IVF/ICSI Support Group

how come u not sleeping at this hr?? need to wake up to feed bb?? Is your confinement lady doing things for u?? Pls rest as much as u can ok..Thanks for supporting us here even now u had just given birth

Hope u can rest as much as u can now at home, wishing your embies stick tight tight to u!

i'm on 3rd shift. above post was when i jus woke up. so glad bb is sleeping well for the time being. i feel so relaxed now...
Hi Lina, Will it be possible for you to share at which attempt did you become successfully pregnant. This will give hope to people like me who failed 1st attempt. Tks.
Hi Fellaine, Like Gloria my AF too reported before my BT. Which hospital did you do you IVF and what is your status now.
Hi Fandz, WY, Mel etc.,

Thanks for the info on BHCG...

Hi Babygalore,

Thanks... I didn't do TCM or accu becos I was actually quite busy at work when I first embarked on my IVF, really couldn't squeeze out time to venture into this area...
Good morning ladies! I hope today is a better day than ytd!!

Pari, Gloria n ickle, so sorry about your BFN. Recuperate well n carry on with the next IVF journey, ya! Dun give up!

Libby, hope your level wil go up, uP, UP by wed! Dun worry!
Think i will not pin on high hope. The way the nurse informed me ytd, was quite negative.

Were you given any progesterone/HCG supports when your HCG level was low?

I'll see how it goes tom.. Tks
Libby, dear have positive thoughts keep saying my level will go up. I know its tough but hang in there dear dont give up. You will be in my prayers. Take care
hi everyone,
mel, wow yr stretch marks a lot... but I am sure they will go away. You look like a small lady, so naturally you will have lots of stretch marks esp with 2 babies....
Pari, Gloria n ickle, sorry about your BFN, rest well and start the next cycles .
Libby, I wish you best of luck and hope yr level goes up well .
Thanks, every step of this IVF cycle is so tough and unpredictable.. trying not to pin too high hope, like that can reduce disappointment..
Hi, I've added Paule, juju, gloria, mel wong, bliss, boon boon, tnt and lina ang in my facebook. Pari and noi, please add m.

Who else have I missed out?
BTW, who is this pretty lady by the name of Christine Ng and has a son about 1 yr+ huh?? I've added her in facebook but dunno who is she cos she didnt mention her nick leh.... Identify yourself please, pretty lady! ;P
libby - pls stay positive... I know it's hard, but try not to make it harder on yourself... Sending you lots of positive thoughts and rising beta dust!!!

Juju - catch as much sleep as you can ahh...

Serene - still bored??? Take the chance and rest lah...

Lina - hihi, how are you feeling?? You have a friend who had it worse?? Difficult to believe... Haha... My marks are only 2 inches away from the underside of my breasts... Good to know they can be aesthetically removed... Oh dear abt your high stressed job... This downturn did not ease it much??

Jas - whoa... Saw your bridal pix... Very young and pretty leh...
nah... I'm not small lady... I'm 1.65, pre-pregnancy weight at 66 to 68 kg... I am definately not small...
hi pari,
my 1st fresh cycle succeed but after BFP for 2 weeks, got heavy bleeding. Then tried once FET that didn't get any BFP. I then move on to try accu for 4 months before trying for fresh cycle again. For my case, i put faith in tcm, it does helped me. Hubby low sperm count of 1% is the main factor and accu also helped him increase some sperm motility. Don't give up, keep trying. IVF is trial and error, sometimes changing doctors, treatment method or hospital might work. Or sometimes it is your body condition during the next try.

hi libby,
nope, i was not given any support during low HCG. i asked the nurse for jab and she says no need, just wait for the level to rise. But i understand from ladies here that other hospital will give support, gel, jab or medicine, not sure why kk don't give.

hi mel,
i have seen a friend with crumple skin (after stretch effect). Those will be much worse than just stretch marks. As crumple skin will have difficulty to be removed. I try to take things easy at work, to reduce the stress.
Yes, agree on why KKH never give us additional support when we needed it most. Their practice is very diff from others.

Thanks! The story you mention abt your friend who had 5 times IVF, and succeeded even with low HCG is so miracle.. May i know who is her doc?
Gloria-I am taking the Multi-Vit. No problem to take it during IVF journey.

Libby-Jia Yu! Don't stress yourself. Many of us are praying for you. Please continue to rest and have healthy foods.

Mel & JuJu-Amazing but it is worth to experiences. I wish I could quickly join u all to experince such a wonderful journey. Take care and god blessed

Jan-You mentioned you have been trying from this year "Jan"? Personally I think since u just started to try and if you know it is your hubby issue, you may want to consider to bring him to see TCM rather than immediately go into IVF (just my thought only)

Develyn-Wish Develyn speedy recovers from OHSS. And sharing her good news with us.
hi mel,
haha thanks. that was when i was slimmer.. and younger haha. Got married at 23. ohh mel dun worry about the stretch marks.. oh get a malay lady to help massage them away after u deliver.
Hi Mel,

Ya I'm still feeling bored! Haha but sort of getting used to the boredom liao... aiyo your stretch mark is really bad but I think it is worth it in exchange of 2 babies! 120% worth it! Mothers are all very wei da!!
Tks, Boon boon.. your turn will come very soon.

Wa.. your social circle very wide, that's good for us, as you can share with us any findings and experience etc..
Hi Jas,

I saw your wedding pic in facebook... So young! U mentioned long long time ago, which is how many yrs ago huh?? How many years are you married now??
Oh! Happy belated birthday! You are so young! So envious!

BTW, do you mind to share why you wanna get married at such a young age? Just curious! haha!
thanks.... haha we felt it was right, no other reason, oh wait got, wanted enough time to enjoy being a couple before having a family, personally i did not want to wait too long before starting a family and hubby had wanted to be a daddy before he turned 30... but he just turned 30 in march.. we were together for 4 yrs before that.... hubby is 3 yrs older than me..
libby, I've been through the same thing in my 1st cycle. Tested BFP on CD17 but HCG level was low (181)and had to repeat another BT. Luckily all went well and the numbers more than doubled 2 days after. Think positively ok, things will turn out fine.
Hi Libby
Why not u call up kk and insist to speak to Dr Loh and explain your situation and insist on the add’l jab and med?? I was on the low HCG too during my 1st pregnancy and prof increase my jab and med..All the best to u! will be praying for u!

Hi Jas
Happy belated birthday to u! Me too birthday at may! So many of us are born in May..
boon - have consulted TCM @ Clementi...however, that seems to be a long and tedious process without any guaranteed results...dont think dh willing to take TCM medication
Thanks, but think mine is really quite low at 71. Will see how it goes tom.. Look at Lina's case, it did went up slowly, but later AF reported..

I have already emailed to Dr Loh and he has replied. He said 71 is not very good, and duphaston will be given if BT rises tom..
Jan-Oic, if dh doesn't want then we can't force him. In fact, his result is not really really bad. I ever heard with 1% also can conceive naturally. Anyway, talk to Dr Loh and see what he will suggest. I just thought don't give yourself so much stress and no joke (IVF) we need to inject a lot of drug inside our body so if can I still prefer to go natural way. Anyway, let us know if you have any doubt, girls here very helpful will share their knowledge with u.

Jas-Happy belated birthday to u. How are your lately?
Hi Libby, please have more positive thoughts. Your bb is trying to grow inside. Having negative thoughts will definately affect him/her cos she/he will be able to feel it.

You said that you got fever yesterday, it could be a good sign cos preggy ladies normally have high temperature. So, please dun lose hope yet.

I remember reading a post from a lady in this forum that her HCG level is only 64 on D17 but later rises up in the 2nd BT. Thus, dun have negative thoughts now.

Wait till tomorrow, k? Continue with your Korean show or chat in mns if you want.
Ok, thanks.. it's already a miracle to me that BT turn out to be postive when HPT is negative.

How was your holiday? Nice nice weather hor?
hi Ladies,
the thread is too fast. pardon me if i miss any of your post for me.

Fellaine, can u share your IVF journey with me, and your age? when's your discussion with your gynae? mine's this thurs. do u have frozen embies to go for FET?

Boon and all, any brands to recommend for multi vits? i may have missed your post. pls advise again.

Mel, if u were to ask in this forum,"Ladies, who wants both the twins and my stretchmarks, hands up. your wishes will be granted."
i'm sure No one's hands will be down there! haha.
you must be proud of them - it's everyones wish here. smooth delivery, ok.

Ladies, who else havent added me? my FB got nothing, but if u dun mind sharing with me, pls add me, coz i dunno how to add u all.
Boon, Jas, Fellaine, Dream, WY - u're not in my account yet?
yep! this morning slept another 4hrs. thanks to bb who decided to sleep!

ur turn will come soon! find dat this thread's gals r getting more & more lucky!
Hi Libby,

I found this website which says:

"Caution must be used in making too much of hCG numbers. A normal pregnancy may have low hCG levels and result in a perfectly healthy baby. The results from an ultrasound after 5 - 6 weeks gestation are much more accurate than using hCG numbers."

I've decided to stop worrying and learn to trust God, there's nothing we can do now anyway... You be positive too ok? Everything will be fine...
Hi Gloria &Pari,
How have u all been? Hope u r getting better? Did your doc tell u te reason of the failure?
Your stretch marks really quite serious but I don't mind having them if I'm expecting Twins :D
I think it's all worth it for the sake of our babies isn't it? I think my hubby will react the same as your hubby lor. LOL!

Stay positive! I know it's hard not to think but remember, positive is the only way to help yourself. Furthermore, I think our body really listens a lot to us, keep thinking about your healthy fetus and how your HCG will rise. Be positive okay?
Gloria-I am taking Centrum which recommended by Dr Loh (selling at KK).

Jas-I am fine. I am trying natural in this month, if not will be starting in next month. Let's Jia Yu
Hi Libby,

The weather in Perth is nice nice. A bit chilly at night and you have to wear a sweater. Having coffee or breakfast at any cafes are great! The only setback are their slow in service. Got to wait for 40 mins for a simple breakfast... Also, their shopping closes at 5pm! Sigh... I managed to experience staying in a cottage in a farm. The air in the morning is super fresh and I get eat breakfast in the backyard over-looking the cow, rabbit, dog, horses, sheep. Anyway, it's a great getaway before I embark on my next ivf cycle.

I managed to find the post from Dawnie. She only had 22 on D17 and 60 on D20 and subsequently rose to 2000 in just 1 week!!! You can refer to her post for some encouragement, k?

D17 @ 22 - Posted on 14 Nov 2008, 1:35pm
D20 @ 60 - Posted on 22 Nov 2000, 9:27am
1 week later @ 2000 - Posted on 29 Nov 2009, 10:11am

See, miracles do happen. Please dun lose hope now.
Hi Ladies,

How many days HL did you all take during the IVF cycle?? KKH gave me 20 days till BT but I'm not whether to take all 20 days or not?? Actually before I start, told boss 14 days only leh... Pai seh to take so long HL...
