IVF/ICSI Support Group

sue - will pray for you..
stay positive and visualize..

pau le - yup.. at ER, you are considered '2 weeks' pregnant... pregnancy is calculated based on age of egg.. meaning, when the egg start to grow...i.e. 1st day of last mense... how is your pregnancy so far?? feeling okie?

Hi TnT,
I understand you. Sometimes it feels unfair to learn things the hard way but experiences make us stronger, too. Glad you find the link useful.
Hi Orangey
May u strike +ve, +ve this time! JIA YOU!

Hi Develyn
Do take extra care of your diet, no oranges, grapes or sweet things..all the best on your scan tmr!

Hi Libby
All the best to your ER on wed, wish your eggs are healthy and get fertilised...

Hi mel,
Thank u for your baby dust...wish all the sisters here graduate to become mummy...

Hi Sunflower
Think +ve, u'll sure get +ve this time!

thanks for your explaination!

so far, i'm feeling quite ok, start to feel a bit nausea, however not in the morning but mostly after food! And feel very tired most of the time...

may i ask, when conceive thru IVF, is there a higher chance of miscarriage? after the first worry of being able to get pregnant or not, now start to worry about miscarriage! omg...

how did u pass thru the first trimester safely? Do u feel more stable after the first trimester?
pau le, dun think too much..just take care of yourself. Dun think of the negative things ok.
All will be ok. Enjoy this stage.
By this 29th Apr should be able to know if I strike naturally lor. I'm praying hard but I think chances not high leh. If AF don't come by 29th, will test on HPT then call KKIVF liao. Cause may need to induce AF to start Lucrin.

Lyn and Noi,
Thanks! I am hoping to strike naturally also! I'm praying hard lor but seems like chances slim. Nevertheless, I will be positive and look forward to IVF
pau le - my dear girl.... Nausea is a good sign.. It means that the beta HCG is increasing nicely.. Your body is simply reacting to the levels... I must admit that it is difficult to get thru the 1st trimester... I had the same worries.. You'll be constantly worried in this journey... After you see the heartbeat, you'll start to worry abt the growth... And then the development... Then the movement... And so on...
I know it's difficult... But do relax... The best you can do for the baby(s) now, is to generate a good environment for the growth... Think positive!!
<font color="0000ff">Good morning sisters...</font>

<font color="ff6000">dEvelyn,</font>
*kok ur head*
me sick, on MC yesterday... drifting in and out of sleep the whole day... today i machaim losing my voice... call me if u wanna hear my sexy voice ya... wahahagaga
Hi Orangey,

i pray u dun have to go accu next week, hope u strike this cycle.

Hi noi,

thanks, but my temp dropped today, so my AF will report soon.
Hi Ladies,

Back from KKIVF liao... Vagina scanning.. lining 4 , right side 4 , left side nothing (she says cannot see).. dunno good or not good.. afternoon will get the result of BT.. :D
Sunflower - do stay positive... It rained heavily in the early morning... Perhaps you kicked off the bed covers...'love love' wan shui!!

Bliss - how are you?? Packed your bag yet?

Juju - haven't seen you... Guess your girl listened to you... Arrived on the 18th?
hi mel, juju, bliss, bee,
how long do we have to take the progesterone pills? is it only till end of 1st trimester? the gynae that i went to is not ivf gynae so he said just stopped the progesterone tablet and take folic and vitamin pills will do.

hi pau le,
Doctor mentioned that as long as you get pregnant, will be like just any other normal pregnancy, does not mean that higher rate of miscarriage, etc.
Lina - I took progesterone till heartbeat scan... I tried to stop as soon as possible... But I continued my crinone inserts till end of 1st trimester... You can request to continue progesterone pill... But a word of caution, if you have a family history of cervical cancer, you might have to balance the risk of continuing hormone pills...
my hosp bag is just half packed leh.
How about you? I am getting bit impatient at times due to the increased discomforts and pain, wanting to deliver asap... but then only gg to be 35 weeks tmr, still hope to wait for more weeks to have a full term bb.

yes, dr Sadhana gave me the progesterone tablets and folic acid to take till 12 weeks. Then from week 12 onwards, just need to take the obimin tablets and also calcium tablets.
So you mentioned anything to your gynae about taking progesterone tablets for 1st tri? Obimin contains folic acid too, just that the amount not as much as the folic acid tablets.
Pau le: I know wat u mean.. Im soo worried abt heartbeat 2. It'z juz a phase i guess.I feel like doing my HCG check again to make sure it is increasing smoothly.. Crazy rite. I have been having nausea feeling since morning too.. Especially after food.. Stomach seems bloated too.. Dun know if it is normal. Anyone can advise wat r the chances of no heartbeat..STRESS!!
hi mel,
thanks for the info. I thought progesterone pills is a necessity to take. I wasn't given crinone inserts.

hi bliss,
My progesterone should last till i am 10 weeks, that would be sufficient.

hi ltjabi,
nausea feeling, no painful cramps and no blood/spotting is a sign that pregnancy is stable, so no worries.
Lina: Thanks juz that sometimes u feel soo normal that u tend to wonder if everything is fine.. haha!!Silly isnt it..

Can i check for progesterone pills is it only giving to women who get pregnant through IVF or everyone during 1st trimester?And vitamins are only given at 2nd trimester rite??
Lina - actually crinone is also progesterone.. I just didn't want double dose of progesterone, cos it is possible that I have family history of cervical/ovarian cancer..
just trying to minimize the risk...

Itjabi - pls relax and think positive.. Nausea is a good sign... As for the baby(s) growth... There really is nothing you can do... Unless there's chormosomal problems, your little bean(s) should develop heartbeats... Do relax... As for the progesterone, it is prescribed as support for the lining... Try to eat well... If you have trouble keeping food down, or you just wanna get more, ask for the multivits... There's no guideline on when to start taking... Do remember that the growing bean(s) are quite resilent... They'll just simply absorb from you, depleting your resources... You'll need to top up, as much for yourself as it is, for them...
tany - shld be starting my injections next week

develyn - have a gd rest

bliss - juz pack when u have the mood

juju - have u delivered???

lina - how are u so far???
I blur blur.. suddenly read so many people wish you good luck, then i realise it's becos of your BBT reading.. I'm wishing you good luck, hope you strike!

Thanks for well wishes.

Did Dr Loh reply your email? You didn't see him today? What do you mean right got four.. four what? Hope you feeling better. Last night, the HCG shot was painful, i wanted nurse to jab on my butt, but she said i didn't sign consent form, can only jab on thigh.. just a highlight to you ladies, to rem sign the consent form should you want it on the butt.
mel: thanks for advise.. Alwiz feel better after toking to u guys..

Sophia: congrats
They will give u folic acid n progesterone to support pregnancy..
Hi ltjabi,
progesterone pills are given to all ivf ladies, normal pregnancy not given unless the pregnancy is unstable. At kk, folic acid and vitamins given during 1st trimester.

hi zaza,
i am ok, so far eating alot everyday. Thanks

hi libby,
all the best for your ER tomorrow.

Hi sophia,
congrats! have a smooth 9 months ahead. You will be given progesterone pills and folic acid later. Take them to support pregnancy.
Thanks ladies. All the best to everyone here as well. I agree with Itjabi, it's always good to share my thoughts here. I'm so glad I found this forum to share and receive so much support.
Congrats, Sophia. Have a joyful months ahead.

Libby, do u know when/at which stage can we start to sign e consent form to jab e HCG onto e butt?
Congrats! Wish you a smooth pregnancy, and baby dust to all of us, mother-to-be here!

Thanks for blessing!

I believe when IVF nurse pass us the form for injection at 24hrs women clinic, you should same time request from them.
Hi ladies who want jabs in butt,

I did it for my progesterone injections.

Anytime when you wish the nurse at IVF centre to jab in butt instead of thigh, tell her on the spot and she'll give you a form to sign. You'll have to produce this form whenever you go for your jab at kkh.

One thing to note is that I experienced numbness in my butt area until now (2 months after jabs). it's supposed to subside over time.

Hope this helps.

all the best.
congrats Sophia! so happy to see so many +ve readings. i pray to have +ve reading soon too. 2WW is reali a challenge. sometime tell myself not to think too much of it but sometime the mind just out-of-control.

do U ladies take any BT after your ER? if yes, how was yr result?
Tks, my HCG jab was at 8:45pm. Heard nurse mention there are 6 pp doing it. Think it's gonna be a busy morning for ER tomorrow.

Tks for info, but was surprised the numbness is so long.. do you feel jab in butt is less painful then thigh?

You will be the next we're hearing with +ve reading
Congrats Sophia! May your journey be healthy &amp; safe!!

Hello ladies, I'd like to share with you this poem from Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul:

Baby's Choice

Did you ever think, dear Mother
As the seed of me you sowed,
As you breathed new life inside of me
And slowly watched me grow,
In all your dreams about me
When you planned me out so well,
When you couldn't wait to have me there
Inside your heart to dwell.
Did you ever think that maybe
I was planning for you, too,
And choosing for my very own
A mother just like you?
A mother who smelled sweet and who
Had hands so creamy white,
A tender, loving creature
Who would soothe me in the night?
Did you ever think in all those days
While you were coming due,
That as you planned a life for me
I sought a life with you?
And now as I lay in your arms,
I wonder if you knew
While you were busy making me,
I was choosing you!
~Colleen M. Story

Wishing you all a great day!!

Hi Libby,
yes! it's less painful when in butt. Esp for Progesterone jabs. For thigh jabs, sometimes I can't walk properly for 2 days cos of the pain.... but the pain intensity is not as bad for butt jabs. No walking problems.

I also noticed there's one malay nurse in A&amp;E who's thigh jab technique is less painful, compared to the rest. hee hee... dunno her name or look any more... Cos that was last year.
