IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Sunflower,

U gg to dr zuo next week also?
Tnt & I gg on 1st may. But I dunno if she manage to make the appt anot.

Hi Tnt,
U working today? or still in seminar?
Keep me updated ok.
Hi Mel,

im staying positive too! hoping good news for the next cycle! thanks!

Hi Orangey,

so long as u have 2 phases in your BBT, should be fine.. dont drink cold water, drink more warm water..

Hi Libby and Hazel,

my first HCG shot was taken at my thigh. there is an experience senior staff nurse, cant rem her name. She is new in kkh, but was previously working in another hospi..Think she is around 40s.. She is very good.. she rubbed my thigh area for a while to ease my tension, and she practiced breathing with me for about 5mins before she injects the shot.. it was painful for me in the beginning, but after depressed the area with alcohol for 3-4mins, everything was back to normal. Next time when i see her again, i will try to remember her name, so you girls can look for her for the shot.

Hi Sophia,

congrats!! wish u have a smooth journey ahead. wats ur embryo grade?

yes...yesterday i talked to tnt, told her i might be going 1st may too..we can all go together

think she working now. i also haven book appt... maybe later i will call..
Hi Libby / Boon Boon ,
Sorry for my late reply... i have mc today and sleep after that post.. Hmm that result is lining result.. lining is 4.. not follicles as i am in stage 1.
Trting to call KKIVF for the BT result.. keep u all posted..

I was in a meeting the whole afternoon yesterday, only manage to reply her sms when i reach home. TNT was so kind to offer help me make the appt. Tat will be nice if we go together.

I rememeber u staying in the north too, iszit yishun or admiralty?
If we gg on 1st may, maybe can travel together.

yes, at admiralty..i think you are admiralty too..let me know if u girls have made the appt and wat time..so i can make as well.
Develyn-I read some where and indicated under normal BT for D2-3, the ideal for E2 to have less than 80 but of course can't too low too. If I am correct anything lower than 40 is considered not good.

But now you are under Lucrin so I don't know the reading
hi libby,

All the best to your ER tomorrow

Hi Itjabi,
Dun worry too much just relax and eat well.
Wish you a smooth and happy 9mths ahead.

Hi Sophia,
Congrats and wish u have a smooth 9mths ahead.

Hi Develyn,
Did you manage to get any antibiotics from Dr Loh for your cough cos green phlegm means there is infection so u require antibiotics. Try to clear it b4 u go for your puregon. Take care.

Hi Twinnie,
Thanks for your information. Felt better and more encouraged after hearing from u and Dr Zou who reassured me that alot of her patients also strike using frozen embies. At 1st i was rather worried cos Dr Loh says that the chances will be slightly lower than fresh embies. Yup think i will take Dr loh's advise and put in 3 embies and hope at least 1 will stick stick all the way.
How many mths are you at now??

Hi humbug,
Spoken to Dr zou and showed her my BBT chart yesterday and she was glad that my temp is back to normal cos norm after ivf temp may be on the high side. She said i should be able to go for the 2nd try either my next cycle ie May or June and in the meantime try natural while waiting.
HI Ladies..

Sophia..congrats..:D :D Happy for you and hope you will have smooth journey of 9 fabulous months.

Develyn, i just got called from KKIVF and they informed me that i will start my other jab this Thrusday. How was your BT and scan??

Dear chrisbaby ,

Nope... no antibiotic...
dr loh not around and i am taking GP medicine now..

Hi Sue,

Cycle buddies !!! I am starting my puregon this Thursday 23/04 with 400IU... BT for E2 is 46.. urs?

Hi Libby,

We lai le ... yao lai le... kekeke...
Develyn-You took a BT right, may I know today is on your Day what of your period? I think your E2 level should be ok. As long as low and mo cysts found, you should ready to move on to the next stage of the procedure right?
Hi Boon Boon ,

Yesterday is my last day of menses... next stage puregon will be on this coming thursday le.. 23/04.. jump jump... :D
Hi Zaza ,

Yes, 400IU for me is high.. but is ok.. i will eat more eggs white and drink more H2O... Hopefully no OHSS.. *Touch wood*
mel, lina
thanks for your advice... would try my best to not think otherwise, relax and eat well!

wanted to buy a HCG home kit to test the level also, but the pharmacy don't sell here... so have to wait for the scan... however, my stomach is not so bloated as before liao leh... and some weight loss...

Gong xi gong xi!!

and BFP BFP BFP dust to all!!
Develyn, so this thrusday you collection your perugon too. Wat time you will be there? I think i will jab puregon on the same day as u..

heheheheh....must be there before 4pm to collect.

btw how much cash to prepare for that??
Thanks for sharing..

Glad to hear you can proceed soon, and hoping you can strike natural too.

Your GP got give you augmentin? You quite fast start puregon leh, how many days of lucrin jab in total?
Yeah.. we will meet in our 2ww. Hurry hurry..
Hi Lina,
Glad you liked the poem. I thought it could be a feel-good read for all of us to take our minds off worries even just for the moment.

Hi Chris,
Happy to know that you are feeling better with the upcoming procedure. It's a good first step to stay positive.
I'm now 10 weeks. With my days of waiting, I also get the strength with warm words, encouragement and advice from this forum. So, I also thank you all!
Haha.. thanks, Dr Zou told me i seem alright, didn't put on as much (wasn't as bloated), so hopefully no OHSS. I think my daily intake of 2 eggs do help.
Lina, i think i had the most medications... duphaston, progynova, folica acid and crinone from 2ww to week 12 as advised by my IVF doc. Now, i hv reduced the medications by half till i finished them. i scared if i stop suddenly, not so good for baby... i hv also started taking multivit, fish oil tablet n two cup of milk daily as advised by my gynae.

someone said too much progesterone can cause cervic infection??!! REALLY !!!??? Could i be overdose all these while? no wonder my tummy is always bloated like 4-5 months pregnant woman
Dear all ladies

I am new to this thread and is planning for my 2nd IVF at kkh in June with Dr SF Loh. starting my lucrin injections in late May. I am also currently with Dr zou @AMK for accu. and trying to visit her every weekly. I did my first ivf 8 years ago with kkh under Dr sheila but on the day of my ET, she was on urgent leave and so a replacement doc did ET for me but my embryo did not plant itself to the womb and thus failed. I am also diagnosed with endometrosis and have a retroverted uterus, i had the expensive surgery done for endo but still did not succeed.

Once again, i hope to try again this round despite all the painful injections.

Dear Develyn
I was with Dr Christopher Chen (Gleneagles) before when i failed my first ivf but did not really like the service and advice from him. despite the fact being unreasonable expensive esp during peak hours (his clinic close at 10pm), he kept thinking of new surgery to persuade you to try and trust me, its not cheap. When i wish to keep a copy of my blood test and other reports, he refused and wanted to charge me $250 per copy report.

again, its up to individual opinion on him, i went to Dr Sheila who's currently with Raffles. As usual, she is still very busy and she simply tell me after 1st failed ivf and trying for 8 years naturally, if you fail to conceive, it shows your eggs is not of good quality esp when you are aging. So do not waste time trying for 2nd ivf. I gave her a smile and left.

according to develyn post on things to do and don't, on drinking chicken of essence and egg whites, soya products and heat pack.....

can anyone advise if taking bottle Brands chicken essence is alright too? must i drink daily or alternate? is it advisable to drink the medicine Dr zou when i start on lucrin? i tried to search other pevious posts but failed to fing related. I have heard that soya product tends to harden the our egg shell follicle and taking chicken make your cervix acidic..is it true? would appreciate your sincere advise.thanks
Hi everybody, i'm new in this thread.

I have my first ivf and i took a blood test yesterday, result was 60.8 at dpo14 past ET. The nurse said it could be due to the 1000IU pregynl i took on last Wednesday N asked me come back tomorrow for another blood test.. Did anyone experience this before? does it means that if hcg level drop, it will indicate that it's due to the present of pregynl? When will the pregnyl be totally out from my body system? I'm worried it will raise as 60.8 is really too low.

I'm planning to have FET after one cycle rest, anyone care to share more on this? Do we need to jab? however abt HCG jab?
Lina,bee: when r we given Vitamin tablets then??

pau le: I also wanted to buy but never sell hahah!!! Think we stressing ourselves hahah!! I hardly feel anything sometimes then sometimes feel sick.. Having pimples alreadi think due to Hormones..
hi itjabi
oh i thought singapore got sell the HCG kit.... somemore complain to my husband that france is so lousy, the HCG kit doesn't exist here while there is in singapore.. pai seh.. hahhahha....
yah, exactly, someday just feel nothing at all, like any other day... probably would feel better after the first scan! you mentioned that your HCG is 1241 D14, is it D14 after the ET?

joline and cher, welcome!
Hi all, I new.....can I join in.
Anyway, I just failed my 2nd IVF attempt(w Prof Chen)....still trying hard to get over the emotional feeling.
Hi Cher ,

I expected the comment on Dr Christopher Chen is not good.. well, i have never heard anything good about him.. lolz.. As for the chicken essence and soy products are added comments from many gals who are BFP now.. haha.. not only i write de... as for your next cycle , i find that u should do it asap.. of cos, u need to be ready emotionally and physically..

Hi Joline ,

Welcome to the thread.. Sorry i have yet to try any FET.. i remember no need to jab le... Just need to transfer on certain days after pregnant..

Hi Mino ,

Finally.. wakakak... u have sucessfully posted..
Like i have said , you are not the first one who is having roller coaster journey.. many of us are facing the same.. do not give up, miracles will be on your way.. Btw, below gals are the ones that i consulted on your result yesterday..

Hi Tany/Sunflower/Fresh/Humburg ,

Mino is the silent reader.. now u all can officially says HELLO to her.. :D
Hi CP (mino),
I'm sorry to hear about your 2nd unsuccessful attempt. Won't pretend that I know how you feel. Cos I'm only starting on my 1st ivf. Although each & everyone of us in here knows what it feels like to be sad and devastated for hvg our own difficulties in conceiving. Am sure you're feeling really low right now. Do cry it out if you must. You have all the support from the ladie sin this forum. Vent if you need to in here, we're here to offer a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear.

Hopefully you'll get a full evaluation from your Doc on your 2nd attempt. Chin up for now. I know it's easier said than done. But do try. We're all here to support each other!
hi mino
like sierra79, this is my first attempt too and im doing my ivf in France, so there are some stuffs which are different as in singapore, technical-wise, i'm totally idiot about it... but mentally, would still be able to share with you!
only started to join the girls here in march09, and have received a lot of informations and encouragements, so feel free to post ur enquiries and feelings, everyone here is very eager to share!

meanwhile, stay positive and don't give up! all of us here would be mummies!
Hi Bee,
If your pregnant sense of smell is not at all sensitive with coconut scent, you may also want to check out Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula for stretch marks. It's all available in Guardian & other drug stores.

Hi Itjabi,
I'm still on duphaston & folic acid daily. Dr SF Loh recommended Obimin multivitamin only after the nausea & vomiting stage is over otherwise the supplement will just go to waste.
Hang in there and don't think too much. Be sure you avoid facial products with Retin-A & Salicylic Acid for the pimples, ok??

Hi Cher,
I think you will find Dr SF Loh's professional service satisfying.

Hi Joline,
Do I get it right that you are in your 2 week wait? HCG above 25IU/mL is considered positive for early pregnancy. It's way too early for you at 14dpo, that's why nurses said it may be due to pregnyl. Hopefully your HCG will not drop, meanwhile stay relax. It could be a "keeper."

Hi Mino,
It's indeed difficult for the 2nd time, let alone to fail the 1st time. But so long we breathe, we hope.
It helps to join this forum as we always learn something new from all the ladies here who support one another.
Hi Sierra

Sad to say Prof Chen didn't gv me any evaluation. He just read to me my BT result (E2=1070 P4=22 & Bhcg o.1) and sugguested me to try for FET as I still hv 12 Fzn embryos. The 1st attempt failed was due to the same reason, P4 Progesterone sudden drop. I asked him seems like the Progesterone jabs & Crinone doesn't work on me. And guess wat's his replied??? He replied 'well P4 @ 22 level still looking alright'. Come on I'm not stupid how can he tell me P4 @ 22 level is still considered alright! My P4 level on Day 3 after ET was 277 and no Progesterone jab was gvn oni 4stk crinone was gvn. P4 drop till 42 on Day 6. At this stage Progesterone jab & 6 stk of crinone was then gvn. Went back for BT yesterday mrng, P4 had already drop to 22 !!! How can he tell me it still looks alright!!! Both me & my husband felt angry at dat point and feeling lost. Don think wan to try ivf anymore, cause 2 times failure due to P4 suddenly drop n no jabs works on me. Tot of try TCM to tiao my body first, hopefully can conceive naturally.
sophia - congrats!!
have a happy and healthy 9 months ahead..

twinnie - nice poem.. thanks for sharing..

libby - may you have great eggs tomorrow..

bee - no lah.. if you are refering to my comments, i am just saying that recent studies have shown, that if one already has a family history of woman-related cancers(breast/cervical/ovarian cancers), any treatments with hormones(estrogen or progesterone) will increase the risk lor..

mino, jolin, cher - welcome...
good luck in your journey.. all the best.. and lotsa baby dust to your both..

bliss - no lah.. i also haven't pack.. same as you lor.. wishing to see baby soon.. but hoping that they stay in as long as possible..
for now, i just hope that the two will gain lotsa weight..
Ms Cheng,
Not sure if you remember me.... but you did teach me before during 1994-1996... BTW, Congratulation and have a smooth 9th Months...

Hi CP,
I understand your frustrations. Nthg's more frustrating than not getting a straight answer, or informative answer from your doc after evaluation. You feel like, so what exactly went wrong and why can't you rectify this??? But certain things are just unexplainable.

Nevertheless, like you said, maybe it's time to take a breather and rest your body for the moment being. TCM would be a good start. You may wish to get a 2nd opinion too. It won't hurt to do so. Maybe other docs can shed light on your situation. Most of the ladies here are seeing Dr Zhou at AMK. I think she's pretty good. If you don't already have your own TCM doc, you ma give her a try ... let her evaluate your case as well. Maybe she can help.

All the best to you. Do take time out to rest yourself mentally and physically
