IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hey Develyn, wow, u r lucky to b able start Puregon tat early. How did u find out how much is yr Puregon dosage?

Tat day I called KKH to check abt my Lucrin BT n u/s results, never came into my mind to ask them how much is my Puregon dosage lei..

Hi Mel,
Will you be delivering the twins normally? Any advice in order to avoid c-section or it would simply be inevitable? Glad you like the poem =)
Hi Joline,

are you with KKIVF? I've just started my Natural FET meaning there is no injections or medications. Just need to go for regular scans from D10 onwards until ovulation is detected and ET will be scheduled within 3 days after that.
Hi mino,

Welcome to the thread. You can loss confident in ur gynea but please dun loss confident in yourself. Personally, I gone through 1 ivf and 3 fet. None give me a baby and I will be trying for my 2nd ivf in June at kkivf.

If you are not comfy or loss confident with ur present gynea, ever thought of changing gynea?

You can do an embbies transfer to KKivf and do FET in KKivf. The cost at KKivf is less than $2K as compared to private hospital. What is your embbies grade?
Hi Sierra,
Firstly, I don't blame him for the failure. We are just angry over his attitude. I think my problem is that my body is unable to produce sufficent Progesterone. That's y implantation was unsucessful. The frustrating thing is I don't understand y he is sugguesting me to try another cycle so soon instead of explaining the failure caused and any solution to solve prior to go for the next cycle. Is he trying to takes us for a ride ??? Anyway is over now.
Hi Libby,

All the best to your ER tomorrow. Hope our decision to switch from CARE to KKivf is a wise choice and kkivf will bring us bb charm. Hee Hee....

Hope your embbies are all grade 4 and above! Remember, it's the quality and not quantity that is important wor....

Dun think I can join you for the 2WW but will definitely join you during 1st trimester.

Sleep early tonight and jia you jia you and JIA YOU!!!!!
twinnie, i am using palmer's coco butter now... dun like the smell... i read other thread and some gals suggested clarins tonic oil, maybe i will try that. thanks
mel / zaza,
i'm still around. she din listen...
so now dun bother lor, jus let her come on her own.

think i took till end of 1st tri bah? can't realli remember liao


it's normal for ivf-successful ladies to feel very preggie. it should subside by wk 8 or around there.

pau le,
u mean test kits wif hcg levels? dun think it's sold outside at all.
clinics & hospitals can give u levels cos they do the blood tests in labs.
Hi Bee,
Haha, just as I suspected, it could be the scent that will turn you off. I understand how sensitive the pregnant sense of smell can get. Perhaps I will also try to check that Clarins tonic oil. Thank you too!
hello everybody,

i'm new to this forum, and is happy to be directed to this active forum where all of us can share our experience. thanks to a Lady28 and Venusmaria.

i'm currently into my 1st IVF attempt, now taking GonalF injections every evening.

D6 scan only show 5 follicles, which (i gathered) is not optimistic. nevertheless, was told to continue with my 225IU GonalF.

understand that some of us here went for acupunture to enhance the IVF success rates.
my question is : is it too late to start acupunture now (D9 of Stage 2 injections)?
Hi mino, Grade 1 is very good leh. At the meantime, do tiao your body first. I believe ur decision to tiao ur body first is a wise choice. Maybe give urself 3-6 months.

Have u tried accu b4? Since your embbies are of good grade, you may strike naturally after seeing tcm. Hee Hee..
oh, i also hv this weekly progeterone jab on top of all those medications till week 12. anyway...

Itjabi - i started multivit a few days ago, at week 12... my gynae said now that bb is stable, need to take supplements to help in bb development

btw, my OSCAR result showed that baby is normal
Hi Gloria,

Welcome to the thread. I'm not sure if it is too late to try accu now. Why not give Dr Zou a call and ask her for advice. She is a very friendly tcm doc who is familiar with ivf. Her no is 64560833. Try calling her now cos she is not open tomorrow.
juju, i am at 12 weeks 3 days now... tummy has always been bloated and hard... it will take some time to subside without the medication now. but by then, maybe the bump starts showing, so no time for tummy to become small first
i blur lah, got really short memory one... thought i read that u girls buy HCG kits that you can test the HCG levels at home... now i know u can only do it in the labs... hehe...

welcome! hmm... cant advise u on acupunture as im not doing it...

u got many good graded eggs! i had only 6 fertilized (don't even know the grades though)... maybe your body is not in the best condition?
dun worry. my tummy nvr realli subsided. it jus stayed bloated & then grew as bb grew.

pau le,
hee... those dat can be bought only test yes or no. haha!

hmm... grade 1 embryos and still failed... maybe ur womb not conducive for implantation or maybe the eggshells are too thick for implantation.

u may want to seriously concult another IVF doc since the current one is not "helpful"... ya, i also think u shd tiao your body first before you start FET. Please dun lose hope yet. all of us here will give u the support u need!

have a good cry and rest well thereafter
Develyn, KK starts sucking blood regularly as early as stage 1? damn scary leh.. u mean they monitor the progress using HCG level thruout the IVF process? i am totally lost with all these numbers cos TFC doesnt suck blood... anyway, u will be fine, dun worry
Hi Fresh & Pau le
Yes I did tried accu on the day after ER and continue accu till day of ET. Donno which TCM is better, Dr Zhou at AMK or Eu Yan Sang at Paragon? Any one tried both b4?
juju, thanks, not really worry, but very uncomfortable, cant walk as straight. if my memory didnt fail me, ur due date is early next month rite... rest well, the last few weeks can be quite siak lak
Don't lose hope okay? Maybe u can go to TCM to tiao your body first and then try another time. I am also preparing myself for my first IVF.

Just went to see Dr Zou and she says she has never seen anyone's temperature as low as mine

Low BBT temperature according to Dr Zou - embryos might not stick well to the uterus lining *sigh*
I am going to start charting my BBT and then Dr Zou will give me other herbs to increase my BBT temperature. Hopefully it works and my embryos can stick tight!
Hi Mino ,

Looking good.. u are clicking with the gals fast.. enjoy your comfort and hugz.. :D

Hi Equin0x ,

This is my 2nd cycle. The dosage is discussed with Dr Loh after my 1st cycle.. Btw, have they given u the approval for puregon ?

Hi Bee,

They can suck my blood but make sure i get BFP this time lor.. haha.. Is ok, this cycle i am much calm and relax unlike the first cycle..
When nurse says start puregon.. i just reply ok lor... 1st cycle , i was like jumping here and there lor.. keke
Hi bee, congrats to you......so envy o
Don't think I'm going back to Prof Chen, tot of change gynae, donno hv to start all test over again. If yes, very time cosuming & addition cost. I feel sad for my balance 12 fzn embryos, cause they are still my babies. Tot of transfer to KKIVF but not sure Prof Chen will allow, anyway I'll check it out once decided.
Good to hear the OSCAR test went well

Hopefully Dr Zou's herbs will work well to increase your BBT, since her other herbs can regulate your AF.

Don't lose faith. I have also failed my 1st fresh cycle and 1 FET. Am currently on my new cycle, ER is tom, and not giving up as long as not being classified as infertile or no hope.

Yes! Am sure our decision to switch from CARE to KKH is the right choice. We will both succeed and be mommy very soon! Who knows, next time gathering all are preggy and subject change to MTB, smooth pregnancy journey

During my FET, only need to jab buselin (not sure how to spell), think it's similar to lucrin to suppress my hormones, you do not need to jab for FSH. It is definitely less stress, and cheaper. HCG jab is still required before my ET.

I believe Dr Loh should be able to help you.. and believe there's still chances for you.. just waiting for the right time to arrive. Don't give up yet. Meantime, it's good to tiao your body. Would recommend Dr Zou from AMK, do give it a try.

Hows ur ER today? How many eggs retrieved? Hope you have all of them fertilized and in good grade. Remember to drink lots of water to prepare for ur ET.

Mind if I ask your age? 8 yrs to try natural after ivf is very long! Did you seek other help during these 8 yrs besides Dr Sheila Loh? I used to be with her too, but then I switch to Dr Loh. Dr Loh is someone who get straight to the point, doesn’t give crap in his explanations. And he is well-known for his magic hands. Most of us here are with him. I’m sure you will have good news very soon.

Joline and Glora

Hi! Finally you posted 
Sorry to hear about the bad experiences with Dr Chen. Already heard many ladies talking about him. You have 12 frozen grade 1 eggs, really optimistic. But 3 tranferred, 5 discarded, what happened to the other 4? And why the 5 discarded? Guess now you need to adjust your emotions and brace up for the next cycle. I know this is easier said than done. But there is always an end and always a new start. You need to pick up again to prepare for the next step. I agreed with the rest, start to tiao your body, maybe you strike naturally, or even with FET, your uterus will be able to implant your embryos.
Think there's no reason why Chris Chen don't allow transfer embies to KKH. Try to fight for it, this is your embies not his! Fresh has done it from CARE to KKH, it can be done one..
Sorry Mino,

just saw ur last post..

oh, in total u have 20 eggs, 12 frozen, 3 tranferred and 5 discarded..now i understand
Hi Orangey, thanks for you encouragement. Good luck to you and hope to hear positive resutls from u. Enjoy every stages don pressure yrself o.

Hi Develyn, yes you are right. Many caring & v supportive ladies around. Feel so much better after sharing with them.

Hi libby, I salute you....you reli got the courage to try again. Hope you hv a good harvest tomoro....hv an early rest, tomoro is a long day...good luck o
Hello Mino,
Welcome to our thread... Our sisters here are very supportive one... dont give up okie...

TCM can help to warm up your body..im already proven... used to be lower than 36.0.. now always higher than that.. so u can do it.. try to exercise more also, will help alot too.. most dont drink COLD WATER.. even for plain water, if possible drink warm..

my temp quite accurate one..today drop , tmr AF report..
We will all encourage one another here, and are sharing all the baby dust too! Don't worry, you are beginning to absorb the baby dust already, soon it will be your turn to spread to others. Thanks, can't sleep yet lor.. drink too much water, need go toilet often, cos now start fasting, scared thirsty lah.
Hi libby, i'm sleeping now liao. tomorrow needs to go kkivf to take D2 blood test. target to reach there by 8am but I'm always late. maybe will c u there wor... hee hee

Can't sleep? At least go and lie down mah. Your body will rest better than sitting up.
Tom reach KKH at 8:15am. Think got to wait, as last night HCG, including myself got 6 pp there for same jab.
pau le: My HCG was based on D19 not D14. lower than yours..

Twinnie: Thanks for info.not using any facial products for now.

bee: congrats on your OSCAR results. atleast thats one load off your chest...is the OSCAR test painful and how much did u pay?

Libby: All the best for ER toms

Mino: Do hang in there and believe that a miracle WILL happen to u soon. have faith. We are all here for u so feel free to share...
