IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ladies,
anyone could highlight what happen after u got HCG result? I'm doing the test tmr so wanna know will doc see u to review yr case? It should be different for BFP & BFN rite..
how soon did u manage to see doc (KKH)? And how soon can start FET if result is-ve..

Ac - congrats

Wensi - b +ive even though I understand tt it might be hard ... usually doctor wld advise that u cld start after 1-2 AF cycle when u decide to do FET
Meow... No worries about the spotting. I also had very light flow. My usual is 1 day of red flow, then brown spotting for 2nd till 5th day. As for the weight, don't worry yourself too much about it. Did they ask you to go to Sapphire clinic for the scan?

Baby... I was suprised to hear it too. Not sure what it means to be a D6 & D7 blastocyst though. I'll do some research today and find out. Did try asking for a copy of the report. But they won't allow me. Said it was confidential.

Wensi... You have all our support. Be strong and positive. Our best wishes to you.

Oh btw, I took Blackmores Pre-Conception multi-vitamins pills two months before the start of IVF. The pills are huge and can be hard to swallow. I also started taking Brazil Nuts during 1st stage. I got them from Cold Storage at Vivo.
Dear Lina / Sofia / zaza ,
tks tks!!
i'm quite +ve to get a -ve result tmr .. ha ha ha.. No worries k! Me & DH already fully prepared lah..
Since I've got 3 more FE, will sure try again.. Will start to take Royal Jelly/Nuts/etc.. Pls advise what brand to buy for RJ.. hope it's not to ex.. :p
If still fail the next time, will think of change hospital liao.. :p
Thanks sunflower for ur comments on dr tan, appreciate it. Dr tan is specialized in male fertility correct? how come ur ears are being pricked?
hi bunny,
he will only prick ladies on the ear, maybe there are some accu points inside the ear lobes. But for men, he don't prick the ears. He will prick on tummy (very near to the private part) for men. My hb says after Dr Tan session, he felt strong sensation at the lower body. Whereas for Dr Zou, she only prick on men tummy area, nothing lower.
Hi Wensi,
All the best to ur HCG test tmr!! BFP BFP! After u took ur HCG test in the morning, the nurse will call u in the afternoon to tell u the results. If BFP, they will ask u to come dwn collect prescription and make appt to see ur doc the next day. There's an appt for a scan and 1 hour later to see ur doc abt 2 weeks after ur BFP results.
Hi Everyone who managed to BFP after IVF at KKH,
When can we start to see our own private gynae (outside gynae) after we got BFP? At the beginning, the nurses told me after being successful doing IVF at KKH, they will still prefer u to stay in KKH to continue seeing their doctors coz they have all your particulars and koe ur case. But at which stage we can stop going back to KKH and see our own gynae outside? Please advise me hor. Coz I just had a very bad experience yesterday. Doc gave me wrong prescription and I alrdy took it for 1 week! Sigh... My hubby and I really very disappointed and worried abt this incident.
Wensi, yes i'm referring to the brazil nuts.

Lyn, i was so down when they said i'm left with 2 follicles. After the fertilisation when the nurse called me, actually it is 7 follicles. It sound like miracle especially after what i went thru. (u know when they ask me how cos only two follicles, but i said go ahead and yes they go ahead)

The embryologist called me and informed me 4 out of 7 fertilised, and its ready to be tranfer tomorrow, thursday. They are monitoring another 2 eggs whether the other two will fertilise also or not. They will pick 2 best embies. I'm so nervous now. I will offline for a while cos during the 2 weeks, i dont have internet access at home except my mum's place.

If i go over there i will update all the sisters. I'm hoping and hoping and hoping...........

PS: Lyn dont give up...
wat happened? how come wrong prescription?
if confirm singleton & pregnancy stable alrdy, mostly can go see own gynae le. ard 10-12 wks
wat prescription did ur doc give u? usually it's duphaston and folic acid... wat else did she give u?

all the best for ur ET!
Dear Missfairylady,

Dear Labbitpj,
Tks for yr encouragement!
What kind of medicine they gave wrongly??? OMG! this is crazy! How come doc so 'slipshort' one??
Thought this kind mistakes won't happen in Spore.. 'faint' ..


I just heard over the radio this morning (class 95), a horrible mistake in Spain's hospital:
"Medical staff had made the “terrible mistake” of feeding the baby by injecting a milk formula into a vein as opposed to feeding it through the nose via a tube into the stomach"

Scary rite... in hospital, no mistakes should happen! That's what the staff r trained for.. Shouldn't be forgive for any mistakes made!!
Babydream thanks.

Can i check with all ladies here, do you all really lay around during the 2ww? Anyway to overcome the nauseaous?Can we go out for lunch or dinner?

from what i know after BFP u can have ur own gynae.
Hi Ladies,

Fresh Royal jelly is the best, I am taking it also but price in the market is all not cheap, mine is $128 for 250gms and u call and there will make delivery.
below are the contact for the fresh royal jelly, if yr interest can call or msg 96523139.
Wish you all the best! Jia You!

Wow, that sound serious. Hope its something that is prenancy safe. I think you should provide a feedback to KKH on this incident.
Hi Labbitpj,
you can still go to other gynae. It will be treated like a normal pregnancy. Just remind your other gynae that you undergo ivf to conceive.
Hi Jane,
Fresh RJ does it means 'liquid' form???
I also got some info fm 'google' tht if u r allergy to 'bee product', or pollen, or u've asthma, you can't take this right?
Fresh royal jelly is it in honey form? Or is it in jelly?
Taste like honey?
Cos i search thru the web.. And saw Honey Farm is selling royal jelly honey.. Say its raw and unprocessed.. But dont see anywhere selling fresh royal jelly.. Any outlets selling or only thru delivery?
Hi all, need advises.
When should my DH clear his sperms? When I went to collect Puregon and was going through the briefing, Nurse Tan says he can clear sperm on the day I go for my scan. She says usually will jab Puregon for 2 more days after Scan and then proceed to ER so he will have 3 days gap to produce new sperms. Is that right?
Hi Wensi & Baby,

Ya it like honey but u have to store in fridge, that why the supplier dont alway got stock cause it fresh royal jelly. sometime u need to wait for the stock to be in, but now there have stock cause i just call them.
Yes it might be ALLERGY for some people. for more info u can call them.

Have you done your blood test?
Best wishes!

this is scary, which doc prescribed you wrong medicine? What medication you takend? How come you know it's wrong after one week?
This is bad .......
Wensi & Baby,
If you have Cyst, cannot take Royal Jelly. Bear it in mind. The nutrients from Royal Jelly will make the cyst grow bigger, as per Dr Zou.
hi orangey,

i had my 1st scan on thurs. follicles not in correct size yet, thus i was asked to have 1 more day of puregon and 2 more days of lucrin. Had my 2nd scan on sat and was asked to go for Pregyln jab on Sun night. ER on Tue. Your hubby needs to clear his sperm 2 days b4 ER.
hi lina, you mention that ur hubby has strong sensation after accu?did he feel that after the 1st visit?

also for those whose hubbies are dr tan's patients, did u do a sperm analysis test before and after the treatments? significant improvements? thanks!
hi bunny,

pricking the ears is to produce better hormones to aid egg growth.

u can do a before and after SA test to judge.

Hi Jane,

where did you buy it? my sil bought from those MLM. Hers is powdery form.I bought mine in pills form. But i heard fresh ones are more effective whereas pills form are lower quality..
Thank you! I remember when DH did his first SA at KKH, they told him it has to be 3 days gap but my friend's Gynae from the pte sector told her 2 days. Very confusing hor..
hi wensi - all the best for the test tmr!

Labbitpj, not sure abt KKIVF, at TFC, they "sent" me back to my own gynae at after week 8. better to check with the centre if the medication u hv taken are safe for pregnant woman!

Jus for info, wrong prescription does happen in Singapore. I hv a colleague who nearly lost her life becos of wrong prescription by a govt hospital doc. although she is back at work, her voice has permanently turned husky like she is having sore throat.
So confusing leh.. Maybe I will ask him to clear tonight.. then tomorrow go scan I ask again. then if they says 2 days then hahahah, ask DH to clear again lor.. Think easy task for men lah.. just watch some videos can liao XD
Hi Boon Boon,

If you are on the line, would like to check if you have received the med that you ordered on line. I am going to place order tonight but is worried that as drug is controlled may have issues getting into Singapore.

Thanks in advance
hi bunny,
yes, hubby felt the strong sensation right after the 1st accu. The herbs given is pill form, so easier to take. Dr Tan will request male patients to take SA at CARE paragon (cost $70) and report sent to him directly. We showed him the SA report from kk but he said taken half year ago, not accurate. But if you don't want to take at CARE, can also go other hospital for the check.

hi sunflower,
oic, prick ears is to aid egg growth.
Hi Everyone and eskimobaby,
Yah they gave me duphaston and folic acid only. But the thing is duphaston is not suitable for some pple. My past history is I have DVT (Deep vein thrombosis) and currently having gall bladder disease (which doc suggest me to remove the whole gall bladder). Duphaston is not suitable for those who had blood clotting probs like DVT and those with gall bladder probs.
So after one week of taking Duphaston, Mon I felt pain at my gall bladder area. So I went online to check abt this medicine and found out abt all these. I immediately call KKIVF but always didnt get through so I emailed them. And late in the evening, the doc called me and ask me to stop my medication and see her the next morn. BUT, she gave me aspirin instead. And I have to take Pregnyl injection every 3 days now. But I also read up abt Aspirin, its not recommended for those who are pregnant also. But the doc gave me that coz she worried abt my DVT and aspirin will thinner my blood. Sigh... I hope u gals who had existing medical prob please check ur medication properly... really I dont wish this thing to happen to anyone coz taking wrong medication during this period is no joke.

In the beginning before I got referred to KKIVF from Clinic D, I alrdy told the doc I had DVT and gall bladder issue. She wrote it in my file. But I still dun koe why such things happen. Sad that this thing occured to me lor. Dont know whether everything is ok now or not. Worried...

Wow i didn't know about this. I don't have any problem except syncopy. And i start having nauseous and upset stomach, not to mention bloatness also,and the upset stomach is at 3am for few days. I think its from this Duphaston.

Mmm i will check with my gynae tomorrow izit safe for me or not. Quite scary also. I must take care of my heart also.
Hi Labbitpj,
oh dear.. luckily u r smart enough to check online.. for some patients, just take as per doc advised then how??? Probably wait till some problems pop up then will realised lor..


the problem w/KKIVF is that their 'hotline' is never available.. so if there's any emergency, u won't get to them immediately.. and think they dun check emails during 'busy hours'.. so always pray hard tht yr 'emergency' only comes during off-peak.. ;p

i wonder b4 govt giving grant, is the dept so crowded? Looking at the 'size' of the dept, i think biz volume is not tht hugh..

So now w/the govt grant, it's time they should upsize the whole dept and a few suggestions for them..
1. add nurses, hv one juz to answer phone calls & check emails (admin stuff)
2. better environment for ET (should be same as ER, to get sufficient rest aft procedure)
3. specialised IVF doc (tht means they dun see patient b4 or aft BFP, juz concentrate on consult/review of ivf cases)
4. hv their own pharmacy, so ivf patient dun hv to 'walk up & down' to collect medications

i wonder if they would get to see these.. maybe i should email to KKH instead.. ha ha ... ;p

Would you like to seek 2nd or 3rd opinion to check if Asprin is ok for you to take now?
Gotta take realy good care of yourself.


I think some girls here still go out and some prefer to rest at home (restrict movement).
I think Alyssa went to work after 5 days of rest (she did FET) ..... and she still BFP.
So it's up to individual, your comfort level etc.

If you're worried then dont go out .......

Good suggestion!
Dont think they'll read this forum.
Maybe you can do us good by writing to KKH mgt or better - write to the press (forum) ..... hee hee then for sure the facility will be upgraded ......
Hi Missfairlady,
I still go out during my 2ww. Very bored at home leh. I still go to the airport on my ET day to send my hubby off and after tat still went for dinner. Depends on urself whether u wanna rest at home or not. But dont exert urself hor. I think taking a short walk dwnstairs or at the park is still ok. Get some fresh air also will be nice. Just relaz urself ok?

Yes my doc is Kelly Loi. Me not smart lor. I thought the medication is safe until I felt pain on my gall bladder area on Mon (after taking for abt 1 week) THEN, I went internet to check abt the medicine lor. Me blur one also lah. I didnt seek 2nd opinion lehabt the Aspirin thing. But I didnt take now.

And the disadvantage for KKH is.. everything dont go through the doc. Everything just went through the nurse. Fast food kind of service. In the beginning of the whole IVF process, we alrdy blur blur just went through the stage without seeing and getting consultation from the doc. Every stage is just paper notes (which day to take Puregon, which day to take Pregynl etc., which day come back for scanning). And the thing is, shouldnt the doc at least see us when we got BFP? I mean at least sit dwn with us and go through everything and see how u feeling and know wat are ur past history before they prescribe the medicine? The doc says everything is "by default", once u get BFP, they will give u Duphaston and Folic acid. But some other pple like me, will be different case mah. This is why such incident happen lor. Everything by default, forms are by default.. No one really pay attention to individual. Sigh.. dun say liao. Say too much I worry too much and geksim also.
hi labbitpi,
hope this error didn't cause much harm to your gall bladder. If still pain, do quickly see doctor. Take care, 1st trimester is crucial period.

dont be despair, I'm sure everything will be fine.
Go seek another senior doc's opinion.
R u working or on leave or stop work liao?
dont think too much.

You now how weeks preg?
Lucky you are alert enough to research online. Don't worry, your baby and you will be fine.. Right now, just remember to take in more nutrients and to ask Kelly Loi about your Gall bladder.

Hi Missfairlady,

I did my FET yesterday, and doc gave 6 days of rest. As long as you don't stress yourself, I think it should be ok to go out for a walk.

All the best to u..BFP BFP BFP....
