IVF/ICSI Support Group

leo baby

D1 to 7 i was lying on bed watching tv most of the time. cos was feeling bloated first 2 days after ET lah.. so nvr move much. i try to limit walking loh.. then dun lift heavy stuff.. dun squat.. dun bend.. dun exert loh. :p

yep yep.. all of u here have been a great emotional support for me. from the day i was so afraid of going thru ER... till ET.. till now.. thanks gals!

from tdy till BT ar.. hmmm.. so the same as last wk bah.. watch tv.. dun move so much.. play FB games.. post messages here.. look at my dog.. oh. nothing to see one.. cos he is always sleeping. his whole life is endless 2WW der.. cos i sleep.. he sleeps.. then i am awake.. he is STILL sleeping.. low activity dog.. nah.. nothing interesting.

i am actually quite stressed .. cant wait for BT on 31 aug and the tv shows i am watching.. haiyoh.. like all abt ivf-ers.. babies etc... dun wanna watch starhub ch 71 liao...

u are awaiting to start lucrin hor? are u working?

Hi Leo_baby,

Thanks! I hope everything goes well.

Hi Greenie,

Hope you are well after your ER today!

Hi Minnie,

How are you today? How's your scan result today? Hope you can move on to ER soon! =)

To the 4Ms, hope all of you get your BFPs together then you can go shopping for BB stuff etc together!

Hi eskimobaby and Orangey, glad to hear about the soya milk clarification from you. I feel more secure in knowing that I can drink soya milk.

Hi sunflower, don't think too much yet. Like what Cherie said different pple different effects. If need be, KK will increase your puregon dosage. Like me, they increased mine to 300 after sat's scan.
hi dec

i not active der lah.. i just luv watching tv..
besides.. last 1 wk also lying on bed wor.. where got active..
but yday so happy cos got to go out! hehee.. went to temple to pray only lah.. then lunch at in-law's place.. hehehe

thanks for the well wishes for BFP.. best the 4Ms BFP together.. then can prove NE area good feng shui
hi meow,

can understand your happiness when finally get to go out....

just like kanna released from "prison" like that hor... hee hee...

yeah, i'm sure you all will!!!

just a week more to go for the 3 of you.
hi dec

yeh!! just like released from prison!! but hor.. luckily i am not those sort who likes to go out a lot. so this 2WW not so painful for me. for those always going out der.. must be very hard for them to stay in.

but hor.. i like being at home.. cos dun have to mind hair messy lah.. wear comfy clothes lah..

but hor.. now i very stressed when i go pee leh.. scared scared..

u not at work tdy?
hi meow,

don scared scared.... just treat it very normally lor. other sisters always tell me relax is the key to success. hee hee....

do u read books? i will be standing by as many books as i can. cos i love to read books. keke
and of cos tv show. and nice music to listen while i read my book. keke.

i'm at work now. this morning scan dragged longer than expected so had to take half day leave instead.

probably work till wed cos ER is on thurs.

so is it after ET it's recommended to lift the legs up?? like 45 degrees or so?

ur ER on thurs ar.. good luck.. no scared.:p

that's what NUH practices lah.. had to lie on bed tilted abt 20degress head down after the ET loh.. but even if dun rest.. the embies also wun leak out one lah hor.. cos for my IUI.. i also nvr rest der leh.. then prof said wun leak out der.. cos the cervix will close? i also not sure.

I am already in stage 2. I get a lot of wind in the stomach. Fart a lot. Not sure why. Ladies, care to advise if this is normal. I eat a lot of fruits in between meal. I thaw the fruits from the fridge in morn like 5 different fruits and ask maid to cut when i want to eat. Do you feel good appetite? Seems like all the 4"M"s are not talking abt their symptoms.
this is the update:-

Updated as at 24th Aug 2009 at 3pm

**Resting/Planning to Start Fresh Cycle**
Joyluck76 (KKH)
Bunny (KKH)
Hebemummy (KKH)
Wensi (NUH)
Vivi (KKH)

Sunflower Seed (KKH)

**Waiting to start FET**
ttc_no2 (KKH)

**Waiting to start Lucrin**
Baby Galore (NUH) Oct
Monica (??) Sept

**Lucrin Stage**

**Puregon/Gonal F Stage**
Sunflower (KKH)
Leo Baby (KK)

**Going ER/ET**

May (KK)
Meow (NUH)
CherieC (KKH)

**BFP - delivery stage**
BabyJ (KK)
Fancy (KK)
fresh (KK)
Lingling 22

**Unknown Stage**
Mrs Lew

Lina Ang
Pau le
leo baby

symptoms in stage 2?
i didnt have much symptoms except feeling bloated.. more towards the last few days of gonal f just before the ovidrel jab. apart from that.. i am not exceptionally tired.. or sleepy or cant concentrate. it was just bloated.. but i didnt pass wind lah.. cos i am someone hard to pass wind der. hahaha..

urs is bloated feeling plus wind in tummy ar?

Thanks! All the best to your D8 scan too. Hope you have good no. of follicles growing!!! ^_^

What time you be at KK? I have to reach there by 8am. So Kiasu a bit will reach there earlier than the timing. In case. :p

Thanks, Meow!

Tml going for my HCG shot, hopefully won be pain. hee hee....

I think the 4Ms don't want to be too stressed in their 2WW. so not talking about their symptoms in order not to be stressed out. he he...

cant comment on the HCG shot.. cos mine was done at home.. the needle even shorter than my usual jabs.. so cant complain.. but cos need to jab at exactly the time given.. stressed. jabbed too hard.. got big bruise the day after. hahaha

2 mths on injections no bruises.. the last one then have.. what an irony..

the weirdest part was.. hubby's tummy area also got 1 big bruise on the same day.. dunno from where.. dunno was it from acupuncture or i pinched him
hi meow,

keke... you must be too nervous. if i were you, i will also be very nervous. luckily, KK one go hospital and jab. hee hee....

haha... you and hubby xin ling xiang tong lah....

wait next time you have MS, he also have MS... hee hee....

Sunflower, Ok. See if we can manage to see each other there. keke....
Leo_Baby, I am fine. Getting better. Now I just hope to recover fast and perhaps hoping that my Af will come soon.

Will meet Prof next week. Will see what his advise will be. Anyway, not too keen to start ivf that soon....
No need to see website..you got see those photos pinned on his consultation room wall, look closely and some have him inside carrying babies..many are twins…its him loh..
My hubby said that somehow, his hair really turned white over the years..must be worked too hard for hospital, patients and his own practice liao..
Heheheee..hey hey..his really sayang you today leh, that is extra caring unlike the norm, must be he sensed that you have been a cooperative, guai girl..and/or maybe he can sense got babies inside you growing so must take extra care!…it’s a good sign, Meow
I hope you can graduate under him and I think he also very hopeful for you…
U PM me ah..sorry sorry, I have not check my hotmail for a few days as office cannot access, got home sometimes just go striaight to forum..k, I check soon..sorrli girl..latest by tomorrow..

Sama sama..get very touched and inspired..lunch time, I thought about Die's courage and contrast with many people out there that live very spolit lives and take everyone/everything for granted..in the long run, people who go through challenges will turn out better people loh, like your aunt also..

Heeeee..thanks for remembering and for updating the list conscientiously for us.....my prolactin back to normal liao, after these months of managing stress…so glad. Otherwise must take medicine for three weeks and recheck blood and cannot start ivf..U mentioned that ur friend resolved the issue of prolactin and got pregnant naturally and I replied to you (guessed you missed out that replied amid this fast moving thread, can understand) that I will still go ahead with ivf as got all the logistics started out..
Heheee..no lah, my encouragement is nothing vs what I gained here..we must help one another loh..as ttc journey is full of thorns and mouse traps..ouch!! :/

*Whistle whistle*, you got a lot of eggs leh..congrats.
.sizes are good too...good luck for your ER k..
I told hubby if I really graduate under him, will buy prof a bowtie. Did u notice he always w bow tie? Colorful one somemore leh. Will buy him a pink one. Hahaha
n hor, he always looked so serious der. Rare occassion see him smile. But I think he got a cheeky smile. Michievous kinda look lor.but most of the time he got very serious look, so dun dare to joke w him leh.

Oh, tdy he helped me up. I shocked leh.. Hahaha maybe cos tdy need to strip bottom la. Fully clothed, so can have contact bah. Docs also scared later kena sued lah. ;)

anyway, he said fingers crossed ok n see me next mon loh. Hubby asked if bfp still wanna use prof as gynae or not. I said of course la, I dun wanna expose myself to another doc Liao la. U tot fun meh. Haha hubby complained nuh too far la.

U in very stressful job ar? Got find ways to relax?
Prof is ur first gynae?
recommended by friends?
Side track a bit.... These few days I cooked rice at home, then wat plain rice I had leftover I gave to my dog. So now he learnt that the rice cooker can transform rice grains to soft fluffy yummy rice. So just now when I was measuring the water level to cook the rice in the cooker, he just sat there looking at me. Kinda like hinting to me dun forget to cook his share too. Hahaha.
dogs are very smart one... once u do something that they enjoy then they will remember it.... my dog also... when i was on mc for 1 month due to OHSS... my dad will fetch me to his place daily so that mum can take care of me my dog will go along too... and my dad will give me call when he arrives so that i can open the door for him.... after a few times, once my dog hear my phone rings at around the same time in the morning everyday he will automatically get excited and go to the door and wait... cos he knows he can go gai gai.....
Hi Meow and Dec,
I'm good! Just that experiencing some MS but not so serious kinds. Just feeling nauseous and not much of appetite but if I'm hungry, I can gobble a full meal. Keke...

Opps, misunderstood your sentence. Don't worry and be positive
You so fully of good ideas leh!! Heheheee..Yeah yeah..a bow tie, he will surely like as he uses them ALL the time. Sometimes I have the urge to go and pull his bow tie from both ends..heeeee…..Not just his look serious, I find his voice serious also…at least you got see him smile, I hardly saw him smile before leh..same here same here, I won't attempt to crack a joke with him…later the room because very "cold". But I asked Sharon, she has been with him for some 15 years..so means although he looks stern, he is probably a reasonable boss…of course Sharon is very committed and responsible too..

Keekekeee..so you shocked, did you give him that shocked look, eye open big big and look at him..heheee..U really funni leh Meow,…expose to too many drs of course very paiseh loh....sometimes feel like an exhibitionist, go so many different clinics, open legs, put on this two metal stand..super low morale :/ ;P How many gynaes you exposed yourself to liao? Heheeee…me quite a few loh :/

You are right Meow, my job got a lot of deadlines plus my boss is a micromanager. But now I wear a particular ring to remind myself that if stress cannot do ivf, cannot have baby, so everytime I see that ring, I remember to control stress. Also got do more exercise, eat, sleep better…much better liao, my stress hormone exceeded upper limit that prof said must eat medicine. Then I went back to improve, now no need medicine luckily

Prof not my first gynae, my first was very good but not fertility specialist, then I saw a few and all label themselves as fertility but bluff one leh…then a dr friend recommended us to him and we never looked back since..tell you, there are also some gynaes, when you mention their names to other drs, all "pui chow nau" (spit saliva). So he has a good reputation even among his peers.

How you know about/decided on prof one?

K, I leave liao, tonite got acu…speak again k..!!

yah lo dogs r very clever der hor. ;) so
amazing. I was talking to my embies just now, told them to stick tight to me, be healthy for next 9months, then they can meet the many family members who will sayang them, the room will be redecorated for them, n able to meet our dog who doesn't bark n will look out for them. ;) must intro all in the family mah.

Mine is a mini schnauzer , yours?
Hi monster, my heart really feels the pain when i was reading ur post... But I m coming to believe and trying hard to believe that there is always miracle in this world and wat will come eventually will and some ppl juz have to go thru a really tough journey to have a child of ur own. Abt surrogancy pls take time to think abt in coz there is still no medical studies to show any potential complications eg ur future child of inherting any potential genetics problem from the surrogate mum and this is rather personal choice and responsiblities to be taken on

I called the nurse. My beta level has dropped to 40. Tmr afternoon I will consult with Dr Kelly Loi at 2pm. She will probably tell me to stop taking the meds and allow my mense to arrive.

I wont be coming to the forum as often as before but will still visit once in awhile to be ur cheerleader ;) My email address is [email protected].
schnauzers are very smart!! we nearly wanted to get a 2nd one which is a schnauzer.. but dare not cos one already alot of work.... we have a maltese now who likes to bark at birds and strangers :p

it's good that u have company during 2ww... even talking to ur doggie or just playing abit with him can help u destress....
u r correct. He is awake only when there's food or pple at the door. Right now he is 'washing' his face w his paws. He behaves like a cat hor. Hahaha

2 dogs too handful already. 1 dog enuff. Mine gets smelly just after 1 day from his last shower. Maybe he black color, easily smelly. Haha.
I agree, dogs can help de-stress.;) when hubby dun listen to me talk, I talk to my dog loh. In a way, he helped hubby to shield my non stop talking.
maybe I been stuck at home alot, so I feel like eating a lot of stuff! N also nothing to do at home, so tend to eat. But I m quite sick of eating steamed fish. Cos fish is good source of protein, so hubby bought alot of fish fillets for me to steam loh. My hands always smell fishy loh. ;(

u r in resting stage now?
Hi Die,
wat time did u call KKH? I called since 3.30pm till 6pm on and off but no answer.

Thank you for your suggestion.

In SG, surrogacy is not allowed. Can we do it out of SG legally?
hi meow, i can even sleep longer than 12 hrs if i don't need to get up for the inserts n oral progesterone....i love to sleep.....

i am now watching You're Hired (think the title is this) & D.I.E 2 (has got my fav actor in it, cannot miss this show!!)....i try to stay home as much as possible, my mother in law is very nice & volunteer to do the renting for me....
Hey ladies,

I do agree with what Lyn say about the surrogacy procedure. If happen that the surrograted mother is sick and not detected, it might be passed down to the baby as the baby is absorbing the mother's nutrients through blood flow. Anything can be passed via that to the baby. There is also no guarantee that the baby will pass through the 9 months if the embryo is weak.


Don't give up. I have been through 2 MC over 3 years and 3 failed IVF. I know life is hard. I know of people whom comes from broken family, feared to have family of their own and unable to conceive. They did an adoption and thereafter, they had a baby on their own. Miracles do happen if you believe hard enough.
Although the 9 months of bearing the child is hard (which I truly respect), but I always believe the greatest parents is to provide the love, the tender loving care, the devotion, the time to the baby as it grows. There is no guarantee also if the child grow up to be normal or not (even if it born by yourself and not via adoption). But if this parents still take the patience and time to make sure the kid is well taken off, this I would realy respect.

Be it own blood or not, it is not easy to devote yourself and your life to the kid. This is the greatest part of sacrifice on the whole procedure of a child growth. Be it adopted or not, you still have to clean the same shit, hear the same babies cries and demands.

So cheer up, we are also considering adoption as I am really tired trying. I might want to take a break, concentrate on my work to recuperate my losses in IVF and then go for adoption to give our love to a child whom needs it.

I remembered a friend who told me this. God has his plans. IF everyone gives birth, then the abandon kids will never have a chance to be loved. That is why God has his plans to let some parents adopt and give their love and devotion to this homeless kids. This is just some inner thoughts No offence to all ok.
hi leo baby, I only felt slight vaginal pull (but only for 1-2 days) and some cramp-like feeling at the lower abdomen, i am not sure whether it's consider cramp or not cos i seldom have menses and when i have menses, i don't usually have cramps nor pain. But i believe it is similar to cramp feel la...
hi meow & eskimobaby, I have a Papillon & a shetland sheepdog (mini collie) but the shetland belongs to my mother in law. She will bring the shetland over when she comes to my place, so the 2 fellows have been busy playing with each other...now, come to think of it, i think it's their company that had occupied most of my time
They really help to de-stress me and make me happy during this 2ww!

ya, i also told my embbies that the 2 jie jie are waiting for them to come out and play with them!!
The shetland even rest her head on my tummy when i am talking to my embbies...so sweet, like she understands what i am saying and like sayanging my embbies too
hahaha... yeah... i guess my dog also became my shield these yrs cos my parents treat him like a grandson... so at least we not so much pressure to conceive lor... in a way too.. it's like parenting... having to learn to be responsible for the dog, take care of him and play with him...

it's good that u r taking lots of fish now cos after bfp u may not be able to stand fish anymore... like me... i can't take steam fish now...

there's nothing wrong with adoption and i think it's a great option for couples who decides to take this path...and if all else fails even if ivf doesn't work there's still an option... so ivf is not the last last last resort, there's still a way out...but sometimes we just yearn to be able to go thru the process of pregnancy and to have such a desire is nature's way of ensuring that we do reproduce to continue our species.. of cos, for humans it's much more complicated having a child is not just abt child bearing but also abt upbringing...

ur shetland is soooo sweet!!! there was once when my hubby tried to tell my maltese that i'm pregnant and there's a baby inside me and he must learn to sayang and protect him/her... my hubby even rub my tummy and show him but he just look at us gong gong and only want tummy rub! tsk tsk.....
