IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Ladies in 2ww

please stay cool n relax. in my 2nd week, I had been constantly looking for any symptoms until it driving me crazy.

Finally I put a stop and finding ways to keep myself happy.

Now Im BFP with twins. My doc did say that celebrate when u have bb in your hand. so Im taking things easy, as every step taken is another step closer to motherhood.

Good luck & losts of babydust


Giant is selling frozen codfish in a packet of abt 6 pcs for $9plus. not bad leh.. can steam it and not fishy smell although frozen.
hmm.. weird.. my msg got repeated..

what i wanna say was..

i am not shopping queen.. this codfish was bought by my sis in law. hehehe.. *play cheat der*

i sweating although i have the fan on lah..

hi mei chua...
*grab bb dust*
hello babygalour, maggi mee, and december..

thanks for ur advice.. let HB do? no lah, he so rough one.. later worst how haha..

Well, nervous la.. just thinking of it.. but excited to start also.. jus 2 more days..

Question. so it's the area under belly button with my index finger n third forming a triangle, that area right? not much space leh.. haha.. or can i go further? nurse sarah say not too far out..

oh gosh! i cant imagine the needle going in.... yeeee

abt 2 fingers away from ur belly button on ur left, right, bottom (but nurse said some pple find this area more sensitive). always areas under the belly button will do.

for me. i jabbed on alternate sites.. left and right.

it could be scary 1st time doing it, but after a while u get used to it. i picture myself poking into a pc of pork loin. heheh
meow.. 2 fingers away as in vertical or put fingers horizontally? haha.. im guessing horizontally right? vertical even smaller an area!

well, i think i will picture me as a kid playing with mechanical pencil "inject"my classmates and got "injected" back

i think i better go back kkh get some moral support hahaa
no no no..

it's 2 fingers after the belly button..
hmm.. maybe i try to draw


O = belly button
II = ur 2 fingers away from the belly button
** = those areas u can jab


yep yep.. just any area below the belly button line.. :p

u clever leh!! like that also can understand. hehehe.. abstract drawing w limited resources.. heehe

heee.. maybe i am too bored ler
hi meow
tks, you are such a jovial person always so cheerful. BFP on the way

hi Green Muffin
Congrats, u got very good reading very high chance getting twins
Green Muffin, COngrats to you. Do take care.

BabyGalore, thanx for the input. May I know is the name of the clinic Ma Kwang?
I ever went for accupunture under Ma Kwang. But stopped. The lady doctor that i went was quite good. She understand simple english which was already enuf for me. After a while I went back, she was no longer with that clinic...so I stopped doing my accupunture.
that's what i thot after reading the article as it makes a lot of sense to me... so now i eat eggs i will take some yolk too... maybe not all lah... and maybe also an excuse cos i love yolk so good excuse for me to eat yolk also... heee

green muffin,
keep some crackers with u too so that u can eat whenever u r hungry.... now my bag always has crackers and muesli bar... so that i can munch on just in case i'm hungry... if i'm too hungry, when i get to eat also feel uncomfortable afterwards

if u feel warm or feel that ur body temperature seems to be rising and not afraid of cold during 2ww it's a good sign... usually pregnant ladies have higher body temp... drink plenty of water to keep urself hydrated...
Hi Leo Baby,
I am injecting the maximum that KKH can prescribed which is 700iu. Yes, tomorrow is my 4th scan after on Puregon. After D8 scan, if they find that your eggs are not ready, they would either ask you to continue with Puregon or increase your dosage for 2 days and then scan again. How much Puregon are you injecting now?

Congratulations Green Muffin!
You beta looked fantastic! Hoping for twins for you. Take care and have a smooth 9 months ahead! spread your Baby dust around!
Meow, i m at esp 23. I prefer Rex is much better then wong xi.....

Hi minnie, u r jabbing 700iu all the way?

Leobaby is this ur first ivf? How old r u now?
Hi Meow,

oh,u didn't post anything in the 2ww thread.then i must have seen u in some other threads.but i'm positive i've seen ur name b4.
Hi Muffin,
Congratulations to your result... Glad to hear your good news... so the statistic in NUH is quite accurate, 34% success rate. 3 of us did the process together. Mine and Die not that promising... You succeeded.

How are u getting on?

Congrats, I remember seeing u on thread then u went missing so that was what happen. It's worth going through the roller coaster ride after all. Collecting all ur shower of baby dust.... U rest well and look forward to hearing from u more...
hi green muffin,
yes, i continue to take her "an tai herbs", slightly cheaper compare to ivf herbs. So if you don't mind, do continue taking it, will help in the pregnancy.
Meow and Miracle,

It the progestron at works that why you are hot. Normal...


What is TPS?


You sure know how to draw the pork belly button... HA...HA...


Did dr say why give you so high? I am lost abt your status. R u saying that you are on D12, 4 times (4 days) after D8? I am on 300iu.

This is 2nd fresh IVF. Had a D&C after the 1st. Am an OX. What abt you?


How are u? PM u yesterday...
Hi Leo Baby,
My previous SO-IUI results with 450ui of Puregon wasn't good, thus Dr Loh just started me on 600ui. Today its my D13, I have scans on D8, D10, D12 and tomorrow is D14 scan. They increase my dosage on D8 after the scan.
Leo baby,
No, cos the scan was in the morning of D8 and I inject only at night...thus I was on 700ui since D8 till now. Hopefully tomorrow scan will show better results.
Dear Leo baby

Thank you for your advise to stop the evening primrose & royal jelly. I think i did not notice the advise by the other lady earlier...i will stop immediately..I went to pray every popular temple i can find..all the way to indonesia and hong kong haha...SIL is indonesian & hubby is HK.hope things go well...i only get discharge on day 2 of puregon..today day 6..no special effects...just mild gastric and lots of wind...btw do we need to bring both lucrin and puregon on our scan day? i hope lucrin is enough to last another few days if i were to extend puregon jabs...its at the bottom of label level now.

CONGRATS Fancy & Green Muffin....another success stories...!!

so far i have mild gastric and lots of wind..why is there pink spotting? did u contact KK?
Hi Meow
That's right. The exact experience like that.. covering with blanket feeling very hot,don't cover,very cold when aircon on. I thought only me strange. Now I know I am not.
Thanks Green Muffin to let us know it is a normal sign during 2ww. Hope it is one of BFP signs. Sure the other 2 "M"s experience the same.

Hi Leo Baby,
oh so it is the cause of progestron for warming body.Thanks for explaining.
Your 1st cycle have BFP, so I believe this time 2nd cycle will get BFP too. All every best to you on your IVF journey!
haha... for one second i tot why u want me to become a sex mummy.
Thanks for your reassrance on the An Tai Yao, at least i know they will benefit my babies

Thanks. But u don't be envious of me. It will be your turn next time. Btw, can u read chinese? Because i tot of sending something to u about ur condition. I gave this to my friend for her sister with the same problem too. So maybe after reading, u will have a better understanding of your condition. But give me sometime, i can only mail to u next week, cos i need to photocopy first. U PM me ur address? Must continue to have faith, because my friend's sister is a very good example that u can have a child of your own
Baby dust to u!

Mei Chua,

I am hoping to have twins too. U must be very excited abt your scan, as it's coming soon.

Su yana,

Your day will be here very soon too
All the best! Baby dust to u

Thanks for the tip. Never cross my mine to put crackers in my bag. Ya, once i gets hungry, i start to have gastric pain, which i dun hv last time. So really cannot be hungry :p

thanks! haha, i wanted twins too

Don't worry, ur follicles will definitely grow to the correct size today! Keep us posted. All the best for your scan today! Baby dust to u!

thanks. But i think the statistic don't read like that. It's 34% chances of success for each person. Don't be despair, u and Die will definitely make it next time. FOr the mean time, eat a healthy diet, multivitamins and acu, u will get BFP soon!! BAby dust to u! Btw, have they call u already?

Leo baby,
Thanks. Ya, i was very depressed during the 2ww, even cried a few occassions thought that i couldn't make it with all those incidents. Really glad that i succeeded, its really a miracle to me. All the best to u and baby dust to u too! U will get BFP very soon!

Thanks. That's good to know. Because i did not take her herbs before, so i was hesitating. BUt on the otherhand, it took me so many years to come this far, i would like to do everything possible to ensure a smooth 9 months. Thanks Lina
So happy for u, u can see your baby girl in Dec, i think its the best christmas present for your family

How was ur ET today? Rest well and eat well during these 2w and talk to ur embies. U will BFP!! Baby dust to u!!

Miracle baby,
yes, its a good sign, so do con't to eat well and rest well. Talk to your embies daily. Ur BFP is around the corner
baby dust to u. When is ur BT?
I yet to see ur PM. I will check it tonite okie. Cos my office cannot access to yahoo mail.

Yeah, they called. Went for BT again this morning.
Hi Sunny_Jessie,
ya, quit work to rest my body & focus on ivf thingy..

Hi Babygalore,
Drinking alot of water is the best way to prevent OHSS.. From stage 1 to end, drinking lotsa water is essential..

Hi Judebabe,
sorry for replying soooo late! Was't feeling good lately, as AF finally came (as indicated by Jas, indeed around 40 days), was quite heavy & super tired & weak..

I meant the next cycle is the last is becoz i do not want to embark myself endlessly on this program.. Realised this program have been quite a 'mental torture' (ha ha..) it always & constantly on yr mind & really lost interest in whatever i used to like to do..

Putting a 'dateline' to it so tht I can carry on my life & do the 'normal' stuff without worrying will it affect "if i going for ivf" (this type of situation).. Be it successful or not, tht will be my last try.. ;p

Hi Green Muffin & those who BFPed,
Congrats!!! Pls take good care for the next few crucial weeks... Try to rest as much as possible! Smooth 9 mths ahead!
ya.. she is quite old fashion.. hahaha.. ya.. must go buy my dog a piece of steak.. Thanks for your advice. will seriously think abt it.

The first cycle I had spotting during the stimulation stage also. You might want to check with the doc. The reason that my doc told me was the folicles were not getting enough hormones thus, the lining was breaking up. had to increase the injections to stop the spotting. Not sure if that's the case for you. but please do check with your doc.

Ladies with PCOS
you might want to consider Prof Ng Soon Chye for IVF. I felt that the way that he controlled the stimulation cycle was very good. I managed to get very good quality eggs under him as compared to my previous doc and i was not at risk of OHSS. Although i didn't succeed this round but I was told that my estrogen levels were too high for implantation. The down side is that he is quite pricey and the nurse at his clinic is not too helpful. I paid around $15k for the IVF cycle. Hope this helps.
Hi Green Muffin
I think,too far from the 7th Sept as my BT date,right? for any more strange signs,right? If you strictly follow do & don't and have acu, I don't have acu but only some of do & don't. I tried to have 3 full meals and only managed to eat half so far because I can't control full bloated stomach. I endure all for the sake of "my hope".
Hi Green Muffin

Yes Im looking forward to my scan with mixed feelings, anxious but scare.

Before embarking IVF, I didnt know there's so many stages to clear.

Reading some of ladies posts made me realise no matter what obstacles faced, we still have to be strong & to go on.

Ladies let jia you together & realise our dreams.
Hi ladies
got bad dream last night, woke up quickly to check in toilet. Heng it was just a dream.
Yday I wanted cheesecake right... This morning ate liao, now wanna eat dim sum! Hmmm but that one need to wait till weekend ler.
In that case, let's pray for a miracle to happen
All the best!

Thanks. U too rest well and eat well for your next cycle. U will BFP! Baby dust to u!

Miracle baby & others in 2ww,
don't worry too much abt the do's & don't. Bc i did not follow them faithfully right from stage 1. Because i get heaty easily, so after taking one bottle of chicken essence, i have sore throat the next day. So even during my puregon stage, i only drank 3-4 bottles (despite i bgt 3 boxes :p) And i also didn't drink ensure milk or eat brazil nuts everyday. From Puregon to 2ww, the only foods that i consume everyday without fail is only fresh goat's milk and eggs, and brazil nuts only for 4 days (bc too heaty for me) starting from D5 after ET. I only start to eat golden kiwi during my second week to help me with my constipation. So, do not be stress if u cannot follow faithfully, just eat well will do

Mei Chua,
Ya, i have the exact same feeling as u now. Very anxious but scare too. Bc maybe i read too much, therefore will think too much. Furthermore, i think i walk too much yesterday, so i am now regret that i exert myself during this period of time. Anyway, try to have positive thoughts, we must have faith in our babies
When is ur scan?

how have u been? Must be pretty excited abt ur scan on coming fri. Do keep us posted ok. Rest well

Can hubby go in with us during the wk6 scan?
Leo and Fandz,

Yes, talk to nurse sara already..she told me pinkish spotting is very normal ,and usually comes with discharge. Luckily it only come once..
my gastric is quite terrible till i have to stay in bed most of the time.. She told me its becos of the gas in my stomach that trigger my gastric problem since i have gastric history.. My laxative works, i flushed out lots of fluid, now im less bloated.


really? mine happened just that one time off, and comes together with EWCM... oh no, then im worried that i dont have enough follicles..how many eggs did u retrieve that cycle?
hi green muffin,
will be good that you can take her herbs to support this pregnancy. Yes, have come so far, this is the most important period, do endure with it. Who is the gynae that you will continue seeing?
oic.. then don't worry too much abt it. i had mine for a few days. That cycle was bad.. i had 60 over folicles.. only 15 eggs retrieved. 5 fertilized and only 1 could be used. Not having too many folicles is a good thing then not so many eggs compete for resources.. that time I had to take 10 egg whites per day.. wat a torture man..

If i have twins, i think i will con't to see Dr Loh. Because i heard multiples might have lots of complications. But if singleton, than maybe i will also change Dr. Cos the waiting time is really long for Dr Loh. Any advice about this?

Sorry, just to be more certain, u took the an tai yao, right after BFP and not in later weeks, like wk6 or later hor? Sorry to be so long winded, just want to be on the safe side that we can start to eat it so early. Than when did u stop?
