IVF/ICSI Support Group

Sierra, dun have to feel sorry for me. I juz feel sad for kk being a well established hosp but not providing enuff care and professional advice for their patients. I have already decided on my next step and definitely not in kk. U take care too..
Wish upon a star: maybe u can bring this up to dr loh the next tme. they sud pass the msg to dr loh for u.. I mean u r paying wat. Juz rest well n see wat happens.. Dr didnt say u have lost bb yet rite??Juz lie down n dont move ard soo much..
hi mel_irman
implantation depends on the day of transfer, mine blast, so withinh 48 hrs. think can ask e doc or nurse.

brazil nut from cold storage. i still did accu after ET, my dr said improve blood circulation to womb. gd luck
hi everyone,
got BFN did my blood test today. sperms not good enough. We will be seeing a urologist and going to do a 3rd ivf with raffles depending on how long the urologist says we will need.
thanks for all the support the past few months . We will try again
take care and good luck to everyone.
hi all,
just missed thread for a couple of days, seems lots to catch up.

congratulations to your BFP!! Have a smooth 9 months ahead

I read what happened. U are really strong. I believe ur eggs will grow better next time when u are with a Dr that makes u feel "u are in safe hands". Jia you!

All the best to your ET tomorrow. Have an early night rest.

welcome back. Always glad to see your post

So glad to hear from u again and glad to know that u are doing fine. Don't worry, the cheerful u will be back very soon. Infact, should be more cheerful than before because of the little one

luckily u clearify with Lina. I was still scratching my head when i saw sunflower got BFP. Cos i remembered sunfl@wer is same cycle as me (in Jul).

congrats to your BFP and have a smooth 9 months.

all the best to your ER on Mon!

Rest well during these 2WW. But remember the light walking to improve blood circulation
sorry about your BFN. Other than doing acu for your hubby, he may want to consider taking chinese herbs too. Cos men reacts faster and better to chinese herbs as compared to women. There is this Dr Tan at clementi who specialised in men infertlity. U might want to consider.
Wish Upon a star,
sorry about your encounter. It's really sad to know that these are the support we receive from govt hospital. We may be paying a lower fee for the treatment, but we did not get it for free. It sounds really scary and make me wants to go to private practise should i fail this cycle.

Jia you and tiao your body for the time being. Your turn for BFP will be here soon.
Die, Fatbabe,
how are u? How was your first Lucrin jab? The needle is like the Puregon jab for me. Do u gals know how much will u be jabbing for Puregon? Is it your D16 or D21?
Hi WishUponAStar/Serene/GreenMuffin,

I got an emailed reply fm Dr Loh this 8plus, but I only read it around 11am.. He ordered me to go down to KKIVF today for a HCG test & additional pregesterone jabs on thigh daily till 17dpt..

So i had to dash down as clinic closed at 12.30pm..

I'm still having the staining (spotting).. and alittle cramp at lower tummy..

Now just have to pray hard liao..
Hi Lina,

Thanks for your advice. I will bear in mond to reduce usage of PC. Will be watching korean drama most of the time lying down.

Hi Orangey,

I bot the Amway Protein Powder and will drink tomorrow cos hubby bought soya milk this morning. Drinking 2L of water daily is so difficult. I drink a bit and I felt bloated liao. I'm trying very hard to drink to prevent dehydration.

Hi Green Muffin,

Thanks for the well wishes.
Hi jas, u r a very persistent and strong lady. I know u did and u will do so for this time round too. Positive or not life have to go on... I believe infertility had been all of us here stronger.

Green muffin, i did break dwn at kk when i know abt this but after thinking wats the point of doing so at this point of time? Have to learn to look 4ward and not crying over spilled milk. I have credit my dear DH and also develyn for picking up myself fast and move forward. At difficult time like this u really need someone to knock some sense into u.
Its only thru times like this that we r able to see the 'quality' of friends ard us.
Hello Fresh,
Good! I read many good comments about Amway Protein powder and I'm collecting it from my colleague tomorrow too
I tried it yesterday in my office and actually it didn't taste really that nice. Think must dissolve it in Holicks or milk cause it has a little "cement" taste to me cause I just dissolve it in plain water.

I also have difficulty drinking 2L of water so maybe I might consider adding a little ribena to "seduce" myself to intake more H2O. Hehe.. Btw, have you ladies heard of sugar slowing down eggs developments? I have a sweet tooth and is trying very hard to cut down on sugar intake. Just want to make sure what are the food that I should avoid during puregon stage. Thanks!
Hi Jaas.. How are you doing so far? Been resting well I hope. I went out just now to fetch my daughter from her Sat class and to the supermarket... Can't walk fast and felt so exhausted after just 5 mins of walking. Went straight to bed with almost a fever upon reaching home.

Hi Wish Upon A Star... My heart goes to you. Will pray like other ladies for your pregnancy to stay intact. Take care.

Hi Jas... Admire your positive attitude. I wish you all the best and don't give up.

Early this year, my cousin also had a nasty experience with KKH. She was pregnant with her 3rd child after more than 10 years. During one of her visits, she was told by the nurse to return two weeks later. She was about 7 months preggy. She asked the nurse why was the appointment so early, when her gynae told her that her baby was doing well. My cousin was worried about taking leave too often. The nurse replied that "if anything bad happens to your baby, don't blame us!". My cousin was so affected by her reply, she started crying. She tried calling her gynae and he said no problem in seeing her 3-4 weeks later. I wrote a complain letter to KKH re the nurse, and all they can say they were sorry and will investigate. Sigh.

In 2001, my younger sister experienced some difficulities in delivery her 2nd twin as he was in breach position. Her gynae called my sis's hubby and told him that she will try to pull the baby by its leg!!! The risk, my sis may need to have her womb removed!! Luckily he called my mom and my mom told him not to let do it. Instead to do c-section. So my sis gave her 1st twin naturally and 2nd by c-section! Having heard such horror stories (and from friends too), I 'vowed' not to go to KKH.
Hi Green Muffin ,

Ya.. i am still hanging here with flu and MS.. Not easy for me to cope with it too.. enduring..

Hi Lyn ,

Great that your feets are UP !!! Do not over exhaust yourself.. sure have ways to be mother soon with lots of determination.. I know i am abit harsh to get u to stop breaking down but look at what to do next.. and u really did it ! Now jia you on natural okie.. miracle can happen okie..

Hi Jas ,

I am worried sick when i receive your sms.. as i remember the first time that u failed and break down badly.. And i salute u that u take things well this time and immediately moved to counter attack on your hubby's sperms problem.. YES !!! Attack the problem and move on to next try..
hi gals,
i just feel that recently there's been a lot of talk about doubts abt kkivf services... i also think it's time they they consider to increase their manpower.... cos when i started my ivf in may, it was starting to get crowded but not as bad but as i go for my ER/ET in june... there were more and more people and most likely in coming months the numbers will keep increasing...

all i wanted to say is that not only kkh may have such staff.... pte also the same.. personally me and my family member have encountered such things too in the pte practice and the gynae is also quite a well liked and well established gynae... that was one of the reason why i decided to switch to see dr loh... since he was one of the more established fertility specialist around...

so those of u who are with kkh and starting to worry... just remember whenever there's doubts.. ask the nursesp/gynae...kick up a fuss if u have to... frankly i find the nurses at kkivf much more experienced in terms of knowledge or skills than the nurses in the other departments... at the same time do also put some faith in your doc in charge whether it's dr loh or not... there may be protocols that is practised in kkh but not in pte practice or vice versa... both have their own merits and cons... if start losing faith already before u even start that's already 1/2 the battle lost..
hi everyone,
thanks for the encouragement.
Green muffin, I might get hubby to try.
This time, hubby and i bought realised that this ivf has brought us a lot closer . We learnt to apperciate each other a lot more. So there were blessings in disguise.
Hi Green Muffin,

Did my first Lucrin jab independently today. Easier than I thought and didnt feel a thing. I think cuz I got enough fats at the tummy ;) My ultrasound on 23rd Jul aft 13 days of lucrin. Do u know if they make a cut on our tummy for ER? I scared..

How r u doing? Glad to have u as cycle buddy. ;)
Hi gals, pls do not be put down by the negative comments me and a few of the ladies here had on kk. Overall kk nurses r quite alright in term of knowledge and service juz that the practice in kk is juz not beneficial to all patiens and i m one of the unluckily ones.

Those gtg to start ur ivf at kk, pls take time to discuss things with ur dr carefully. For my case there is a drastic change in my fsh between 2007 and 2009. I did discuss and 'hightlight' to dr loh that my fsh rose from 4.9 to 8.3 and wanted his professional advice on this bu the explaination he had given was diff lab diff reading and it varies from time to time. As a ivf first timer i juz follow first the flow depsite him giving me a relative low dosage of sitmulation and was penniled as scanning show that i m a poor responser to the med.

I would say if u r a person who is gtg to respond well to the regime kk is gtg to carry out for u then u r perfectly fine but if u r like who need closely monitoring then gtg kk is abit of risky. As a conclusion i feels kk lack of personal touch and professional advice from dr coz they r too busy to even review ur case.

I hope my experience would not put any1 dwn.
u are really brave to have stood up so quickly and look forward... and i agree that now kkivf seem to be only able to handle 'general' cases of ivf... and not able to zoom into cases which may need more review or attention....

sorry if i sounded like those with negative experiences shouldn't share their experiences... i think it is also brave and very generous of those of u who have suffered and yet took the time to share with the rest of us here...

i think i'm trying to make it less gloomy as i'm not feeling too well myself these 2 days... quite exhausted already...
Develyn, I already feel happy that u called up to talk to me despite urself having ms. U r much better then my own frds of 10 over years.
Eskimobaby, everyone has its weak and brave side. We r juz human and all human has feelings. Maybe most of u think i shld be gloomy and sad now but wat develyn had told me i very true instead of asking why this happen to me i maybe as well use the energy to think of wats the next step and it will be a wiser move...

My DH told me maybe i juz not fated to do anything in kk coz all the while i do not have good impression with kk. So juz let it be
I guess we are not in the position to judge as personally did not went thru wat lyn and others have went thru in kkh.. I could well imagine what lyn feels when she faced such treatment at kkh.. She may sound negative to some but she may only be sharing her experiences to the rest and hope they can be caution.. I feel the purpose of this thread is sharing of experiences and thoughts and most imptly act as a support when some met into difficulties and disappointments..

Lets continue to give each other a pillar of strength and a place to voice of feelings be it positive or negative..
hi jas,
so sorry to hear that. please stay strong, don't give up. As what green muffin mentioned, TCM Dr Tan clementi has more success when it comes to male infertility. My hubby continued with his herbs as it comes in pill form, no need to drink the bitter powder ones. Dr Tan is not supportive of ivf treatment but very confident of helping male infertility. Do consider giving a try. But his queue is very long, night time is normally full at least 2 months ahead but day time not so bad.

hi eskimobaby,
i asked nurse Angeline same question about increasing manpower. Her reply was nurse need to be specially trained, not possible in short time. Doctors will need longer training. Even if you have many new trained doctors but not enough facilities (bed or rooms) to do ER/ET, then there is no point either. IVF is not like a demand and supply factor, so govt hospital lack in resources. They need to spend money on the more critical illness. I agree with you that if any doubts, must ask the nurse or gynae asap.
i think it's more heartening to see u picking urself up and moving on than mope around.... but at the same time do allow urself some time to get over it... do not give up in the mean time and try naturally....

sometimes i ask myself whether i should have waited and just let fate decide if i should have a baby.. there are always miracle cases where as long as there's a chance that a sperm meets the egg then there'll always be a chance that we'll be parents... but how long it takes no one knows... even tho my hubby's morphology is very low... as long as he has one healthy sperm there'll be such a day... i also dunno where i found the courage to try ivf.... whether am i acting against nature or just trying to grasp my fate in my own hands.... i'm sure many of u felt the same way too... before i started ivf i always thot that ivf is the last resort and if it doesn't work i have to give up having a baby but many of the girls here taught me that this wasn't the case...

if that's the case then the govt should allow for the subsidy to apply for pte hospitals as well but the other concern would be some pte gynaes will exploit this and 'increase' their fees by 3k and end up patients would still need to pay the same as before.
Dear gals
After hearing all the discussion about KKIVF ctr and dr Loh, I m getting abit worried, I am seeing KKH dr Kelly Loi, anyone has any comments about her?

Ladies, I would like to share my experience with my previous gynae in pte practice. I was ttc-ing naturally and when I missed by AF, I tested myself pregnant at about 5 weeks so went for a scan. The scan showed a sac but no heartbeat yet, so I went back for weekly scans until the 8th week, still no heart beat. I was told to do bed rest but no med given. Until almost 9 weeks and I start to spot, then my gynae gave me a jab. And I wondered why he did not give me anything earlier? Why? Why? So I questioned him. So the nurse told me usu injection is given only when start to spot. I thought to myself, what kind of BS is this? And in the end, there was no heart beat and it was a missed miscarriage. My point is, althou the gynae can see me weekly, and caring and concern, I think there was some things that he missed out too. No matter how experienced he is, there will still be some cases that he may overlook. So its important for us to be informed and have a group of ladies like ourselves to remind and support each other. The doctors and nurses can only do so much… we just have to take care of ourselves and seek second opinion whenever we think nec. And I agree with eskimobaby, kick up a fuss if you need to. For KKH, they have ISO and stuff, they very scared kenna complain.

Hi Itjabi, thanks for your sharing, sorry to be asking this but I m really curious to know.. May I ask what happened when the other foetus whose heartbeat as stopped? Any procedure required?

Wensi… pls stay relaxed… k?

Hi baby,
I called dr zou last tue and wanted to try if she has a morning appt but our timing was no good. So I fix for this coming tue, cos I start work at 1pm, and figured I could see her in the morning. Have you called to make any appt yet?

Hi Jude.. oh no… acc will get big blue black meh… ? sounds so scary.. its not the “salami” type of blue black (from ba guan) right? Last time I had acc for my back injury but no blue black leh. Can share what is your average fees each time?

Pau le.. congrats!

Dev, are u feeling much better now?

Meow… I used to have difficulty sleepy as I was working irreg hours. I didn’t like to use medication so I used this thing that is like a plaster with a small plastic thing protruding (about the sz smaller than a tic tac sweet) and you stick it near your wrist, the packaging will have a diagram to teach you where to stick. It’s an accu pt which will help you to sleep. I don’t seeing it selling at many places, but I used to buy it from the pharmacy at Isetan scotts, in the basement jap supermarket. I intro to 2 of my friends and they find that it helps them to go into deep sleep. Not sure if it will work for you thou.. I heard that warm leg bath would also help cos it promotes blood circulation, but not sure if you can do it when ivf or ttc-ing.

Bunny, wat’s the diff between the jabs and inserts? Can share how come got different administering of medication?

Zaza, can I ask how young are you? How would the doc decide to put one on long or short cycle?

Missfairlady… you mus take care, and try to stay relaxed k? did the doc share any insight on why you are feeling this so far? And dun take to the scary stories, k? just think positive… and hang in there, and think of the wonderful outcome when it all work out well!! =)

Wish upon a star… I hope you are feeling much better now… pls tk care.

Jas, tk care pls.

Some of u mentioned eat more egg whites? Is it supposed to be soft or hard boiled? And if I am starting my ivf cycle in sept, can I start to eat it now? Should I start on chkn essence now? Or wait till the cycle starts?
hi irene
I hvt call dr zou yet.. Im still waiting for my af.. So once af comes.. I will call to book an appt... Does dr zou provide accup after et? Cos i know some physicians pro doing accup after et while some are not.. I read from the web that accup just before and after et can boast chances.. But im not too sure of having accup after et le.. Scare it will affect the embryo..

So sorry to hear about the loss..*huggs* try again I am sure you will be blessed. Try to eat more tonics to replenish and rest more to recuperate your health ok.


You should start accu now if you are planning to do so. It is not advisable to do accu during your AF period as advised by a lot of them here. So far we have not heard of anyone doing accu after they conceive but we know a few of them still taking her herbs to "an Tai". Maybe you can check with her.


Yeah kind of scary to hear all the stories especially when I am going to restart the tedious journey soon....but will not give up, will persist. Too late to change doc anyway, just see my fate and luck lor hehee..
Eskimobaby, we shld be happy as we r lucky that ivf is avaliable in our modern world. Imagine 20 years ago whereby medical field is not advanced as now, infertile couples fear more frustation. Well i dun agree ivf is a act against nature, We juz wana our dreams to be fullfilled in the short time. Of course there r alot of ppl BFP after cycles of ivf. Like DH say things happen for a reason, when GOD think the time is right be in ivf, iui or natural we will eventually be given wat we wanted..

Baby, u r right to say that this forum is a pillar of strenght to everyone of us here and that wat is this is for forum. As to whether to take ppl comments abt a certain subject i feel its very subjective and ladies here will have their own judgement.

Humbug, u had experience with kk twice b4 rite? Anyway, dun think abt this issue now, juz go ahead as planned....
hi everyone,
humbug, yup thanks .
does anyone here have the Dr Tan at clementi's contact details? will go take a look and see him
hi irene

thanks for the tip. i think i am getting used to the medicine. can sleep a bit more recently.

is this ur 1st ivf attempt?

hi die
not bad.. can do ur injections on ur own too. quite painless hor..
not as painful if hubby did it for me. hiak hiak.

my scan is next friday, then need to extend suprefac for another 2 wks to wait for prof.

as for ER,they dun cut ur tummy. they will just insert a probe, similar to ur pap smear or IUI.
dun worry.

hi ladies
i quite upset cos hubby said he will be on reservist on my tentative ER. i thought that day will be the most impt day for us. but he said he will call and ask if he can postpone his reservist date. i also dunno if possible or not.

if not, can one go alone for ER?
U see whether yr hubby can postpone not.. If can better cos u may need him to carry yr bag and go take med etc..

But if he really cant, i guess some also can manage alone.. Try not to bring too heavy bag.. Then sit down after et to rest first before getting up to go take med or go home.. U can take a cab to go home.. But there are some here took bus after et also got bfp.. So its really how u see it.. Or u can get mummy or a good friend who knows abt u doing ivf to company u?
Hi Lyn.

For those on short protocol (antangonist cycle) no lucrin jab at al. You'll go straight to stage 2 (puregon) on your D2/D3 menses. so the duration of the whole treatment is shortened by almost half.
Serene, thks for the info. Btw did dr loh explain to u the risk of an antangonist cycle? I was told by kk nurse if ur body ovulate by itself coz no supression then cant carry on, pls correct me if i m wrong
Hi Wish Upon a Star,
Heard abt ur incident with Dr Loh and the nurses. Yes I agree they dont have much patience and no personal touch. Some nurses are rude and dun have the "care abt patient" attitude.

The other time when I had tummy pain in the middle of the nite few days after my ET, and wasnt feeling very well the next day, I call the KKIVF to check whether is it normal. The nurse who pick up the phone said to me :"The pain is normal but if u cant take it, then go to the 24hrs clinic. We dont have doctor here to attend to u"... Well, tat is definately not a very pleasant answer to someone who needs help at that point of time. The answer is so COLD!

And so many pple had doubts abt Dr Loh I think its becoz he had too many patients under him. Look at the list.. I think 95% of us is under him and tats why I dun think he remember all and would bother to attend to each of us patiently. But be strong and hope u are feeling better today.

Hi Jas,
Sorry to hear abt ur BFN. Stay strong and be positive. Im sure u will get BFP in the next try! And glad tat ur this current IVF had brought u and ur hubby closer.. Very touched when I hear tat too. Rest well and take gd care of urself.
Hi Lyn,

Yes ovulation is the risk but they'll give you an injection call 'cerotide' to suppress ovulation, dun worry... mayb that's why they need to scan earlier @ D6. I think i would have ovulated if the scan is on D8 or D9 cos the egg was pretty big at D6 le... ard 15mm.
Hi Jas,

Sorry for BFN and will pray for ur next cycle.

Wensi Has the staining stopped??? Pls dont take injection (if its I/M) in thigh. Sign the disclaimer to take it in butt instead. The thigh n arm one is very painful. All the best
Hi Wish upon s star and gals who have similar experience,

I had a similar experience... Got my blood test results at 3181 on day 16. But happiness lasted only a wk.

Last thursday, I experienced spotting and called KKIVF and they said go to 24 hr clinic if I want to. Then I tried all ways and means and made many calls to look for Dr Loh. Managed to see him at Clinic D as a walk in patient but had to be the last one. Of cos my spotting got worse while waiting. Finally Dr Loh did a scan and could see a sac and he ordered for a jab and asked me to increase duphaston to two tab twice daily. He was concerned as the other baby could be in the tube so I am scheduled for an x-ray next Wed. I was prescribed Aspirin since Day 2 but the KKIVF nurse asked me to stop when they knew I was pregnant. However, Dr Loh told me to continue. Had the KKIVF nurse asked me to continue with Aspirin, would my babies be saved?

However, the next day, spotting became bleeding and with cramps. I went to the 24 hr clinic immediately and the Doc on duty said no more sac and could not give me additional support. All I could do is wait for my appt next Wed to see Dr Loh as most likely is miscarriage.

So now, I feel quite helpless looking at my clots and constant on and off cramps. I am losing my babies by the minute.

I kept thinking if there is something that KK could do to help instead of asking me to go home and continue to bleed till next Wed?
Fellaine, feel so sad and angry to hear abt ur bad encounter with kk. Did they do any hcg to check for any ectopic rather to ask u to go home and to wait for wed?

I m not a doc, but my suggestion to u is to get a second opinion from a doc whose u can get an appt asap be it private or govt. Go for another check to make sure ur life is not at risk coz heavy bleeding and cramps can means alot of possibility...
Dear LYn,

The Doc at the 24 hr clinic said no point doing a hcg test, best is wait for Dr Loh on Wed.

I remembered Dr Loh mentioned that he had to wait for next Wed to check whether there is another baby in the tubes cos pregnancy was only 5 wks and had to wait for 6 wks...

It is not heavy bleeding now. It is like normal mens but with some clots and bad cramps at times.

Will discuss with DH to see if we should get another opinion.

Regardless of what, no words can describe my inner feelings now. It was already my 2nd FET to achieve a BFP...
Hi Jas,

I am with Dr Tan in Clementi and seeing him once a week for the last 6 months with DH. I have PCOS and since I am seeing him, it became regular and less cramp. He is now tio-ing my body for my Lucrin jab on 21st July. Hope he can help to tio your DH also.

TCM Healthcare Medical Centre
Blk433 #01-266, Clementi Ave3
Tel : 6872 3237

Pls try to call to make appointment first, cos his is quite pack in the evenings.

Good luck!

mel_irman - thanks for asking and i'm dd gr8

Jas - sory about ur BFN but gr8 to hear tt u are gg for ur next IVF soon and dun wory dearie as God will bless you with a child soon

irene - I'm not tt young as I'm turning 30 this Sep but according to my doctor , I'm still young and have sufficient follicle on my own thus the reason for the short cycle but apparentlt it does not work for me thus I wld be on the normal cycle for my next try

Fellaine - how ar u now???

Lyn - u dd ur next try in another govt hospital or pte???
