, monitor first as that is one of the signs of etopic. Fingers crossed for u k..take care..
Hi ladies,
Seems all of you are doing fine...thats good to hear.

I know some of you ladies do see a chinese TCM dr..if not wrong Dr Zou...
Can I know where is the clinic? IS this a lady or male dr? I thought of going there before deciding my next IVF cycle. BTW, does this dr converse in English? If there is phone number to the clinic it will be better too...Thanx in advance
the number is 6456 0833.

no.. the lady din't get preg. And with regards to the jab, when you jab in and push in the medication, release the pinch on your stomach then the med will be able to flow in properly. not sure if that's the issue. But that was what happen to me when I did the jab myself. Good luck for the IVF program.
Hi Fancy,

All the best for your scan on Friday!

Take good care!


Ya lor, sure very painful. So many! My goodness! I still can't comprehend the fact that someone can have so many follicles.

3M's Jia You! and don't forget the 4th M, Miracle Baby!
hi meow, hahahaha, we dump dump dump baby dust to maggie mee & miracle baby, then they take take take, then when they BFP, they give give give baby dust to everybody!!! hahahahaha......so funny, havn't BFP already day dreaming of it liao......hahahahaha

hi fatbabe, will pray for miracle for you!!!

Oic.... Maybe I had still pinch up my stomach though not hard. Is it because there is resistance when we push in med when tummy is pinched up.
Hi, Ladies

My salute to all ladies out there! Esp after reading each of yr life stories & struggies. I believe the pain is shared across all who is embarking on fertility treatment program.

Jia You! Jia You!

Hi, Wensi

Thks for yr kind advise. U not working, quit yr job to embark on this program? Me too. Have left my job since last Aug & it has been a yr now, although have not had any sucess of BFP. Sometime can't help but feel down after sacrifice so much.

May decide to stay on with KKH afterall cos transfer to NUH may means I can only start my new fresh cycle in Nov. Times is not on my side both cos of age & financially. Shock on the speed cash is going everytime I go to the ATM due to cost of Accup, chinese med & IVF med fees.

not sure leh.. i found that the med is able to go in after i stop pinching my tummy... give it a try if you have a similar prob next time. might help. I was panicking the time it happened as it was my last dosage.. heheheh.. hengz ah..
Hi Sunny,
Can fully understand the your feeling of feeling down about making these sacrifices. Although I am still working, I can no longer work as long hours and work has now taken a back seat as fertility challenge is demanding both mentally and physically with all the checkups, acus.. Alto my boss kept giving more demands, can no longer give in all the time. At times, I do feel down and lost too as I was very career minded before. Lets hang in together k.. and thanks for sharing as it makes me feel got people who understand this situation.

Can I ask what are the best prevention for OHSS at different stages of IVF.. (few weeks before starting program, stage 1, stage 2, after ER and finally, 2WW)..Thanks a lots lots..

i think its the bloatedness and gas that prevent the med from going in..im just guessing cos i dont pinch my fats that hard leh..
Hi, Babygalore

Thks for the encouragement. I have the same problem previously. That's why decided to quit my job cos it also demands long hrs & whatever needs to be done still need to be done, no matter what conditon U are in. That's work.

U too Jia You! OK.
eat lots of egg whites! At least 4per day. Protein can help water ( causing bloatedness) to be drawn back to ur blood vessels to be passed out from your body.

yah, say a cooking progam on tv n she was making cheese cake *drools*

i got a pulling feeling, not exactly cramp, but slight pulling sensation . Stressed manz. Dunoo ok or not to have this symptom.
Hi Meow,

He he... Yum Yum... Though not much appetite lately....

seems good to have this pulling feeling. Like womb expanding for baby. He He... Anyway, still try not to read too much into the symptoms.... Just about a week more for you! 2WW will soon be over in a breeze and look forward to receive your babydusts!!!

Heeeee...your statement of "whatever needs to be done still need to be done, " no matter what conditon U are in” is such an accurate description!, Many thanks for your Jia Yous Sunny
really need them as can run of out steam sometimes. One thing I am sure is many years later when we look back at today, we would all be glad that at least we have tried and money can always be earned back later..

Got you. Thanks k…so eggs are on my shopping list..that day I was in NTUC looking so long at all the different types of eggs..got Omega 3 ones, got low cholesterol ones…one man thought I was crazy to look so hard..;p

So did you start to eat 4 eggs per day starting from stage 1?

there r so many varieties of eggs on sale nowadys. I see also blur. Hubby was saying last time eggs were just eggs. Now got first born eggs, eggs from chickens who eats corn etc. N now eggs can be so expensive for all these added vitamins. Haha

i didn't eat eggs till stage 2. Cos stage 2 then will start to bloat. But I only ate 2 in stage 2. Cos didn't know got to eat at least 4 per day till after ER when the nurse told me to eat that number to prevent OHSS.
