IVF/ICSI Support Group

helen - i was having cough, flu and fever the 1st few days after ET too. but i tink it was cos i ate too many curry puffs. no other symptoms too. aside from calf cramps - dont know why. what caused your coughs ? i'm on day 11 today.

Hi Happyever, Bliss tan, Mel and all other ladies,

After a long gap wanted to say hi to all of you.
I am on the FET cycle now. Trying to cope with the symptoms.
Happyever can i check with you the vegetables and fruits that need to be avoided. My doc confirmed that my earlier cycle was a miscarriage(after implantation...but i know for a fact that i had tender coconut).
Thought will check with you all the vege and fruits to avoid.
Thanks in advance.
Mel great to know that you have two kids..
Bliss hope you are back to normal diet..
Take Care Mel and Bliss.
Hi ponytail, I think I may have gotten from my mil who is having flu and cough on the day of my FET. Started to drink pi pa gao last night. Hopefully it will get better. My cough always take a long time to heal, sigh.....

This is your first ET? Sorry that I didn't read earlier string.

This is my 3rd ET already. Have been seeng Dr Zou after my failed 2nd ET. I had chemical pregnancy during my 2nd ET. Hopefully this time will succeed since I've been taking chinese med for 1 year liao.

now i know what is social medical worker for. But hor i have gone through 2 cycles. sigh still want to chat with me.

You mean there is a show on IVF last night. What show is it? Anyone know how i can i pm?

I am trying to find my PM click. Not sure how i access to it.
Hi kalki,

My mil said white carrot and winter melon cannot eat. It is extremely 'cold' wor.

My nurse told me CANNOT eat/do the following:

Eat pineapple, watermelon, green-skinned banana, papaya, coconut, oysters, sashimi, rojak, bittergourd, brinjal, brown cucumber, spicy food.

Drink cold gassy drinks, coffee, cocoa.

Carry items more than 10 pounds or have strenuous workout.

Take chinese herbal tea or soup (e.g. bak kut teh)

Stress yourself

It is confirmed! I am pregnant! Just gotten the BT result from KK, beta level is 597 on day 15.

To all in IVF programme ... jia you!!
Welcome to 2ww. So you already started your FET.
BFP BFP this time! Let's BFP together.

What symptoms do you have? Don't think about the past, most imptly, eat well and rest well.

Think Helen has a very good list of food that we are not supposed to eat now.

I think Coconut Juice, longan, Sugar Cane juice, Chinese white cabbage they say is too cooling.

Did you see the very long list put up by Starzy? just a few days ago or last week. It is a very comprehensive list.
Hi Pretyy lady,

Thanks for your well wishes.
This is 1st FET. Fresh cycle was in July. Will go back to KK tomorrow to collect more medication and also arrange for scan appt.

How many weeks are you now?
kalki - did u eat a lot of coconut ?

hjelen - i'm a bit worried now, i ate a lot of papya the last 3 days to help with my constipation. is it really very bad or not so bad
kalki - HIHI!!! so great to see you... lots of baby dust to you!! **shovel shovel throw throw throw** positive thoughts positive thoughts!!

helen - hey... you got the same list as i did.. are you with CARE@paragon? think positive!!

BBW - congrats!!

the rest of the girls in 2WW - lots of BFP thoughts your way...

All - sorry abt not keeping up.. i have been either kooning, working or puking.. so.. i think i am missing out on some personals... no matter what.. all of you are in my thoughts!!!
I think you the papaya for good reason. Don't worry, just don't eat too much. Now you stop should be ok. Papaya not so bad la. I think one should avoid is coconut juice, longan and sugar cane.

Having a mixture and good range of fruits and veg for a week should be ok.

I suddenly remember: Barley and green beans also cannot.

Mel is right, same leh. So are you doing at CARE?
BBW -Congrats on your BFP. Now just rest well and make sure you eat well too...

To the rest of the ladies - Thanks for updating the list of items to eat and things to avoid. It really helps especially for first timer like me. I am the kind that everything also I eat. Hehehe...
. Truly I appreciate all of you ladies.

One question: When do we start taking the egg white and Ensure milk? During Suppression or stimulation stage?

AFter hearing some of the stories here on OHSS, I am truly worried and hope that it doesnt happen to me or anyone else here.
hi gals,
is it also true that soya beans & its related products (eg. beancurd, drink etc.) should be avoided too during 2ww??
i wonder once pregnancy is confirmed (i.e during the 1st trimester), should the same list of food & drinks also to be avoided??
or we could eat almost all foods so as our body can get the necessary nutrients.
appreciate some kind souls' feedbacks. thanks.
happy - ok thanks. yes i think i will stop eating it. i went to google it and only unripe papaya pose danger, fully ripe ones are ok. but to be safe i think i'll stop since i eat for past 3 days already.

pretty lady - i remember my doc saying you have to eat a lot a lot, eg 1 gallon of soya for it to have any effect. 1 glass or 1 bowl is ok.
Hi Happy&Helen,
Thanks for the info.I am just on contraceptive pills. So by early next month will go for FET. Haven't checked the details of cycle. But i am ok too much info then stress also builds up(my doc and nurse will do their work).

Thanks for the baby dust. Happy to see you visiting this forum often. Thanks again.

No, it so happened my body temp went up so high that my hubby and parents refused to sit next to me. Then my hubby drive me down to get tender coconut drink and with in 10min my body cool down and next day got my periods.
So according to doc it is some food i ate that caused. (embryologist refusing to give grade of the embryo..this type happens when the quality is very good).
So don't know just crossing my fingers and waiting for things to work well.
This time also just me and hubby only, no overseas trip for him so hopping for the best

Hi Pony, eat more prunes to help in your constipation. I happened to drink brown cucumber soup the other day without realising it is considered to be a 'cooling' vegetable. Let's not worry too much, k? Papaya should not be that bad as compared to pineapple, right? I've been telling myself to be positive too. This is the most important thing.

Hi Mei and Happyever, yes. I did mine at CARE. So just want to share with our sisters here.

I also remember my nurse and Dr Zou also ask me not to go for massage wor.
Hi Kalki, how come your embryologist refuse to give grade of the embryo. Thot u have the right to know? this type happens when the quality is very good?
Hi Bliss, I'm watching the 7pm Ch8 now. Can't believe it!!!! The doc just told Chen Liping that all her embies had implanted successfully and she is going to have twins! All this happen within 1 week after her FET.
pretyy lady,
there are diff saying abt soybean effect on implantation. You can ask ur doc, you can also google to read.

As i'm a vegetarian, so i take 1 glass of soymilk n 1 glass of milk n 1 hard boiled egg almost everyday for protein, calcium n iron.

So you starting next mth. My BT is next mon. We cheer for each other ok! Positive! Positive!

Should be ok. Not alot. Btw, how is your cough?

how is your back? Becareful when u r doing ur packing.
Enjoy eating wat u like now, certain food we can't take for a while when we get pregnant. I did not take ice- cream since Jun. Really tempted to eat when the weather is so hot. But i told myself it is worth it, having our own children is sweeter than eating ice- cream. Hahaha.
hahaha, I watched that too! That's acting really, got to be fast mah, or else not exciting enough for audience. Heeheehee.

thanks for concern.

So happy to see you back here! Glad that you are ready for FET now. BFP this time! Cheering for you!
I am in my 12 weeks today! Finally coming end of first trimester, but my appetite has not been very good yet, hopefully will become good soon. Been having lots of itchiness on my tummy, thighs, buttocks and breasts! Trying to endure it while applying cream everyday, it is uncomfortable but cant do much to ease the itchiness meantime.


Have a smooth pregnancy ahead!
My hubby inject for me every night. Very stressful for him.

Yoyo, one more sister from CARE. Most sisters here r fm KK n NUH. When did u do ur ET? When is ur BT?
Thanks bliss.Just apply baby oil. It helps a lot. My massage lady advised me and i felt better bse mine usually dry skin.

Good luck for you. Take care and rest well.
Hi ponytail, another encouraging news for u and me, I came across 1 article and it said "Many patients are worried that if they cough or sneeze , the embryo will "fall out". However, remember that this is physically impossible, and that if the embryo is going to implant, it will, no matter how much you exert."

When is your BT?
thanks. I have been applying aqueous cream and some anti-itch cream from doc. I was having eczema too, so went to see doc last week.
My skin problem is due to hormonal changes, have to tahan this period, I just hope will get better soon and wont worsen throughout pregnancy. The itchiness is really making daily life very uncomfortable. Sigh... Anyway, I will continue to jia you and bear with it.

Helen, Lina, Happy, Ponytail and whoever in your 2WW,
all the best and hope to hear BFP news from you ladies real soon! Jia you!

i'm under Dr E Chua. Mel is also under Dr Tseng.
Your BT is 2 day after me. BFP! BFP!

I'm watching discovery chan 12 now, miracle of love. Better than chan 8. Haha
thanks bliss. my BT is on 17th nov. 5 more days to go and i still dont have any symptoms. did u take home preg test ? its only 5 more days but seems like so long away....
helen - yep happy and i have BT on same day. ha, i had the same concern abt emby 'falling out', but i told my doc that i had cough and flu she said its ok, no need to worry, so i think it means no need to worry. although when i talk to the nurse they told me not to exert my stomach, so i tried not to cough too much. my cough is clearing up now, just phlemy. hows your cough ?
thanks for your concern. still couching occasionally but it's better now as compared to previous days. Will continue to take my pi pa gao. hopefully can clear soon. do take care.

are u working or resting at home now? I'm going back to work tomorrow. Talking to colleagues and doing some paperwork might keep me away from negative thinking.
Hi Helen, Mel, Ros, Kalki, Bliss,

Thanks for all your well wishes.

I went to KK to collect more medicine since I am on leave today.

Will stop cyclogest after Fri, and to continue with progynova, folic acid, aspirin and start taking Duphaston.

Is there any other supplements which are also good to take?
wow, you have to take so many supplements ah? Think it is sufficient for the first 3 months le. Dont take too much supplements, balanced and nutritious meals will be the best.

can understand the torture of the long waiting. Yes, I did hpt on 15dpt in the morning and then went for BT on the same day. My BT was supposed to be 17dpt too, but I requested for earlier BT as I was worried by my dropping BBT that time.
Hang in there, try to relax more though it is really difficult. 5 days will pass very quickly. You may want to take hpt during weekends if you want to. All the best!
congrats! so happy for you. Really glad to hear success for FET. Take care for the 9 months ahead. Do start drinking anmum or pregnant mom's milk.

Hi happyever,
your hubby must persist with the injection...hehehe...stress him out.

Hi bliss,
not to worry, this itch of skin could also be due to the stretching of skin. But take note that might worsen on the 3rd trimester as tummy gets bigger and hormornal change is greater. Just go back to gynae to get the cream. I had this itch last time and even cream doesn't help. I used cold water to wash the tummy and it works for awhile.
Pretyy lady,
Yes i'm with Dr Zou. Been very comfortable with her. This time round with her help the chances will be higher. Unlike the 1st time when i din even go for any acu or TCM treatment.
helen - i think i met you are CARE last time??
i'm the one who was retching at the sight of your peanut butter sandwich?? :p congrats on trying again.. really really praying for you... **dust dust dust sprinkle sprinkle**

i think we have a few sisters here having BT next week? Oooo.. so exciting.. sending good thoughts your way!!
helen - i'm working, but on leave till after BT. how long is your HL ? how come you're coming office so soon ?

bliss - if i cant dahan anymore may take hpt on weekend. but what i think i'll probably not trust the result so much anyway cos it seems could get a false answer.... in dilemma, will see how it goes. 4 more days to go... i already started writing out the list of things i want to eat / do if the result is not what i want, and also things to do if its BFP. helps to take my mind off the BT.
hi ponytail,
it's good to do other things rather than think about the BT. I ran out of dvd to watch, now watching tv. I rather go back to work.
last time you Progesterone injection after ET was for how many days? Mine is 100mg for 15days. The last one will be Fri night.

Wonder if I do a hpt on Sun morning will it be accurate? I think I'll do hpt on my own the day first.

After you are test positive, are you still given the Progesterone injection?
Good morning ladies~~

I have a question, while we are undergoing IVF and we are tested on our blood test, do they check our other hormons besides E2?

Im wondering, because I want to know my FSH level.. my last hormon test I have got the result of is from one year back... and if that is the blood test they are refering to do IVF... that would be scary.....

some how I really have a good feeling about you~~
hehehe BFP BFP
just try to spend your time watching DVDs and things.... enjoy your holiday for now!!


You can request for a latest FSH to be done on your Day 2 or 3. I did one in Jan thi yr, so this time when I start this try in Oct, my doctor did one more test again.

From what I understand, dosage of Gonal-F depends on FSH reading. But sometime, it is costly to do so many test, so Doctor may skip this step if you have just done one.
