IVF/ICSI Support Group

lina - congrats to you .. pass me some baby dust ok???? Rest well

ellsa - how ar u????

twinstars - gd luck for ET tomorrow

hi bliss,
think your case is a good reason for earlier BT. If normal case, they don't allow.

hi chris,
Thanks, spread the bb dust to you. BFP to you! HPT is home pregnancy test, the urine stick. I didn't get those clearblue brand, very ex. Only test with cheap sticks selling at forum. No symptoms yet. Lucky Dr Zou remind me to test, if not still blur blur.

hi twinstars,
insurance not covered in medisave, need to pay additional. You can fill up the amount after you transfer, depending on number of eggs. But no rush to submit the cheque, think you are allowed till 5th day after ET to submit the cheque.

hi zaza,
thanks, passing all the dust to you!

hi babymaking,
thanks alot. Finally can join you all. What is the thread link?
Congrats! so happy for you. I'm happyever, remember me? Was so busy with work since school started. Really very happy for you. I hope I can be like you sharing good news in a few days time.
I did my ET on 17 Mar, and my BT is on Wed 1 April.

Resting at home for 2ww now, taking Dr Zou's medication also. Hope her medication helps.

Bliss, Mel,
How's things going?
Chris, so u went for 2nd op? oh dear. i better take care. Always tot im ok now. My previous gynae tat tot keep saying it normal menses cramp he said the same thing too. But now want to get preggie also so hard. hehe.

hello zaza,

im doing ok.. thks. Went MIA cos very upset about the failed cycle. But now, im looking forward to do FET in april. Going to put in all 3.. Hopefully after the thaw process all 3 survive.

Btw anyone done natural fet before? Im doing next mth.. not so sure about the process.
Hi Ladies ,

Sorry , didnt post much for the past few days.. so tied up with work

Hi Richard ,

Oh the "have have dun have dun have lor" is the remarks that my hubby says two years ago..
Meaning , if we have baby then is fate.. if dun have a baby then it is ok also...

I just read abt your story.. Oh gosh .. i heard of "unexplained pregnancy".. but at least Dr Chen should have given
you the possibilities of what happen ! ... i am on an average family as well... not dun rich tai tai to go for checks every
now and then , i do understand how you feel.. after spending so much and he can just say unknown.. no possibilities and
nothing.. phew, i am not with him or i sure scream loud + your embryo grades are good ! ..
when my HCG level drops tremendously , i questioned KKIVF Dr Loh , he tells me a few possibilities
(My embryo is not healthy Grade 3-4).. he told me "Evelyn, if the embies are unhealthy, try again.. just let it go.. if
u hold the pain and grudges of WHY , you will never have the courage to do it again !" It is gone and you cannot get it back..
Well, at that point .. i do feel much better.. i told myself , if it is unhealthy .. i rather it dissolve now (embies) then when it
grows to full size and have a miscarriage... Do you still have 2 embies in TMC now ? If yes, i thought it is abt $1500 to do FET ?
Hmm.. if u still have frozen embies, then i feel that u should do one FET before fresh try.. but it depends alot on the bonding with the gynae
or can u change one gynae in TMC.. As for Dr Chen, i am speechless on the type of treatment given to your wife and u.. it is hurtful..

Let's chiok together .. i am gtg for my 2nd shot.. :p This time i will see TCM more often..

Hi NeSNes ,

I find that you should try again.. at least try your best with no regrets later.. hope u get what i mean.. Hugz !

Hi Tnt ,

Hope u join us k.. anyway , i will see u this Thurs

Hi Kimberly ,

You received my message on the gathering mah ?

HI LINA : BFP !!! Yes, u will be joining Bliss, Mel & Bee ... Great to hear that..
hi happyever,
Thanks. How are you? no wonder have not seen you log in here for some time. Good luck for your BT, don't worry Dr Zou will definitely help. She said that the herbs can help to prevent bleeding and cramps.

hi develyn,
Hi Ellsa ,

Welcome back.. I failed mine too but dun have freezing embies.. so redoing everything..zzzz..
So i cannot advise much.. Just wanna send you some hugs and kisses :D
Hi Noi,
Did your gynea advise you to check your endometrial lining? Could there be an infection in the lining that is preventing the implantation?

Hi Nesnes,
Dun be too upset, k? We are all here to support each other. I've gone through 1 ivf and 3 fet and I did not give up. Hope you won't.

Hi littlemilk,
I believe you should proceed to ivf if you and your hubby are mentally prepared. Age is another factor of egg quality which will affect the success rate.

Hi Richard,
I do understand how you feel. Everytime u heard friends advising you to go to this gynea who is good and managed to make some of your friends preggy, you will give it a try. However, after seeing him, you wonder how come he never manage to make your wife preggy. Furhtermore, this gyneas who claims to be famous can be ex too. Well, I've came to a point to agree that these gyneas are definately good but I'm just not fated to have a child through them. I've dropped CARE Paragon due to cost and while searching for another gynea in govt hosp, I've opted for kkivf. I just picked another gynea by my heart and eventually, I've choosen Dr Sadhana. Honestly, I do not have any recommendation abt her. Hopefully, Dr Sadhana is my lucky charm. Most importantly, I'm v comfy with her after a few session of meet up.

Since you are still able to claim medisave claim for the 3rd time and govt is giving out this grant, go to a govt hosp for a 3rd boost. Maybe, you can have a chat with these gynea first and feel which gynea you are more comfy with.

Hi Boon Boon,
All the best to your op and take good care of your health after it. Do not take chicken and seafood after that. Just take fish porriage, soup etc. The first day of the op is a nightmare for me, keep vomitting and feeling giddy. Hope you will not be like me. All the best!

Hi TnT, Lina, Baby09, Chris and Humbug,
I will pray for you that you will achieve a successful ivf and bb is growing strongly inside his/her mummy's womb.
Ellsa, sorry to make you worry but truth is sometimes cruel.. {{{hugs}}}

I read that the only cure is to have hysterectomy but have to make sure all the endometriosis is removed. Pregnancy will NOT cure endo, but during pregnancy, pain may be reduced. But there is a chance that it'll come back after giving birth and breast feeding..

Not sure how to prevent it from returning as it's not known how it started..

Thanks Chris. I think next time I will get the med from Dr Zou when menses report. Did you have ACU on your 2ww? or only medi during 2ww?
so HAPPY to hear from you after so long! :D
Where have you gone to lah? Busy with work until MIA for so long, haha!
You have been reading the thread all along still? Why never post anything? At least say hello and update with us mah. :p
So you have already started your fresh cycle or FET this time? How was the ER and ET? Hope you make it this time too!

Thanks, I am doing fine, I am 31 weeks 2 days now. Tummy big big liao. Looking forward to seeing baby in 2 months time. Have been feeling lots of baby movements, tummy bulging here and there a lot lately.. quite funny and scary too.
Hope we all can share more.

All the best, must keep in touch and update with us, ok? We will jia you for one another no matter what.

oic. Your sinseh very good leh, can still call to remind you.
Thanks, hope I can strive this time too.

Me did my FET on 17Mar by Dr Paul Tseng this time bec Dr Chua was on leave. Have been seeing Dr Zou since last Nov like you. Everytime I wait in her clinic, I do wonder if I will see you there. Maybe our timing different.

Work was busy and stressful, everytime time Dr Zou do my pulse, she say that it is "jin", she asked me to try to relax.

I don't have any symptoms. But this time with 3 to 4 months of TCM and Accp, hope I'll strive. But I try to take things easy this time.
BFP, AF will not report until 10months later

Crinone insert twice a day, morning and night. I also have to take progynova and utrogestan tablets throughout the 2WW. I have to go down to clinic for bloodtest every 3 to 4 days.

I think lining of 10mm will be considered good, I heard Dr Zou telling other patients.

The gathering is at 1pm, we are having our lunch there

So happy, you got a positive sign! Yeah

Rest well and all the best.

Wow! 19 eggs are alot! Hope many fertilised and good grades. What's your dosage for puregon and how many days of injection?
Good luck for your ET tomorrow. How many embies are you transferring? Is it by ISCI too?
Glad you remember me. So touched. You know how is it like in school lor. No time to browse net. Only started reading these few dsys when I'm in my 2ww after FET. But didn't write anything bec I use my phone to browse. Today saw Lina got BFP, so quickly congrats her.

And tell you wat, I nearly forgotten my passward. haha. Wow, you 31 weeks liao, so fast. Envying......Boy or Girl? Hope can share more with you and Lina and the rest if I strive this time. Thanks for your Jiayou! Need your support too!
Fresh- Thanks for your advise. Fish is good. I like to eat fish. In fact, everyday at least one of meal definately have fish. Anyway, my hb doesn't take chicken, duck so I can't get him to buy Black Chicken for me if needed hee hee :>
HI Lina, wow! Just after I finished posting, I start to read some posting saing congrats lina... I must have missed something, so I quickly went back to read the achive thread posted by you. Haaaaa.... The thread is really running fast... Wow! you got positive finally! Really happy for you. Let's toast!
Hi develyn...

Thks! i was very very upset cos be4 my BT i bleed already. Cried for days. Actually i want to re-do but doc loh said no. He wants me to do FET. I have no idea the grade of my embryos.
of course remember you lah!
We used to 'gossip' so much about the Chinese sinsehs in this thread! Hahaha! Ya, I fully understand how hectic teaching life is in school.
So how many eggs you have during ER? How many fertilised and what grade? Really hope to hear your good news soon, BT on 1 april rite? You want to take hpt too?

Thanks, I am having a baby boy. Ya, it seems fast, but actually it is long wait for the preggy mummy. Heehee...

Cale and Maykel have given birth weeks ago too liao!
Hi Boon Boon and all ladies out there, wonder if you have read this email before. Just to share for your information. (Not my friend hor... I receive this through email)

<u>Chicken Wings - Its Dangerous</u>

Avoid eating chicken wings frequently - ladies, especially; a true story...!

A friend of mine recently had a growth in her womb and she underwent an operation to remove the cyst.

The cyst removed was filled with a dark colored blood. She thought that she would be recovered after the surgery but! she was terribly wrong.

A relapse occurred just a few months later. Distressed , she rushed down to her gynecologist for a consultation.

During her consultation, her doctor asked her a question that puzzled her.

He ask if she was a frequent consumer of chicken wings and she replied yes wondering as to how, he knew of her eating habits.

You see, the truth is in this modern day and age; chickens are injected with steroids to accelerate their growth so that the needs of this society can be met.

This need is none other than the need for food.

Chickens that are injected with steroids are usually given the shot at the neck or the wings.
Therefore, it is in these places that the highest concentration of steroids exists.

These steroids have terrifying effects on the body as it accelerates growth.

It has an even more dangerous effect in the presence of female hormones, this leads to women being more prone to the growth of a cyst in the womb. Therefore, I advise the people out there to watch their diets and to lower their frequency of consuming chicken wings!
Hi ellsa and Fresh,

hi bliss,
what is the MTB thread link?

Hi happyever,
do stay relax. I read that no symptoms is one of the symptoms. Really hope you have BFP. What time do you normally visit Dr Zou? for weekdays i go quite late, 8pm and weekends on sunday morning.

hi libby and Fresh,
Wah ... this thread moving so darn fast! So difficult to keep up!

CONGRATULATIONS on your +ve results!!!! Another one bites the dust. *LOL* Take good care of yourself! All those hardwork came to fruition after all for you
Certainly hope after this, more good news to come from the rest of the ladies too

Hvn't seen you around for quite a while. Hope the trip was a good one. You must be counting down to 31/3. Soon! Soon!

I don't drink coffee lah. Unless I have cravings for my latte (occasionally). hehe ...
this is the thread link:

the story is scary leh... then how, cannot eat chicken wings at all?

My sinseh also told me before that try not take too much chicken and pork in daily meals, due to the high chemicals injected and the food being fed to the animals. She told me the chemicals are higher in meat than in vege, so better to take less meat and also take organic food.
Truely understand, 31weeks. so fast to others but very slow for preggy mummy. I'm in 2ww and already I find time moving like snail. Baby boy, Congrats! So Cale and Maykel gave birth liao. haha, so happy for them. I remember Maykel and you see the EYS TCM.

Gossip? aiyo, you still remember. Just sharing impt info with the rest so that other dont waste $$$ seeing mah. Now, I seeing Dr Zou, I'm also very happy with her. She is very caring. Everytime I go there, she'll share with us if another of her patients gotten pregnant. I think she is trying to give us confidence.
Wah ... so only chicken wings must avoid? Other parts ok? Cos I'm a chicken eater. I cannot live w/o chicken. It;s probably like the only meat I eat! But I seldom eat chicken wings lah, nor drumstick. I like the breast meat. haha!
heehee... ya lor we were not gossiping actually lah, lol! :D
Cale and Maykel gave birth early in 30 and 31 weeks respectively. Though their babies are still in KKH, they are doing fine, just have to wait to develop better and gain more weight before going home.
I go in the afternoon after school 3plus to 5pm. Weekend sometime is Sat or Sun, noon time. Think our timing diff. But nvm, hope I also strike BFP this time. Than we can have gathering with Bliss and the rest. Thanks, I also tell myself no symptoms is one of the symptoms.

I did FET this time. So no ER. Left with 4 embries, after thawing, left 3 so put in 3. But I don't know wat grade. 随缘ba, all my dear babies.
Hi Bliss and Sierra, I just had a cyst removed last week so this email freak me out. I love to eat chicken wings. Even chicken rice must order chicken wing type. So now better stop.
Hi sierra,

Hi bliss,
thanks for the link.

hi happyever,
I totally agree, Dr Zou is very caring. 3 eggs put in, more chance. I thought the grade will be given as well for FET?
how about taking kampong chicken instead of those fatter chicken kept in farm? Of course that can only be done only for home cooking. For eating outside, we cant decide what type of chicken to eat.

Btw, ducks and pigs are the same too... think have to careful with the intake of them.

haha, ya, we not gossiping. Than wat were we doing??? haha

Thanks for updating.Hope their babies can grow healthy and return home soon. Pls send my regards and congrats to them. (dont know they remember me or not.) I go to MTB link you gave Lina to read maybe.

For me FET is less stressful. less injection, no stage 1 stage 2. I used to have lots of problem at stage 1.
Ooooh .. then maybe stop the wings. Thing is .. nowadays, almost every poultry we eat is injected with some form of steroids. Not just chicken. Possibly all the beef, mutton, pork etc. And vege too ... sprayed with pesticides etc. That's not to say what about the by-products from these animals such as the eggs and milk ... ? it's scary .. but since we eat in moderation, should be ok lah. Not like we gobble up 10kg of these foods daily. Unless we switch to organic food (but damn ex leh) and not found everywhere still. Guess we can try to cut down on what are supposedly not too good lah.

BTW, anybody knows what's a good substitute for fish? I mean .. i don take fish at all .. are there any tablets that can give me the nutrition of fish w/o me hvg to eat fish? hehe..
like what you said, we are trying to analyse the goods and bads of the sinsehs we actually experienced. We are trying to help ourselves and reminding the others mah. Hahaha!

Yes, hope that their babies will be home real soon. You can post in the thread then, Cale and Maykel will go there and post once in a while now, to update us their babies' progress.
I'm reading the posts and realised that there are quite a few teachers here as well. I'm a teacher myself..... How can you gals go on your 2ww (HL) and avoid the kaypoh questions when you go back to work? I find it really hard especially in school as you need relief teachers to cover you. I feel obliged to tell them why I am on HL.
Maybe the nurse did say something but I can't remember. Blur Blur liao. Think I was trying to focus on how to do the crinone inserts. This time round I switched to insert. Don't want to stress my hubby as he is already so busy with work.

Meanwhile you rest well ok, With this good news, it wii be a wonderful weekend for you and your family.

Thanks for Praying for me. I don't dare to do HPT yet. Still delaying.
it is always better to take natural food rather than supplement tablets. Fish is indeed a good source of food, maybe must learn to take some at least. But then hor, fish also have risk of containing high mercury becoz of sea pollution. So have to be careful with intake of deep sea fish too. Even those reared in fish farm also might be fed with some kinds of chemicas to make them grow bigger and fatter.... haiz.... what to say now... maybe grow own vege and eat pesticide free vege...just like ancient pple who live in high mountains with own plantation and farm. Hahaha!
hi fresh,
i also love to eat chicken wings. now must change to eat drumstick.

hi happyever,
FET is less medication and chances of success is high. All the best to you. Do you need to go to Dr Zou for accu a few days in a row before ET?
Hi to all ladies here,
I'm happy. Jia You to everybody!

You are right. I share the same worry as you. in fact early this year when I return after a one-yr NPL, I was so afraid of pp picking up conversation with me. Bec I dont want to explain to everybody about my personal matter. So I try to look "cool". Contrast fm the friendly me in the past. haha. This way nobody will walk near me. I aalso avoid eating in the canteen, always buy food n eat at my table so tat I dont end up to be the coffee talk topic.

After a while, pp forgot abt it bec there is just too much work to do. But I do let my boss know, this one no choice.
Thanks again. My gynea Dr Chua also told me that FET body condition better.

I know u all will do a few accu in a row before ET. I only went the day before ET to accu bec I was too busy rushing to prepare work for my students during my 2ww absent.
Hi Ellsa ,

I fully understand how you feel.. remember i announced that my HCG is 573 and it drops 2 days before seeing the heart beats to 130...
It was even more devastated .. bringing me up to the sky and throwing me down.. i am even more sad when i remember that i do not even
have a chance to do FET.. Anyway, i just have to redo so i take some time like u .. rest first and whack again. ! Do check the embryo grade with the doctor.. it is always good to discuss on it.
Let's jia you together !

Hi Fresh ,

Yes, i read abt the chicken wings.. disgusting ! Yucksss.. not going to eat it ..

Hi Sierra ,

Just to say :Yalooooooo... :D

Hi Sophia,

Maybe just tell them that you are really sick and will be back once you are ok.. or just says u sprain your back
so will take 2weeks to rest on bed.. If it's teachers who is asking , then just tell them that you just finish ops.. or
u are resting .. chat when u are back... some of the gals just says they have womb infection that done a clean up..
and doctor wants u to rest in back after ops... Hope above helps..
hi happyever,
it's ok about the accupuncture. Read that most effective is the accu just before ET, even one time is sufficient.
hi noi
i m with Dr S Chew now..but already booked my next appt (2nd ivf) with prof pc wong liao..think we can be cycle buddy ya..;)
btw, ur 1st time ivf oso in nuh? did they perform BT for u on progestrone level after using crinone gel 1 week post ET?
hi zaza, december, boon boon
i wish too

hi chris
tats y i wonder how come nuh no need to test my progesterone level, furthermore i m only using the crinone gel once/day? very funny practise

hi lina
spread spread baby dust to all of us love
