IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Fresh
Did u travel to monkey mia and albany at perth? My DH drove to albany, I simply love the countryside..dreaming when I retire, I'll definity stay there...


BT is more accurate then HPT..Your BT is 71, and HPT detects higher sensitivity for HCG, so thats y u detected -ve for HCG.
Dont be discouraged, be more positive so your bb will continue to grow.


wow! your scretch marks are really bad! But its ok, you are blessed with a twins, everything will be worth.


your labour is so long!

Gloria and Pari,

Sorry to hear about your BFN. Dont give up!
This might be a very silly way of thinking but I still want to check with you all ladies if you have any opinions on it.

Its common belief that TCM can help to increase successful of IVF program. So assume we take TCM for few months before the program and stop TCM immediately upon the start of the program. And just before the program, we must do hormone tests for day 3 and day 21 to assess our hormones level so the gynae and decide the dosage of the drugs during program. However, those hormone tests were based on our body hormonal levels while we are on TCM. Once we stopped the TCM during the program, our body would have gone through drastic changes due to not consuming TCM. (I said that because my BBT chart showed very different picture during TCM treatment and immediately after I stopped treatment. The TCM did wonders for me while I was eating it but once I stopped, back to square one). That might render the day 3 and day 21 tests as inaccurate reflection of our actual hormonal levels while doing the program. In other words, TCM would have masked some unlying problems that might be shown during the day3 and day21 tests.

Just thinking out aloud. Wonder if any ladies here can enlighten me if I am very silly to think like that. Thanks...

Torishotaka, thanks for your reply. Yes, you are right, stop worrying and just enjoy the motherhood first. Easier so then done think half cup full. HCG is just an average figure.
Sue, the test is to assess if you do ovulate on your own and secondary purpose is to see if your body generates enough progesterone to support pregnancy.
Hi Noi,

I did not travel that far cos of time restriction. I only explore Swan Valley, Fremantle and Perth City. I believe the countryside will be beautiful. Will explore further if I go there again.
Fresh, i stopped at Lake Leeuwin and turn back. past mandurah, margaret river, busselton. sorry, if the order is not correct. went there in late march, jus b4 i cycle.
Thanks Babygalore......

Gloria, i have not create FB account.

Sudennly im so worried abt my 2ww. Its really stress and quite sad when read BFN. Im so scared now.
Hi Sue,

my feeling the same as yours...

Especially ytd and today keep having this crampy feeling on my lower right front and backache on the lower back (right) side too...

Very uncomfortable...
Wa.. your Perth holiday is so nice, by reading your post i can imagine the ambience and weather there. Haven't been there before, will definitely go one day, esp the farm stay. Some even say can play with the kangeroos during their stay.

Thanks for your effort finding the link, really appreciate it.

Thanks, we both try not to think so much.

Sunflower, Orangey, Cdah
Thanks, will be positive.
Sue-you haven't creat FB a/c then I wonder who is inside the FB called Sue:> maybe added wrong person.

No need to scare yourself. Why need to worry. Just be normal. one of my friend just gave birth to baby boy (IVF) told me just be normal. She didn't take any extra thing (accp or tcm) and during her 2ww she was continuining working in canteen. As she can't afford for no incoming so she continues to work and in fact she needed to cook for so many customers.
hello gals, i had been getting headache everyday since my ET on 6 May. Dunno is it bec of e Pregnyl jabs or I lie down too much. Basically i had been lying down most of e time except meal n toilet time. I dun really lie down flat. Body lie flat but head tilted up a bit to watch tv, play psp n surfing.

I had been having cough since b4 ER but i did not take any cough medicines since i can control my cough most of e time.

Lina, was it u who said yr 1st kid fell sick after knowing u r BFP? Forgot is it u or anuder lady. Not sure is it bec kids r sensitive to such matters. My 1st kid cough n flu since my ER/ET. Now e bad cough is still there n like never get any better.
Babygalore-I think with TCM the reading of BT may vary from our actual hormone. That is why Western Dr has yet to agree to take TCM.

BTW, female hormone change every month. That is why some will succeed with many years of trying. So with TCM or without, you D2 BT will not be the same every month.

Our age and D2 BT are just a guess for DR to decide to start IVF patient with how many dosage.

If u stop TCM and u realise your hormone back to normal which implicate your actual body is still not perfect. TCM take time and not all body can absorb the same result.
EquinOx-if you sleep throught out the day time of course you will have difficulties to sleep at nite. It is good to have rest for 20-30min during 12-3pm but not too long and later.

Good luck and hope to hear your good news soon
Hi Libby,

Yeah. Should try the farm stay. I just hope that the posts will boost up your morale again cos I can sense that you are giving up hopes. Her reading is even much much lesser than yours.

hi Gloria,

I heard that Margaret River is very nice but too bad time doesn't permit me to travel there. I only choose to travel to Swan Valley for the wineries. Will try out next time.
I just finished reading the post, it's really miracle for her.. thanks a lot for your time and effort, touch touch
the painful labour is considered short loh... most people disregard the painless portion cos it's jus plain waiting
WY KOO: I try not to move ard much but sometimes cant help it soo juz as long at home okie la..Wat time ur apt tomorrow?? Mine at 4pm.

Pau le: U r juz healthier
When u coming down to singapore??

Juju: Im okie.. Still having slight bleeding..but more brownish. Apt is tomorrow..

Mel: Dun worry all will be over soon.. Look forward to the babies

Guys, My hubby giving me cord liver oil to take everyday.. He said good for bb brain development. Maybe u guys wanna take.
Hi Itjabi,
Glad to hear that you are doing fine
Do avoid cold drinks as i heard fr my fren that she had severe cramps during her 4th mth cos she gubbled down 2 big cups of 7-up after a day at the zoo. The pain last thro the night. She panic and went to kk 24 hrs clinic around 1am. The doc told her that cold drinks will cause the womb to contract that could be the reason for her discomfort but luckily they did a check for her and found that everything is normal b4 discharging her.
Heehee pls keep your womb nice and cosy for your baby okie

Hi Develyn,
Hope you are recovering well.

Hi Libby,
So glad to hear that you got a BFP!!! Do rest well and wish that your HCG will increase sharply all the way!!
hi ltjabi, mine appmt is at 9am, my time which is equivalent to 4pm, yr time. Hope the v-scans will show our bbies have grown correctly ie correspond to their age. had a bit of old blood (dark red-brown) too this morning. hope that;s the last i c of it till delivery!
Hi Ladies ,

Thanks for the regards and lots of love... just came back alive at abt. 2pm.. at least the nausea and chest pain gets control.. finally can sit down and post once... now i m having cramps liao...
As for now, + or - is not that important liao... important thing is i must be a live to continue trying.. so kelian the past few days like dying lor.. aarggg... leave my result to fate...

Hi Pari/Ickle/Gloria ,

Sorry to hear the news... stay positive.. do take sometime to tio your body before jumping to the next try okie... as for the coming 2 mths, try natural (heard it is quite fertile).. That's what i recall... Take good care ! Hugz

Hi Libby ,

Bu yao scare yourself... Give your embryo some time... maybe is singleton and didnt give that much HCG level.. Will shoot up de.. at least miracle happen and it will continue to happen to u okie.. muacks & hugz...
hi develyn, welcome back! happy 2 hear u r ok now. pl take care and continue 2 rest well.

ltjabi, btw how many weeks r u?

hi libby, r u going 2 ask 4 jabs+ meds 2 sustain e pregnancy.
Develyn dear, nice to see u healthy enuf to stay up to post. u sure BFP one, dun worry. meanwhile, rest well, try to eat more.

so Pari, Ickle, Fellaine and myself are fertile now? Ladies, we must jia you, ok. thanks for highlighting to us.
Hi Boon Boon,

Oh I've stopped seeing Dr Zou for a while cos now dealing with my old problem gastric (seeing my regular family doc for gastric). When are you starting ur ivf??? Me may be delaying abit to maybe August or end of the yr cos have been rather down after my 1st ivf and hb have advised me to take a break 1st and tio my body lor cos eversince the merlion incident during my 2ww at home after ET, my gastric has been relasping
Hi develyn,

Yup i agree cos i everheard fr dr zou that one of her patient gotten pregnant b4 preparing to embark on 2nd try of ivf. So lucky hor!!!
Hello Boon,
I didnt really sleep throughout e day.

I realise i hv difficulties to sleep if i dun sleep on my side. Scared e implantations affected if i sleep on my side. For those who had successful BFP, did u sleep on yr side during yr 2ww?

Libby, wat was yr Progesterone level on yr D8 BT after ET? Mine is 400+. Border level is 60.
Hi develyn,

Indeed ohss is not a good experience. It's really terrible and I keep asking myself why I have to go thru all this pain when I had OHSS the last time. However, if you gotten a BFP, think all this is worthwhile. Heard that having OHSS got a very high chance in getting a positive result, so please do take care of yourself. How long have u been staying in the hospital? When is your hcg BT?
Chris-U r right better to completely "Tio" the body first. U want to see the result so no point in hurry. I may only start in June as now trying natural way first. Hope your body can speedy recovery. Continue to rest and have a good balance of diet too:>
EquinOx-oic, maybe you are too anxious for the whole stage. Relax and let those 2ww ladies to advise u how to get rid of this problem or they are facing the same problem.
Hi Chris,

ya, u shld tiao your body too..i heard gastric problem can be inherited..so better tiao first before you preg..dont eat too sour and spicy food.. my gastritis relapsed too. this time, its killing me for 2 weeks..i went for scope yesterday.. which tcm are you seeing for gastric?
Thanks. You must treat your gastric well first, i rem last time during 2ww your gastric was quite bad. This time you must do all the preparation to get a good health before you start, so you won't suffer, okie.

WY Koo
Emailed Dr Loh, he said if my BT increase tom, will take duphaston as support.

Your progesterone level so good, mine only 54, need to increase additional dosage for daily jab.

How was your endoscopy? Did you request for sedation? Is the result out?

Really very happy to see your post today, that means you are feeling better. Rem to try eat a bit ok, you need the nutrients and energy. Hope your OHSS quickly go away, and you will BFP!

im ok..Results out immediately.. the entire gastric is imflamed.. but nothing too serious.. i just need to take 3 weeks of medication.
i didnt ask for sedation.

how u feeling today? dont think so much about your BT tomorrow..go online play some games to ease your mind.
Wa.. no sedation and you feeling ok throughout? 1st time i hear no complaints during scope.
When the tube was inserted into my throat, i was like spastic and vomiting uncontrollable.

I'm ok, whatever the result i will accept it. Did play some games earlier. Tks

haha..'im ok'. actually referring to the results lar..haha..
i felt terrible during the procedure also..i was vomitting throughout..tried to breathe through nose instead of mouth, but hard, so kept vomitting..

i didnt ask for sedation becos im afraid of the side effects later on, especially the nausea part which i cant endure!

Sigh, you have a grade 4, which is good grade.. i will pray hard for you that your hcg doubles.. So what did your hubby say?
hi develyn, glad to know u are back. Had many eggs taken?
Oh Boon, I hope u strike this month... less one cycle buddy but one BFP for u
You're back!!! How's you feeling! I think if you still feel unwell, tell Dr Loh see what he suggest okay?
I've been feeling nauseous lately in the morning super sian! I think Microgyon side effects!
I totally understand how you feel and its clear enough your condition is much more uncomfortable than mine
Please take care okay?

Hi develyn,

Welcome back! Hope you are feeling ok now... When are you gg back for HCG BT?? Mine is on Fri.

Our ER/ET dates very near.
