IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi babymaking and Josphine

He did not reply to me also. I called the KKIVF centre and the staff advised me to cc to the KKIVF email address and his secretary will print out and inform him.
Hi everyone,
Dun think i can join you guys this cycle.. Just recieved news i got retrenched ... so i will be cycling in Jan instead of Dec. helping my mother out for the CNY period before i start.
ladies /BBW
wanna share a receipe with u guys by Dr ZOU, i had spotting the past few days .No matter how i was advised to lie flat in bed, the spotting did not stop.The moment i stand up or sit up, spooting returns. It made me so frantic.

Dr Zou told me to boil abt 5 slices of lotus and glutinous rice in a pot ...till its like porridge and eat it.

Its miracle, i ate it on thursday afternoon...that night onwards the spotting stops completely. yesterday i was walking ard the house , sitting up to serve net, no spotting at all.

ladies who experience spotting might wanan give it a try.
wow, thanks for sharing. Spotting is very common, I had spotting last time. Can I check with you, is it lotus or lotus roots?

So you take care ok, still must rest more, try to lie flat for another 2 days la. Smooth Smooth Pregnancy for you!
hi ponytail,
not sure if implantation but today don't see any spotting, so should be alright.

Hi BB,
thanks for sharing, glad to know of another FET success.

Hi Grace BB,
no HL given for FET, only mc. You can take any amount of mc. I request for extension this time round, so took 2 weeks.
dont worry lah, most important is taking folic acid. Actually taking too many supplements is not very good leh, taking in nutritions from natural source of food is the best.
Relax and rest well.
i used thin slices abt 5 slices , i cook very small bowl only . can throw in some red dates if u wnana. Dr Zou says twice a week .

Congrats for your pregnancy
So happy for you..

I had my beta test today, but my level was 22 (17 days) and its a borderline issue, the nurse ask me to go back next mon to check if there's an increase, she told me anything more than 25 is considered pregnant.

Have any of you heard of similar case like me? Could it be due to slow body response or is it a negative result? But so far I dun have menses.... Keeping fingers crossed...
there was a lady from here, Dimple who had similar case as you. She has a beta figure at borderline but still not consider as pregnant. So she had another beta after a few days, and she was confirmed pregnant though beta figure was not very high. Not sure how she is now, as she has not visited this thread after that anymore.
I came back from CARE, collected extra jab. Thanks for the details. Will copy down.

Good that the spotting stop. Read from net that it should be only 1-2 days. Have a good rest over the weekend.
Hi Dawnnie,
rest a few days, the figures will go up. As long as increase by next mon will be ok.

Hi happyever,
thanks, will rest well. All the best for your BT! BFP.
I'm also in my 2ww, BT next Thurs 20 Nov, same as Lina, i think. I also started to notice some brown spotting yesterday and today and got quite worried....everyday morn and nite, i'm supposed to put progresterone insert but yesterday, i did not insert in the morn and only did it in late afternoon, wondering if it's due to this delay...worried....
hi splithair,
welcome to the thread. Is the brown spotting lighter today? I was also worried and read up about the spotting. For some people, implantation can take place slower and later. Don't think the timing you insert has effect as i read that each insert can last 24 hours. So the previous night insert should still work. I took a HPT today but turn out negative, i may re-test few days later. BFP to you!
Hi Helen,
today is my 11th day of 1st FET. Yes, guess i will try again next week. Since insert will not affect the readings of HPT.
Hi Pleasance,

Thanks for the receipe. My spotting has kinda stopped today.

Hi Bliss,

Ok, i shall not be so KS, will go for nutritions from natural source of food.

Hi Dawnnie,

Thanks. Wait for another blood test firt, rest well and stay positive.


Btw, KK called me last night when they gotten the BT results. My HCG level yesterday was 1188. Initially was quite relief to hear that. But the doc actually asked me to go back tomorrow for another blood test to determine the "trend". If tomorrow's bllod test result shows HCG level more than 1500, they try to do a detail scan for me cos by right HCG level above 1000 would be able to see the sac(s). But yesterday, the doc could not find the sac(s). Now, keeping my fingers crossed. Hope that everything will be fine.
Hi Lina,

Wow you are a brave lady... I dare not even think about HPT...I won't be testing via POAS cause im really terrified... Your BT is 1 day before me... BFP to you!!!! Hopefully BFP to me too!!
Thanks gals for your encouragment

I took a series of pregnant kit tests starting from Day 10 after ET, all the results are positive and the band was getting darker and more distinct, I just pray and hope that this is not misrepresented by the Pregnyl injection that I took, it has been 6 days since my last Preg injection.

i think you must be freaking out knowing the the dosage of gonal F is based on last year result. I was too.

But after checking with 2 doctors, the FSH which we tested is an average range of our lifespan of our ovarian reserve. So it doesnt really matter even if they used last year result. On the other hand, i also read that FSH changed every few month it all depend the month we are doing dosage. So some doctor who is detailed enough, will want to check the FSH again to determine esp if that month when we are going to do the injection, how much egg can we get. But this is also very hard to said.

Where did you get your DHEA and what brand did you buy?
dear ladies,

i just started my gonal f injection today. i just want get check whether do you all have any side effects from it? does it cause you to be sleepy or dizzy? i dunno whether is the jabs or what but after the jab in the morning, i kinda feel sleepy the whole day eventhough i took a long nap in the evening. thanks..
Thanks Jo & Felliane who replied me with regards to SF Loh non reply of email - i thought it was just me! anyone here has KKH IVF email address? i don't think i was given that.

thks for the stop-spotting receipe. I am so glad it worked for you.

hi ximi & sue,
re: dosage of gonal-f/puregon based on old FSH results - do you gals have any idea how long is the FSH results suppose to be valid? cos at KKH there's an 1 one yr expiry for tests such as HIV and rubella which i had to redo in Aug but for FSH, the last time i did it was about 2 yrs back!!!

it is kinda scary as I wonder if the results are accurate. i have the same query with regards to the lucrin as well.

for this cyle, there was no baseline bloodtest for estradoil levels, only a bloodtest at day 14 of lucrin. i was told the levels are not properly suppressed and neex to extend another 11 days.

however there will not be another bloodtest 11 days later, so i am wondering how they know if by then, the hormones will be suppressed.

another question on my mind is why another 11 days, not another 9 days or 14 days? it seems pretty random from my perspective as the nurse could not give me an answer and i wasn;t able to contact SF Loh.

anyone who been through this and know the rationale for the extension - pls enlighten.
hi ladies - this morning i woke up at 5.30am with a very very painful cramp / stomachache - the kind you get when you want to diarea. i didnt diarea but had normal big biz. but it was so painful that i started perspiring whole body, and my face was green and soaking wet. i thought i was going to faint. it lasted abt 10 min, after that i lie down and the pain slowly went away. this morning another short and sharp pain, but it went away. was very scared, and thought my period was here.
thankfully so far no spotting yet.
my BT on mon, hope i can dahan until then. anyone experience this too ? a bit worried...
ponytail - please do not worry... I'm gonna repeat and ask if you can tell the diff between colic and cramps... It's a rather common occurance... It's probably becos of the gas... My thoughts are with you on this...

Actually, those girls who have gotten the colic pains, I wonder if you are like me... I finally realised why little babies cry so jialat when theyhave colic...
thks fellaine & lina

will write to them promptly

for those who been thru lucin - anyone knows how they measure the levels of hormones and how they determine when to proceed to puregon/gonal-f?

don't worry, if yr BT on monday, by today can do HPT, shd be quite accurate if you didn't have HCG/preygnl jab in last 5 days.

if you test positive now, then perhaps you can go to the clinc and request for more progesterone support, which should reduce uterine cramping.
mel - actually i dont know whats the diff. i google colic but its only for babies. i called the clinic this morning and they said to keep monitoring situation, could be either indication that thingy inside me is growing
or that its menstrual cramps and AF is coming

babymaking - i think i'm too chicken to do hpt, will try to get by today without too much events... thanks anyway

thanks lina.
Hi ponytail,
is your normal AF regular and with bad cramps? If this is not the usual kind of menses pain that you used to have, then should be embryo growing. Like mel mentioned, could be due to gas.
Hi gals,

So far, I have emailed SF Loh twice and he always reply. I think the key to it is to identify yourself as his patient and I also put in my NRIC number so that he can refer to my case if he needs more of my medical details. You can try that, but of course need to wait for abt 3-5 days before he reply lah
i woke up at 4am today. Stayed wide awake till 6 and my mind went wild. I also have funny crampy feeling for a while but not the type of pain that i need to go toilet. It is the suan suan feeling you get when AF is coming. Very worried too. I'm laying on bed now. Hope it is just some body discomfort for both of us.
Trying to relax, hope we'll all have BFP!
Hi Lina, Ponytail, Happyever,

BFP to all of you!

I went to see Dr Loh this morning. The HCG level has almost doubled, from 1188 on thu night to 2216 this morning. But still cannot detect the sac although it was just a tummy scan and not a detail scan. Will go back again next week for scan again. My original "6th week" appt is supposed to be 29 Nov.
hi all
i still hv some slight spotting and slight tummy discomfort today...trying not to worry and think positive!
BFP to all of us in 2ww!!
Thanks, glad that your HCG is doubling. Can i know what is the reason for such a early scan? Sure to eat baby during your next scan. Meanwhile, you eat well and rest well.
BBW- thanks. doubling is good news, it means emby is growing. may be positioning not there yet, but its surely there. happy for you that you numbers can double up so fast

happy - oh no, you had tummy ache too. yes i sure hope it means nothing for both of us. yes its that menstrual cramps feeling, my hubby thinks it could be the curry potatoes i had last night, but i dont think so and he's just trying to comfort me. did you eat anything unusual last night ? lets just hope it is caused by something we ate. BFP BFP BFP. 2 more days to BT....

splithair - try to rest horizontally and not move around too much. rest well k ?

Actually I am not sure of validity of FSH result. In fact even if we are constantly having our blood test, it is not 100% accuracy in determine how many eggs we will have if we are to go thru the cycle. This is a very frustrating gray area which we can only rely on at the moment.

You are right about the E2 but on the other hand, like my case, my E2 is showing that I am responding well to the drug, and suppressed but it turn otherwise. And as for the extension, I thought E2 should be constantly checking whether to determine if we are to continue the suppression.

Could it be your LH is not suppressing yet, because if I remember correctly, lurcin is supposed to suppress LH other than E2. Actually extension of the lurcin will not affect the cycle accordingly to the standard procedure. But for some, it might switch off some of the required hormone when recruiting the eggs. This is also unknown, so far no doctor I went to have any explanation for this yet.

To all ladies in 2WW


hi everyone...im back !!..i was discharged on Tue evening. But i had viral infection, fever for 2 days..n coughing badly. Doc say i have bronchitis.arghh..i nver had it..just my luck!...One thing after another!!

Anyways up till now i do not have any symptoms or watsoever. Wondering if its still there.
