IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Jas,
ooo ic.
I am also under SF Loh, but he never do blood test for my hormone level. I know that before we sign the consignment they ask us to do some blood test like HIV, etc. For hormone level, I dun remember i do it. Hehehe.. maybe different procedure.

But Dr SF loh ask to do SA for my DH. After sign consignment then next cycle I got my menses, I come to KK IVF and they give me the oral tablet for 21 days then after 2wks (I think) I start lucrin injection for ... days(forgot) then got do blood test + US Scan.

Are you born on 1982? wow..

hi bliss,
thanks for sharing your 1st scan experience. u r correct, my scan will be done at AMC then see gyane at clinic D. m contemplating whether i should request to convert to private suite... actually what are the differences?? m aware that at private suite seeing our gyane will incur higher charges. wonder how much (more) will it be?? how about attention wise...could we request for him to follow thru our pregnancies & also his presence when delivering??

m glad to hear that your 1st trimester is ending with ease (except the MS aka morning sickness). will pray that it'll be so for your 2nd & 3rd & MS to go away soon. mmm.... wonder in which week do u start experiencing MS??
Hi Jo( hehe can i call you that? )

Yup I am born in 1982. Married for 3 yrs already. My Hubby had no sperm..knew that before we were married cause he has no testerone and has to go on implants. so after these 6 mths of injections.. we were very happy to find out we have sperms.. but only 1 % normal sperms which dr loh says is more than enough. So hubby has to start sperm freezing... Dr Loh scanned my womb 6mths ago.. and he said everything looks normal... my menses also very on time... he ask me to do blood test on day 2/3 of menses for HCG and LSH levels i think... i left my forms at home... have to go look at them.. Hmmm it is because i am overweight? he needs to check extra stuff?? keeping my fingers crossed...
Hi Jas,

This is my summary of IVF journey from KK, hope this will help you ... ^_^

1. Oral tablet (21 days)
2. Lucrin injection (start after D14 after the oral tablet)
3. US Scan after D14 of lucrin whether your hormone suppressing or not. If not then continue the lucrin. (your AF should be come on D10/D14 after Lucrin).

Stage 2:
4. If hormone suppressing, then buy puregon. Jab in the next day (for 8 or >= 10days) + lucrin
5. US scan on day 8 after puregon see the follicles enough size or not. If not enough continue puregon + lucrin for few days till follicles size enough.
6. Pregnyl jab in the next day at night.
7. After 2 days, ER (Egg Retrieval)

Stage 3:
8. After 2 days ER, then ET (Egg transfer)
9. Welcome to 2WW (2 week waiting). After ET, you can choose whether you want to get hormone progestrone jab or urgostane tablet (put inside your vagina). If you choose jab, then you must prepare yourself to come to KK to get jab for 14 days + you need to pay the medicine. For tablet, you do not need to come to KK + medicine is free.
10.D5 after ET, blood test to check your progesterone hormone.
11.D17 after ET, blood test to check your HCG level whether you pregnant or not.
hi Jas,
Can. Hehehehe.. I think oh.. you are the youngest in this forum. Hehehehe ^_^

Ooo ic, for me that time Dr Loh only ask me to check my uterus lining as i am on clomid for more than 10 cycles. Luckily my lining are ok. Hehehehe..

Yup.. keep finger cross, hope everything go smooth.. wish you all the best.
thanks a lot Jo
... wow really in detail... thanks .. at least i have a clearer picture of what to expect now... I will definately pick the tablet over the jabs... :p hehe for me the less jabs the better...
Hi Jas,

Hahahahaha :D
But you still need to jab Lucrin & Puregon leh...
Lucrin is easy, puregon is a bit sting and painfull compare lucrin leh...

Hahahaha :D yup... hopefully you can join us soon ^_^ Cheers...

Btw, are you working?
Hi Jo,
Nope i remember seeing someone on the forum who is 24 yr old.. she is youngest... haha i am already 26... Yup i am looking forward to joining you guys soon. yup i know have to do injections still
.. but the less the better for me... and congrats on your pregnancy...
thanks once again.
Hi Jas,

Is it? 24 yrs.. wow.. this forum is quite fast till I am not notice it. Hahahaha :D

Hahahaha... I know the bank you refer. It is a big news leh... very surprising. You are lucky... can enjoy AWS. Hahaaha :D
hi gals,

been rather sick the past couple of weeks since starting on lucrin, had nausea and vomitting the previous sun and been feeling light headed, and woozy since last thursday.

i thought it was the side effects of lucrin but it already is 13 days of jabs, surely by now body would have gotten used to the effects? but still feeling light headed ..and now am espcially tired, been resting like every couple of hours.

it doesn't sound right...does it?
pretyy lady,

The difference between private suite and clinic D is only about $10, so not too bad.
Yes, your gynae will follow you thru your entire pregnancy and delivery. However you may want to have another standby gynae if you are having multiples, just in case of any emergency. But in KKH, we will still have to go to other departments for the various trimester screening and special tests which are not done by our gynae.
I started having my morning sickness on the day of my beta test on 15dpt.
Hi Babymaking

Yup, it doesn't sound right.
Last time, I do not feel any side effects from lucrin. Maybe you can consult with the nurse or your doctor.

just reading thru my blog and realised i faced the same symptoms in my first cycle with lucrin also, also did check with sf loh back then last year but he said it's ok.

but is it really ok?

esp since this cycle got to extend by another week due to IVF closure.
hi tang tang

sorry to hear of your loss. I saw Zou sinseh when i was undergoing my FET earlier this yr, took her meds and did accupunture but the cycle was not successful.

This time round, am doing accupunture only with Jin sinseh at raffles medical.

in the mean time, rest well, and remember to take more nourishing food and keep your body warm.
I went for the beta-hcg test today, It was only 9.6. My pregnancy is most likely non-viable. I think it was gone during the time when I bled. Dunno when is the soonest I can do FET. I have 4 frozen embies. Looks like they will come to good use now. 2 of them will be my twins...
I should not be discouraged. This is only my 1st attempt.
Hi Babymaking,
dunno whether is ok or not.
I just worried the symptom is look like OHSS.
Last time do you facing OHSS?

Hi TangTang,
do you mean is TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine)?
TMC = Thomson Medical Clinic.

Hi Grace_BB,
Yup, dun be discouraged. Jia youu...
Wish you all the best.
Hi babymaking,

Tks for the infor. Will rest well. I was actually thinking of seeing Zou. I have PCOS. Not sure whether due to miscarriage.
hi tangtang,
i'm so sorry to hear about your loss. take time to let your body recover from the op. TCM is a good place to start, but remember to also eat healthily, keep work stress at minimium & maintain a positive mindset. btw... how did u find out that your little one's heartbeat stopped?? was your gynae able to relate what went wrong??

hi graceBB,
m glad that you'd keep up positively. will pray that your next attempt (i.e FET) will be a successful one. meanwhile take time to tiao your body. continue with your exisiting vitamins & folic. in your next follow up session with your gyane, ask him/her how soon can u embark on FET. typically it'll will at least in 2 months time. your remaining 4 beanies are waiting....
hi everyone, i just came back from kkh.... i am starting in dec ... if there is no queue... weird.. am wondering if i can start this mth instead ... day 21 for me not here yet,
jo, i dun think we have aws this yr... dun get retranched considered a blessing already :p
sorry to hear about it. It is good that you are thinking positively. Yes, must continue to keep a healthy body and mind, I am sure you will be ready soon for the next round and to go thru smoothly. Praying for you.
do not think it's OHSS as i not even started on puregon yet. anyways today is one of my better days, manage to get online and trying to catch up with the many posts in here..but tiring out soon.

sorry to hear that you lost one of yr twin - do you know the sex of your surviving twin yet?

sorry to hear yr attempt is unsuccessful, keep your spirits up!!

i also have PCOS and history of previous miscarriage and ectopic as well. if you believe in TCM, then by all all means do accupunture and chinese meds before trying FET. TCM takes longer to work - at least minimun of 6 months.

sorry to read that your attempt was not successful. take some time to let your body recover and i know that quitting work may seem drastic to many but i believe that if by quitting will improve IVF chances, then it's a good move, after all, we already spent so much other resources on this babymaking project already!

how are you doing? yr OHSS sounds terrible, i was hospitalised after the ER during my first cycle and had mild OHSS and i was already like screaming the hospy down :p, you seem to be taking it quite well! go gal! which hospital are you with?

tinted sky,
sorry to hear of your loss. ectopic pregnancy is one of the hardest thing to bear and it's so unfair.

how did your appt with Dr Loh go?
Hi Pretty Lady,

I went for my second scan on week 10. Dr Loh confirmed my baby heartbeat stop. He cannot explain why there is swelling near the baby. My friends has the same fate with me too.
Hi Ladies,

sometime I think back. Why given me the success and happiness only for a while. Insuccessful for the 1st IVF rather than losting the baby later on.
to those who are IVF-ing in KKH,
had been seeing posts mentioning the centre is having a shutdown soon. is anyone aware what are the dates?? thanks.
Thanks all...
I didn't cry lah. The wait has been so long until I have no more tears already. Will try again.
Yes, I called NUH and they say must wait at least 1 more mth before next cycle. Prof will be away in dec., so FET likely in Jan 09.
hi pretty lady,
i just spoke to the nurse... she said they do not even have the information that there will be a shut down...
Grace and tang, sorry to hear about your losses... take care ...
hi tangtang,
stay strong okie. was the swelling on the foetus or outside?? there maybe a reason why it didn't worked out. looking from a different perspective, the swell might pose danger to the foetus development. i'm sure we wouldn't want it continues to be there, (worse is) growing in tandem with foetus & affecting it. i read that our bodies are capable of rejecting abnormality when they spot it & it might be a blessing in disguise. be positive... you'll certainly be blessed with a healthy baby sooner or later.
Hi Tangtang,
Last time I got misscariage, I never think to drink chinese medicine. But my friends said that your body must warm, so drink little bit DOM. That time my mother cooked me chicken soup with red wine ^_^.
Hugz... Indeed it is very sad. Be strong.

Hi Jas,
I heard that KKIVF got closure but dunno start from when.
Hahahaha, I heard that my company also going to retranch some of employee.
sighhh.. hahahaha :D

Hi Babymaking,
btw, ya hor.. you have not start puregon yet. Hehehe..
Yup, same like tangtang. One of my twins suddenly no heartbeat on 10wks scan. The strange thing is on 6wks & 8wks I still able to hear their heartbeat. It is sad but must accept it.
For the surviving one, I still do not know yet cos the doctor said only 20wks we able to know the gender. Hehehehe.. :D

Hi Grace_BB,
Jia youu..... wish you all the best.
Hi ladies,
Been reading the thread posts for some time. I'm with KKH oso. Just into Stage 2 with puregon injections for the 4th day. Seems to put on weight and a bit nausea for a while at times. Is this common? Btw, i oso did my accu at Dr Zou. She's quite skilful.
Hi Pretty Lady,

The swelling is inside the foetus. Thank you for your encouragement. I will stay strong and tiao my body for next FET.

Hi Josephine,

I'm actually on confinement food and taking herbs soup to keep my wound warm. KKIVF closure? What does that mean? For renovation?
i am still in kk hospital..its been a week alrdy. Today my doc has stop the draining for 24hrs..to see if the next day the fluid accumulates or not..cos they have tried to drain the fluid but only a little comes out..which is a good sign but..to play safe they clamp it first. Hopefully tmrw no fluid accumulate..smiless!!.my girth has gone dwn from 79cm to 73cm..n my weight which was actually 40kg went up to 47kg ..but today its 43.5kg..yay!!..im recovering. By the way i am actually underweight..ehhehe..im 1.63 n weighs 39-40kg only.
I do not diet at all..i love to eat!!!..i have a very high metabolic rate. Both parents and their families are slim too..so it runs in both family. But the nurse did mention that since i alrdy did the transfer..which means i can also be pregnant..therefore i can't really depend on the girth measurement....pregnant..so happy!!!..9 days more to test!..
to ladies who experienced OHSS before and had to undergo abdominal tapping..did u feel pain?..for example piercing pain or anything like that?..

Pls share ur experience with me..cos im clueless ..and wondering if wt im feeling inside all the pain..and stuffs are similar to theirs..
Hi TangTang,
Glad to hear that.
Dunno leh. Some ladies over here mention that there is closure at KKIVF. Tml I am going to Clinic D for my regular checks, maybe I can stop by at KKIVF and take a little look whether got renovate or what... Hehehehehe ^_^
Hi TangTang,
Nope. Not fast, I think it is normal. Because most of ladies in here start next FET after 2cycles.

Hope to hear good news from you... ^_^
I have question..and if any of u ladies here can answer it i will really grateful. I did my ET at d5(blastocyst stage)..and my pregnancy test will be on 19nov. By then how mny weeks preg will i be??..

My apologies if this question is silly ah...hehehe..cos my sis says in fact..we can consider ourselves to be preggie alrdy in this 2ww...hhaahahah till the day of the test.
Hi Pretty lady, thanks for your info

Hi Jas,
For my case, I started my first Lucrin injection on 22 Sept and wll be completing the course (as in knowing whether I am pregnant or not) on 14th Nov.

The first few blood tests that you did is to check you body hormone level when its at its peak (if I did rmb correctly) you take the BT on the 2nd day of your heavy menses right?

I am also scare of needles, I have never dare to watch anyone being poked and can't imagine myself doing it on me! But when the nurse is watching you and for the sake of having a child, i gripped my fats and poked in eventhough my hands are abit shivery... hee hee...

Not to worry, the needles are very fine, and painless, just make sure you squeeze some fats on your tummy so that the needle will go in directly, the more wishy-washy the injection, the more painful you get, you might have bruises and bleed abit. Cos i had bruises before lah ha ha...

The nurse always encourage me by saying "this is nothing compared to giving birth", so I just went thru all the injections with HOPE...

Hope this helps...
hi hope&faith,
m so glad your condition is improving. i'd got mild ohss too when i did my fresh cycle in may08, but mine is not so serious as to required tubes to drain off water. i remembered i was monitored whether i drink enough water & frequent the toilet or not. and my stay in KKH is only a day for observation. i only have slight pain when the abdominal tapping was done on me.

How is your blood pressure? Maybe that is the cause of light headed. I notice this time, when I did my cycle, NUH monitoring my blood pressure

My visit with Dr Loh left me speechless because I find him a man with little words and have a sense of humor too. I find he is also daring in his administrating of medicine and his explanation is detailed too. He understands exactly the process I went thru previously.

But the nurses at KKIVF, hmmm don’t really like them in term of the services and the thing they told me is different from Dr Loh. There are many procedures and so many appt to make and I am basically like running all over the place. The nurses are really very busy. What is the purpose of seeing the social worker?


I am sorry. Take your time to grieve. I did TCM after my MC. Especially after doing a D&C, you need to pu your body to increase the womb lining. I went for TCM for 8 months with Dr Zou. Remember to keep your body warm.


How are you feeling now? Last time there is a lady who is in the same situation as u, and she got BFP…  Maybe ask the nurse if you can test earlier. The lady was test much earlier.

KKIVF closure will be during Chinese New year too. And end of dec 08 too I think previous post , some ladies mention the exact date.
dear LK, when did u a start accupunture with Dr Zou, how much per session and how frequent must go?

i am contemplating between her and DR Jin (raffles) any advice,

Hi Alyssa,
I started accup with Dr Zou only recently, just 1 wk after Lucrin injection. Usually it is twice a week...every session is abt 40min, cost is $25...I dunno if it is the same for all ladies to hv 2 times per week...u may hv to check with her....Im not familar with Dr Jin
