IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks for your prompt reply, yck. For KKH, the fertilisation date is a day later than the ER date. Is it still ok for us to take the ER date? So sorry for being clueless here.

live once,
yes of course. under normal cirucumstances, our egg might not get fertilized straight away upon release too if there is no sperm in our body or the sperm do not reach our tube yet at the point of release.
Hi ladies,

I am currently with KKIVF too... Just to answer some of your queries. KKIVF is supposed to be closed on the last week of November for auditor's audit. It will be closed for a week. My previous cycle was postponed because after calculation, my ER/ET will fall during the week of closure. Not renovation ladies. No renovation is being done there.

N Jas I believe you and I will be almost on the same cycle. I am starting this Nov/Dec. i just went down on Saturday to do my hormonal blood test. I am supposed to get my results tomorrow and collect my lucrin injections soon. Hope we can be cycle buddies.

Alyssa_r - How have you been babe? You are on the same cycle as me also right? How are you coping with the waiting. I am excited but at the same time worried... Don't know what's going on in this brain of mind.
hi Ros,
me feeling ok, but so tied up in school. workplan will start next week and so many things need to be wrapped up. how r u. u should know ur new sch soon right. Am i right that it was u who asked for transfer. he he
hopefully right person.

true, e waiting to start lucrin is quite an agony but since so caught up in sch, time passed so fast, hope all ok with ur blood test.

hi Dawnnie,
i realised that u started in Sept and only ends in nov. quite long ah. how long act is ur lucrin and ur puregon? are u under kkivf too?
Alyssa_r- Yup it was me who asked for transfer. Should know soon. But before I leave there are so many things to be done. I am just doing what I am supposed to do but my heart not there anymore. When are you starting your lucrin? Have you collected the injections yet?
Pretyy Lady
I will be starting stage 1 next mth once my AF comes. Seeing alot of ladies here succeed make me can't wait to go thru again. U take care. Tell us more after your 1st scan. Really excited for you.
Tang Tang
Hugz hugz....u take care. Tiao your body 1st ya.
Think its better to start your FET after at least 3mth. If you start too soon your body still hv those medicine. It take abt 3mths to drain off this medicine. Eat healthy and rest well for the time being.
Hi Dawnie,
Thanks for letting me know. I am actually waiting for my menses to come to take the blood test. If all goes well, i will start my stage 1, 21days after this menses! Keeping my fingers crossed... Yah for needles, i will see... i hope i can do it... the nurse is right though, nothing compares to giving birth. If i cannot do it, i will get my GP to do it... last resort..

Thanks for all yr replies
Hi Jas,
If you are worried for the injection part and don't mind travelling to hospital daily, you could still ask the nurse to jab for you.

Hi GraceBB,
stay positive, keep trying.

Hi tangtang,
i know how you feel about having success and happiness for a short while. My last cycle i received BFP on BT and was so happy, sharing wz friends about my happiness. But was short lived as pregnancy hormone level dropped after 2 weeks. I also kept asking why let me hear good news before the bad news. Then a friend console me to say i still earn 2 weeks of happiness and made me grew stronger by falling hard on the ground. I learn to pick up from this closure and move on. I believe that you will one day be a very strong mother and holding your healthy baby in arms.
hi ros,
u mentioned "KKIVF is supposed to be closed on the last week of November for auditor's audit. It will be closed for a week. ", do u mean the wk of 11/24 to 11/28?? i'm kind of puzzled cos my scan (@AMC) & gynae (@clinic D) date were arranged on 11/25. supposed clinic D & AMC aren't affected.

hi blesswbb,
m rooting for you on your next cycle. guess u'd been getting acu & taking chinese herbs?? r u under dr zou?? since u'd been taking good care of yourself & m sure your chances will be higher than previous. stay positive!!

hi tangtang,
usually after ivf, our mense period will be disturbed. hence blesswbb is right. if can, try wait for your 2nd naturally-come mense before embarking FET. take care!!
Hi Ros,
I am going for my blood test i think should be 18-20th this month... Sure we can be cycle buddies.... hehe i just saw the counsellor today... she said chances of overstimulation is high... keeping my fingers crossed... :p
Me also no symptoms these few days. Still sleepy, sleep like a pig.

My body temp has been slightly higher these few days. I not sure if that is considered a symptom. Don't dare to read too much into it.

Bored at home, wait for hubby to buy dinner back.

Starting to feel slight pain during the injection bec both side of my butts are getting abit sore. Can feel the sore sometime when I sit at a certain angle. But still bearable.
Hi Lina,

You are right? All ladies here will be stronger after each failure. BTW, Dr Loh has recommended me to try again after 2mths. Meantime, I will fixed an appt with Dr Zou.
sorry havent been catching up with this thread lately...

I will try to PM you again...is it ok? just want to know what decisions you made and why you decided to go to KKIVF...

is it ok?
Hi happyever and ponytail,
i am on day 8, also no symptoms, only slight cramps on the back. Like happyever, i also slept whole day. But this try is a breeze, no injections, just inserts twice a day.

Hi tangtang,
I also with Dr Loh, he asked me to wait 2 months after last failure. I guess that should be the standard length of wait for next try. So here i am, doing FET and now 2WW.
Hi Tang Tang

Sorry to hear your loss. However, pls stay strong. There is a reason for everything already pre-determined by God Himself. So, pls take this in your stride.

Can I ask if you had experienced any symptoms prior to the discovery by Dr Loh when he discovered that your baby's heartbeat had stopped?

FYI, I am with Dr Loh and currently 9weeks pregnant thru IVF too.
I start to measure temp bec my hubby told me that I'm very warm when he touch my hands. So I monitor my temp daily now. But I do it at diff time of the day, morning, noon, night. Since nothing to do, just put the thermometer into my mouth and measure.

Due to boredom, I also take note of the amt of veg and fruits i eat everyday. Certain day not enough veg (eg order pizza) than the next day have to eat more veg the next day.

Fruits I'm only taking apple and English pear. Chinese pear cannot take, too liang. Today, dig out and eat the avocado that was hidden in one corner. Avocado is a source of iron for me who is a vegetarian. Avocado is also high in Vit E.

Hope you are doing fine. Maybe good if to do a switch. All the best to your next try.

Insert is less troublesome hor? But how many time a day must you do that? And for how long? My injection is for 15 days after ET.
Hi pretty lady - Don't worry okay. if your scan has been scheduled then there should be no change. Today when I spoke to the nurse, she said the one affected will only be those who are going to do ER/ET during that week. So what t hey will do is extend your injection by one week. Normal checkup, scan, injection won't be affected. Coz I am supposed to come down to the clinic for collection of my lucrin injection. She say only egg pick up is affected as most doctors are involved in the audit.

Jas - You met with the counsellor? Meaning the nurse or mediccal social worker? I have 2 more appointments before I start injection. 1 with medical social worker and 2nd is my saline sonogram. Then on 26th come down collec my lucrin injection. So i guess our cycle wont be that far apart. Keep in touch and keep healthy okay
Hi Lina,

I think different from you. I was preg for 10 weeks and have to do surgery. Wonder I need to rest more and wait longer due to the operation. My mum said miscarriage is more serious than giving birth.
dear ladies,
for those who has discovery channel 12, you may want to watch the miracle of Love at 7pm. Very intellecture and interesting.
Pls take care. Do a confinement as this is the time where your body need to replenish all the Qi.

Doing your FET it after CNY can be a better choice for u. Firstly, your body gets to rest longer. Secondly, after the spring cleaning and festive celebrations, you maybe in a more relaxed mood.
Hi Alyssa,

I am with KKIVF, Dr Loh.

My lucrin injection took 24 days, starts 22 sep (daily in the morning), in-between I had 2 scans and 2 blood tests, got 1 menses.

Thereafter, Puregon injection starts (16 oct) and last for 11 days, this is taken tgt with Lucrin. In-between there is no menses, got 2 scans only, no blood tests.

On 26 Oct 9pm, I went for my Pregnyl intramuscular injection, this has to be done 36 hrs before my ovum-pickup aka embryo retrieval (ET) which took place on 28th Oct. This is the time where the sperm is collected as well.

They will fert the embryo the next day, and the day after is the embryo transfer. Therefore, for my case, they calculate the day of fert emb as 29Oct, that is 1 day after ER.

When they do the ET, you get to see the fert embies (for my case is 2 embies) and double-check your IC and name against the embies on the tv monitor while you're lying down, they are basically 4-cell blastcyst stage, quite cute.
happy - i had calf muscle cramps the whole day the past 2-3 days. is it result of sitting around and sleeping too much ? maybe i should call clinic tomoro and ask. did you body temp rise by a lot ? cld it be due to implantation ?
Ponytail, happyever,
Hello~~ Im doing ok.. just kind of got back some energy to get my self back on my feet!

Im not sure if I will be changing doctors.. but is going to be seeking second oppinion

will see how that turns out
hi dawnie,
thanks for the detailed info. is there any reason for a long lucrin (24 days)? sorry for being so inquisitive, me doing ivf during the nov/dec hols, worried might drag till jan. hopefully not la. thanks
Alyssa - Thanks for asking the same questions I wanted to ask. That is one of my worries too. I really do not want the treatment to drag till Jan. not especially I am going to a new school and all. But if really no choice then just have to put on a thick skin lah...

By the way, when you starting your lucrin? 21st Nov if I am not wrong, right? You are 1 week ahead of me right?

Dawnie - thanks in advance for your reply...
Question for anyone who can help...

Any of you ladies met up with the medical social worker at the beginning of your cycle? Do you know how long the appointment will be with the social worker? Thanks in advance.
sue - glad to know you're on your feet. dont forget abt the ppl around you eg your hubby, who will be sad to see you sad. be strong and positive. you'll do well next round

ros - what is a social worker for ?
Hi Ros,
Yup, normally meet after you sign consignment (must make appointment). It take about 2hrs plus.

Hi Ponytail,
Medical social Worker from KK.
If you from KK IVF then surely they will ask you to meet Medical social worker after you sign consignment.
Hi Ros,
I met up with the medical social worker early as i will not have anytime to leave during office hours for the next 2 to 3 weeks... I will be meeting the nurse on 3rd dec at ivf clinic... and from there i think i can collect my first set of jabs too. Now juat waiting for my menses to take day 2/3 blood test. Appointment with social worker will take 1-1 hr plus.. hehe but mine only 30 mins... cause it seems i am aware of all the downfalls of this ivf program ...
hi lina,
babydust to u!!!... when is your beta test date?? wish u getting BFP!! your case is exactly like mine...went thru FET & only have 2 inserts everyday. dun worry about having no symptoms. as long as there's no bleeding all the way...you'll be fine.

hi happyever,
it seems quite standard that most will be prescribed daily jabs (to be done by nurse in hospi) for at least a week after ET. when i did my fresh cycle, i had to take shots for 17 days. it's an agony but will be a happy one when we get a BFP at the end. stay positive!

hi ros,
thanks for clearing our doubts. i believe all ladies who went thru ivf program in kkh are required to have a session with the medical social worker before beginning the cycle. it usually lasts 45mins, but mayb longer or shorter depending if there're concerns/questions from u & ur spouse.
Hi Jas,
Wow... your appointment with Medical Social Worker is shorter than mine. I still remember that time, my DH and me almost sleep during the consultation with the Medical social worker cos take almost 2hrs plus talking and some topics are boring.

Hahahahaha :D Yup, they will consult you abt the downfall of IVF program, how to handle it, how couple must help each other... bla bla bla... Hahahaha :D
Hi Grace,

I think it would be better to take confinement food after losing the baby so your body is stronger and recover soon.

But oh, last time I dun take any confinement food. Now, I feel regret cos I feel very weak on my current pregnancy. Hehehehe...

Only KKH IVF will be closed in the last week of Nov for audit, which means no ER or ET but other procedures like blood test & scan will be ongoing.

1 week is a long time, are you discharged by now? How many days was yr embryos when transferred.

i am so worried i will kena OHSS as i had a very bad experience with the first cycle i did. what was yr dosage of puregon and how many days of puregon were you on?

i thought it was low blood pressure so i had it checked but it's fine.

i like Dr Loh becos he is decisive and is so sure of what to do next - but sometimes it irritates the hell out of me cos he makes split seconds decisions w/o explaining and since he is so busy, to ask him to rationalise his decision makes me feel like i am imposing on him. so ask also dun feel good, dun ask, also dun feel good. hiaks.

the nurses at IVF follow set protocols, so if yr differ slighty, it's going to be differnt. u have to keep track yrself and clarify with the nurses/doc as far as possible. not everything is set in stone.

the medical worker is complusory for those doing their first cycle in KKH, basically it's to prepare the couple on the pitfalls and consequences of IVF.

dear ladies,
i read somewhere that someone posted that there's a lady who does cooking and home delivery for ladies on IVF, does anyone have her contact, care to share?
Hi happever,
Inserts is twice a day, morning and night for 17 days, take only 1 seconds each time. It can be insert virgina or rectum. I chose to insert via rectum as less messy. So you travel to and fro the hospital daily for the injections?

Hi tangtang,
with proper rest, 2 months should be sufficient before the next try. But if you are not ready yet, can always wait longer.

Hi Ros,
my session with the social worker was around 30 mins. I found that session very useful, it helped me understand the need to share the feelings and hubby also learn too. I was given the contacts of the social worker and she said i could call her whenever i need someone to talk to.

Hi pretyy lady,
thanks for your well wishes. Oh yes, i rather not see any spotting now.
hello again....
babymaking... yup that is why the nurse said no reno... and bloodtest still possible.
yup mine was short cause i am well informed... thanks to everyone in this forum... and i guess i consider myself a very positive person... able to manage failure as lessons learnt... for hubby and I , having a baby is a bonus... we do this and if it succeeds , good, if it doesn't, keep trying.... we put our maximum at 3 fresh cycles... if after that.. no baby, so be it... erm we decided we will not adopt... and i knew hubby's problem before we got married so for us... was not a shock or anything... really expected... i guess that is why she feels i am able to handle it...
I'm in my 7th day after FET today. My conditions as follows:
Day 3 - Flu and cough. No symptom,
Day 4 - Flu and cough. No symptom,
Day 5 - Cough. Slight cramp and feverish 37.4 degrees,
Day 6 - Cough. No symptom,
Day 7 - Cough. No symptom. Done a preggy test. Negative result. Not even a faint line. Feel so half-hearted. Hopefully it's too early.
Yesterday I watch the 7pm show by Chen Liping and Xie Shao Guang. I was amazed that Chen Liping can bleed within the 6 days after ET and the Gynea can actually detect the status of the 3 transferred embies by scannng when she is admitted to hospital. The gynea said: 1 has fallen off, 1 not growing at all and the last one not stable as it is near the cervix. Wow! Got such thing har?
that is only acting lah. The director and scriptwriter definitely have very insufficient knowledge of ivf treatment. There was another wrong info given, whereby Chen Liping was able to do FET 2 weeks after her BPN from fresh cycle! Very poor knowledge conveyed, not professional production, give audience all the wrong info, what a disappointment. Hahaha!
yeah yeah yeah.... 2 week can do another FET liao. Haaaaaa. Furthermore without hubby knowledge can do FET too. I think this is against SG law, right?

Thanks all who replied tome with regards to the medical social worker.... That puts my mind at ease a little. You know me being smart (trying to be sarcastic here), go and set up 2 appointments back to back. One with the social worker one for the saline sonogram. Guess just need to rush from one appointment to the other. Really hope it didnt stretch for 2 hours plus like what some of you ladies mention. If it does then I guess I have to make another appointment with the medical social worker. : lol
