IVF/ICSI Support Group

HI TNT, too lost in this thread. already cfm u are not preggie meh? u done ur BT all liao?

HI Lina, congrats man! hope all of us here wishing to have a bb will all strike!

Hi Libby, when you done your mock tsf with Dr Loh, any discomforts or bleeding?
I went to do a vaginal ultrasound today, stil pain la, slight bleeding also.

very worried if I am able to make it thru the ER & ET stage.

hi tnt,
thanks. I am sure your level will rise by next test. All the best!

hi earthling,
thanks. I want to see everyone here strike and this thread empty.
hi fresh
i reali pray hard now...

hi libby
thanks for ue info..very different practise with nuh..
Hey Lina,

COngras so sooooooooooo happy for you.

Just got my BT results... 85.5 Nurse sara told me very good but have to make sure and check on bloatness... she said if too bloated have to go back to see them. So far I am fine hehe.. she told me normal level is about 35...

Now wait for the next step.. one more week then the preggy test HPT
Hope the embryo stick tight tight to the wall of uterus
and grow strong... Pray for all here and myself that would be successful. These 3 days will lie flat flat cause implantation period.. Nurse Angeline told me so.hehe
hi sierra
me pray hard la..;)
i know u dun take fish..and esp salmon rich in omega 3.. so wat u can do is buy flaxseed, or pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds. they r rich in omega 3 just spread some on the omelet eggs or oats will do..
hi earthling
cos didnt put much hope on this cycle liao..so might as well booked the 2nd fresh ivf cycle with prof wong lor ;)

hi humbug
hang in there..u strike liao..congrates ;)
hi humbug,
thanks. I didn't know must go back if got bloated as after ET, i felt bloated for a few days. Hope you have BFP. Yes, lie flat, don't move too much.

Yeah I lie until my back super sore.. backside also haha.. cause I keep changing sides...

wish me luck..
got to rest..Thanks for all the well wishes...

But Nurse say progestrone high does not mean pregnant.
Hi Boon Boon,

I had medicine and acupuncture all the way till ER. The day b4 ET, i did a acupuncture and then onwards have been taking Dr zou's medicine till date.
Hi Develyn,

I will only be starting the IVF on Jul timing due my gusband sperm result not very good and Dr loh say must eat Multivitami and Tribestan for 2 month then start IVF....so sad
Hi lina and those who still remember tintedsky,
i have been going into tintedsky's blog regularly, and today I saw her updates. She has BFP finally this time!!!
Soooo happy for her.... Really hard on her for so long, glad to see her prayers finally answered.
Hi humbug,
good luck!

Hi Jane,
my hubby also had to take the multivitamin and tribestan before i was allowed to start the actual ivf. After that there will be another sperm test to see the results and Dr Loh will ask you to decide.

hi bliss,
yes, i remember tintedsky. She has not logged in for a long time. So happy for her, she is one strong lady, so much determination to keep trying. Glad she succeeded.
hi Lina,
heard from Bliss dat u hit the jackpot! congrats!
come join us @ ivf mummies ya! if bloating, MUST let gynae noe, to avoid OHSS!

to those who got +ve, congrats!
jia you for the rest of the ladies!
Hi Lina,

So after taking the Multivitami and Tribestan, does yr husband sperm quality inprove?
Abit scared what if the medicine doesnt help.
Ready want a baby of our own as have been trying for 10yrs
hi juju,
thanks alot.

hi jane,
sad to say after 3 months of tribestan, still no improvement so i could start with ivf. During the 3 months of tribestan, i still tried natural but could not work. Improvement only came after accupuncture.
hi jane,
he did about 3 months of accupuncture. But do give the tribestan a try first, see how is the results. Not sure if can mix chinese and western medication together for men.
lina - congrats !!!! i thought your BT next week, but decided to check this page cos bliss mentioned tintedsky also BFP. my leg cramps was on and off the whole day during 2ww.

tintedsky - congrats too !!!
hi Jane,
do ask Dr Zou. hubby sperm motility improve 10% after one month treatment with Dr Zou but total sperm count didn't increase.

hi ponytail,
thanks! so glad to have all your well wishes. This is the most touching part of this support group.

Hi tintedsky,
hope you are still reading this thread. Don't worry, i am sure you can hear heartbeat at the next scan.
hi ladies
just have the following forwarded email to share: (not only chicken wing, but other parts of chicken also, sounds scary)

無論已婚或是未婚的女性同胞都要小心注意喔 !

最近藝人夏禕於子宮位置長了 (巧克力囊腫 ) 以及胡晴雯開刀割除的瘤,即是瘤內積滿血, 且血呈深黑色.滿以為割了之後會完全康復, 殊不知短短幾個月間又再復發


原來雞的激素或抗生素 注射部位通常在雞翅、雞頸位,
故此常吃雞翅或雞腳 再加上女性荷爾蒙分泌影響,

所以奉勸大家少吃雞翅或雞腳凍為妙.現今社會女性有80%都容易得到子宮肌瘤及巧克力囊腫 , 真是可怕。
she me she "Yaloooooooooo" ah? Wo bu ming bai... Hahahahaha!!

Hehe ... ya man .. maybe we shd start growing our own garden in our HDB corridor. Pesticide free garden, steroid free farm. Hahahaha!

Oooh.. sunflower seeds etc also good source of Omega3 ah? Ok thank god then.. cos I thought siao liao .. guess hv to resort to taking those tablets instead, or worse still those fish oil *YELCH* I can't take fish .. cannot stand the smell, cannot stand teh taste. Since young one lah. Hehe ...

Out of curiosity (if you don't mind sharing), what is "bad" sperm quality for your hubby such that Dr Loh asked you to delay your ivf? My hubby's SA also not fantastic leh. When I met Dr Sadhana and showe her the result, she said, you should try ivf then. Then .. about 4mths later, my hubby took another SA, but his count dropped 50%!!! I so scared, i asked Dr Sadhana abt it again. She just said, will do ICSI for your case. She didn't stop me from proceeding with ivf lah.

That said, I think it's always good to ensure that you allow the time to "boost" your hubby's health 1st. Cos if sperm quality real bad, u do ivf quickly also might not succeed. So now, I can only pray lah ... hopefully this last month before i start ivf in Apr, canhave miracle and hubby's sperm quality will be boosted. Currently he's doing acupuncture 1x/wk with Dr tan at Clementi and tkg the tablets Dr Tan gave him. I bought Tribestan too, but not sure if i should switch to Tribestan now.. 1 mth only.. tthink if switch also not much effect bah...
Hi Noi ,

Sorry .. i remember i speak to u before.. are u still sticking with NUH for the next IVF ?
My apology.. i remember that i will post to ask the ladies if there is any good lady gynae.. but i rushed off for trip..

hi Humburg ,

That's a great news... BFPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP..... it will stick like superglue...

Will pray hard for u in international water this weekend... the fishes there will pass the message to
all gods... keke.. (Lina should be giggling again)... :D

Hi TNT ,

Great to hear that u are positive ... JIA YOU !

Hi Jane ,

Dun be sad .. come to think with it .. since IVF is so tedious , it is nice to start only when all are in order and both parties are healthy...
At least , Dr Loh unlike others .. just want you to start and waste money or doing all ICSI.. Dun worry, i will sure find cycle buddies for
you and will be here to encourage u.. Hugz okie..
Meanwhile, i heard it will be good for hubby to ejaculate all the old sperm every 3-4 days so that new sperms can regenerate.. u may research abt it ... JIA YOU !
hi sierra
yes..buy those seeds in organic packing one la..of cos better yeah..:0)

hi develyn
ya..cos don wan to put too much hope liao on this coming BT on 31/3..keke..

hi Noi
guess u oso under prof pc wong at nuh rite? wonder which month u intend to do ivf again? cos me intend to do 2nd ivf on sept, and hope we can be cycle buddy at the same hosp...meanwhile after BT on 31/3, will start to tiao my body with develyn and tany liao..
Hi Seirra & Develyn,
Dr low say its ready bad (think about less then 10 sperm was surving) so cannot even start IVF. Was thinking is it because my husband having urine ineffection afew day before sperm test that why the result so bad, as 3 years ago my huaband do the sperm test everything was quit ok la.

Hopefull the next sperm test will be good.(which is 2 month later)
Hi Seirra & Develyn,

Anyway thank for your encouragement....feeling sad after doctor tell me the news....but feeling better after talking to yr.

Thank alot......
Hi Lina and Jane,

My hb went for accupunture and got mobility increase from 25% to 75%. Thats a total of 50% increment, which is very good. But the sperm count drop by half.. I believed accupunture works, but depends on individual too..Medicine is just as a form of supplements , but not really 'xian dan' that really improves alot, else it would be damn expensive
hi jane
u said ur hubby got UTI? (urinary tract infection), so he must be under antibiotic coverage lor..which antibiotics? tell him to drink lots of water in order to flush out as much bacteria from the body..gd luck..;)
Hi Yong Wei,

Not sure which Antibotic but he alreday recover liao.

Hi Sunflower,

Thanks will chekc with Dr zou wether my husband can do accupture.
Hi jane,

maybe you check with Dr Loh again regarding any med that your hb is taking for his UTI.

I agreed with tnt ... i remembered my visit to Dr Loh, i told him my hb has some skin problemms, will it lead to poor sperm count. Straight away he ask us if he is taking any med, and what med is that..When we told him he isnt taking any, then he is relief..

so you might want to check with him
hi jane
recover is good..but UTI can be recurrent one .. just to make sure he drinks lots of water and maintain hygiene..

i oso intend to bring my hubby for accup liao after seeing some ladies's hubby here oso doing accu and the results is pretty good..but my hubby like not keen leh..
Hi Jane,
Less than 10 sperm surviving? Erm.. does that refer to count (10 mill) or motility (10%)?
I guess now's the time to help your hubby. Get him to go for acupuncture religiously. Seems like it's helping for many of the ladies here. That time my hubby was very lax in his acu treatment. He'll go like only once a mth kind. Of course won't wrk lah. Then skali go for SA, count drop by half (his count was already low to begin with). So panic ... now he goes for acu weekly. I hope it'll help lah ...

In any case, you should take these 2 mths and get your hubby to take the multi-vits. Get him to eat well also and maybe exercise a bit. If he smokes, try to stop. All these should help ya. Hopefully in 2mths' time, you'll see improvement and will be able to go for ivf with more confidence.
Hi Baby,

I don't know yet and afraid of failure again as my gynae told me that i have 2 more chances of IVFs. The last resort is adoption. Therefore, the 2 chances are very important to me. I'm not seeing any TCM yet. Like Sunflower said, i think i really need to look for 1 to recuperate my body before trying again.

Hi Libby,

My FSH level is 7.9. Btw, does FSH determines whether we can produce good quality eggs?

Hi Yong Wei,

I thought of switching to KKH as my funds are depleting all because of thinking of having own kid. Hopefully i don't have to fork out too much cash in KKH.

Hi Noi, Zaza & Tany

Thank you for your consolation and encouragement. I am really thinking of resigning from my job and concentrate on recuperating my body for 2nd IVF.

Hi Sunflower,

I'm currently no seeing any TCM. Used to go Raffles TCM but don't find it really good. Moreover, it is expensive. Can you recommend me?

Hi Boon Boon,

Just discovered from the ppl in this forum that it is so much cheaper compared with private. I've decided to go KKH...maybe i can do 2 IVFs in KKH compared to 1 time in private.

Hi Lina,

Thank you for the hugs. Congratulations! I"m so envy of you...

Take care.

Hi Ella & Kimbely,

I guess I'm one of the unfortunate 1 who striked 3 times endometriosis in 5 yrs. I went through 2 operations with different gynaes. However, all 3 gynaes including the current 1 who detected said that it could be due to stress. Nothing got to do with diet, lifestyles. There is no cure for it. You have it small, you pray hard that it doesn't grow. Big then no choice have to go surgery.
Hi Fresh & Develyn,

Thank you very much for the encouragement....

I am thinking of resigning from my job to concentrate on 2nd IVF as my gynae told me that my eggs are aging and must try within these 2 yrs.

Thanks.. wah so good cruise again..
I will lie in the bed and imagine I am on a cruise hehe...the bed is the sea... Enjoy yourself and win more money.. eat more also.. if not in 2ww a lot of things cannot eat. I MISS fried Chicken hehe...

Why you say I strike liao.. nurse told me that high progestrone does not equal of being pregnant but I pray your words are true hehee... thanks for the well wishes.. My mind in a whirl now... everyday can hardly sleep.

Baby and Chris,
I asked the nurse about the crampy feeling. She told me nothing to do with the 2ww.. it's just that our womb is recovering from the injury from ER procedure. It will take about a month or slightly longer to recover. Depends on individual.... Thread too long.. I just scan

Sorry if I missed out anything hehe...very hard to read lying down, talk about typing haha..
I went to tintedsky's blog to congrats her liao. So happy for her.
And when i saw this hamster poster on her blog, it reminds me of your hamster. How is the little cutie? This lucky hamster of urs bring u good luck.

Hi nesnes,

i been married for 6 years too and also w/o a kid. alot of us here are also married for a long time, we do understand how u feel.
i think u shld give ivf a try, juz call kk and tell them u want to make appt at clinic D. normally 1st appt, they'll tell u to see Dr SF Loh ( HOD ). if both u & hubby are singaporean, u can enjoy the sudsidy of 3k for the ivf treatment. The nurses at ivf ctr will explain the details with u once u decide to go for the ivf. the waiting time is not as long as u imagine and in some cases with dr loh's instruction u can jump q. but i also feel u shld see a tcm to build up or "tiao li" yr health.

hi tnt,

sad to hear abt yr case but glad u r positive.
