IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi all,

Can I check how long is one IVF cycle? Quite worried about the side effects. How many days do we need to have injections? There is no way for me to take leave and I start work very early :-(

Hi Cler,

One cycle takes about 1.5 mths from lucrin injection to embryo trf to result.Injection depends on individual, either 14/21 days lucrin, puregon will depends on the size of the egg, as it have to reach abt 16mm in order to do egg pick up. It's abt 7-10 days i think. You'll have to go for check up to check the size. Try to get time off and talk yo your boss
Dear ponytail, thanks for your reply. wow your dosage is so low and u have so many follicles! I am on TCM now and resting. I guess I will discuss with prof the next time I meet him. Hopefully next cycle will be better.
Hi Ladies,

I am planning for IVF after CNY. Is anyone working during IVF treatment? Do you tell your boss that you are doing IVF? I understand that many company do not like to have pregnant women due to 4 month maternity leave.

Is anyone resign because of IVF treatment?

I was wondering if KKIVF centre give us the MC stated from IVF centre?

May I know, who will intent to do IVF after CNY?
my first consultation will be next week with Dr.Loh. Is he a good doctor?

Thanks for all the sharing.
hi chen,

currently i'm a housewife and will be embarking on my ivf after CNY. We can become cycle buddies

I'm currently with Dr Loh and have met up with him twice so far. Got to know about him through this forum. Quite a nice guy.
Hi Chen,

For myself, I've inform my boss before doing. They are alright with it, I have since changed boss since my first cycle. Actually once u take such long mc your colleagues n boss will ask why what...

Just be open and honest loh..
Hi everyone...

Sorry have not been here for a while. Been busy since I started work at my new school. It has been crazy, crazy crazy... ANyway here wishing you all a very Happy New Year. May all our dreams and wishes come true in 2009.

Piggy09 - I guess we can be cycle buddies and encourage each other. I will be doing my cycle in April too after resting for 3 months after my laparoscopy.
Hi piggy,
welcome back. Need to ask you if you asked your doctor before if allowed to put in only one embryo? I tried asking Dr Loh and he said must put in at least 2 to increase the chances. As i am worried if really end up with twins, how to cope with 3 kids (plus the older one).

Hi Chen,
welcome. Dr Loh is experience and his chances of success is high.
Hi babylou, Lina Ang, Lots of Babydust & bee,

Thank you for your consolation and encouragement.

Lots of Babydust and bee,

We share the same sentiment. I told myself that I should be strong even after my 1st time IVF fail & if giving up, chances is almost zero. I don't want to regret next time for not even giving a 2nd try.

My hubby and I will see Dr. Loh next week for his opinion. Meanwhile, I'll try to rest, gain more weight (I'm quite thin & OHSS caused me to lose 1 kg......can't afford to lose anymore weight) and be more prepared physically & mentally for the next IVF.

However, I'll try not to drag for too long for the 2nd IVF as I think the longer I drag, the chances of conceiving may not be favourable with the frozen embryos.

Sometimes, I do really wonder whether our marriage is too loving that caused it..... I have friend who is not ready to be committed to motherhood yet able to conceive by "accident" and my sister who doesn't really love children yet ended up with 3. Both of them don't really have a good marriage. Sometimes, I wonder if Heaven is playing tricks on us.
hi everyone,
scanned today... goodness i respond really slowly to puregon, er is going to be on thurs, but from the looks, only got 4 good follicles.. anyone here had few follicles but manage to concieve?
I left my lucrin in the cab... sigh... i only have one more jab and i have to buy a whole new bottle!!
Hi Ros,

Sure, glad that someone can be my cycle buddy, me too resting after my 2nd cycly failed.

Hi Lina,

For me I dun have much choice cause I only have 2 embryos to tranfer each time.
Hi Shirley,

Don't worry, frozen embryo transfer is much simple and u will not suffer from OHSS. In fact, Dr Zou mentioned that infact FET is better as less medication is used, chances maybe higher

I also feel the same, we have to go thru these procedures to try to get pregnant, those that dun want kids hv many and some even go for abortions. Haizzz......dun know wat to say.

Ok, lets jiayou and encourage each other.
Hi Chen & Chris,

I'll be cycling with you gals too... I'll be doing the 2nd IVF in Feb, and we also seeing the same Dr Loh.

All the best!!
Hi Shirley,

Don't worry, FET chances is higher... Your frozen embryos are waiting for you, always think positive side...
hmmmm... I have lots of ??? in my head. But i will ask them when my time comes.

Like what ponytail said, all u need is one good emby to conceive... but you have 4

Yes, keep the spirit high and eat well, real well so that your body is conducive for the next cycle. jia you!

Cycle buddy Nancy
btw, how many days of mavelon are u taking? just wondering why ur injection will be later than mine
Hi piggy,
oh, ic.

Hi tintedsky,
we will always be here, glad that you are back.

Ladies with Dr Zou,
Do you take the medicine separately, once in morning and night? I don't have time in the morning to take it as need to rush to work so drink altogether in the evening. Wonder if this might be a problem.
hi everyone,
opps i just read the thread... thanks a lot for offering the lucrin... hehe i did not read it and i bought another bottle already. thanks so much for your offers and encouragement...

my puregon dosage was 200iu 7 days, 300iu 2 days and 400iu 4 days... yup thursday is egg retrieval day.. scan shows 5 good follicles... i hope they all have eggs!
Hi Jas,
My experience was if I am started with the higher dosage earlier, my response to puregon is good. If the dosage is only increase subsequently due to the poor response, I am responding very slow to the drugs. Your scenario is quite similar to mine. Good luck to your ER and ET.
Hi Baby28 and Chris,

Lets encourage each other. I will see Dr.Loh soon and find out more about IVF procedure.

I am planning to see Dr.Jin (TCM) from raffless hospital. Do you think we need this treatment?

coz i read from this tread that most of the ladies doing so..thanks for sharing.
Hi ladies....

the last time I logged into this forum was the day before my beta test...on 22 Dec...well, it was a BFN for my 1st 1vf so I took some time to heal emotionally then school start so I was cooped up with work...

I was sad but kinda expected it when I did the HPT the morning of Beta test and it came out negative....Initially I had high hopes cause I fel cramps, tenderness, and I feel so bloated (the nurses said if u continue to feel bloated until the test date it is a good sign)...I had all the symptoms...but abt 4 days prior to beta test, the cramps reduced significantly, breast only slightly swollen...but still bloated...
Well, my advice to those in 2ww, dont look too much into the symptoms...they are misleading...well, we are super hopeful that it will work so everything is like a sign for us...

Anyway, I am meeting my dr Marianne Hendricks from KKivf for a review...still have 3 frozen embies...am considering to use them or do a fresh cycle all over again...

Some of you went through the FET rite....how is it? as in what are the procedures or steps before the transfer.... Can share ur experience?
Hi Piggy and Lina,
Thanks for your advise. ;)

Hi Shirley,
I understand your feeling and i feel the same way too..Its sad when we think about it but we have to think positive and greatful that we have this opportunity to concieve and having a loving partner. We need to think as noone is perfect. Please stay Happy and try to relax.

Hope everyone is this tread have a lovely baby soon.
Hi Ladymiz,

I read from this tread (Fellaine at 7 December, 12.45pm). She shared a very useful info. you can read the archive to find out the procedures.
Hi Ladies,

I'm new in this thread. And I'm also hoping to embark on ivf (Dr Sadhana at KKH) in May09. Was reading through the thread and I must admit ... a bit lost with all the short forms and jargons used :p

I can empathise with those who are constrained by their jobs. I'm also posted overseas for the past 15mths ... wanted to take no pay leave for 1.5mths to concentrate on ivf, but was turned dwn my my company. In the end, came to a compromise ... i'll delay my ivf to May09, but will only take leave for Stage 2. Will fly up & down for the earlier stages and bring my jabs back with me overseas. So it's tough ...

I have this big fear that the procedure might be unsuccessful. Have tried to conceive for 2yrs+ now ... with no success... hubby has low sperm count and quality ... doc said my progesterone level is a lil' low (so I might not be ovulating regularly, although every mth use the ovulation test kit, shows +ve ovulation leh...). I'm hoping for the best ... can't wait for May09, and I pray to God it'll be a successful 1st try.

Looking forward to hearing all you ladies share your ivf experience with me here. Thanks! ;)
hi try again,

what is the procedure for normal fet. how abt the cost. there is no injections is it?

i had ivf last dec but did not proceed with ET as i had OHSS.

thanks a lot dear with e info
Hi, thought I will share my FET experience here...
I first did ER last Sept but did not proceed with ET due to risk of hyperstimulation. I started my FET 2 months ago as mine is natural so gynae have to monitor one month of my menstrual cycle to ensure I ovulate naturally. After I clear last month, I started the real FET this month...to be honest, it was very tiring having to go for scans every 2-3 days especially nearing mid-cycle. And the month of Dec was very stressful for me because I had lots of datelines to meet at work. My cycle went haywire, so this created more stress...When my follicles did not grow as expected, we were close to abandoning the cycle. Fortunately, my follicles seem to 'wake up' and started to mature, LH surge was confirmed by 2 consecutive days of twice daily blood test and I was able to do ET on 2 Jan.
I am not disciplined, went to work these 2 days even though I was given 2 week's MC.
I feel really crampy tonight as if my period is coming soon
I can only hope for the best when I go for pregnancy test on 15 Jan.

I am sharing my story to encourage you not to give up, keep on trying ok!
Hi all

Have been quite a while since I last posted. Have not been too well. Anyone experience a reduction in urine after ER. I just had my ER today. Please advise.
Hi babylou,

Thanks for the clarification on the acronyms!

BTW, does OHSS develop during or after the Lucrin injection stage? I read somewhere that only abt 1% of women will develop OHSS and may need to be hospitalised, but from this thread, seems like a few ladies experienced that as well. Can we still go ahead with ER/ET if there's OHSS?
Hi tintedsky,
you also can consider:
Dr. SF Loh or Dr. Sadhana from KKH.
Prof Wong from NUH.
Is it your 1st IVF?

Hi cler_cler,
If you work very early, then you can inject at night.
For the injection you can do it yourself or ask your husband help.
You can talk to your boss abt this IVF after your ER because after ER you will need to take abt 2wks-3wks hospitalisation leave.

Hi Chen,
I am working.
I told my boss after my ER as I need to take hospitalisation leave.
It depend on your boss, if you think your boss ok with it i dun think you need to resign. But if you want to focussing this maybe you can consider to resign. The choice is up to you.
Dr Loh, I feel he almost same like other doctor.

Hi Ladymiz,
sorry to hear. Wish you all the best on your next FET.

Hi sierra,
Hehehe relax... who know before May 09, you get pregnant naturally. Hehehehe ^_^

hi Kaira,
Nope, never experience a reduction in urine after ER.
How long you experience this?
Maybe you can ask the nurse at KK IVF or your gynae.
Hi Ladymiz,
Hugs, do rest well and prepare for FET. I didn't do much preparation for the FET, only waited 2 cycles of AF then tried.

Hi sierra79,
welcome to the thread. Think as long as you rest well for the two weeks after embryo transfer will be sufficient. Before that, you can travel.

Hi babylou,
stay positive, all the best for your blood test.
hi kaira,
i hope you are feeling well... tomorrow's er for me...
Sierra, ohss starts normally after ER, but to prevent that, some of us start taking egg white during the puregon stage. I have been taking 4 egg whites everymorning.. whether to go ahead with the ET, depends on your doctors, some ladies with very bad ohss on this forum still do the ET some do not and wait for FET. I guess it all depends on the advise of the doctor.
Hi Josephine, Lina

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm still hoping that maybe we'll hit jackpot (sumhow) before May09 and will not need to go through with ivf after all. That would certainly be a miracle then!

Hehe ... but not looking too good lah ... after 2yrs+ of trying & failing, we're not pinning our hopes on natural conception anymore. Really hope ivf will be the solution for us

PS: Just a random survey, how many eggs do most of you put back for the ET? My friend only had 1 surviving egg after the ER and fertilisation. So put back only 1 egg. But she managed to conceive with that one egg. I'm so nervous ... what if no eggs? what if eggs don't fertilise or even survive??
for the government grant, only 2 eggs allowed to put back in.... normally for age below 35, doctors will advise only 2, otherwise, by singapore law, only 3 eggs max allowed
for the government grant, only 2 eggs allowed to put back in.... normally for age below 35, doctors will advise only 2, otherwise, by singapore law, only 3 eggs max allowed
Hey jas,

Yes, was told that if tkg govt grant, can only put 2 eggs in max. Haha! Think SIN gahmen scared of having to "sustain" anything more than twins at one go :p

Hv a fellow forum friend who did ivf in M'sia. Put in 3 eggs... ivf was successful, looks like she'll be hvg triplets.
does anyone know if TMC gives hospitalisation leave after ER & ET? if yes, how long? some said 2-3 weeks after ET... sound good!

Dear bee

depends on your situation. I was with TFC. They issued me 2 weeks after ET. Then I was tested positive and I took HL for almost 1 month. I stopped work from Oct and reported again for work in mid Nov.
