IVF/ICSI Support Group


I understand where you are coming from as well
But guess, there is always options out
Like what I say I truly repect those who can carry the baby for the full 9 months. It is indeed not an easy process
especially those who went thru IVF... so much pain then normal pregnancy.

eskimobaby, your maltese is so cutie too!!! wah, ur hubby already starts to prepare him to be a koko liao ah!!!!! i think i have to pre-empt mine too, just in case they get jealous...hehehehe....
hi may

woo.. u are very current w the TVB series..i am watching Burning Flame 3.. oh. u like Ah Wang ar.. that is why u watching D.I.E 2? he is starring in another show too.. the customs officer one.. A Threshold of Persona, did u watch that? so u are canto too? :p

oral progesterone and inserts? from KKH ar?
hi leo_baby

my ivf kena delayed coz doc scan and found a polyp. he wants to clear that first before i proceed with ivf. so its gonna be a while more before ivf.
dun worry .. i think dogs have very good sixth sense they know who are the ppl we love and who are those that we dun like... :p so if it's our children they'll definitely love them as well and protect them but will still need to supervise at first esp. newborns since i've heard of cases where the dogs are jealous or not used to a new member in the family.... it's good to have animals around when a child is young as it helps them to know how to treat animals properly and not treat them roughly or abuse them unknowingly...
Hi Greenie,

Thank you. Yes you are right, its not hurt at all. my hubby learn to inject today. lucky i got fat tummy/ ;)

Envy you on ER stage liaw..rest well and drink more water.
May, Meow & Eskimobaby

So nice to have dogs company. For some reason just before ivf also thot of having dogs but never got down to get one. Afraid cannot even care for self to care for them.
Hi Meow,

I think i saw u in the 2ww thread too.so u're under Prof PC wong too? me too.i had 2 IUIs under him.initially,i tot he was such a hostile doc.no emotion,come in,chop chop,do his stuff,bye bye.but me being aggressive,i 'intercepted' him and asked him lots of questions b4 he fin up with me.i've even asked him questions while lying on the bed.haha! I tell u wat u should do if u grad under him.u should send him to me.his teeth needs treatment! haha.i think he'll look better if his teeth are whitened and have some cosmetic work done.hehe...docs are all like that.they are so dedicated to their patients,they have no time for themselves.like me.the only time i really put myself in 1st place is after i had the stillbirth.that was too large a blow to me.i was so bz that day i didn't even realise the baby not moving.if i realised it earlier,maybe the baby will still have a chance.all this coz i care for my patients and they are my 1st priority at work.

in general,prof is a really nice guy.he regconises me (dunno if it's coz of my occupation),and smiles at me in the waiting room.and if u ask,he will explain.if u don't ask,he won't say a thing.

to all u ladies out there,

Thank you for ur encouragement.i'm currently having my AF.never been so glad that i'm having AF.haha.coz 3 wks prior to surgery,i had med to thin my lining.i saw on the photos,almost all the lining is gone.so doc presceibed oral contraceptive to grow back the lining.now that i'm having AF,i know that the lining of my uterus has successfully grown back.he wanted to put me on 1 more round of contraceptive,but i said give my body a chance to prove itself.i'm juz keen to try again.
hi eskimobaby, ya, i agree, still have to be a little careful especially when babies are still young...

hi leo baby & meow, the oral one is called Dydrogesterone & the inserts is called Utrogestan (progesterone - micronised).

oh, actually, it didn't cross my mind that the oral one might not be progesterone cos i was only prescribed the oral ones after my Progesterone BT last week, KKH called to inform that my Progesterone level is a little low, that's y i assumed that the oral ones is another form of progesterone medication.

my doc is Dr Marianne Hendricks from KKH.
hi monster..
i didnt post in the 2ww thread wor.. which thread is that?
so u are a dentist?? :p
woah.. must be busy..

his teeth needs treatment ar? is it? he always too chop chop. .then recently put on mask.. so dun rembr how his teeth looks like wor.
that bad ar? got bunny teeth?

KKH practise to measure abt 2 or 3 days after ET to test if enough progestron for foetus support.


I did not know they give oral is not enough. I thot they will increase the insert/injection dosage. Dydrogesterone will be the pill they give when BFP.
meow, forgot to reply you on the HK dramas, i had watched the threshold of a persona liao, i loved HK dramas so much that i will watch it the moment it's available...so now, i am watching the 2 latest ones which are still airing. Luckily, there are these HK dramas during my 2ww, if not, i don't know how to pass my time....maybe i will have to sleep 20 hrs to make the day shorter.....hahhaahaha....

maybe i should learn from the other sisters here, to pick up reading since i have another 1 more week to go and the shows are only available on a 2-3 days interval...hmmmm....maybe some pregnancy books....

i'm watching the threshold of a persona now.. cant stand 'ah wang's' wife always being bullied by the sis in law. hehee.. watched till a bit pek chek!
hi leo baby, ya, i also thought they will increase the inserts/dosage but instead they gave me Dydrogesterone leh, i also don't know why. Is Dydrogesterone a form of progesterone? Do u know what is it for? I only know it is suppose to support the progesterone level since it's only prescribed after the Prog. BT...
Hi Dec,
Congratulations! Your egg sizes look good. All the best to your ER on Thursday!

I am ok, I still need to jab Puregon for another 2 days and scan again on Wednesday. The review doctor say ER might be on Friday....*Fingers-crossed*...then we can be in 2WW together!
Hi Sunflower, Develyn, Cheric, Babygalore, Leo Baby and others
Am back from ER today. Quite sad of the results. I only have 6 eggs being retrieved. Cross my finger for fertilisation. All i need is good 2 embyros to transfer.

As there are not many eggs retrieved, I dont suffer much pain. Am feeling ok now.

Yes, it was me. I saw you & hubby too. As your hubby with you, don't want to disturb you for ET. Anyway, I was quickly rushed by nurse to the ER room also.

All the best in 2ww. Will join you on Wed if nothing is wrong. Are you on insert or jab?
Hi Dec
You have great no of follicles. All the best for your ER on Thurs. No pain for the HCG shots and during ER. Dont go KKIVF before 730am as they will not open the door for you.

They asked me to reash by 730am today but ho.. the door is not opened before that.
Hi all
Heard from nurse that tomorrow there are 7 ladies going for ER at KK...Hmm..didnt know anyone from this thread going for ER tomorrow. Imagine how many that going for infertility treatment..
Hi Cherie
How fast is your ET? Not sure you were before or after me.
Today Dr very good mood..came in asked me how am i and asked me not to be scared. Can feel the tension around me once he entered the op room. 3-4 ppls came to me..i said wah..so many ppls. Dr even introduced them to me.. haha..

By the way, the op suit very hard right? think they never put softlan when washing.
Hi Leo baby

sorry for the delay.today is day 5 of puregon. i feel heaty somehow...mayb due to the chicken essence & ensure milk/nuts..i also have a lot of wind in tummy and always farted. im also taking evening primrose & royal jelly capsule in morning. i guess maybe due to work, i feel sleepy & always yawn..so far no obvious side effects. im so worried now i may not respond well to the puregon...tummy is slight bloated only...hungry easily but never eat much..

are you also?

im also worried about poo poo during 2ww if we cant exert much force though....sigh
But Dr Zou once said if the foetus is not healthy enough...it may not survive..

Why are you discussing abt unhealthy foetus at such early stage? Can I advise you to stop the evening primrose intake as I don't think is good. I think another lady here got advise you. I was all along having royal jelly, I stop those too during this time. I am just a day behind you. So did you go to temple to pray?

You join us so late last nite. Saw your thread but HB chasing me go sleep and never reply you. Early morning now I am awake and first thing was to come in here to reply. Hee... Not sure if able to come in here to update thread as often in my 2WW. You with KKH rite? Which doctor? Pardon me if I am asking this qnd again. old lady liao so very forgetful. KKH last know record for ER was 9 patient not sure if new record was formed. R u doing D2 or D5 transfer?

I am abt 3 days behind you. So far you also bloated? Last nite i eat dinner and was so bloated that I go take a walk for digestion. Seems to work a bit. what abt you?
Leo Baby
You are very early. I am with KKH Dr Loh. Will be doing D2 transfer.

I used to feel bloated at night for the past 1 week. Taking 2 egg whites really help to reduce the bloatedness.

Help... Feel so bored at home already & this is only the day after ER. Don't know how to pass time during 2WW..
Hi Ladies,
I am feeling very very tired , i hardly come online nowdays. Didn't log in for the past 4 days. Now totally lost the thread is moving fast.. he he
Hope everyone is having a smooth process
Ladies in ER & ET - all the best
Ladies in 2WW - Don't stress . Baby dust to you all.

Hi Die,
Don't give up . Life is so hard.
Iam sure god has a special plan for you.

Hi fatbabe ,
Hugsss.. How r u ?? where u able to reach KKKH yesterday.. Take care . Keep us posted.

Hi Aris,
How r u ?? did u try doing BT again to check the HCG level. it should have doubled. r u spotting ?? when is ur scan ?? Hugz...

Hi leo_baby,
How r u madam.?? when is ur ER ?? I am not so active in the thread..nowdays i have become lazy goose.. i hardly do anything.
Ya my Scan date is nearing this friday. iam so scared.. Trying to keep myself calm.. all deadly dreams.. Hey BTW r u leo ?? when is ur Birthday?
Iam also Leo.
Hi Greenie,
Thanks! I think I only have 2 or 3 potential right sizes egg...so hope they are of good quality and would fertilize successfully.
All the best to your ET on Wednesday!

Hi Leo Baby,
Ya...I have been feeling bloated since D1 of Puregon and for the last few days, I couldn't eat much liao...
HI Minnie.. dun worry .. tat time i had 9 follicles extracted but during ET still hv 3 fertilised and put in 2. So u do not have to think too much.,.. so yr ET will be soon?

During 2WW really juz spend time at home laying on bed... watch tv.... eat... sleep... become so lazy... but juz treat this as a good long holz!! to recharge our mind!!
Hi Maggie Mee,
Hard not to think, but will try not to..Thanks! The review doctor will see me again after tomorrow scan and she did mention that she is looking at Friday for ET.
Hi Babygalore and Lina,

Thanks for the well wishes!

Hi Sunflower,

I think there was a sister here previously mentioned that she had spotting during puregon stage. If feel insecure, then call KKIVF to check with them on this.

Hi Minnie,

Hope your eggs will grow grow grow and proceed to ER soon!!! ^_^ Then we can be in 2WW together with Greenie too!

Hi Greenie,

All the best for your ET tomorrow!!

Hi Meow & Eskimobaby,

Your dogs are so CUTE!!! I have been wishing for a dog for many years now. But hubby afraid I can't handle so many things so till now still din get one. Though I have 2 rabbits at home. He he....

If we were to have an outing later on, must bring your dogs out leh! so that i can play with them. i like animals a lot.

Ladies, had a small corkup this morning on my last lucrin jab.

Was told to jab at 8am. So prepared everything and 8am sharp, poked the needle in and started to jab. then the syringe seems very difficult to push in, then managed to start pushing it in. it got stuck when half the medication was injected in and stubbornly refused to go in anymore irregardless of which angle or strength i used. Then no choice took the needle out and jab on the other side of tummy. Still cannot push in. Then i became frustrated and no choice had to take another needle and draw another round of lucrin in the amount which was not jabbed in by the first needle and luckily this time round was ok. *sigh* by the time i jabbed the second needle, was about 8.10am already.

like this jab ok or not har? Timing wise and also become 5units on right side and 5 units of lucrin on left side. keke...
Good morning ladies..

Please don't feel sad. The other day, Dr Zou told me that she had a patient with 101 eggs retrieved…poor lady, ended up with OHSS and out of the 101, two eggs are good ones as the rest are quite small and not so matured. So it can be your six follicles could have good sufficient resources shared among them and end up with high quality!

Yes, please go go and enjoy life until enough enough…don't have to come back so often lah, only come back if you free and miss us!
*me very thicked-skinned*….remember to enjoy yourself k…

Take care k....its good to be tired..nap as much as you can..
hi all, i havent been keeping up with the thread so congrats to all that BFP

leo_baby,, thanks for asking abt me..

I am starting lucrin this thurs, abit nervous!! actually very nervous, what happens if i inject a blood vessel?! what do I do? or what happens if i kenna like December?? my gawd so many questions!!

i think i will go down kkivf on thurs morning, for last minute refresher haha...

kambate all!!
Oxidised.... we all feel the same when we juz abt to start... me too! Remember i really scare of needle and duno how to cope..

If u can't bear to jab yrself... how abt asking your HB to jab u instead? Tat's what happen to me... i brace myself take deep breath while my HB jab in... n i juz close my eyes... and i make it thru like these for that so many days of lucrin n puregon...

As long as you jab slightly on right or left side under belly button where there are fats.. den it will be ok...

Hi Minnie
Don't worry so much.. your eggs will grow with good quality. We pray hard together for fertilisation.. Waiting for you in 2WW.
