IVF/ICSI Support Group

libby, hope u r feeling good. Abt e progesterone jabs after ET, do u know whether we can get tis jabs done for free at polyclinic?

hello everyone,

Upon scan today, one of the babies had no heartbeat

we just hope that the other stays with us..

need a favour from u guys..Itjabi will be back toms. please help to console her as I am not very good with my words..
Dear Libby,

People keep mistakening you are already pregnant with twins. Seems like a good omen lei..All the best!!!

Meow and LYn,
Lets hope the stupid swine flu doesn't affect us starting in June!Kua Kua....

itjabi and husband,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay positive ...hugs
Hi Itjadi hubby,

Sure, we all will be with her. Stay positive K.

equin0x, ur ER will be on Monday? All the best to you. Please do inform the 24hrs clinics abt your health. Maybe they can give you something.
Lately, I've been very anxious about starting IVF in June and hubby not the communicative type so don't want to stress him by talking the topic to death!! I'm so glad for all the sisters' support here where I can get info and not feel so alone in this IVF journey...Thanks all you gals for your listenning ears ;) hugs hugs

Esp I feeling stress cuz both our families know abt it and they cant wait for gd news..plus its my last mth at work and i will be financially dependent on my hubby for the first time..not a gd feeling..abit loss of self-worth..the thought of staying at home scares me....

Jus now i went for a jog to relieve the stress n now i feel abit better though...
Hi itjabi and hubby,
sorry to hear about that. Please stay strong still, your other embryo will be strong too to grow well. Praying for you two...

Hi ladies at the gathering,
wah! So happening, just noticed some of you ladies met up again. Who were the ones?
Sounded fun.
ijtabi's hubby,

If you are like my hubby,(not gd with words), make your presence felt. Hold her tight. listen to her if she wants to talk. You need to be strong for her. The other baby is a survivor. Will be ok..Take care
thanks everyone for yr well wishes. Itjabi n Itjabi hubby, pls b strong. All e best ok?

Sue, how is yr scan today? When is yr ER?

Today we both feeling abit sian. I think we're anxious abt IVF in June. Lets cheer up ok. We both need to keep our chins up. Otherwise our hubbys see our long face also stress ah...
Hi ladies
I thought I posted this afternoon but somehow can not find my post. Just wanted to update that I went for my first jab of puregon. Nurse skills was really good and it was not painful although my dosage is 375. Tomorrow will be a different story as my hubby will jab me! Next appointment will be on Wednesday.
develyn, sue and equinox
please update us on your follicles growth and ER date
gloria jeans
how was your ET?
Hi Ladies I've been a silent reader of this site for almost a month. I'm on my 1st IVF cycle at NUH with Prof P C Wong and had my embryo transfer today. Had 2 embryos transferred. Hope that I can get support and positive vibes for you ladies
hi libby,
they are so forgetful, didn't call you. Last time i did FET, after 2WW, was too nervous to call for BT result. I waited until last hour before clinic close to call them. They totally forgot to call me.

Hi equinox,
i have checked with nurse before, the jab can be taken at polyclinic at no charge. But think waiting time at polyclinic will be much longer. However, you can save on travelling time and cost.

hi ltjabi husband,
i am sorry to hear that. Do stay strong as still have one baby. Don't worry, we will console her when she is back.

hi pari,
welcome to the thread.

welcome ;) all the best!!
These two weeks are crucial so stay in bed stay in bed stay in bed!! Are you currently working?
Hi Die Yes I'm working but my office knows about my treatment and they are ok....at least that's what I think so far they have been supportive. Thanks for your support yes will stay in bed these 2 weeks ....can call me Pari

Hi Lina Thanks for your welcome
ha ha ha!
Dream, must have faith in our hubby's skills lar. alot of sisters here commented that their DH have graduated as "nurse - injection-only nurse. so, dun worry. but you must really relax yourself as DH can feel the when muscles are tensed. once my DH poke in and pull out coz he felt really tensed! i gotto be poke twice that night!!! Lesson Learnt : RELAX!

Ladies, my ET went ok. thanks. My two precious embies are inside me now. 2 cell stage this morning. their development is rather slow in the lab. Hope they'll love my womb environment and grown healthily and stick steadily.

btw ladies, definitely i can walk around and no need to bed rest, rite? sitting upright and watch tv also can hor?

Pari, welcome to this forum.
Saw rainbow this morning while on the way for ET. i believe today is blessed with HOPE. do rest well!

with the rainbow over the sky, i believe Equinox, Sue and Develyn will be blessed with the bext results, and ER should be either mon or tues. am i right? Ladies, Best of Luck!

Ladies, there's another visit to the hospital on 8 May for a scan before the BT. anyone knowa what's that scan for?
i'm also with Prof. your OR was on 29/4 too? we may have met at NUH consultation.
care to share the numbers of follicles retrieved and how many were fertlised and how many frozen?
Hi Gloria .... were you at the OT at around 10am this morning I think maybe you were the one I spoke to.... I told you I only had one embryo but Prof told me there were 2. You so good you knew what stage your embies were. How can I find out. Prof just told me that he transferred 2 nice embies
hi Pari

yes, i'm the one. i'm after you.
so nice to you see, but din get your name then.
did u see my thumbs up for you after you've had your ET?

where were u resting at after that? din see u when i discharged.

mayb you can check with Prof during the next consultation on quality of embies. i checked with one of the nurses in the OT.

were u scheduled for a scan on 8 may too?
Hi Gloria ...I had 5 eggs retrieved and only 2 fertilised. Is your next appointment with Prof next Friday....mine is at 9am on Friday. How did you find out what stage yr embies were
Hi Gloria.. yes I saw your thumbs up when I left. I left around 12.30pm. I was at room 9.

If your appointment is at 9am on 8 May maybe we can meet. All the best for your embies to grow well lots of baby dusts
actually the embroylogist is able to advise u. i asked her when she called yesterday. that was 2 cell stage.
jus now at OT, i anyhow ask one of the staff. they checked and said its 4 cell stage. below ideal actually.

dun worry. prof mantioned u've got 2 nice embies. he din say that to me!
Hi Gloriajeans

Just would like to share with you my experience during 2ww. I definitely did not lie in bed the whole day, not even after I came back fr my ET. In fact a bit of walking ard the hse is good for blood circulation in yr womb, as advised by my nurse. After that, everyday, I will take a walk in the park nearby to change air as staying at home the whole day will drive me nuts. I still got BFP. Some ladies in the forum will advise complete bedrest. Quite divided views. The 2nd week, when I slowly regained my energy, i became more active ie walk/stay out for a bit longer. Wishing you BFP, BFP.

hope you find useful,
sorry, i mean every other day, when I couldn't tahan staying at home, i try 2 walk in e Park.

Be sure you have a well-balanced diet and supplement yr diet with all those stuff that the ladies in the chatroom advise 4 2ww.

thanks for sharing, WY. will get backache if complete bedrest hor.

also thanks for still hanging around this thread to support us!

wat's your advise for durians, birds nest and chicken essence? can i take them now?
I wish i am... I have been feeling cramp since last night, hopefully it's a good sign.. but it can be anything too..

Hope you will get well before your ER. All the best to your ER. I took Dr Zou's flu med before, and recovered after finishing the 3 days dosages.

They can't imagine how nervous we are.. waiting for their phone calls.. our happiness depending on this phone call. On thu, i was very tired but din dare to sleep as kept checking my hp, in case they call me to increase dosage.. only after 5pm, they still din call me, i was so so relief thought my progesterone level is ok.
After my jab this morn, came home and informed me it's not enough, need to rush down. I mean that is still ok, just that i've not taken the additional dosage since ytd, just pray it doesn't affect my implantation progress.

Thanks a lot, i will really cry (of joy) if i'm pregnant, singleton or twin.
I understand and also don't share as much with my hb, as din want to stress him more.. am very happy we're able to share here. When i just quitted my job, i was feeling low and lack of self-worth, but we have to adjust our mindset. We can always work next time and earn back money, but our biological clock will not wait for us. Having a better quality lifestyle now, is towards the goal of becoming mommy, and that is our priority.

I'm sure your hb will do very well and promote to be a nurse, have confidence in him.

Husband of Itjabi
We are praying your baby will be growing well, and no more bad news to happen. We will talk to Itjabi when she's back, don't worry.

Pari and Gloria
Glad to hear that both of you had a smooth ET. Both your embies will stick tight tight to you :)
Gloriajean, during the 2 www, I was taking brazil nuts, ensure milk, egg whites everyday or every other day. In a week, I will be taking 3-4 times of chicken essence or bird's nest or self-boiled chicken soup combined. Not sure about durians thou' as you should be avoiding foodstuff which will give u a stomache upset. Also, avoid cold drinks. Take folic acid at least 400mg/day. Implantation normally happens during 1st week of the 2ww, apparently between 5-7th day of embryonic life, based on what the doc says. If you had D2 ET, it is 4-cell transfer, so everything is normal. D3 will be 8 cells. Mine was D2 ET too.

Chicken, fish and beef are all rich in protein. So go ahead & indulge. But have enuff fibre too because damn uncomfortable with constipation + stomache already bloated with the meds and the surgery.

equin0x, maybe on wednesday. so i still have to jab puregon for 2 more days.

Hye Pari, welcome to the thread. Best of luck and rest well.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you can start soon.

Great to hear your ET went well and you have now graduated to the 2WW! BTW, have you already told your company that you will be on HL? When have you told them?

Thanks for sharing your 2ww. I am not there yet but it definitely helps to read what people have gone thru.

How were your follicles?

Good luck for your ET. Drink lots of water for your throat.

How was your scan?

Welcome to the thread and wishing you all the bests. Any advice for those waiting/starting on IVF?

Ok, will let u know tomorrow about the jab!
Hi Dream my advise for those waiting or starting ivf is to be positive at all time. Its a hard journey with ups and downs hang in there and be positive. Eat well and rest well. Good luck for your cycle
Tany, u r so wonderful, thinking of yr cupcakes makes me drooling now!

try not to take bird nest now, some TCM say is not gd. Normally, they will only encourage preggy women in their 2nd or 3rd trimster to eat.
mine was a D3 ET. so, ideally should be 8-cells.

i prepared my superior when i started the cycle. then when i know OR date, i tell her and my covers and my big boss.
Hi Lyn,

like u, i juz come to know tat one of my hb's fren wife is preggy and due in aug, they were only married last may. a wave of sadness swept over me, but try not to show it to hb coz he knew it earlier than me but keep it from me coz he know i be affect. guess our hb are also feeling the same too, but they r hidding it to avoid making us sad or hurt.
so for the sake of our hb, we got to be postive and keep trying ya.
Hi Itjabi ,

We hear the news but please be very positive now as the other baby will need a stressless enviroment to survive... would like to tell u that u are one lucky woman as your hubby takes all efforts to log in and tell us that u need comfort and prayers... Be strong and have a smooth 9mths ahead... Hugz !!!!
Dear ladies ,

Below are my scan result - last shot of puregon jab now and no more !!! I decided to go ahead with the Embryo Transfer and leave it to god's hand.. if positive , i will stay home to rest till delivery.. but if fail then i will go and find a new job..
Of cos hope is BFP and smooth nine months as i will be able to rest and relax .. haha...

Womb lining : 12 (Remains the same)

Right side :
18 , 18 , 16 , 15 , 13, 18, 13 , 12, 12, 10

Left side :
17, 15.5, 15, 15, 15, 12, 11, 13, 13, 12

Last 400IU shot now , should be increase another 2mm then Tuesday ER .. :D
Hi Lyn ,

Sorry.. i just read the past posts.. Please do not be sad.. come on.. we must not be affected by their words... Your babies are coming okie..
Smile now..

Hi Libby ,

Smile Smile Smile !!! If you forget how to smile , call me and i will make u smile.. when something has diverted your attention to think negative , give me a call and i will turn it to positive.. Your xiao mei is here to support u..
Please concentrate to smile.. Keke..

Hi Curfew manager / Tany jie ,

I went to pai pai at guang yin niang niang (for babies de).. And i went to the thai buddha and sleeping buddha today... the lady helps me pray pray and she rubbed my hands and says that i will have only one baby on this IVF... And i smile at her , it is good enough.. Better than none.. i really hope it works.. she asks me to stop using black cloth but to use bright clothes.. keke..
Hi Gloriajean ,

I just hope all smooth smooth from BFP till delivery.. healthy ke ai baby.. it doesnt matter if one or two.. I will be contented.. I hope u have a BBBBFP too... All the best !!!

Hi Sue ,

Dun worry on your reading and your follicles no. are good and u just need two more jabs to let it grows bigger okie.. hugz !

Hi Equin0x ,

Not sure if your ER is on Monday or Tuesday.. All the best too.. !

Hi Axejess ,

Hope u have spoken to Dr Loh abt it.. Call or sms me if u need any advise okie.. hugz !
Hi Catherine ,

Thai Buuddha at Race course rd.. Yes, she is a medim... :) she pray for quite many in IVF and IUI patients.. u may try to go there and also pai chu shen niang niang.. Well, just have some blessing is good...
happy to read about your follicles and your decision to move ahead. That is definitely the best decision! All the bests on your ET.

Hi Dream ,

Yupz.. I will just do it .. my 1st IVF follicles are not good at all.. around 14 or 15mm only.. This is a good chance and nothing is more important than having babies.. money can comes later.. :D

Hi catherine ,

Yupz.. go there.. the lady is really nice.. only $10.oo ..
remember to go behind the buddha , one more sleeping buddha below okie.. :D
