IVF/ICSI Support Group


thanks for keeping m company during accu hehe.. ok lah so far only the back a bit sore.. Dr zou say first day will be like that then 2nd day will feel better. ok will only go once a week to tiao hehe..next week cannot go cause AF should be here

Thank you for the rest who also waited patiently for me to finish like Tany, TNT, Catherine, Sierra, Orangey. Nice meeting you too Noi hehe.. very nice group of ladies to be with
so warm and friendly...

now feeling sleepy.. go take a nap...

hi ladies, where did u all go for chit chat?

Humbug, missed the chance 2day to meet u.Hope another gathering will not be too fast away.

Sierra, so u r back for good.. When u starting ur jab?
hi lyn

my FSH level is high for my age. my doc said i was close to menopause! when he said that i was like Hah!!! nvr did i image i'm close to menopause. my FSH level is close to 10. I dun noe is there anything we can do to lower FSH

Libby... U hv daily injection @ KK now? how's the blood test result? when is yr test date?
Hi tomatoes,

Maybe you'll feel better if you noe that my FSH level is @ 20.6 last month. Currently @ stage 2 of IVF. Going for my D6 scan tmr. I'm on the antangonist cycle, i.e. straight to stage 2, 400IU of puregon. I need not jab Lucrin cos Dr Loh says no point since my FSH is high.
Yes, need to go KKH daily for jab, now orange alert need to take temperature before entering. Actually would prefer not to check my temperature, as afraid it will drop, and know result before my BT.
My D8 BT to check for lining should be ok, since nurse didn't call me back for extra dosage. My test date is 11 May.

Good luck to your scan tom, hopefully you have many good quality follicles.
thank U sisters for all your well wishes. i'll continue to jia yew to take care of myself

dream, i was on short protocol. i took gonalf, lucrin only. As for the brazil nut, i bot it fr cold storage and consume abt 3-5 daily. i didnt take chic essence and only took the egg white on certain days as i do not feel bloated at all. For me, during the 2WW, i have backache and some cramp like stomache, nt sure is it cos of the milk intake. i was feeling normal as ususal and that's worried me. So ladies, if u do not have any symptom, do not worry
for kkh, no phone call means good news!
so, congrats for the good results which will continue for the next 9 mths!
Hi Tomatoes,
I am also on the short protocole. Starting my first jab tomorrow! Thanks for your advice and it is great to hear your success story. Giving me lots of hope! take care
nice meeting u & the gals.
sorry couldn't stay long, cos hubby very hungry... haha!
we meet another time when u gals go to dr zou's for accu ya

Ya.. I also stay in Sengkang lei Rivervale Walk ;)

My menses estimated to come 19 June and then will call KKIVF to proceed...

Both of us will make it!!! ;)
Jia you together!!!
Hi tomatoes, my first fsh in 07 is 4.9, 2008 is 8.3 and 2mths ago was 9.5. Faint, so i guess i will not produce many eggs also la.... Very scared leh....... But my gynae in gleneagle says cant depends on one reading unless its taken each mth for at least 3 consecutive mths to confirm the reading. Btw do u mind telling me ur age. How many eggs did u retreived, how many fertilized and the grade coz many postings liao very difficult to go back to ur posting. Tks and congrats u have made it and smooth 9mths for u!
Bet the gals play baby MJ on you today :)
I wish i could too..

Gals, anyone took pictures today?

Glad that you have overcome accupunture, not that bad hor..
haha... they did. it's ok.

wat timing u go kk? my next appt is wed, 4.30pm. but i will be at tps ard 3.30pm for ctg.
Ya.. quite inconvenient from my place, need to change bus etc.. so spend spend spent!

Is it necessary true the body temperature will be higher during pregnancy? What is the average temperature during 2ww?
KKH uses the ear one. Think when i go for daily jab, i'll ask them not to read out the reading to me after taking, which they will. I prefer not to know..
Libby, temp is only accurate upon waking up. When there is movement and esp when u r outside temp is not accurate anymore. When i use ear temp to measure pregnant temp is always abt 36.0 only but they keep saying they feel very warm......
Thanks for sharing wat u did during 2ww.
It's very crucial for me now. Your tips will help me and all the girls here.
My FSH is 9.6. Tat's very bad. I'm crossing my fingers tat my only 2 embies are still doing well in the lab.

Wish u all the best for your scan tomorrow. Hope we can see many great quality follicles.
dont worry abt the cupcakes, coz TNT will 'bao' the balance... hahaha... hope the cupcakes are edible coz was half asleep when i bake them... hahaha...
Hi Tany
Thank q u for waking so early to bake us cupcakes..

Hi Develyn, Catherine, Yong Wei, Orangey, Humbug, Juju and Gloria
Nice to meet u all and chit chating!

Hi Juju
Thanks for your baby blessing! I do hope to get +ve result from your baby luck!

Hi Develyn
Dun worry too much abt the finanical issue...pls stay happy so that your follicles will also be happily growing inside your ovaries!

Hi Gloria
All the best to your ET tmr! Your 2 precious embies sure will stick tight tight to your womb!

Hi libby
u too, dun think and worry too much, your embies will sense it lei..just stay relax and positive have faith with your embies, they sure stick tight tight to your womb now

Hi blesswbb
In NUH, u will need cash abt $3-4K(after medisave and govt subsidy)...the most exp part is the gonalF med ($65 for a amp of 75IU)eg for 375IU of gonalF u pay to pay $325..plus superfact, crinine gel and the day surgery expenses...Do let me know if u need a detail of the NUH bill...

I never get a chance to taste leh cause I never join them for lunch as my poor hubby has waited for me for very long hehee...appreciate his patience


got many chance to meet one hehe.. since my next ivf is July means I can still run around to meet you all for lunch any of the days after next week hehe.. but then if I not working you all got to buy me lunch first hehee.. just kidding lah :p

nice to meet you too. Just had a glimpse of you cause don't really dare to move with so many needles on me!! Sweat!!! hehe... lucky got develyn there to distract me hehe. She such an angel.
Okie okie.. i'll try my very very best not to think so much, but am sure you gals know it's really hard :p

Juju, my BT is 11 May.. still got 10 more jabs to go.
Hey gals,
HCG jab given by KK comes to initiate ovulation comes wif several small glass capsules rite? Do u know which capsule mix wif which capsule n how to use them?

I ever heard b4 in the past there is 1 case happened in KK 24hr centre whereby e nurse there dunno how to mix e capsules n end up mixing e wrong ones. I scared similar incident happen to me also.

Tat day when I got e HCG capsules fr KK pharmacy, nobody in e pharmacy including e nurse in KKIVF ever brief me in how to use those capsules lei. I need to know in case the same nurse in KK 24hr centres use them wrongly again jus like e old case.
Btw gals, I went ahead n continue with my 400iu Puregon for anuder 2 days. I went to do some reading in e internet last nite. Follicles tat r in e size of 16mm-20mm r e preferred size for ER.

So I hope my smaller follicles manage to catch up and my bigger follicles ll not be too big and all of my follicles will b in optimum qualities for fertilization later.
haha! when give birth, hope got chance to inform the forum while still there!

no idea. mine was done @ 24 hr clinic. they mix for me.
good luck for ur ER & ET!
Orangey, Humbug, Noi,develyn,TNT & Tany - nice meeting all you today. Even thought 1st time meeting, we chatting away at once.

althought I din eat your cupcakes but from the look I can tell it taste good! So tempted to eat but sadly I can't bcoz of the cocoa.

Develyn & TNT,

u two are so funny there's nvr a bored moment with these 2 ard.

No chance to talk to you today but dun worry ok. Wat we want is quality not quantity.

Thanks for letting me playing with yr tummy, hope it'll be my turn soon. I'm sure yr gal will be as pretty as u r.


Go for a BT to check if u r preggy. keep us posted.


u r one strong lady, you've yr turn soon ok. dun worry, be happy.


I'm also feeling a bit sore till now but on my calf. Overall, accup is ok.
Aiyo.. anyone take pic of the gathering? Don't tell me forgot like last time.. want to see all the pretty ladies there
hi humbug,

replied your PM alrdy.

hi noi & blesswbb,

my total IVF bill is slightly over $10k, after the govt grant of $3k and medisave $6k, i paid abt $1.6k in cash. What was expensive was the hospitalisation that followed, stayed 10 days in NUH coz of OHSS and the interim bill came up to $7k. Still waiting for the final bill.
Must be busy chatting away again, that's why forgot to take pics :p

Actually i din bother to know how it should be mixed, as the nurse shd know better.
Gosh! That 10 days are so expensive, as good as deliver a baby.. Unable to claim insurance right?

You feeling totally ok now?
wah Equin0x you embarking stage 3 already. Tats fast.

I just jab puregon, i hope tomorrow scan they can find 16mm healty follicles.

So Equin0x, when is you ER?
Hi libby,

yar lor, more expensive than deliver baby, the last time i delivered my gal in NUH, i paid ard $4k to 5k only.

Hi all,

I've a clearblue pregancy test kit to give away, the expiry date is Jul 09 though, no chance for me to use, so might as well give it to someone who needs it. If you can collect at my place in punggol, that will be most ideal.


not allergic but can't eat coz of the tcm med i'm taking lor.. no choco, no kopi.. so sad!

Hi libby,

din take any pics wor coz all very hungry and busy chatting..


try talking to yr bank to see if u can work out anything to reduce yr monthly repayment.

Btw, dr zuo said she'll not be ard from 6 - 10 may rite?
