IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi minnie,
thanks for your feedback on Dr Tan. I am 33 yrs, guess you are right. As my factor was male infertility, Dr Tan was very confident of curing hubby's problem. So he insisted on natural conception. I do have to thank his ability of assisting hubby's sperm count in a way or the other as i got bfp. Hope you will also succeed under his care. He is a very patient doctor, explain in details. But just that cannot stand the part on pricking needles inside the ear lobes, very painful.

hi fellaine,
adding red dates is only for flavouring, not much purpose. The glutinous rice and lotus root itself already serves the purpose of stopping bleeding. How are you now? anymore spotting? I ate the portion for a month, was quite sick of the taste when eating twice a day. The glutinous rice is somehow not as tasty as normal porridge. So i added lots of seasoning inside to force it down.

Hi Lina

My spotting has become normal mens flow. At times only a little, at times quite a bit... Sigh. Looks like I am losing the battle.

I agree with you, am already sick of the taste. But no choice. Have to keep eating until doc certified that bb is gone for my case.
hi fellaine,
did you also ask Dr Zou for herbs? Her spotting herbs are stronger than the normal "an tai" herbs. It could help stop this spotting. Do stay positive, as Dr Zou mentioned before, as long as you don't have sharp pain, hope is still there. There are some pregnancy that bleed throughout 9 months. Stay strong! actually through this thread, i noticed that ivf pregnancy is really high risk. Look at how many ladies have spotting. How often do you hear of normal pregnancy having spotting occurance? only a few special cases at the most. Just a thought, hope that hospital will pay more attention to this factor.

hi sunflower,
you are really brave to bear with the pricking for a year plus, admire you. I think pricking on ears is the most terrible as compare to ivf needles at anywhere else on the body. You are starting cycle this month right? all the best.
hi gals..
The lotus root to cook with the rice is it those lotus where it is to boil soup type? Those covered in black mud and after u cut it got holes in each slice?

How much rice to cook with the 5 slices? Can put red dates?cos i tot red dates is to bu xue? Wouldnt it make it have more blood flow?
Hi Lina,

Thanks and congratulations on your BFP! Wishing you a smooth journey ahead! This is my first try for ivf and fingers-crossed everything will be smooth.

Yeah, the pricking needles inside the ear lobes hurts, and I always have bleeding when they remove the needles, ouch! But nevertheless, I do agree with you that Dr Tan is very patient and explain in details.... so will have to bear with it till BFP! Going again tonight to get pricked :p
It felt so good reading words of encouragements from the ladies here... Chen, you brought smile to my face with 'bashing' jokes. Yeah, I know where to look if I need help! hahahahh....

I have appointment tomorrow 5dpt. Not sure what this appointment is for, coz I think it is still too early to determine whether I am pregnant. Any advice please?
hi baby,
yes, the lotus root is the boil soup type. The glutinous rice is the type where people use to make dumpling. Cook it like a porridge. Dr Zou didn't mention about red dates being bu xue, only said is for flavouring. Only put a few red dates, so i don't think really can help with alot of blood flow.

hi minnie,
do bear with the ear pricking. I have friends who made it under his care. His herbs also very cute, all the small small packets. I had to use a scissor to snip a few packs at a time. But i find his herb cost quite reasonable.
Hi Lina,

yup, starting 2 weeks time! thanks!

Hi Minnie,

maybe i will bump into you at Dr Tan's clinic one of these days.
Hi Lina,
I will. Thanks! Ya, I also use a scissor to snip one pack at a time, but it taste the same as those that are boiled from the herbs. Compared to the TCM in Jurong East, his price is much more reasonable and easier to consume.

Hi SunFlower,
Is your appt with Dr Tan every Monday? Are you starting your Lucrin this month also? Then we can be cycle buddies
Hi gals,
i think those with dr tan from clementi are in good hands... he's quite a fatherly figure and even tho he's quite elderly he still has the passion and beliefs in tcm.... and i remembered he would proudly tell me how many couples managed to conceive during that month and he would always smile very proudly when he say it like he's the grandfather like that... too bad maybe i was too impatient and my hubby just too scared of needles... so didn't show much improvement with just his tcm alone..
Hi ladies

Read quite a bit on Dr Tan from Clementi. Can I say that he is good with male infertility while Dr Zou deals with female infertility?

Anyone of your DH seeing Dr Tan while the female consult Dr Zou?
hi hi..
i got my result on the 10dpt's blood test liao - it's negative!!
i think most likely gone case liao...Dun think there'll be miracle when i take my final blood test on 17 July..
think once spotting starts, most likely unsuccessful liao.. since Fri, the spotting is slowly increasing its volume but not yet flowing... maybe when i stop my progesterone (on 17th) it'll become menses..

Its ok as u had an early test. but u shud continue with all the progestrone support till the final BT to be sure. Not trying to increase ur expectations bt some people do have more than staining with implantation as well. Take good rest and continue with progestrone.
Hi Irene,

My blueblack is about the size of a 50 ct coin. I bruise easily but was abit shocked as thought Acc will not give you blueblack. Also, my threshold of pain very low....but will endure in order to be BFP!!!

Hi Sofia,

Could this be the BT to check fro your Progestrone level? I remembered going down during my 2ww but can't remember which day.
Hi Jaas, tks!
Btw, i change the jab position to butt today.. It was so much better.. No pain at all and no numb feeling (usually the poking into the thigh is painful and got numb for a while)..
Good advise!
Jas, take care.

Irene thanks.

I did my egg collection today and still in groggy condition. Surprising the doctor manage to pull out 6 follicles instead of 2. I felt so relieved. The pain is very terrible but its over soon.

I'm praying very hard that two or three will survive. My tranfer will be Wednesday or Thursday, if there is any fertilisation.hopehopehope...

Can someone update me in the excel sheet. thanks to all sisters....
Those who are pregnant, please spread the baby dust to us....

i got to sleep...
hi sunflower,
baby dust to you for this cycle.

hi minnie,
wow, snip one pack at a time, will take a long time.

hi eskimobaby,
i find Dr Tan quite slow in movement, could be his age. Yes, he is very fatherly indeed.

Hi fellaine,
I see Dr Zou but hubby saw both Dr Zou and Dr Tan. The reason is hubby had trouble getting appointment as Dr Tan is always fully booked on evenings. We know he is good in male infertility but just cannot get the chance to see him. So only saw him a few times in a span of 5 months. Whereas for Dr Zou, hubby could easily continue with twice weekly accu and herbs, while accompany me.
Hi Wensi,
Take heart..one of my friends had staining throughout her pregnancy until she gave birth. Not trying to give you false hopes here, but pls still stay positive, it's very important. You have done your best no matter what the outcome is
ladies who take TCM and accu

I have some question relating to TCM and accu, hope u can help me understand abit more.

1)What is the ideal body temperature during our monthly cycle in the TCM point of view ?

2)Does accu help in regulating body temperature ? Its been mentioned it helps circulation.

3) The herbs that some of u are taking, what's that generally for ? Is it some general herbs for health or does it tailor according to your needs in terms of fertility ? Cos if I think in terms of western medicine, panadol can be taken for alot of circumstances.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Ladies,
May I know if all Cold Storage outlets sell the Brazil nuts? Also between Anmum and Ensure, which is better?

Hi Sophia,
If you are doing your IVF at KKH, the BT at D5 shld be to check your blood progesterone level to ensure that the support given to you during 2ww is sufficient. If not enough, they may change or give you additional support. Do check out with the nurse when you are doing the BT.
Hi Wish upon a star,

I went to cold storage at great world city, cannot find the brazil nuts. so i get it at cold storage at vivo shopping centre. 100g is ard $4+
Wish upon a star
I can understand ur frustration.... if you really want better service with personal touch and can afford to come out with $6-7K cash for a fresh IVF cycle, then I would suggest you change to a private doc.. my IVF doc is Dr Cheng from TMC.

From what i understand, usually doc would only consider its a good BFP if the HCG level is abt 400-500. Anything tt is less than 100 is likely a "chemical pregnancy". Frankly, there is really nothing the doc can do after ET but we as patient would certainly want some form of assurance and personal attention from our doc in time of emergency. For me, i had some light bleeding 10days after BFP. when i called the centre, the first reply i got from a doc (not Dr Cheng) was to hv bed rest and come only if heavy flow cos they hv already given me the necessary medication to support my pregnancy. Like any another gals, i was not convinced and thus i made another call and spoke to the nurse instead. Her reply was more perosnal and she was very kind to bring fwd my appt with Dr Cheng. I felt relieved only after confirming tt my baby was still ok.

Nonetheless, do note tt TMC's practices may be different from KK... for eg. at Dr Cheng's clinic, he doesnt monitor my HCG level at every stage like what KK does. In fact, I only did the normal pregnancy test to confirm my pregnancy, BT was optional and only if patient requested for it. But i get to see him at every appt.

Take good care of your body... your dream will be fulfilled one day!
Wish Upon A Star,
I think most cold storage carries Brazil nuts. They are not by weight if it's those smaller branches.. they are in those dry goods packet kind. I saw them at the Cold storage near my house.
Hi Sunflower,

I am under KKIVF, Dr SF Loh. He suggust my dosage to be 600iu. What about you?

Hi Lina,
Yeah lor, take a long time to snip all, especially got over 20 small packs to snip...lol. May try to snip a few packs at one go the next time.

Hi bubbybear,

I am not sure what is the ideal body temperature, but Dr Tan did ask me to chart my basal temperature and mine is quite low. About 2 months of TCM under him, my basal temperature raised a bit, but still considered low. He also use a heat lamp to warm the area which he accupuncture on, not sure if it helps to regulate body temperature or not.

As for the herbs, I am not too sure what each herb does, but often Dr Tan add or minus some packets of herbs from my regular dosages.
hi WishUponAStar,
this list was copied fm one of the ladies here:
2-3 pieces of Brazil nuts daily, some take 5 pcs per day. Where to find?
● Cold Storage, small ""nut"" push-cart stall outside the new Jurong Point 2 NTUC Fairprice Hypermart.
It's also located near the Jurong Point 2 Old Town Coffee restaurant.
● Cold Storage at Parkway or Great World City or Bugis
● NTUC at Ang Mo Kio Hub, near the vegetable weighting counter
● Carrefour, near the bread section. Price is $5.65 per 100gm"
- can also take sunflower seed, pumkin seed, and flax seed

Hope it helps.. I didn't hv chance to go buy..
Hi Bee/Orangey,
Yah, doc did mentioned it's alittle early to test, but my staining was turning red.. so he asked me to do it..
But the result was close to zero hcg (think single digit only, can't remember).. kinda hard to believe tht it'll 'jump' to 500 in a few day's time.. ha ha.. ;p but i'll still stay hopeful!
Hi Minnie
I would be starting July also and will be given 300iu. How come your dosage is so high?

Hi SunFlower
Any reason you requested the dosage to be increased? In fact, Dr Loh recommended 400 for me and I said wah, so high. He then reviewed my FSH and lowered to 300iu.
Irene: No problems. The one without the heartbeat juz cleared on it's own..So was bleeding for a couple of weeks. N on bed rest as was worried it may affect the other one.. Juz have to be very careful during 1st trimester.
Hi bee, u did ivf with L c cheng u fork cash of 6-7k? Thats quite reasonable compared to glen e where i m told to be prepared to fork out cash og abt 8-9k coz i will need a higher dosage of sitmulation. Can i know if u r using puregon or gonal f and at wat dosage?

Ms fairlady, u mean they saw 2 follicles but managed to take out 6? So its not fair for kk to abort my cycle coz cases like yours can happen also rite?
Bee, ya 8-9k cash is alot. I m also considering Dr l c cheng now. Wats ur view on him and do u have his sucessful rates? Is appt difficult to fix and waiting time?
Lyn - i dun hv his success rates... i think appt with him shd be easy. i started my IVF journey in Dec 09 and even before my BT results on HIV etc was out... i think it could be becos i was referred to him by my gynae at TMC so can go into the protocol immediately. you can call the Thomon Fertility Centre directly for appt. waiting time is abt 30mins-1hrs. try to get the 8.30am or after lunch time slots if u can.
hi Bee,
I try to stay off the ground but it's difficult lor.. now every morning gotta go down to KK for jabs..
Most of the time i'll try sitting down (beside afternoon nap & night sleeping).. Nowadays I'm not tht sleepy, so i cut down on naps hours so tht i can sleep better at night.
After ET, i was given the inserts (3x daily) and i was given additional progesterone jabs (daily) now..
Hi Bee,
Yes, I've heard of Dr Cheng at TMC too. Will definitely consider him if I've to do a fresh cycle again. In the meantime, DH has suggested that we finish what we have started off at KKIVF and go for FET in Aug. We realised that the cost of transporting the embies out to another hospital is a bit 'bohua'. So, I'll just 'ren' and stay put in KKIVF first.

When I visited Dr Leong at TMC, he also told me that the my BFP looks more like a chemical pregnancy. However, I cannot help but keep wondering if support for me could have come earlier, will my embies survive? This is because my BFP was detected on D13 and according to the nurse, the beta-hcg level will double every few days. My actual BT shld be on D17. Haiya, but it's already all over, and I would like to put all this behind. First pregnancy for me ended up in an ironical way. What a joke

Hi LYn:
I've heard that Dr Cheng has a high success rate and he is also a very caring doc. My colleague's neighbour delivered quadruplets under him.

Hi Chen, Orangey and Wensi:
Thanks for the info. I've bought the brazil nuts at a Cold Storage near my house. Pre-packed form at 3.85 per packet.
Wish upon a star, u got BFP b4 so still got high chance.
I m kind of confused now whether Dr l c cheng or Dr l c foong. Seems like both r very good but glen e is more ex. Have not met dr l c cheng b4 ...
Why dun u consider meeting the two gynaes (if you can afford) and see whom u r more comfortable with, in terms of support and of giving you advice?

Nurses' professionalism and attitude at both clinics also could be points of consideration too.
