IVF/ICSI Support Group

Can I know what is your E2 level? I was having High E2 even after 14 days of Lucrin. My E2 was 1000plus. Abit crazy, so I was told to stop and wait to start using another protocol.

mysty, bliss, sue, hopefaith and happyevery - thanks for sharing. i dont know what my E2 or whatever hormone level is, but the nurse did say its very high. happyever, hope i dont have to stop and wait... so sianz... last night i play cheat a bit, i gave myself 50.5 ml of suprefact, 0.5 ml more than normal. hope can boost the results.
tintedsky - nope.. i was too chicken to test.. :p left it till the BT to know...

sunflower - oh.. hmm.. i dun have any experience to help answer you.. but here's to wishing you all the best!! AC is right.. you just need 1!!

AC - haha..
not my credit.. i read it from the web.. i would like to adopt this belief though... hee..
I went for my blood test this morning, and when i got back home, i see alot of blood and brown discharge . Guess this cycle is closed and over for me.

Ac,Try again,
All my doc advise for me is to try the short protocol which I will only inject Gonal F for abt 12 days and cetrotide for a week. If u have more info on DHEA, pls let me know too

I don’t know if i am suffering from PCOS or not as so far no doc mentions what test I should do. My blood test FSH is okay. The scanning done for my 2nd cycle is good accordingly to scan, and blood test. I have 6 follicles ranging between 16-18mm on D6, unlike the first cycle when i have only 4 follicles ranging between 10 and 18 on the D6. And question whether the doc should increase your dosage I have faced the same problem, my first cycle I am on 150iu of Gonal F only. And this time I am on 225iu.

U mention short protocol for the first cycle, did u inject lucrin too? How come u went for the short protocol for the first cycle. I wanted to do the short protocol for my 2nd cycle but the hospital said that I am reacting well to the medicine during the 1st cycle. I think my 2nd cycle should be a slap across their face now. Sorry to ask u so many qns
Hi Ladies,
can check what kind of urine testing strips do you use? was wondering if we must get the clearblue type or cheaper ones available from forum BP.
Hi Lina,
I tested using the HPT strip bought from the internet http://www.accuratepregnancytests.com/ It think it's as accurate as the clearblue. I tested early using this HPT strip, when i got a +ve, i confirmed with the clearblue. Since then, i tested with the internet HPT strip till my BT as it only cost less than $1 per strip. The line indeed show darker day after day.

However, I noticed that the one that i bought from one of the user in the motherhood is not as good, i mean the ovulation strip, not sure the HPT strip thought as i didn't buy the HPT strip from her.
hi sunflower,
sorry to hear abt the failed cycle...take a break and good luck for your next treatment. jiayou jiayou.
Hi bliss,
Yes referring to the hpt. I know clearblue is best but quite ex, especially if need to test daily before BT. Guardian/watson only slightly cheaper.

Hi Cale,
Thanks for the link, will try this. I bought the ovulation strips from forum before, quite accurate. Maybe it's a different brand from the ones you bought.
May I ask how old you are?

E2 means estrogen level.
Do you remember your blood test with FSH and LH etc.. etc.?

There it will indicate the numbers..
you should have done the test on day 2 or 3 of your period which it is normally greater than 10 but less than 50.

your E2 leve is usually directly related to the number of follicles you have. Each follicle produces an estrogen of 100 to 200 units so if you have ten follicles your E2 will be between 1000 and 2000 units when the follicles are mature.

Most programmes consider you to be moderately hyperstimulated when your E2 is over 2000 and classify you as severly hyperstimulated when the level reaches 4000 or 5000.

If your E2 is too high you wont be able to do a fresh embryo transfer, so most clinics try to keep your E2 and follicle count to a resonable number In an ideal world every patient would have 10-15 follicles and an E2 of between 2000 and 2500.

(taken from fertility &infertility for dummies book) hahhaha
Ladies, for frozen embryo transfer,by the time they thaw embryos, will they still grow the embryos alittle till day 5 before transfer into us? Or straightaway after thaw, will transfer into us?

I was thinking i froze my embryos at day 3 and if they straightaway thaw and transfer, i will be taking in day 3 embryos again. I wonder if taking days 5 embryos will be better since they will have grown 2 days more and proven more viable so may be higher chance of success.

Any thoughts on this?
Asked doc about DHEA, he was very dismissive about it saying there is very little research done on it. He suggested the short protocol for the next time with gonal-f.

i feel kkh doesn't experiment new things easily , are the other pvt hospitals more responsive to new trials? A friend had a condition called 'Natural killer cells' (which prevents implantation) and had some injections (i think) for this & she struck on her 2nd ivf cycle. When I asked about this to doc, he again said there is very little research on it.

sigh!!maybe i am being too obsessive & should just trust the doc.. but after 2 bfn don't want to just let go.
How long should one take a break before embark on another cycle?

I am currently 30, My E2 is 3563 when i did a scan after 8 days of gonal F. and only 6 focilies which is of visible sizes. And the nurses tell me this is okay. But i notice something, during all my scanning, my wombing lining can change from 13mm to 11mm when i did my transfer. what does this tell me?

try again,
i never have a frozen egg before but i read and understand from nurses if egg can survive up to 5 days , it is the best or else 4 days is good too, but as frozen egg need time to thaw so not sure will this affect the quality of the egg and the egg still remain at Day 3 quality. But on the other hand, i know alot of ladies still preg with FET . There are so many gray area.

Which gynae did u friend went to? i am obessed with this too and the worse thing i am not working so nothing to take my mind off.
How long should one take a break before embark on another cycle?

I am currently 30, My E2 is 3563 when i did a scan after 8 days of gonal F. and only 6 focilies which is of visible sizes. And the nurses tell me this is okay. But i notice something, during all my scanning, my wombing lining can change from 13mm to 11mm when i did my transfer. what does this tell me?

try again,
i never have a frozen egg before but i read and understand from nurses if egg can survive up to 5 days , it is the best or else 4 days is good too, but as frozen egg need time to thaw so not sure will this affect the quality of the egg and the egg still remain at Day 3 quality. But on the other hand, i know alot of ladies still preg with FET . There are so many gray area.

Which gynae did u friend went to? i am obessed with this too and the worse thing i am not working so nothing to take my mind off.
Hi all
I am new to this msg board. Just had my first fresh IVF cycle that failed. I am a poor responder, and I felt totally devasted that the cycle failed. I was on the short antagonist protocol. I had a question, besides the long protocol and the short antagonist protocol, has anyone done a different protocol from this 2?

AC(wish) - I have heard of Natural killer cells being a cause of implantation failure. It is a condition related to autoimmune problem. In the US, there several doctors who are strong believers of this theory. I was wondering about this myself as I have severe endometriosis and was thinking of asking my doctor at KK. Can you tell who your doctor is? And since you mentioned that you friend did have an injection during her 2nd cycle, can you let me know which clinic she was with? I am disappointed to hear that KK does not experiment with new ideas.

To all those of you got your BFPs congratulations!!!!

Do you still have your blood test result from before starting IVF?

What was your pmol/l for Estradiol and your follicular phase number?

Normally nurse will ask you to take egg white after ER to prevent OHSS but you can start egg whites right away as it is supposed to help in egg quality.
I am with dr. loh in kkh right now. My friend did it in US, haven't heard of this from from any hosp here though.

Actually I did get a blood test done for autoimmune & was told its fine though not sure if its the same as NK cells.

Do you still have your blood test from 2-3 days starting your AF? The one that has your hormon test...

What does your Estradiol result and expected ranges for the follicular phase say?...

Im getting scared that the follicular phase that was done back then will tell us how much eggs will possibly grow in us... mine is very low... its 90 to 716....
Have heard that the body needs atleast 2 months to get rid of all hormones & get back to old form. But I plan to take a break for 4-6 months till I get my health & spirits back up

Regarding 5-day transfer, have heard that it may have better chance but some believe that a 3-day egg has better chance of survival in natural environment (womb) then in culture (lab).

Dont worried about the number. What did the doc mention? E2 cant determine how many egg u will have. For my case it doesnt work that way. i was thinking just now, maybe i am too stress up this time that cause my failure. Dont be scared and think much about ur number. Must relax.

I guess i have to wait for awhile too! i took 8 months of break from 1st cycle. dun know if 3 month break is good enough this time.
I have not done my blood test yet when I started..

I will have my first blood test on 20th of Oct. that is the 14th day of superfact for me...
AC - Mine is also with Dr Loh. I am trying to get tested for autoimmune as well but I am not sure where to go for the testing. Do they test for autoimmune at KKIVF center? Can you let me know where you went to get tested? Thanks
sue - wahh.... you study so much... tomoro i'll go and ask abt the levels when i go for blood test

happy ever, congrats on moving to stage 2. how many days of stage 1 did you go through?

Thanks, I'm not on Lucrin this time bec I'm on a different protocol. I did not response well to Lucrin and hence cannot proceed to Stage 2 from there. Doctor decide to put me on GnRH-antagonists where I'll start with day 2 Gonal-F. Think I will be stimulated for 12 days. I'm now on 300iu of Gonal-F bec I’m 36 this year. Than I'll see Dr Chua on Monday. She said she'll monitor me closely bec my body reacts differently to medications. Had my FSH bloodtest today also. But yet to know the result. Think clinic will update.

Tomorrow going to CARE for the lasted progress chart for my IVF cycle. Than I'll know what to expect and do for the coming weeks.

Don’t worry so much dear, just trust that your doctor will do the best for you. Jia You!
Hi Ponytail,

I m on abt 14 days lucrin (standalone) and thereafter on Day 15 I proceed with Puregon + Lucrin for 8 Days. Dun worry and relax. U will have good news tomorrow. Jia you...

Hope&Faith, the nurse will inform u on the antibotic tomorrow when u collect ur puregon n learn to jab. Actually, they did mention during the briefing by the nurse before we sign the consent form. Dun worry, u are in good care. The nurses are very nice n knowledgeable.

Happy, i m happy for you.... Jia you

Msytyy, how are you feeling today? I m getting excited and i think you are also experienceing that too since ur BT is Mon. Jia you

Ladies, i found a website which has explaination on why we need to do certain things like why we need to keep full bladder during ET. I hope it will be helpful to all who have not when through the procedures and can seek the most out of it.

Lina Ang - Thanks for the welcome. I just found out that you are also at KKIVF is it? I am going there tomorrow for an appointment. Meeting up Dr Sadhana. I am glad I found out about this thread. Hope to make more friends here.

Mystyy- Thanks for your help with my question. I believe I have more questions when I really start on this embarkation. Over the last 2 years I have done so many tests, so many needles have been poked through me (I hate needles by the way) and I have spend a large portion of my savings without any results. My fault coz I used a private doctor. Now I am in KKH. I am praying this will result in something.
To all who are in the 2WW please take care. Have a good rest and all the best. My prayers are with everyone who is doing this cycle.

To all those who are waiting for ER or ET, please eat well, rest well and don't stress2 ok.

May all of us graduate from here soon. May 2009 be a good year for all of us.

I haven't been logging whole day today coz thought of just wanting to rest more and lie down on the bed.

My BT is on Tuesday. I have already decided not to do HPT. Actually not me who decide, but I asked DH to buy me HPT he refused. And since I don't step out of the house and have no stock of it at home. He just told me to wait for Tuesday. So what abt you? Have you decided to do HPT? Seems like since late yesterday, there's lots of wind in my tummy. Been err farting a lot and I felt slightly bloated after drinking water. Gonna hit the sack soon after this.

Thanks for the website, ya, abt why must have full bladder. This time round, my bladder was empty coz I was fasting since I asked for sedation, so they put me on drip. I don't want to think too much lah. The nurse who scanned me was pretty insensitive said loudly a few times to other pple in the OT that my bladder is empty, like dat difficult to see uterus. Thank god, my doc came to my aid, took over and scanned then I felt better. I felt better this time round with FET coz I didn't pee immediately after the transfer (altho I know the embryo will not come out when you pee, but then again, we have what ifs, right?) So this time round I took it easy and seems like the 2ww is much shorter than my previous one. Big hug to you and babydusts to you too, ok? Share with me your result after your HPT if you don't mind. Am so excited for you too!

My situation is different from yours. I went to govt hospital then switched to pte. Coz I asked after my 2nd and 3rd failed IUI if I could do IVF and doc says am still young. Actually I tried 5 IUIs and doc didn't even tell me there's such thing as SO IUI. So enough is enough for me and I switched to pte. Imagine with that amt of money, can actually go to our bb's needs hor....but let's just be optimistic and leave the past behind. Thank you for your prayers for all of us in 2ww. Very much appreciated! Btw I forgot, have you started on your IVF journey or just starting?
Msytyy, i think these are very good sign for u. Jia you. I can feel ur hug. It is so warm and comforting. Thank u buddy!!!

I think i will do HPT cos i m like 50/50 without any firm sign to convince me that i m on the right track now. So my worries plus anxiety make me decided to do a test mayb on wed or thurs, before fri. I am just very very afraid i cant take not so good news. Of cos i really hope i can scream out with happiness when i receive the call from the nurse abt my high HCG result = BFP.

Msytyy, i m trying not to thinking too much and i hope you will do the same. Wish both of us can deliver good news next week. Remember to rest well during your leave.

Ros, i m with KKIVF too. Thanks for your prayers and well wishes. We really need them alot! May you have a smooth journey ahead too.
Ponytail..goodluck for tmrw bloodtest..im going for the puregon tmrw. Talking abt Estrogen level..i wanna check wat smy estragen level..and also ask them how well my body is responding to the lucrin..im kinda disappointed cos..eversince i started on this treatment..i have not met my doc..all the tyme its just the nurses..there are so many questions and i need sum kinda reassurance frm the doc..i mean..afterall she is the one who is gonna do my ER and ET rite?..im the patient and shouldnt she be seeing me and aksing me if there is anything i wanna ask????...am i the only one going thru this or ist the same for all of u?..do u see ur doc evrytime u go for ur checks or for ur jabs???

May i know which hosptial are you with?


Currently i am with NUH, and i was thinking of switching hospital. May i know which hospital allow the HB to see the process when OR/ET? I heard that for scanning, it is mainly dont by nurses in KKH. Is this true?
Good morning ladies~~

yeah.... I had that kind of feeling too...

And I think it is right to feel that way!!!

I only talk to the nurse and Ive only seen the nurse ever since I started the IVF...

The first time Im seeing my Doctor is after the 14 day course of superfact is over... that is why Im trying to study on my side and pile up the questions I need to ask regarding my body...

That is why the ladies here who has gone through it before helps so much! telling me what might happen what to becareful..... it is so wonderful that we have this space to share.. or else I probably will be calling up the clinic everyday..hahahaha kind of feeling like Im in the dark.....
sue, happy, hopeful, hopefaith (aiyo, keep getting names mixed up) - blood test this morning. nurse said my E2 level on wed was 1000, must drop to 380.
hope the stupid e2 thing in my blood can go lower. clinic will call me later 3pm today to let me know results of today's test. nurse also said that high e2 may mean i'm pregnant. but i'm like, totally no way, cos my hubby and i took a lot of precautions leh... or else it could mean that i have to cancel this cycle (like happyever mention before). har?? means must wait till next year ??? hmmph !! so sian...

hi sunflower

i took DHEA for 2 months, 50mg per day. I stopped 1 month before i started this round of IVF. I am coming very near to the end of my 2ww and so will let you know if DHEA helps or not.

I also am a poor responder. I am also around the same age as you. Dont give up. It will work. Just need to push on with the right protocol.

you can find more info on my dhea intake on http://ivfsingapore.blogspot.com . btw, no doctors in singapore will endorse dhea because there is no concrete evidence that it helps with ovary rejuvenation, except for some studies done in other countries.
