IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi wish upon a star, i have seen dr f for quite sometime liao but my hesitation to do under him is glen ot and lab charges r very high

Hi WishUponAStar,
is the nuts tasty?? wonder does the cold storage @ Kovan has it..
i get 'heaty' easily.. not sure will eating it gives me sore throat?

No. Cold storage at kovan dont have the nuts and yes the nut is tasty. U can take free bus from sengkang interchange to go parkway parade. The giant there sell all kind of nuts.
Hi Wensi
The nuts are quite tasteless but healthy though. I treat it as eating snacks, 5 pcs per day. During my 2ww, my friend bought a pkt for me and could last for about a week. I look forward to eating it everyday as it was the only food I could snack on :p

If you are afraid of getting too heaty from eating the nuts, drink more water (warm). Anyway, we r supposed to drink up to 2L of water per day during 2ww.

You can ask your DH to help you find @ Kovan, if not, the nearest to you would be NTUC at AMK hub
hi missfairlady / WishUponAStar,
u gals talking abt the same nuts??? ha ha..
i didn't know sengkang got free bus to parkway.. will try tht.
i drink alot of water daily, definitely meet 2L mark, but is not 'warm' leh, room temperature should be fine right?
Guess we have different taste buds... haha..
Warm water is better for the womb, and especially if u have cramps.
Hi Sunflower
My FSH is 5.5, within the normal range. A bit surprise when Dr gave me 400iu dosage. May be because I am older and he said my egg is small and i wasnt ovulating that time. How high is your FSH?
hi greenie
How did dr know yr egg is small before u are stimulated?
My fsh is at 5.3 similar to yours.. And im given 200iu.. Later reduced to 150iu... May i know how old r u?
Hi Baby
Dr said so. He did a scan before. Am coming to 36 soon, that is why i think i am given higher dosage.
Hope everything goes smoothly till ET.
Hi ladies with kkivf, just to share with you about my i/m pregnyl this evening. I was there at 8 for my 8.30 pm jab. The good part is that i got my jab even before 8.25 pm. The not so good part is that i only got to know i am getting the jab in my thigh 5 minutes before the jab! I thought I am getting this jab in my butt.
The Nurse Manager mentioned that I need to show her the 'consent form'. Her reason being that it is kk's practice to jab the thigh and there are a lot of main arteries/ nerves in the butt. I told her that if she gives me the form i will sign it. After some search (that's why 5 minutes later), she came to me and told me she does not have the form, if I want to I can get the jab first and I go get the form sign tomorrow morning. The jab in the butt is typically administered by Doctors. Not to make life difficult for her, i relented. Thigh it is. My thighs are just as flabby as my butt anyway.

So the moral of the story is, if the kkivf team give you your pregnyl prescription, question them if it is done on the butt. Also, pregnyl jab cannot be self-administered or by any one less professional.

The jab was fast and the Nurse Manager tried to chat me up to distract me. However, 2 hours from the jab, it still feel like I hit on something if i press the injection area.
Hi Lyn,

yes i know 250iu is not alot..i tried to increase to 300iu, but he say im young, so he doesnt want to give 300, so we set in between at 250iu..

my SO cycle was only given 50iu..but Dr Loh say normally shld have 2 eggs. He did the first scan for me, and find out that i have little eggs in my ovaries..

Hi Greenie,

My FSH is 7.9
Hi iwant5bbs,
when I took the pregnyl at 24 hrs clinic it was also into thigh .. Wasn't given option.. The needle seems longer than the progesterone one... So I think thigh is safer. Yes to jab at butt needs to sign consent which I did for my progesterone ..
thank you wensi, i did not even see the needle. covered my eyes way before that. ya lor...chicken out.

hi sunfl@wer, my fsh 7.5, given 250iu. er tomorrow. got 15 eggs, 4 measured 16.5 - 17 on day 9 ultrasound. hope this helps you. maybe you can also find out your lining during your ultrasound? I got to know this from the sisters here.
hello ladies at Stage 2,

kkivf has instructions for ovum pickup too.
CARE has 1 extra items - socks
After Ultrasound at Day 8 - 9 Puregon, if you are reacting ok, Doctors will prescribe
1) 2 vials of 5000 iu Pregnyl (like puregon, also need ice to bring home)
2) antibiotics: doxycycline (same as the one the hubby eats during your first 7 days of puregon)
i must thank the sisters here for sharing your experiences. it is a guiding light for me and so far, i do not have so much shocks.
hi ladies

i am due for D14 scan after suprefac injections. but hor.. my period is not flowing yet. still spotting only. i called the nurse and she said can still go for the scan?!

the scan is the probe scan or ultrasound scan?
any one can advise?
hi ladies

i am due for D14 scan after 1st stage of injections. but my period is not flowing yet.. only spotting leh. but i called the nurse and she said i can still go for the scan??!

anyone can advise if the scan is the probe kind or the ultrasound kind?

hi iwant5bbs
u went to scan ur instructions sheet ar.
Hi iwant5bbs,

Thanks! you really cheer up my day!
im so worried that i couldnt produce eggs. Thanks for your information! ya, usually i will ask about my lining.
They will still scan when u are having yr af flow.. Using v scan..

I also once did on my d3.. Feeling abit gross but its not painful.. Just that after the probe is pulled out.. U may have some blood coming out but just wipe it off will do.. Its ok one.. The scan will be just as the usual v scan u had.. And in kkh, its the nurse who scan for u right? So still not so bad.. That time is my gynea who is a male to scan for me lor.. Embrassing..
hi baby

mine is in nuh.. but i heard prof wong not around. so maybe another doc do.. wah .. die.. so embarressing leh! nvr met the doc before somemore..

yah.. a bit gross when doing during af hor.. nvr done before
Hi All,

Does anyone know wht was ur progestrone level for D5 BT. I did my yesterday, have called kk several times, each time they say will call bt nothing. Then this morning finally a nurse told me its alright asked the level n she said 224 which is absurd. It can be either 2.24 or 22.4 n both mean a lot different. I want to know as mine is most likey luteal phase defect n this is first time I m using progestrone jab n want to check where i stand. any help will be appreciated.
Ya its abit embrassing.. But dont thk abt it. Just bite yr teeth and do it! Before u know it.. Its over lo.. Drs have been doing this a thousand times so dont thk they will find it gross..
Which day are u at yr af? Heavy flow? Cos when i did it.. My flow is light so still not so bad..
Don't worry too much. I get really paranoid after going onto Puregon and I think its cause of the hormones effect plus I worry too much. Now feeling much better as I try not to think so much

When you are ready for your U/S and BT on D14 of Lucrin, when nurse call you up for result, ask them the lining. Nurse Audrey told me the lining must be below 7mm then it is consider good. As for the BT, Nurse Samantha told me anything below 100 is good.
Hi All,

I have been in & out of this forum number of times over the past year. After 2 failed IUI's & 2 failed IVF's , I just got a BFP yest on a natural cycle. It seems so surreal.. I still can't believe it..

For the past year after my failed 2nd ivf (bad egg quality in both cycles), have followed this routine

- tcm + acupuncture
- Daily 1 spoon wheat grass, royal jelly, multivit.
- 1 tab Epo only till ovulation.
- Recently someone told me about visualization.. so started doing visualization exercises whenever possible.
- Let go off ttc obsession by taking up a hobby

Don't know which of them has helped but just wanted to encourage all here in forum. After 4 yrs of various treatments I never thought I would get to say this one day.. Hope my tips help.
hi ac,
i remember you. So happy for you, do take good care from now on. And great to know that is a natural cycle, miracles do happen. Thanks for coming back to give encouragement.
hi Sunfl@wer, orangey is right. try not to worry. read up when i worry. i try to distract myself by feeding my hubby. his part is important too. got this from an earlier thread http://sg.******************/getting_pregnant

Alternative therapy #1
i started accupuncture 1 month before lucrin. was prescribed by Dr Zou with twice a week cos i went through 7 clomid cycles, 3 iuis and hubby got low morphology etc. Followed very closely so far. Apart from menses first 3 days, i go without fail.

Alternative therapy #2
saw an earlier chinese sinsei, told me that i am very weak, circulation bad...blah blah. took chinese herbs for awhile and then i stop cos too heaty. got a better insight of taking care of my own body then, which is good.

Some things to observe
these are things my colleagues told me:
1) no heels
2) no cold drinks (even dr zou said that; accupuncture was meant to improve circulation to the womb area)
3) dun wash your hair during first 2 days of menses. head has direct relation to womb.
4) keep yourself snug (guardian pharmacy sells cold/heat pack at $9.70; 3M type is $15.90; hot water bottle $7.90)
5) honey on empty stomach first thing in the morning
6) kampong chicken eggs (albumin replacement) + loads of water
I appreciate their guidelines cos i am really grasping for any tips that comes across.

btw, i dun have ohss symptoms other than stomach feels a little bloated.

shall update you on my condition after my et. in the meantime, let's eat well and rest well, k?
hi linaang, thanks for the wishes. It is really a miracle. Infact I had also booked for my 3rd ivf in sep. Just wanted to pass on some encouragement as I totally understand how depressing & emotionally stressful the whole journey is.
hi clcyeo, thanks.

epo - evening primrose oil
royal jelly - can't remember brand, got a set of three in one
ttc - trying to conceive
hi orangey and meow, yap, it's from kkivf. took photo cos no scanner at home. could have been bigger picture but forum keep prompting the photo not of the right shape (dunno what it means).
dunno got copyright or not...hehehe... think i take a photo of it before they collect it back after my procedure. From the sisters here, CARE has another rule 'no perfume' and bring socks along.

good if this photo is useful for you guys... btw, NTUC Fairprice at AMK Hub also sells Brazil nuts $5.40 per 100 gm.
Meow... I just saw Prof Wong this morning. In any case, before my ER/ET, they assigned me to Sapphire clinic for the probe scan. It was ok. An Indian lady did mine. She was very pleasant.

Today, I am so touched by a show of concern by the nurses at CHR clinic. Was crying last night or rather early morning. So upset with my hubby attitude towards this IVF journey. One of the nurse immediately sensed I was sad, pulled me to a room and let me voiced out all my sorrows. She was really so sweet and understanding. I felt better after sharing with her. It was really nice of her to take sometime for me even though I was there to make payment.

It was really bittersweet day for me. I woke up with goldfish eyes. Went to see Prof. First thing he told me, my hubby's sperms were very sluggish. Quality seemed to have deteriorated. But later, I was pleasantly surprised to know that 2 embies made to Day 6 & 7 blastocyst stage.
Wow yr embryo can make it to blasto stage.. High chance!
Btw i tot blasto embryo is at d5? D6 and d7 is also blasto? I tot usually at d6 or d7 is when the blasto hatch out to implant?
Thanks for the info. Wah, I didn't know must reach by 730am. I thought before 8am say like 745am will do and I seriously have to remind myself not to take any drink or food after 1030pm! After going onto Puregon, I have a habit to take nuts at night
hi baby

mine is still spotting after 3 days.. so dunno will flow by tonight or not..
haiz.. dunno will it affect the scan also or not hor.

hi sophia
agree that nurses at CHR are nicer. i tot prof is going away for conference soon.. dunno if he will be there on fri or not.

hi ladies
i put on weight again.. so hard to shed those kilos hor.. i also nvr eat a lot ler.. dunno why..

hi AC
congrats!! u really give us the encouragement that although a few failed attempts, can still conceive naturally.
Hehe..thanks! Actually I going for my scan on Thursday. Hoping that I have good numbers of eggs and they are growing well. If everything goes well, my ER should be next week.

It will not affect the scan even if its heavy flow.. But thru the scan dr will be able to see blood fluid thru the ultrasound scan.. That time when my dr scan for me he say he can see blood fluid.. And tell me i will still have abt a few more days of flow.. He is so right.. My af stop after a few days.. Haha

Gals, look like royal jelly has good effect on fertility... Should we get the capsule form or those in liquid honey form? Cos i saw some selling in capusle form.. Some selling in a form of raw royal jelly honey...
