IVF/ICSI Support Group

KKH doesn't give us the luxury to rest after ET, usually will head straight home after 10mins rest. If you can rest longer, would be better. If you need to urine, like noi mention, request for the bedpan, don't dahan and get cramp.
hi gloria
u can pee post ET after u arrived in ur bed in the day surgery ward...do ask for bedpan and u be required to lie in the bed in trendelenburg position (meaning head down legs up) for 2 hrs..
i find all gynaes are superhumans..
always on call cos also dunno when got emergencies or unannounced deliveries..
then they still have clinic duties.. bed rounds..then OR and ET.. then briefings.. talks..their own conferences to attend to..

where got time for themselves ar..
poor things..
thanks, ladies, for the sharing the experience. Now I know i have to stay in bed for at least 2 hrs.
Can put on make up and contact lens to welcome my embies?

Develyn, sue and EquinOx, do take all sisters' advise as your turns are not far away.
itjabi & hubby,
lots of prayers for you both and the babies... take care...

JuJu and Humbug,
u mean TnT no share cupcakes with u? pengz!!!

u eat all the cupcakes ah? so notti...

I will bake non-cocoa or chocolate cupcakes for u okie...
gloriajeans - no makeup/perfume... it seems that the embies might be sensitive to fragrance.. my clinic even gave me and hubby advise to bathe with fragrance-free soup on the previous day..
wow,Mel and Noi, thanks for sharing tat. Jus tot some makeup will boost my energy abit. Ok, no such artificials to welcome my embies then. Nite nite.

Meow, thanks. Will rest rest rest.
Dear Itajabi & her hubby ,

Sorry for my late blessing.. Just received the shock message... jumped out from my bed to log in as fast as i can already.. Please be positive and strong.. You will have all the blessing from the forum sisters here..

Dear God ,

Please watch over this family. The roller coaster journey has been difficult.. It has been really tough from daily jabs to getting pregnant.. U have given them the hope and blessing to have twins & now please kindly protect them thru' out the journey.
Sorry ladies , i saw many posts for me .. but i need to rest now and i feel that my two sides ovaries are quite pain now.. Catch up with u tomorrow.. Any updates , u all msn me okie..

Hi Libby / Sue ,

See u tomorrow okie..
is ok. jus teasing u.
k, pouring more baby dust into the forum...

think i stayed in position for abt 15 mins. after dat, went toilet (cos need full bladder for ET) then headed home to rest in reclined position.
different hole so dun realli affect.

tnt say liao lor. so excited on seeing my tummy she forgot to offer me cupcakes!
Tany jie, i m ok with my fever juz that on and off still stomach pain like wana diarrhea but stopped with med.. 2molo still got to work half day sianz...
Hi itjabi and dear husband,
please take care, and god bless you and your babies. Please keep us updated and we will always have you in thoughts and prayers
hi itjabi and husband,

hope everything will be fine for both of you and your babies.. please take care..

Hi ladies,

sound like you gals have lots of fun during the meet up. Unfortunately, due to some reasons, i couldnt join u all, else can also see you gals.
Hi equinox,

dun worry even with the additional puregon jabs ur eggs will not drop out cos the HCG is just to ripen the eggs ready for collection and also u are on lucrin cos lucrin will stop ovulation. Last round I've eggs even bigger than urs. So dun worry
Hi Itjabi,
I'm saddened by this news but i'm keeping the faith that you & the babies will come out healthy from the hospital. I wish that you are recuperating well and the two days will prove to be most beneficial for your needed rest.
Hi LYn,
I know that you may be feeling better by now...I'm sorry if I have to bring up the topic once more. I just can't help but relate to you. It has been a constant burden to us & has been weighing us down. We even have to isolate ourselves from friends. Then my husband & I realised that we'd been quite stressed about our inability to have a baby for years. I know it's difficult but we decided to relax more & focus on the positive if we were to succeed. I believe that reducing our stress level is as important as the physical preparation. I wish you well.
Libby - congrats with ur twins! very happy for u! Dr will want to see u every 2 weeks till ur pregnancy is stablised ie at week 12. Thereafter it will be every month.

Cactus - gong xi gong xi
Hi Ladies,
You might want to check out the tv program "In the Womb" on cable Ch11-National Geographic tomorrow (Sunday) at 10pm. It will show 3-D and 4-D scans of fetal development from conception to birth.
For the past three weeks they have been featuring cats, dogs & some extreme animals. Tomorrow night may be the most-awaited human process!
If it's quite late to watch, as I know most ladies here need to take rest early, they re-play the next Sunday on same channel at 12noon.
I hope you find it interesting! =)
hi tany
i didnt eat all the cupcake la...
...they all got packed some home la..u can ask develyn de

hi gloria
wish u all the best on ur ET today...do rest and eat well tis 2ww..

hi develyn
do update us how's ur scan today hor...and wish ur ER and ET smooth smooth going
Hi Lyn

Hang on there.. i know how you feel when you see others getting pregnant and we trying so hard. I have 3 friends who got pregnant within a month of trying and every month, I am still hoping it will be my turn...

Hi dream
This will be my 3rd attempt on injections and 2nd attempt on ivf. the first one failed coz my body do not respond to the normal dosage fit for my age) and have to abort cycle. could not get preggy due to DH SA and my cycle and ovulation are always in timely manner. After Feb scan, I went for TCM for several months and now am diagnosed with the cyst.. like lyn say, it is most properly corpus leutm cyst. During my 1st ivf attempt, i was BFP but emmby did not developed. at tat time, i also have this cysts which i suspect is due to all the jabs done thoughout the cycle. For the past cycles, i went to EYS to tio.. but this is the first time i have cyst b4 the injection starts.. which makes me wonder if the tcm have similar components as the injections.
Joline - r u at 2ww or after BFP? in any case, dun walk too much, lie down if possible if u hv spotting/light bleeding... since milk upset ur stomach, drink soya milk... bb needs lots of calcium. otherewise, u may need to take supplements. check with ur Dr. Good luck!
itajbi/itajbi's DH,
Sorry missed out the posting cause was busy last night. My hubby's friends came over to visit us so had to entertain them. I hope you both will be strong and we will pray that things will be good for the both of you. Cheer up and be positive.

Develyn,TnT,Catherine, Humbug, Sierra and Noi:
It was great meeting you all! So fun chatting. Sorry got to leave early (as usual =.=) cause DH surprisingly reached so much earlier than expected. Hope we have a next gathering soon! :D

Yah lor, AF haven't report yet. I tested -ve on 14DPO, think not much chance that I am preggy yet. I'll probably test another HPT if still -ve then will do a blood test to confirm. In case lah, cause the nurses and our ladies say sometimes early pregnancy cannot get detected easily. I'm hoping its really this way

BTW, if I'm confirming my IVF, we can be cycle buddies! My Lucrin will start in June!
orangey - if the doc prescribe you bcp, pls do not take it until you confirm -ve with BT... BCP intterferes with the hormone production... bad for baby..
Hi Ladies, juz to let you know that I m supposed to start my IVF this May but when I called KKIVF juz now, they told me that due to the swine flu, they have closed the centre. Thus my IVF will have to be delayed till 'things get better'. For those ladies starting ur cycle in May, you might be affected as well. Keep our fingers crossed that this stupid swine flu will get better if not we will not know when we will need to wait till. Haiz.....
Yep, it's true that things (ie new cycles) have been put to a halt due to the orange alert. Heard this from Dr Loh when I met him for the first time this morning. If red alert is issued, it may take even a longer period for things to resume.
Hi Lyn,

Hang in there !! we all have been thro the same journey. Like my bridemaids who attended my wedding 3 yrs ago have all "strike" liao even for some who married after me and tried only abt 2 mths.

Let's jia you together with the rest of the sisters here !!!

hi sierra
so would ur fresh cycle being affected with tis swine flu? i wasbeing told by dr loh and the nurses there also on 30/4 if the flu getting worst, they will just delay all the fresh cycle
hi woody and daffodils
are both of u in stage 1 now? how is things getting on?

hi axjess and faith
are both of u in stage 2 now? how is things getting on?
hi tomatoes and joline
which ivf centre and dr u all with? and do u mind telling me wat medication both of u were on Post ER/ET and 2ww? thanks and have a smooth pregnancy ahead

Was disappointed with KKH service. I did my BT on Thu, no call received from them. Continued with my daily jab. Today went for my jab and checked with the nurse, she said if no calls mean good result. After I've reached home, received a call from them, to say hormones level slightly low. Average is 60, mine is 54, need to increase dosage. I have to rush down again before they close at 1pm for additional jab. From today onward, i will need to jab 2xbottle of progesterone as support.

Am disappointed with their service in delaying information to me, but no choice, as they have the Dr with magic hands that is more important.

Maybe you gals in 2ww would like to call them to double confirm your BT result in case they forgot to call you, and missed your increased dosage.

How i wished you are really congratulating me with twins!
Meow, ya u r rite lor coz got to dash for delivery mah........

Twinnie, i still feel quite sian abt yest incident but try not to think so much. Actually we did not isolate ourself juz coz this la. Life still goes on as normal. I m hoping to cope better each and everyday but didnt expect to react so much after knowing from my in law that my hubby cousin has already given birth. Coz all along i feel that she is 4 yrs older then me and married quite long thought they r not planning for a child yet and no news that she was pregnant. So it juz struck me by surprise that she had already given birth and i m still like hanging in the air half way....

hello gals, i m not feeling well since tis morn. Having sore throat, flu n headache/mild fever. Dr Zhuo said its common to hv all tis at tis stage. My last Puregon was last nite. Later jab hcg. Dunno wan to c kk 24hr centre doc for antibiotic or not in case fever get bad b4 ER on Mon. But Dr Zhuo got gave me cold medicine. Dunno effective or not.
