IVF/ICSI Support Group


My Birthday is 2nd day of Leo. A Lot of leo here. Plus me 4. How you feeling lately? Got Nauseous? Was it you that say have very good appetite during 2WW? I am only at D4 of puregon not sure when will ET be as Dr will be giving me extended puregon.


How much puregon is your injection? D8 is their usual scan if not ready they will extend injection till got good size eggs. I should be having extended puregon also based on doctor recommendation.


U starting ET/ER soon? U are right behind Greenie right? Feels good to have company in 2WW. I will be right behind you, although not sure how soon. I am sure 5 min delay is not going to make a lot of difference as long as your dosage is correct.

Die & Humbug

I was out to visit my friend who adopted their children. I saw their 2nd child 4 mth liao and am very happy for them. All their children are very cute and intelligent. I was so emmotional when i carried their second daughter. very difficult to describe. somehow got an urge to quickly queue to adoption, although i am still in the ivf program.


I agree with Maggie get you HB to do it. that is after all the part they can do to participate in our daily routine. A lot of time i will cry out in pain (not to scare u) just the needle pain and he will sia yang me. Thot you started long ago. I had u in the list for quite a while.


I agree with baby Galore. Quality is better then quantity. All you need to the cream of the crop. Keep us posted of your status... FYI, jab at tummy is so much better then the thigh ones. Thigh jab will numb the muscle and thus difficult to walk. which means also good cannot run around in 2WW.


You are normal to be anxious at this time. Humm, if you not anxious, then I don't know how to describe you. Keep ur head up... We will all be praying for u.


Hugz to u. I know you must be anxious. is good to email him as he reply very instantly. Did you ask nurse if needs to continue insert?

Ladies who have been thru 2WW or going thru 2WW, what type of Progestron are u on? I know May is given 2 types after 7dpt. Any one got the insert type and BFP?

Sunny, Babygalore
mind if i jump in. I'm also feeling the same way. was thinking of quitting my job for a long time liaoz..but just worried of feeling really down if still BFN. I have been thinking of when i should start my frozen cycle after my failed cycle in Aug. And recently work, health issues and MIL have been giving me a lot of problems. really wonder how much more mental stress can I take.. lol.. sigh...
Liz, thanx for the phone number.
To those who went to consultl Dr Zuo...are you only on accupuntre? Do you take their herbs?
Does she talk in English..afraid if i go there, she cant communicate in english than it is of no purpose...

I want baby dust too... Save some baby dust for all of us the follow behind u. I am sure all of u will be generating dust yourself for all the follows...
Hi Leo_baby,

yeah, i am right behind greenie with my ER scheduled on thurs.

tonight going for pregnyl jab liao.

you jia you! soon, we will all be in 2WW together!


Your MIL still disturbing you ah. Tell her don disturb you so that you can give her a grandbaby soon. he he

take care lah hor.... don't be too stress. just take a step at a time lor.
Sunny & baby Galore,

I guess that is why more and more ladies are facing infertility issue as a result of our input to the society. time to step back and put ourselve as first priority indeed. Since I slow down in my work, I realised a lot of changes in character. For those super anxious ppl, do consider slowing yourself down and you will know what it means... Baby Galore and Sunny I suppose u know what i mean.
hi su yana,

i used to take her herbs. but for this ivf i'm only on accupuncture. but there are some sisters here who took her herbs and accupuncture and BFPed.

She can't speak very fluent English but she can speak and understand simple english. Hhmm.. if you can be there when her assistant is there or someone to translate for u to chinese will be good. You can call her assistant up and check first. usually she's there till 6.30pm.

They are not open on Wednesdays.

What do u do with the egg yolk since you eat so much egg white?

Your symptom is normal. It was good I go KKH jab everyday the last few round of ivf. I get to speak and ask nurse a lot of qns.
Meow, i m also watching burning flame 3 now... Ya u can say i m at resting stage now... Goodluck to u..

Leo baby, its too that ur mindset at work can change a person...either for better or for worse.. Which stage r u at now?
just eat the egg whites, discard the yolks. If not very high cholestrol. ;) u can eat the whites w Yong tofu sweet sauce. Can buy from Cold Storage.

I just hope my symptoms are good ones. Then can dump dust here!

Yes I know what u mean. Too free the mind will wonder and in most cases wonder towards the negative aspect. I look for things to do. Like one friend told me how much time do i really have to enjoy with my mum and friend, so i take time to keep these ppl company. when bz at work always overllok these ppl rite. I encourage my mum to stop whatever work she needs to do and retire. I also encourage her to spend time with her sis her mum(my ah ma) to make up lost time.

I am now in puregon stage.
Like LeoBaby, I am in stage 2. Eating 2 egg whites (hard boil) each day. plus some brazil nuts and mamil gold milk.
About bloatedness, i do not get very severe ones but felt lots of wind which can be passed out.

as there are 2 jab (lucrin and puregon) done incorrectly last week, am suffering from 2 bruises and tummy is running out of space. and i seem to freak out from jabbing on my own. so i ask my hubby to jab now.

is the last jab before ER painful?
Hi Lyn
which episode r u watching? I m at 25. Hehehe
wong hei very stubborn in this show hor.

Resting stage, rest first then can tiao body. Have u decided which hospital to go to next? Cos last time. Mentioned wanna switch.
Leo baby,
dun worry abt whether on progesterone inserts or jabs during 2ww... jabs are usually given if u dun have any risk of OHSS cos the jabs will aggravate OHSS.... usually if there are symptoms of OHSS.. they will give inserts instead... i had OHSS and was only on inserts during 2ww...
hi all, die, fatbabes, nicole,

Sorry for the late response and also MIA during my 2ww. Because i was still on the roller coaster after my ET, which nearly drive me to depression.

First, i had fever one day after ET, follow by cough. Than it's my temperature drop for one day, but luckily went up two days later. Subsequently i have a series of cramps, start from very mild to quite severe cramps (its like one of those bad menstrual cramps). And by nearing the end of 2ww, i had nausea after food plus stomach ache, i thought i had food poison (which turns out to be morning sickness). Despite I tested positive using HPT, i was still very worried bc of the bad cramps.

Yesterday was my BHCG day, i was so happy that the nurse called to confirmed the good news. My beta was 1265 on 18dpt2dt. I am glad i passed this stage, now i hope i can pass the next stage which is another 2wks from now

Jia you everybody! Pouring tons of baby dust to all

May those in 2ww now all BFPs!!!!
i think very difficult to prevent OHSS esp if u have PCOS... cos we are under stimulation to produce more eggs.. so when our ovaries are overstimulated then it produces more hormones which causes OHSS.... unless the doc is very very cautious and conservative with the puregon or gonal F dosage...... egg whites and a high protein diet can only help to reduce it but not prevent it....

as for egg whites i would suggest esp if u take a lot of egg whites to also take some yolk... for eg, if u take 2 or 3 egg whites at least take 1 yolk... cos i've read before (this is not related to ivf) that if we just only take egg whites, it's actually not good esp... will cause something to the blood... i really cannot recall wat it is exactly.... so actually when we eat an egg, the egg white and the yolk suppose to balance off....
green muffin,
congrats!!! i'm reallly really very happy for u!!!! i kept wondering how u r and am really glad that u have BFP! and good beta results too.. and yeah... after BFP will worry abt 6 weeks scan....
ya. My MIL starting to ask me every week.. sianz.. but last week my dog take "revenge" for me... my mil was bugging me abt the baby thing.. my dog ran into the room and pee on her bed.. hahahaha.. oops... i am being evil.

my friend sister also has the same problem as u, miscarriage 3-4 times. But after seeing TCM to tiao her body, she is now pregnant and already passed her first trimester. So do give TCM another chance and try again.


I am very happy and very surprised too. Bc with all those incidents, i tot i couldn't make it already. So i am really very very happy now. Ya, now i hope the 6 wks scan will be ok too. IVF mummies seems to have alot of 2ww :p

How are u now? MS better already? Can i check with u when did u start to have ms and do u have it everyday and does it get worst day by day?
green muffin,

my MS didn't kick in until abt wk 7... mine is quite erratic... sometimes i only have it at nite and sometimes it's the whole day and some days i'm good and thinking that ms is going off then it's back with a vengence.. even until now that i'm 14 weeks i'm still have ms off and on but now is much less frequent and appetite getting better so even if vomit also not as streneous as before...

again it's different for different individuals.. some don't have any ms and some have very bad ms and vomit every meal....
First Congrats to Green Muffin. Catch your baby dust and thanks for it! Take care and have a smooth 9mths ahead.

Hi Dec
ha you still haven't forget me - Last 4th "M" *shy* hehe.. Thanks for kindly remember me
All the best to you on your ER later.

Hi 3 "M"s
A countless BFPs to you all! then give me all all your babydust.

Haven't slept well since Sunday due to my whole body very very warm even though aircon on and I always toss from left to right,right to left.Worried it will affect my two precious embyros'development. Anyone of you experience the same problem? My BT is on 7th Sept.
Green muffin,


Leo baby,

the med is prescribed by GP..although i scared the med might affect my stage2, so i ask for mild med... i am super bloated, and i had diarrhea last night.. managed to eliminate all water retention that was caused by bloatedness.

cos i have it so early, so i was kind of shock. But i notice some days i have it the whole day, but some days only morning. So when i dun have it i will start to worried are they still growing :p I think i am really paranoid

Do u see Dr Loh at clinic D now or TPS?

me too! Last night had air con on, but cover w blanket very hot, sweat till my top was wet! But dun cover, cold. The switch in fan I cold, but off it I hot. Last time nvr like that der.
green muffin,
it's like that... now u will worry but as u go into the weeks and u still having ms... u will only wish for it to stop... hehehe

i request to transfer to TPS after I bfp.... so far it's shorter waiting time there... and got milo served there... hehehe i very cheapskate cos that time when i'm hungry i definitely have to eat so while waiting for my turn i'll have a cup of milo which help me to relieve the discomfort i'm having.... but i'm changing to another gynae already but still at kkh TPS cos since i'm having a singleton and i think dr loh too bz liao so now that i'm over my 1st trimester, i'm switching to dr benjamin tham...
Sorry i tot u went for ET already. All the best to ur ET tomorrow. Rest early tonight

Miracle baby,
Dun worry, i have that too during my 2ww, even up till now. I will wake up in the middle of the night feeling very warm and sometimes even perspire (air con room too). I didn't sleep well during the 2ww, constantly have night mare.

Hi Green Muffin,

Congrats on your BFP and smooth 9 months ahead! It is always great to hear good news!!

For those ladies on your 2WW, BFP wishes all round.

For those ladies, going for ER and ET, Good luck and all the best!!!
haha... i know what u mean. Maybe mine is not so severe yet, so i dun mind having it. But like u said, if it became worst and more frequent, i will regret what i said today. hahaha...

Ya, me too, cannot stand hunger. Especially the wait is so long, i can get hungry very soon. So have milo is good, than i will not become angry while waiting kekeke.. How much difference is the charges? When will be your next scan?
Hi May,
Thanks for the tips of water drinking before ET! Will sure try it and see if I can tahan as long..

Hi Maggie Mee,
Oh..no need full bladder ah...that's good to know...Thanks!

Hi Meow,
Thanks for the reassurance...

All the best to your BT! Lots of BFP!
Many thanks for your feedback on dan dan..heeeeheeeee......in that case, I will gladly eat more than 2…I like eggs…!!!!

Arigatoo a lot a lot too for teaching me that must also eat some egg yolk with all the egg whites..(which I really think has a lot of point as I believe a lot that all things in this universe are created in such a way that we have the egg yolk there for a purpose)…luckily, I like both egg yolk and egg whites…!!!

I see I see…Liz..your MIL really very back dated leh..she still behaves like those MIL in some Qing dynasty..did you reward your guai dog with a big drumstick...;p If you

K, I don't know if this will help but how about you try to breakdown in this way, if the goodness (joy) of quitting job (a lot less stress, more time for checkup, more time to take care of your body in the end..etc) outweighs the badness (stress) of quitting job (need to think of life purpose if baby takes a while to come, stress brought by financial worries, ,etc), then you can seriously consider becoming a homemaker. However, if it’s the other way round, then try to stick on the job for now. I did my breakdown and for now, to have work on hand is better. And when I reach a point that I really cannot tahan, then I will rethink the decision as things are always changing.

So you want to write down and see how?

Yes yes..totally comprehend what you mean loh..! Same as you, I also slowed down liao, and with that, not just feel better but the test results also showed the improvement which I told you earlier..so lets stay that way k..

Su yana,
I only do acu with Dr Zou. You don't have to worry about the not speaking English as like December said, her assistant is there to help. Suggest that for your first appointment when u explain all your history to her, you go before 6.30pm when her assistant is still around. For subsequent appts that just need updates, you probably can still communicate to her in simple english. I saw a few Malay ladies visit her during my acu and one heard one told her "spotting, spotting" and she could understand and she treated them.

Green Muffin..
Congrats congrats congrats…!!
Is this your 2nd cycle? If I am not wrong, you remained hopeful and determined after the 1st cycle and this time, you made it. Gongxi Gongxi..
for the mean time eat a health diet + multivitamins + acu, u sure can BFP this time! All the best

This is my first ivf, the last round was SO-IUI. Glad to know that u are starting yours soon. U are very well prepared, u will BFP! All the best
Green Muffin
Hehehee..thanks Green Muffin, you have a smooth and sexy (can wear nice maternity clothes, they say that is when a woman is most sexy) 9 months ahead and hope you have twins later too  your BT very the high..!

You are right, I take much longer to prepare for IVF compared to exams last time loh..thanks for your babydust..grabbed some liao..
yeah, i am praying for twins too, than can close shop already. haha..

hehe.. ya, i always hope to be a pretty mummy too

It's good to have ample preparation if u can. Cos i also read alot of books, what we consume very much affects our fertility. So u are doing the right thing. As i always believe, one can never be over prepared or overly careful. I very KS, still thought of getting "an tai yao" from Dr Zou so that i can have a smooth 9 months
Green Muffin,
I hope you have all four, twins and be a pretty cum sex mummy

hehee..thanks for your reassurance..yeah, these days I spent a lot on food..dinner eat fish always..so expensive loh, but worth it..

About An Tai Yao, one thing I heard from TCM dr is that it not just An Tai, but also helps to ensure the baby has a good birth weight..so if your time permits, can go for it Muffin!

Giant is selling frozen codfish in a packet of abt 6 pcs for $9plus. not bad leh.. can steam it and not fishy smell although frozen.

Really...cheap leh! K, Meow, I will go grab it..I am also a codfish fan..thanks for your tip...you not just TVB queen but also shopping queen..! heheee...

I knock off liao..speak soon k! In the meantime, you feel very hot har..its definitely definitely a very good direction..
Speak again Meow..
