IVF/ICSI Support Group

For those ladies who is considering to switch fertility doc which the private sector i would highly recommend Dr l c foong from gleneagle. I did iui under him b4 and decided to go ivf at kkh coz of the government grant....... Prof chen definitely a no-no! Money sucker!

fandz dun gv urself pressure juz coz of meeting ur IL during CNY. JUz ignore how they think or how they gtg to talk behind ur back juz let them be. Most important is ur hubby being supportive ....
Nor, yes he is a very nice doc. I feel comfortable with him. I was telling my hubby if now i got 100k in my bank account i will definitely do ivf with him! But too bad no 100k means stick to present, hehe
Yah actually during festive part is always a stressful moment. and especially with 2 of your cousin who are pregnant right not...arghhh damn stressful
Fandz, hmmm our situation is similiar from symptoms right up to gynae going on urgent leave on day of FET.

Dr SF Loh also said nohting wrong w my womb. I asked him if my womb could be too weak to hold the implantation.... he just said he doesn't think so.....
lucky my hubby is supportive. But my SIL is so damn lucky...she got married 3 yrs ago.got preggy 1 yr later. when her baby reach 1 yr old, she found herself preggy again..but she thought she is not ready yet as she is going US for her career. she went abortion. 5 mths after abortion, she went japan with her hubby and i also went with mine. she got preggy again but i never...she is 37yrs old.super fertle...haha so i must try harder. now she is 4mths pregnant.i just hope for the best.lucky this year new year falls in feb. still hav chance...
Hehe I know temperature at night/day not accurate. I just test trial abit lah. Hopefully Dr Zou can help me. Speaking about clomid, you mean can go on clomid for so many months meh? I thought usually 5 cycle maximum? Dr Zou says clomid will cause the lining to thin. Could it be that your temp is low?
Orangey, ya clomid can thin the womb which i didnt know that time so stupid stupid took 7mths lor. Actually took a break and also took 2 more times of clomid coz doing iui. Dun know whether low temp is due to taking clomid but my temp improved alot after taking tcm med.
Wah the thread is so fast and so long...

Ok here goes..
Sophia, congras

Libby.. all the best tomorrow for your ER, go SLEEP lah!!!

Cher, Gloriajeans and Mino, Welcome to the forum


Please do not be discourage. Do pick yourself up once you fall down. Life have to go on. I would believe you are still quite young. I had 2 natural miscarriage and 2 failed IVF.. still not giving up. Never try never know. At least I know that my estrogen level is rather low and would explore with Dr Loh tomorrow when I see him on how I can improve that and why I failed in the 2nd attemp of my IVF. I am not young and guess I might be one of the older ladies here whom is still trying and not giving up.

After a failure, have a good cry and things will be better. Always remember the sun will always shine for you the next day and it will be filled with hopes
I know it is easier said than done but as long as you tell yourself that you can do it will will succeed one day. Different people have different timing. Just do not envy but give the other person your true blessing when you hear good news. I always believe that there is a things in chinese " Liang da fu da" (means if you are generous in your well wishes, your luck will be high). I am no angel, I also will feel sad and depress at times but I always tell myself.. stay cheerful and you will be blessed. I have my fair share of pain and sorrows too just that I choose to stand up and move on with life

Just remember you are not alone. I even lost my job for IVF.. but I am still not giving up but looking for alternative to continue with my life, career and preparing for my next IVF... govt subsidy till 40.. but without that I can try till 45 so still got chance hehe...

Now dEvelyn that notti gal is trying to convince me to see Dr Zou so I can be 'poked' haha.. still not convince as I am still fearful of those needles hehe...She still trying hahaha... eve try harder maybe one day I will give in :p.. I am still taking my own TCM medication hehe..

Yawn.. time to zzzz nite ladies. Too lor sor liao..
Hi Humbug,

I'm not giving up yet but hv many tots in mind. Not knowing the actual caused of failure from my gynae. Feel like a fool caused trusted Prof Chen so much not knowing he's a money sucker, etc. Anyway, don think will try ivf again. Tot of go TCM to tiao my body first and leave the rest to fate. Today is Day 12 after ET and I am not going back to c him. Hopefully no etopic pregnancy n AF comes asap.
morning ladies, here's a summarised journey of my first cycle as promised earlier:
Puregon : 400IUs
Actually both Lucrin and Puregon was administered by hubi at the bum area. But painful like hell.
ER: harvest 8 eggs
ET: put in 2 fertilised embroyes and freeze 5. Was not told what was the grade though.
2WW: Rested alot on the first 3 days after ER. After that, my schedule is mainly to drive my hubi to work in the morning. Went onto the internet, did some reading, watch TV. I even cooked my own lunch and dinners. Did light housework like to use the Kao floor wiper to clean floor and do dusting. Hang clothes on hangers (I don't use bamboo poles). I even clean toilet: use dettol spray and wipe seat, wipe sink and shower screen. ON weekends, we go out to the supermarkets and did some window shopping.
I find that I was more tired during the 2nd week and had more naps.
Cramps and spotting during the 2nd week for a few days. However, spotting stopped but cramps continued off and on till D14.
Food I ate: I had 2-3 eggs everyday. I ate both the whites and yolk. Took 2-3 Brazilian nuts everyday. Ensure milk, yakult especially after ET as I was afraid of yeast infection. Lots more white fish (steaming and boiling method). I cut down on carbohydrates and had alot more protein. Continue with fruits and vegs everyday. I took chicken essence every 2 days.
My MIL also made chicken essence which I took twice in wk 1 and 2. She used Sakura chicken and double boiled for the essence.
Food I avoid: Cooling vegs like wintermelon, chinese cabbage, papaya, watermelon.

I also did not see any chinese dr and drank any red dates tea.
I hope this helps.
All the best everyone and lots of baby dust to all!!!
Hi mino
Welcome to the thread. I can uderstand your emotion and saddness...I too had 2 fresh IVF cycle, my 1st cycle ended in miscarriage during my wk 9..I was very sad very sad at that pt of time (it was like the end of my world)..tears kept rolling down non stop and I kept myself shut in the house for almost 2 mths...my recent cycle also failed due to no implantation at all despite they were 8 and 9 cells embies during my day 3 transfer...I'm not giving up my dream for being a mummy (I still have 2 frozen embies waiting for me)...Dear, time will heal your pain, have a good cry if u want, and move on...We are all here for you, and rooting for u..JIA YOU DEAR!

Hi libby
All the best to your ER today.

Hi Sophia
Congrats! Wish u have a smooth 9mths..
Thanks for the welcome

Yes, im on 1000iu pregynl every 3 days, and i have been testing faint +ve, even till date. im so worry what's went wrong to my body. If pregynl, how come it has yet to remove from my body. it has been 7 days. if really strike, how come my kit never went darker.

what is the sympton of etopic pregnancy?
Lyn & Orangey,
Clomid will thin lining ah? den shd I take har? Hopefully I will be lucky like the last time, strike on first cycle of clomid...

come poke poke with Eve and me lah.... dont be afraid and it will be very fun with us ard la *thick skin*... most importantly I think the accup is effective for me leh... my menses came on D30 this mth after accup, first time ever since my m/c in Feb08 leh... i am so thrilled!!! more needles please #sadist#... :p

Congrats!!! Baby dust to us please....
Hi Nor,
I was with Dr SF Loh, but personally i find him too busy to be able to give me the advise i need. For my hubby and I , not so simple. Hubby needs jabs too and for us, we need a doctor that is able to support us in terms of advise and queries. He is a good doctor, but too busy. So we chose Dr Joan Thong at raffles hospital, our friend did ivf with her and has 3 kids now. I saw her and she was a confident and friendly lady. I felt very comfortable with her so decided to do our june/july cycle with her.
mino, jolin, cher - welcome to the thread.

mino, most of us here are older than u except for develyn. There's hope for everyone if we keeping trying. We also understand the pain & sadness of trying to hv a bb for years but w/o luck.


Thanks for making the appt.

I guess u muz be bz yesterday so din wan to bother u. Anyway, drop me a sms when confirm ok.
Look forward to meeting up with u & sunflower.
Hi Orangey,

its best to take temp in the morning when u wake up..its more reliable.. taking at nite can be misleading becos it could be after you hot bath, but anyhow, since your usual measurement at nite is ard 36.3, then 36.99 is a big increment. But the question is, did you change your thermometer? from 1 decimal to 2 decimal? then the reading is not accurate..use the same thermometer to track the trend in order for your readings to be consistent.

Hi Lyn,

7mths of clomid is too much leh..i heard 6mths is the max... anything more than that is very harmful to your health.


i changed my mind already, doing accu with Dr Zou.. you wana go?
hi jas,

yes, i heard about her. She is indeed very good..but RH is expensive leh..no govt subsidy also.. how much is the charges for 1 ivf cycle?

hi catherine,
see u next week
hi bee,
wow, you are taking lots of medicine. I agree, do decrease gradually the amount of medication. I used to be allergic to all brands of stretch mark cream for previous pregnancy. This time round, a friend recommend Clarins, very effective, no rashes so far but expensive. Someone organizing a bulk purchase for Clarin at cheaper price, can get from there.

Hi cher, joline, CP, gloriajeans
welcome to the thread and stay positive.

hi ltjabi,
vitamins and more folic acid will be given during 6th week scan.

hi humbug,
give Dr Zou a try.
Hi Mino ,

Trust you enjoy greatly on the comfort.. Like i have said it again and again, u are not alone.. we are all trying our level best to have a baby of our own..

Dear Ladies ,

Fantastic support !!! Really touched my heart when i read thru' the messages today... My cough and flu gets better.. now still got little cough.. not so bad.. tmr starting puregon.. Cool !

Hi Libby ,

Good luck for ER.. BFP on the way for u... :D
Rest well ya...

Hi Sunflower ,

Yes, i advised Humburg to go Dr Zou there to get poke together.. keke.. u join together ? Must tio body...
Hi Equin0x ,

Hope u receive my post yesterday.. when is your stage 2 starting ? Or u have started ? Hmm .. i dun have your no. so it is quite difficult to keep up with u... If possible, u sms me your no. okie..

Dear Sue ,

Thursday , my hubby will help me take the puregon so i am not going there.. Btw, u wanna
exchange no. too ? We are on the same day cycle so it should be easy to arrange a meet up at KKIVF.. :D

ya, initially me and humbug not going..then now i changed my mind..so lets convince her to go together.. keke
Humbug, give phy zou a try la... i used to say no-no to acu too, cos i'm petrified of needles. But I eventually relented cos acu results can be more immediate than taking tcm herbs. This is what I found out when i started for my other conditions like sinusitis, sore throat and coughs etc....

I'm sure it's good for conception too esp since so many sisters in the forum shared their success stories.

I dunno how phys zou's accu skill is but generally the uncomfortable sensation is the sec when needles prick your skin.... it then subsides. sometimes i didn't feel anything for subsequent visits when the needles are used at same area... may be cos better liao.....

think about it......
hi joline,
etopic pregnancy will have very bad pain/cramps and bleeding. So no worries, just stay positive. Keep testing the HPT daily.

hi develyn,
glad you are recovering. Take care. I help you persuade humbug.

Hi humbug,
Dr Zou is definitely very far for us, in term of distance. But give a try.
Hi Ladies,

The accu seems interesting but Im really scared of needles now. I got blueblack from the blood withdrawal yesterday.

Develyn, i will drive to KK tomorrow during lunch time. Haizz..from Tuas. Im lucky my boss is very understanding. Will pm u my number.
Develyn-so total how many day you have jab for lucrin? Good luck for your next stage (coming Thursday), let me know how you do it and the feeling as I guess I will be the same level or even higher than you.
TNT, Sunflower & Develyn,

my 1st accup, can i ask if we r allow to eat before tat? anything else to avoid before accup?

Hi Sue,

Massage the blueblack area lightly, will subside faster. Althought it's my 1st try at accup but i've seen my mum does it and there's no blue black except she feel some soreness.
Yah lor, I know taking temperature at night/day is not accurate but I just itchy lah :p
Anyway, this morning I took my BBT, increase by 0.1. Yesterday it was 36.07, today 36.17. Sigh.. when will it be back to the normal 36.7!!

Did you take go for TCM or supplements when doing your IVF?
It is best to take light meal before acupuncture.
Actually hor, everytime I finished my acupuncture, I feel so hungry!
hazel, lina, sunflower, develyn,

*FAINT* hehe.. let me think about it.. one needle fast in fast out ok.. to have so many needles in my body for 40 mins wah!!!! yeah damn far very inconvenient..


My first miscarriage was also the carelessness of a very famous Gynae... cause she is so famous till she cannot be bother to tell me much. Total bed rest is required but she did not say so...such a waste.. but still I am not convinced to give up.

Yes, dEvelyn is the baby of our forum here.. at least for this section hehe...anyone younger then her?
Orangey-you are now in B/F ovulation period or A/F? You will only see your temperature in high like 36.7 after Ovulation and normal in hope on the implantation period which mean "Corpus Luteum=yellow body"

noted. I've stop taking cold water/soft drinks/ green beans too bcoz my TCM these r too cold for our womb.

hahaha.. u so cute. after my 1st accup, i tell u if i hungry anot.
btw, did u take yr temp at the same time everyday? best to take when i just wake up even before u get out of bed.
Hi Ladies-after accup please don't go for shower immediately. The best is after shower then Accup and I know we normally go after work so best is at least 1 or 2 hours later
Hazel, I easily get blueblack. Have blueblack on my stomach because of lucrin jab. When I did my acupuncture at mah kwang, i will have blueblack too. Maybe blood circulation not good.

Thanks Catherine. Will do that. :D
Orangey-oic..did you take Dr Zou herbs or purely accup only? my Body temperature also on the low side, so I also hope by doing more Accup will give the blood flow to the womb and thickening the lining. I think your our Progesterone level is not enough that why our temperature so low
Boon Boon,
Yup - I'm taking Dr Zou's herbs and acupucture at the same time. She says the herbs is for uterus lining, for body temperature she says to take lu rong. She is going to monitor my temperature for a while and decides if I need to go on lu rong. At this moment, my temperature is increasing day by day lah but still very low though. I'm hoping it will rise to expected normal temperature and remain normal always

You also low temperature, but now as low as mine right? LOL.. Mel has the same problem as me, very low BBT temperature but she strike naturally twice before. So envy.. now she's carrying twins! So nice!!!

sunflower cause my hubby needs to do puregon and pregnyl injections to enable sperm production so his jabs will be 6 mths long and cost about $5k
