IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi Ct
thanks for sharing with us your experience. I hope it is not too serious and you can start your ivf soon. Ivf is indeed a very stressful period and this may have disturbed your hormone. My Ivf was delayed for a month as well as my menses did not come even after I took bcp for 21 days.
Hi ladies, juz back from dinner with my in law and now feeling super no mood.... Got to know that my hubby cousin sis juz give birth, fyi she married 1 year later then us. I suddenly feel so paiseh and sad and dun know wat to say coz i didnt know she was pregnant and now tell me she given birth already. I cried when i reached home, juz cant control myself. Why is the whole world pregnant except me??
hi juju
thanks for letting ur play ur tummy...

hi catherine
nice meeting u too
nice chatting just now and indeed i find develyn and i more to those "straight forward" character..

hi tany
thanks for ur cupcake...simply delicious and touched...develyn drooling all over @ fish&Co

hi gloria
all the best for ur ET tmr...remember rest and relax and eat right in ur 2ww..

hi develyn, sue and equinox
all the best for u guys on ur upcoming ER and ET..

hi sierra
finally see u in person..small size cum sexy lady...

hi humbug
hope u enjoy the accup...hope u like those needles now

hi noi
do update us after u visit dr yong in late may
Hey Lyn..dun be sad and dun give up okies. Please stay positive. Your baby will come soon k.

I know how you feel.
Sue, thks for understanding me. Feels frustrated coz hubby feels that i shld not take it so hard and i juz cant help it. Others is now holding their baby on their arms but mine is still not guarantee............
hi lyn

dun be stressed.. besides u are already taking the next step already.. as in u know u are going for ivf in june already. so try to think positive ok and also. u are not alone!!! hugz.

hi die

i stay at Rivervale Crescent.. very nearby each other wor!
my estimated menses shld be around 17th june.wah.. what a coincidence! but too bad not the same hospital leh..
nvm.. long distanced buddies!!
gloriajeans and lyn....im not sure what wil be the next step. This is my ist cycle. I guess if all is good tomorrow. then ER will be on tuesday.
Totally understand how you're feeling.. but please don't get disheartened, i believe your dream will come true very very soon. Cheer up, you just got well only.

All the best for your ET tom, and BFP to you!
If HCG on Sat, ER will be on Mon. If HCG on Sun, ER will be on Tue. Good luck to your scan tom, maybe i'll bump into you tom.
cupcakes were @ fish & co?
i din see any leh...

dun be sad. ur turn coming le... my fren married 2-3yrs after me. suddenly told me dat time she preggie & she din wan to be preggie until 2 yrs later. until now, i got no heart to talk to her lor.

any ladies staying in amk or not?
If my embies are growing well, i'll officially join u for the 2ww after my ET tomorrow. Simply can't help but worry abt their growth.
hi guys...
this is itjabi's husband..I thank you all for the valuable support that you have given my wife during our lowest point in our life..and its been with your well wishes that we got twins..

however, I need to ask you guys to please keep itjabi in your prayers as she had heavy bleeding today and upon scan, it looks like we are gonna lose one of our babies...

will confirm toms...she's hospitalised for 2 days...

I see..

Can't wait for you to join me soon. Don't worry, your embies are growing very well and will be ready for the transfer. Rem to rest well after that.

Itjabi Husband
I'm sorry to hear this, but will definitely pray for Itjabi and babies, and really hope things will turn out well. Ask her to rest well and try not to think so much, she needed her rest now.
husband of Itjabi,
All sisters here tend to sleep early as we're still cycling.
You're the pillar of her support during these times. Pls be strong. Sisters here will pray for her.

cos i would most probably need to delay for 1 wk to wait for doctor to be back for egg retrieval..

wah.. if dosage required is high.. then my bill will be very high also leh!!
planning to do list:

Sierra79 (May 09) - KKIVF DR Sadhana
Orangey (June 09)- KKIVF DR SF LOH
Tany (try naturally with clomid)- SGH Dr Chieng
Boon (May 09/Jun 09) - KKIVF DR SF LOH
Fresh (Jun 09) - KKIVF DR SADHANA
Lyn (Jun 09) - KKIVF DR SF LOH
Die (Jun 09) - KKIVF DR Kelly Loi
Meow (Jun 09) - NUH Prof PC Wong
Norashidah (Jun 09) - NUH Prof PC Wong
jas1982 (Jun / Jul 09) - RAFFLES DR THONG
humbug (Jul 09) - - KKIVF DR SF LOH
Dilemmegal (Jul 09) - - KKIVF DR SF LOH
SunFlower (Jul 09) - - KKIVF DR SF LOH
TnT (Aug 09) - KKIVF DR SF LOH (Switch from NUH)
Catherine Soo (Sept 09)- KKIVF DR SF LOH
Noi (Dec 09) - NUH PROF PC WONG (will seek 2nd opinion in SGH with Dr Yong)

stage 2:
Zaza - SGH Dr Yong (Antagonist cycle)
Dream 09 - Dr L C Foong / Gleneagles (Antagonist cycle)
Serene - KKH Dr SF Loh (Antagonist cycle)

gloriajeans - NUH PROF PC WONG
Meow, heard that nuh charges r higher then kk coz of the gonal f but cash shldnt be more then 4k la thats alot cheaper then gtg private. Pls dun be stressed with money, let ur hubby handle this coz we will be very stressed with the programme already......
hi juju
yes..was too excited when seeing u nad ur tummy js now..so kinda forgotten to offer u ..hehe paiseh..

hi itjabi
we pray hard for u...hopefully is jus a false alarm...u need a gd rest..

hmm. thanks for the info.. at least i know what amt i shld be expecting. i am the worrisome kind lah.. think too much ahead liao..
hmm.. let hubby handle the $$.. good idea!! if not.. we sell our dog but i dun think the dog will fetch good price.. hur hur

eh.. i went to search for Dr SF Loh's photo on the web... orrrrr.. i have seen him before.. he was the main speaker for a talk conducted in KKH... something abt women's health.. he was quite comical at the talk also. a far cry from pc wong leh.. hehehe
Dear Itjabi hubby, I'm sorry to hear about the news. Please be strong as I believe Itjabi needs you emotionally and physically. I will keep Itjabi and your bbs in my prayer.

Although it's easier to say, always be positive and believe that God will plan a path that best suit you and Itjabi. Itjabi, your bbs and you will be blessed!
itjabi's husband,
hope itjabi overcome this. both of u must rest well too

ah... then next time must offer me cupcakes liao
lyn - it's hard, but stay positive.. keeping you in my thoughts..
your turn will be soon..

itjabi & hubby - lots of prayers for you both and the babies.. what made the doc say that you are gonna lose one of the little ones? praying for itjabi to be safe and well... you and your little family to be are in my thoughts... keep well..
dun be dishearten yet..our day for becoming MTB will arrive soon one..

the gonal f dosage will depends on how ur follicles being react and stimulate thru scaning and also they will monitor ur E2 level as well
Meow, where did u see his talk? I would like to see also leh. B4 i consult him at kk i saw his pic on strait times only. R u sure u can bear to sell ur dog??? Alot of ppl have very strong bonding with their dogs like.

Fresh, i agree with u that god will bless itjabi and babies. Lets pray for the best........
Hi Itjabi Husband,
Sorry to hear this...Pls take care of itjabi and all the sisters here will be praying for her and her babies...

Hi Lyn
Dun get disheartened, your wishes for a baby will come true! Dear, stay happy & cheerful okie!

Hi Gloria
All the best to your ET tmr! Dun worry, stay happy & positive : )

Hi Develyn and sue
All the best to your scanning tmr!

the talk was held some time back already.. i think last yr.. Forum on Fertility.. paid $5 or $10 to attend.. dunno if KKH will still have occasional talks/forums like this or not leh.

abt the dog.. yah.. got bond lah.. he is my 'baby' before my real baby comes along loh.. got him when he was 3 mths..

hi itjabi's hubby.. will pray hard for your family.
paiseh la...furthermore the cupcake were made from tany, simply delicious..but seeing u and ur tummy i just over excited...
do spread more more baby dust ya..i needed badly
Hi Gloria
Usually NUH practice to lie on the bed for at least 2-2.5 hr...pls do not tahan your urine, if really can't, ask the nurse to give u a bedpan..All The Best!
yes..was with NUH under Dr S Chew and got preggy last month but hcg drop... switching to kkh was bcos my ward dr recommended me to go see dr loh as dr loh got plenty of experiences and he is the head of kkivf and most imptly i needed more professional advise and suggestion and of cos his magical hand..my ward dr was him for her 2 c-section (she is naturally conceive)..

hi blessbb

sorry ar.. too many ladies here..i lost track liao.

which stage are u in currently? which doctor in NUH?

eh.. saw ur profile.. u work in bank too? me too!
